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1、Unit 11. How did the author feel about the incident at the time it occurredWhat does he think of it nowthe author felt that it was a rather unpleasant experience at the time it happened,but now he thinks he can make a good story from the incident2. Why did he go to Richmondhe went there to look for

2、a temporary job to make enough money to go travelling3. What did the author think got him into trouble with the lawthe author thought it must be his obvious aimlessness of wandering in the streets that got him into trouble with the law4. What did he see when walking out of the local libraryHe saw a

3、man walking across the road with the obvious intention of talking to him5. What did the man say to him Did he take the mans works seriously at firstThe man said that he was a policeman and was going to arrest him. But the author didnt take the mans words seriously but thought it was some kind of jok

4、e at first6. When and how did the author come to see the man was being seriousAt the time when another policeman appeared in uniform, the author came to see the man was serious7. What grounds did the policemen have for suspecting that the young man was wandering with intent to steal milk bottlesFirs

5、t ,the policemen saw the young man wandering aimlessly in the streets sometimes just stopping and looking around him. Then, it turned out there had been a lot of petty thieves in the area who stole milk bottles from doorsteps. On these grounds ,the policemen suspected that the young man was wanderin

6、g with intent to steal milk bottles8. What does the author mean by his “big mistake”By his “big mistake ”, the author means he shouldnt have had long hair and appeared so cool and unconcerned about the incident ,and shouldnt take himself as part of the sixties “youth counterculture”,because all thes

7、e confirmed the policemens suspicion that he was a disrespectable fellow9. How did he behave when he was questioned at the police stationW hat did the police decide to do with himWhen he was questioned ,he continued to try to look worldly and au fait with the situation. As a result , the police char

8、ged him officially and told him to report to Richmond Magistrates Court the follow Monday10. What did his father do when he learned about the incidentAs soon as his father learned about the incident ,he hired a good solicitor11. What were the things his release from the charge depended onThe things

9、his release from the charge depended on were his “right” accent, respectable middle-class parents, reliable witnesses, such as, his English teacher as his character witness, and a very good solicitor in particular.12. What did the policeman probably mean by saying” You could have been a bit more hel

10、pful when we arrested you”By saying these words, the policeman probably meant that he should have looked very angry and said something like,”Look here,do you know who youre talking to Iam a highly successful student with a brilliant academic record. How dare you arrest me!”then, they world perhaps h

11、ave apologized to him and let him go.Unit 21. what did the authors children teach him he other night作者的孩子们在某个晚上教给了他什么The authors children taught him about paradigm shifts, and limitations of linear thinking and how to refocus parameters one night2. what were the author and his children doing that ni

12、ght当天晚上作者和他的孩子们在做什么?They were playing their own oral version of the Sesame Street game, “What Doesnt Belong”3. what was the question the father put to his children父亲给孩子提的问题是什么?The question is “What doesnt belong, an orange ,a tomato or a strawberry”4. what was the oldest childs answer to the questio

13、n最大的孩子的答案是什么?The oldest child answered that it was tomato became the other two were fruits.5. What did the author think of his answer作者认为他的答案如何?The author thought the answer was right6. What answers did his 4-year-old and 6-year-old give四岁和六岁的孩子又给出了什么样的答案The authors 4-year-old child said that the ri

14、ght answer was strawberry because the other two were round and a strawberry was not. And his 6-year-old child said that answer should be orange because the other two were red7. What did the 9-year-old and the middle one add to the answers作者九岁和六岁的孩子又补充了什么样的答案?The 9-year-old added that it could also b

15、e the orange because the other two grew on vines and the middle child said that it could be strawberry because it was the only one they put on ice cream8. Why does the author think Copernicus, Reuben Mattus and Edward Jenner belong in the same group作者为什么认为哥白尼、鲁宾马修斯和爱德华詹纳都属于同一种人?The author thinks tha

16、t these three famous people belong in the same group because they were doing what every scientist whos ever made an important discovery throughout history has done, according to Thomas Kuhn, in his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolution :They were shifting old paradigms9. What did the authors

17、children do to deserve membership in the same group as Copemicus and Edward Jenner作者的孩子们做了什么使得他们可以成为和哥白尼和爱德华詹纳同一种的人?The children were refocusing the parameters. They were redefining the problems. They were reframing the questions. And these are exactly the same that Copemicus and Edward Jenner have

18、done10. What if the Sesame Street game had been a workbook exercise in school假设芝麻街的嬉戏是学校练习本上的习题,状况又会如何?If Sesame Street game had been a workbook exercise in school, every kid who framed the question differently than “Which is not a fruit” would have been wrong, that is to say every kid who didnt cir

19、cle tomato would have been marked wrong.11. Why does the author wish to remind us that there are real limits to the value of information作者为什么盼望提示我们信息的价值是有限的?Because unless we shift our paradigms and refocus our parameters, the super information highway will lead us nowhere. From the examples of thos

20、e great scientists and inventors, the author tells us that we are not now, nor have we recently been suffering from a lack of information so that what we need as we begin to downshift onto the information highway is not more information but new ways of looking at it.12. What , according to the autho

21、r, should we bear in mind when begin to downshift onto the information highway作者认为当我们驶入信息高速马路时,我们应当牢记的是什么?According to the author, we should bear in mind that what we need as we begin to downshift onto the information highway is not more information but new ways of looking at itUint 31) according to

22、 the author, what is the goal most Americans are taught to achieve in life译文:在作者看来,大多数美国人受到要获得什么生活目的的教化?答案:most Americans are taught to manage to achieve money and power when they grow up according to the author.2) Is teaching the easiest way for the author to earn a living How does he feel about te

23、aching译文:教书是作者最简单的谋生手段吗?他对教书感觉如何?答案:No. he feels that teaching is the most difficult of the various ways he has attempted to earn his living. for him, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, and sinking-sto mach profession.3)does the author think he is very knowledgeable How does he feel he sees his stu

24、dents take notes on what he says in class作者认为自己很有学问吗?当他看到学生在他课堂上把他教的内容作笔记时他怎么想?答案:No .he does not think that he is very knowledgeable. He is amazed to see that his students take notes on what he says in class.4) what does the author think of the pace of the school calendar What does he do in the sum

25、mer vacation译文:作者认为学校的生活节奏支配怎么样?他在暑假里做什么?答案:he likes the pace of the academic calendar. He thinks that the summer vacation offers an opportunity for reflection, research, and writing.5) what does the author mean when he says teaching is a profession built on change 译文:作者说“教师是一个建立在变更根底上的职业”是什么意思?答案:h

26、e means that when the teaching material is the same he can change his teaching methods, and whats more, he can teach different students each year.6) what does the author mean when he says “as a teacher, I am my own boss ”译文:作者说“作为一个教师,我是我自己的老板”是什么意思?答案:he means he has the freedom to make his own mis

27、takes, to learn his own lesson. Especially, he wants his freedom to choose the method. No one is to say he cant.7) can you say something about Jacqui in your own words译文:你是否能用你自己的话说说杰基是怎样的人?答案:Yes . Jacqui is a woman who works as a cleaner in school, but she has the ability to make more correct judg

28、ement by intuition than most of us can do by analysis. Maybe she is influenced by the author, so she has decided to finish high school and go to college.8) was the corporation the author and his students set up a success How do you know译文:作者和他的学生建立起的公司胜利了吗?你是怎么知道的?答案:yes. The corporation was great s

29、uccess. We know from the fact that at the end of the semester they sold the house, paid off their debts and distributed the profits among the class members.9) what are the most important reasons the author gives for choosing teaching as his profession译文:作者选择教师作为职业的最重要的缘由是什么?答案:the most important rea

30、sons for the author to teach are that some of his favorite students, a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe.10 )what does the author mean by saying that as a teacher he has money and power译文:作者说作为教师他又金钱和权利是什么意思?答案:the author means he gets paid to do what he enjoy

31、s: reading, talking with people and asking questions, and he has the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books and to point out a pathway.Unit 41. In what ways was Sarahs e-mail similar to other letters the author received In what ways was it differernt莎拉的电子邮件和作者收到的其它信件在什么方面相像?在什么方面不同?Similar

32、to other letters, the e-mail Sarah Morris sent took the author to task for his comments on the Los Angles Dodgers and argued that the author had got everything wrong. However it was different from the others in at least two ways. It contained more details than the usual “Youre an idiot”, such as vit

33、al statistics on the teams performance2. What was Sarahs dream莎拉的幻想是什么? Sarahs dream is to become a baseball editorialist3. What in Sarahs second e-mail caught the authors attention Why did he say it was worth one more response莎拉第二封电子邮件中什么内容引起了作者的关注?为什么他说值得再回封信?The misspelling in the last line of he

34、r second e-mail. When spelling the word “dream”, she missed the letter “r”. The author thought Sarah might be truly searching for something, and he needed Sarah to explain.4. What did the author think of Sarahs website作者如何对待莎拉的网站?The author found that Sarahs website was not a fancy one although she

35、covered the Dogers as extensively as any reporter in the country. He wondered whether there was any reader.5. Did Sarah think her disability would prevent her from finding a job How do you know莎拉认为她的残疾会阻碍她找工作吗你是如何知晓的?Yes , she knew her situation, and the purpose of starting her own website is to fin

36、d a job6. What led the author to think Sarah was deliberately deceiving him什么使作者认为莎拉有意欺瞒他?When the author asked Sarah to give him a call, Sarah refused to do so and the reason she provided was that she had a speech disability.7. How did Sarah become a Dodger fan莎拉如何成为道奇队的球迷的?While growing up in Pasa

37、dena, Sarah had become a Dodger fan. In her sophomore year at Blair High, she undertook a post as the statistician of a junior varsity baseball team.8. Why did author drive a long way to visit Sarah What did he find when he arrived at her house为什么作者长途驱车探望莎拉?当他到达她家时他有何发觉?The author felt curious about

38、 what Sarah had said, and he also wanted to find out the truth. When he arrived at her house ,he found that Sarahs living condition was poor, the condition for her own website was not her supposed condition, and Sarah really got serious physical handicap. But all those couldnt stop her pursuing her

39、dream of becoming a baseball editorialist.9. Why did the author call Sarah Morris the great Sarah Morris为什么作者称莎拉莫里斯是宏大的莎拉莫里斯?Sarah did not lose her hope because of her physical handicap, believing in dedication to work.Without the best equipment and help, she still started her own website and covere

40、d a baseball team as extensively as any reporter in the country.10. How did Sarah Morris change the author莎拉莫里斯是如何变更作者的?Sarah Morris made the author believe people were sincere and honest, not motivated by selfishnessUint 51) what did the author plan to do when he came home from school one winter da

41、y译文:在一个冬季的一天,作者放学回家准备做什么?答案:he planned to read a new issue of his favorite sports magazine.2) who did he see in the living room What was she doing译文:他在起居室看到了谁?她在做什么?答案:his mother. She was crying.3) why was his mother in tears译文:他妈妈为什么哭?答案:because she was afraid of losing her new job, for she couldnt

42、 type fast enough.he told her that she would catch on.解析:in tears 是哭的意思4) how did he try to relieve her from anxiety译文:他是如何劝慰她的?答案:he was repeating a line she had spoken to him a hundred times when he was having trouble learning or doing something important to him.4) what did the author think of his

43、 mothers ability when he was sixteen years old译文:当作者十六岁时他对于妈妈的实力有什么看法?答案:he still assumed that his mother could do anything.6) why was his mother trying every possible means to save money译文:他的妈妈为什么想尽方法攒钱?答案:to send the author and his sister to college.7)why did his mother but herself a used typewrit

44、er译文:他妈妈为什么给自己买了台旧打字机?答案:because she wanted to learn typing which would enable her to get a new job with better pay8) how did the author feel when his mother got the job at the radio station 译文:当作者的妈妈在电台找到一份工作时他有什么想法?答案:he was not the least bit surprised or impressed.9) did his mother enjoy her firs

45、t day at the radio station译文:他的妈妈在电台工作的第一天兴奋吗?答案:No ,she didnt.10) how do you know答案:the text said,“after her first day at work, I could see that the excitement was gone. Mother looked tired and drawn.”Unit 61. What time of day was it at the beginning of the story故事开头是一天的什么时间?It was in the morning ,

46、because when the boy came into the room, the father was still in bed2. What illness did the boy catch What were its symptoms这个男孩得的是什么病? 有哪些病症?Influenza.Fever3. What did the doctor say and what did he do about the boys illness对这个男孩的病医生说了些什么,做了些什么?He said there were nothing to worry about if the fever

47、 did not go above one hundred and four degrees. This was a light epidemic of flu,and there was no danger if pneumonia was avoided .The doctor left three different medicine in different colored capsules4. What was the boys temperature How did he understand it这个男孩的体温是多少?他对这个体温是怎么理解的?One hundred and tw

48、o. The boy thought it was one hundred and two centigrade5. How did the boy respond when his father was reading to him当这个男孩的父亲给他读书时,他的反响是什么He didnt follow what was read6. Why did he prefer to stay awake How do you think he felt when his father left the room他为什么宁愿醒着?当他的父亲分开房间时你认为他心里是怎么想的?He was thinking he was going to die, so he preferred to stay awake. He might be thinking that his father didnt care about his death.7. Did the father realize what the bo


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