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1、2014 National English Contest forCollege Students(Level C Preliminary)(总分:150分 时间:120分钟)Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation, there will be a twenty-seco

2、nd pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.1. why does Carl meet the womanA. he is going to interview her on media matters.B.

3、They are going to start a new company together.C. He will help her cope with an interview.D. He wants to recommend a new product to her.2. what is the man worrying about mostA. he cant afford what the woman may recommend to him.B. The designer may charge him more than he should pay.C. There is no ap

4、propriate design for him in the Armani shopD. The woman may spend too much on new clothes.3. what is the woman suggesting by accepting that they cant cut the mustardA. she doest have a knife so they cant have mustard.B. She doest know how to cook mustard without a recipe.C. They have to face the imp

5、erfect reality at the moment,D. The man needs to calm down or he may get hurt by a knife.4. Why did the man take up golf A. He enjoyed the sport when he was a child.B. He thought golf was useful in his career.C. It could help improve his health.D. It was part of his New York project.5. When did the

6、man quit smoking this timeA. Less than two weeks ago. B. About two months ago.C. Some four years ago.D. More than ten years ago.Section B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-mi

7、nute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Conversation one 6. Why did Jane phone Matt A.she asked for a project record in M

8、atts company. B,she invited him to participate in a project release in her Company, C.she had some questions about an investment project. D.she wanted to place a new project advertisement through him .7. how did tane get to know Matts project A. She got a copy of the investment proposal. B.she got t

9、he information from another company. C. She was informed by one of his colleagues. D. Matt recommended the project to her before.8. when did Matts company find problems of the previous deal A.before they signed the contract. B.shortly after they started the deal. C.when they completed the project. D

10、.soon after they paid the deposit.9. Why did the deal fall through A.Matts company changed its investment policy. B.Matts company was slow in delivering the money. C.the client company broke its promise. D.the client company had financial problems.10. what is tane going to do before she makes a deci

11、sion on the project A.discuss with her partners. B.submit the proposal to emma. C.call some other investment companies. D.visit Matts company in person.Conversation two11. what is Hilary Kingsley. A.A newspaper reporter. B.a TV columnist. C. A soap opera direct . D.a radio commentator.12. How did Hi

12、lary define a soap opera A. It is a continuing story about things that happen among family members and colleagues. B. It is a fiction story that describes the life of people living on a special. C. It is a never-ending story telling about women selling soap powders. D. It is a TV series that concent

13、rates on men coping with difficulties.13. When did soap operas get stated according to the passage A. Since the 1920s and 1930s. B. Since the 1930s and 1940s. C.since the 1950s and 1960s. D.since 1960s and 1970s.14. why was the programme given the name “soap opera”A. Because the first soap opera was

14、 about a women selling soap businesses.B. Because it was broadcast mainly to promote the sale of soap powders.C. Because it was broadcast mainly to promote the sale of soap factory.D. Because the first soap opera was soap operas differ from other dramas15. In what way does Hilary think soap operas d

15、iffer from other dramasA. They always show how people deal with everyday problems.B. They have changed quite a lot since they got started.C. They have more female characters than male ones.D. They mainly focus on mens never-ending pursuits in career.Section C (5 marks)In this section, you will hear

16、five short news items. After each item, which will be read only once, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

17、16. what is the main finding about carbon dioxide in rogers reportA. carbon dioxide is firstly found in human history.B. Carbon dioxide is an important factor in global warming.C. Carbon dioxide is found reaching a quite high level.D. Measurement of carbon dioxide is symbolic in human history.17. Ho

18、w did the woman survive from the disasterA. She was in a hospital when the collapse happened.B. She found water and food before she was saved.C. She got help from a colleague who died the later on .D. She was fortunately stronger than the others.18. Why did the government drop leaflets over the town

19、A. To express the concern over a build-up of troops.B. To warn the rebels the preparing attack on Qusair.C. To make the people aware of the danger and leave.D. To advertise for the government to collect more money.19. How many megawatts will the solar capacity reach in morocco by 2020A.B.C.D.20.What

20、 did the survey by the American institute of CPAs mainly findA. Student loans are rising because of the huge amounts of borrowers.B. Student loan debtors tend to borrow more money to live happily.C. 60 percent of student loan are regretful about the survey.D. Student loans may have a negative influe

21、nce on the borrowerslife.Section D (10 marks)In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are 10 missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. The passage will be read twice. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Doctors often patients to

22、 take a certain kind of medicine in order to 21._an illness. For example ,a patient may need medicine because his or her shoulder hurts. The doctor may tell the patient that there is a brand name medicine which will help him or her. This brand name medicine is made by a famous company. However,there

23、 may be also a generic type of the name medicine. Generic medicine are 22._by some people because they are usually less expensive ,yet they have the name ingredients as brand new medicines. If the generic medicine has the same ingredients, this means that the medicine should have 23._on the person a

24、s the brand name medicines.If the ingredients in the generic and brand name medicines are a little different ,then the generic type cannot 24. _the same as the brand name medicine. Generic medicine are almost aways cheaper than brand name medicines. Why is this Making any kind of medicine takes a lo

25、t of money and a lot of time.This is because a company has to pay doctors and scientists to study and illness.Then,it takes more money and more time for the company to test the medicine to 25._it is safe and that it works.Once a company is ready to sell its product to people,the company usually sets

26、 the price of the medicine very high. The company 26._a lot of money in order to get back all of the money that it spent making the medicine .Generic medicine makers,on the other hand,copy some kind of medicine that has already been developed and tested .For this reason,they do not have to spend as

27、much money to develop the medicine.Generic medicines are usually not sold27._Companies that make generic medicines must wait a certain28. _before they can make the same medicine.But once the generic medicine is on the market,doctors are usually quick to offer it to their patients.This is because the

28、 price of medicine is very expensive.Taking a generic medicine can save a patient,or his or her 29._,a lot of money.Generic medicines are just as good as brand name medicine.Therefore,doctors 30._having their patients take these medicines.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks)There are 15 incom

29、plete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Section A Vocabulary and Grammar(10marks)31. They finally_a concl

30、usion that the companys failure has been attributed to_bad management.A. get;full B.draw;sheer C.reach;whole D.make;total32. -Most young people want to_more about environment problems.-Yes.but everyone knows about pollution problem,not many people have_any solutions.A. look up;looked into B.find out

31、;come up withC.deal with;got round to D.make out;thought over33. I knew _at the party ,but Monica knew_people,nearly everybody in fact.A. hardly anybody;plenty of B.rarely somebody;fewC.barely everybody;a few D.scarcely nobody;many34. She hastened to_me that the report contained no critical comments

32、 on my department performance.A. ensure B.insure C.assure D.make sure35. _for his broken leg in the earlier part of the season,he_in the England team to play Poland last may.A. Except ; would have playedB. But; might have beenC. Only; could not playD. If its not ;was able to be36. _before we depart

33、next Thursday, we should have a wonderful together,A. had they arrived B. Would they arrive C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive37. please remember that Jeanie hasnt been well recently,so please_for her if she seems a bit slow,A. Make allowances forB. Make an observation about C. Provide the

34、 opportunity forD. Have your own way.38. Great as Einstein was ,many of his ideas _today and are being modified by the seems a bit slow .A. Are to be challenged B. May be challengedC. Have been challengedD. Are challenged39. -oh. I can speak only a few words of french ,im no good at languages! -Come

35、 on !_we know you can speak five languages!A. are you pulling my legB. Keep your chip up!C. Stop fishing for compliment!D. A leopard cant change its sports!40. - Frances, do you think you could fix up a staff meeting for me -yes,Ill do that. _ -well.lets arranged it for Friday morning and see whethe

36、r everyone else is free then.A. whatre you going to talk aboutB. Do you think they all will comeC. At what time do you stop workingD. When were you thinking ofSection B Cultures(5 marks)41. In his famous speech, the Gettysburg Address,_extolled virtues for the listeners(and the nation) to ensure the

37、 survival of Americas representative democracy, that government of the people, by the people. for the people, shall not perish from the earth.A.B.C.D.42. The Wars of the _ were a series of dynastic wars fought between supporters of two rival branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: the houses of

38、Lancaster and York for the throne of England. They were fought in several sporadic episodes between 1455 and 1485, although there was related fighting both before and after this period. A. Lilies B. Roses C. Tulips D. Mayflower43.Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His

39、 early plays were mainly comedies and histories.He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608,including Hamlet ,king lear,_,and Macbeth ,considered some of the finest works in the English language . A.merchant of Venice B.A midsummer nights dream C.Othello D.The taming of the shrew 44._is awarded

40、the 2013 Nobel prize in literature for her work as master of the modern short story .and the 2009 man Booker international prize for her lifetime body of work . A.Alice Munro B.Helen Keller C.J.K.Rowling D.Anne Frank 45._is a collegiate research university located in England ,united kingdom .althoug

41、h its exact date of foundation is unclear ,there is evidence of teaching as far back as 1096,making it the oldest university in the English-speaking world ,and the second -oldest surviving university in the world ,after the university of Bologna . A.the university of Cambridge B.the university of Ox

42、ford C.the university of wales D.the university of Edinburgh Part III Cloze (10 marks)Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the gi

43、ven letters of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Birds are warm blooded animals.though their feathers help to keep them warm ,some birds such as ducks,46.( )(goose),and swans still cant endure harsh winter temperatures .for these reasons ,birdseed from cold climates fly to

44、warmer climates 47.()the winter .this seasonal movement of birdseed is called migration .birds migrate to warmer places ,often hundreds of milestone away ,where they can have the best chance of 48.sur( ). Birds migrate naturally .certain clues form the environment cause hormone changes in the birds

45、body .as the days get 49.( )(short),for example ,these hormones tell the birds body to store fat .this is because migrating Takes an 50.en( )energy .birds dont have a lot of time to eat while migrating ,so they rely on stores of fat . when bird migrate ,they fly as a group .to minimize the energy ne

46、eded to fly long distances ,a group of birds51.( )(fly )together in a V-shape .the bird at the front of the Vuses the most energy because the wind often blows 52.( )him.every so often ,the birds change positions site that each bird has a turn at the front ,and everyone gets a rest . 53.Nav( )is also

47、 an important part of the journey .birds find where they are going birds using visual clues ,such as Rivers coastlines,and mountain ranges.In addition ,they use the sun and the star for guidance .54.( )(amaze),they also use the earths invisible magnetic force for direction.this gives them a natural


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