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1、2007年11月翻译资格考试三级笔译真题第一局部:英译汉 One of the biggest decisions Andy Blevins has ever made, and one of the few he now regrets, never seemed like much of a decision at all. It just felt like the natural thing to do. In the summer of 1995, he was moving boxes of soup cans, paper towels and dog food across t

2、he floor of a supermarket warehouse, one of the biggest buildings here in southwest Virginia. The heat was brutal. The job had sounded impossible when he arrived fresh off his first year of college, looking to make some summer money, still a skinny teenager with sandy blond hair and a narrow, freckl

3、ed face. But hard work done well was something he understood, even if he was the first college boy in his family. Soon he was making bonuses on top of his $6.75 an hour, more money than either of his parents made. His girlfriend was around, and so were his hometown buddies. Andy acted more outgoing

4、with them, more relaxed. People in Chilhowie noticed that. It was just about the perfect summer. So the thought crossed his mind: maybe it did not have to end. Maybe he would take a break from college and keep working. He had been getting Cs and Ds, and college never felt like home, anyway. I enjoye

5、d working hard, getting the job done, getting a paycheck, Mr. Blevins recalled. I just knew I didnt want to quit. So he quit college instead, and with that, Andy Blevins joined one of the largest and fastest-growing groups of young adults in America. He became a college dropout, though nongraduate m

6、ay be the more precise term. Many people like him plan to return to get their degrees, even if few actually do. Almost one in three Americans in their mid-20s now fall into this group, up from one in five in the late 1960s, when the Census Bureau began keeping such data. Most come from poor and work

7、ing-class families. That gap had grown over recent years. We need to recognize that the most serious domestic problem in the United States today is the widening gap between the children of the rich and the children of the poor, Lawrence H. Summers, the president of Harvard, said last year when annou

8、ncing that Harvard would give full scholarships to all its lowest-income students. And education is the most powerful weapon we have to address that problem. Andy Blevins says that he too knows the importance of a degree. Ten years after trading college for the warehouse, Mr. Blevins, 29, spends his

9、 days at the same supermarket company. He has worked his way up to produce buyer, earning $35,000 a year with health benefits and a 401(k) plan. He is on a path typical for someone who attended college without getting a four-year degree. Men in their early 40s in this category made an average of $42

10、,000 in 2000. Those with a four-year degree made $65,000. Mr. Blevins says he has many reasons to be happy. He lives with his wife, Karla, and their year-old son, Lucas, in a small blue-and-yellow house in the middle of a stunningly picturesque Appalachian valley. Looking back, I wish I had gotten t

11、hat degree, Mr. Blevins said in his soft-spoken lilt. Four years seemed like a thousand years then. But I wish I would have just put in my four years. Why so many low-income students fall from the college ranks is a question without a simple answer. Many high schools do a poor job of preparing teena

12、gers for college. Tuition bills scare some students from even applying and leave others with years of debt. To Mr. Blevins, like many other students of limited means, every week of going to classes seemed like another week of losing money. The system makes a false promise to students, said John T. C

13、asteen III, the president of the University of Virginia, himself the son of a Virginia shipyard worker. 第二局部:汉译英 提起东盟国家,我就想起去年在东盟会议上,马哈蒂尔先生与吴作栋先生曾经形象地把中国比方成一个友好的大象。 他们说,中国的崛起不会对其他们存在任何威逼。中国有5000年的文明史,有过辉煌的过去,也有过屈辱的往事。中国的崛起是多少代中国人的幻想。中国与平崛起的要义在什么地方? 第一, 中国与平崛起就是要充分利用世界与平的大好时机,努力开展与壮大自己。同时又以自己的开展,维护世界

14、与平。 第二, 中国的崛起应把基点主要放在自己的力气上,独立自 主、自食其力,艰辛奋斗,依靠广袤的国内市场、足够的劳动力资源与雄厚的资金贮存,以及改革带来的机制创新。 第三, 中国的崛起离不开世界。中国必需坚持开 放的政策,在同等互利的原则上,同世界一切友好国家开展经贸往来。 第四, 中国的崛起须要很长的时间,生怕要多少代人的努力奋斗。 第五, 中国的崛起不会阻碍 任何人,也不会威逼任何人,也不会牺牲任何人。中国如今不称霸,将来即使强大了也恒久不会称霸。 韩老师参考译文: 安迪布莱文斯曾做过很多重大确定,也很少会为做出的确定感到懊悔,但有一个确定至今让他难以释怀。不过,这个确定当时看来根本就算

15、不上什么确定,感觉只是顺势而为。 1995年的夏天,安迪布莱文斯来到一家超市仓库工作。这个仓库是弗吉尼亚西南部最大的建筑之一,他在这里负责搬运成箱的汤罐头、纸巾与狗粮。这里闷热难当,对于刚刚读完大一前来打工的他来说好像是一份难以承受的差事。安迪布莱文斯当时骨瘦如柴,头发呈沙金色,脸庞瘦削长有雀斑。他来这里打工就是想趁暑假赚点钱。 虽然安迪布莱文斯是家里的第一个高校生,但是他很清晰,哪怕再苦再累也要把工作做好。一开场他的小时工资是6.75美元,这比父母的小时工资还高,而且他很快就拿到了奖金。当时身边有女挚友与老乡陪伴,他整个人更加开朗乐观,奇洛威的人们也留意到了他的这一变更。 整个夏天他过得特别

16、满意,有个想法不由划过心头:或许不必完毕这份工作,休学接着工作也不失为一个选择。当时他在高校里的考试成果很不志向,不是C就是D,而且在学校里感觉一点也不自由。 “我很享受这种过程:辛勤工作,完成任务,然后领取工资”,安迪布莱文斯回想当时的感受时说,“当时我只是不想放弃这份工作。” 后来他选择退学,参加了辍学就业的青年大军。在美国这是一个较为浩大的青年群体,而且仍以较快的速度不断壮大。就这样,他成了高校辍学生,或者更精确来说是非高校毕业生。 很多像他这样高校退学的人支配重返校园获得学位,但是真正能付诸行动者仍是少数。美国人口普查局从二十世纪六十年头晚期开场统计高校辍学就业群体的状况,当时在二十五

17、六岁上下的年轻人中高校辍学就业者的比例为五分之一,而如今这一比例已上升至约三分之一,其中大局部人来自于贫困与工薪家庭。 近些年来富有与贫困家庭背景的学生之间差距不断拉大。去年哈佛高校校长劳伦斯 H 萨默斯宣布将向全部低收入家庭的学生供应全额奖学金。他说,“我们必需相识到,美国当今最为严峻的国内问题是富有家庭子女与贫困家庭子女之间的差距越来越大,缩小差距最有效的途径就是教化。” 安迪布莱文斯说他也知道高校学位很重要。安迪布莱文斯今年二十九岁,从十年前辍学到如今,他始终都在这家超市连锁公司工作。他如今已经晋升为公司选购员,年薪3.5万美元,有医疗保险与养老保险。他如今的状况是高校辍学就业群体的一个

18、缩影。依据2000年的统计,对于四十出头的男性而言,没有高校学位的人平均年薪为4.2万美元,有高校学位的人则为6.5万美元。 安迪布莱文斯说,他如今过得还算比拟华蜜。他的家坐落在风光旖旎的阿巴拉契亚山谷中,他如今与妻子卡拉与刚一岁的儿子卢卡斯住在一所蓝黄相间的小房子里。 “如今回想起来,当时要是能拿到高校学位就好了,” 安迪布莱文斯以柔与又不失活泼的口吻说道,“那时高校四年感觉遥遥无期。当时要是熬过那四年就好了。” 这么多有经济困难的高校生选择辍学的确是个问题,但解决这个问题也绝非易事。很多高中教学质量不尽如人意,高校学费昂扬令很多学生望而却步,那些申请就读的学生则要花数年时间才能还清贷款。对

19、于像安迪布莱文斯这样家庭条件不好的学生而言,上一星期课等于少赚一星期钱。 身为弗吉尼亚高校校长的约翰T卡斯汀三世出身于弗吉尼亚一个造船工人的家庭。他说,“教化体系给学生做了一个虚假的承诺。” 官方参考译文: Your mention of ASEAN reminds me of an ASEAN meeting I attended last year. I remember on that occasion Mr. Mahathir and Mr. Goh Chok Tong drew a vivid analogy between China and a friendly elephant

20、. They told me the rise of China would not pose a threat to their countries. To answer your question, let me say China has a history of 5,000 years. We had a glorious past, but we also suffered humiliation and subjugation. The rise of China and its rejuvenation are the dreams of the Chinese people f

21、or many generations. What are the connotations of Chinas peaceful rise Let me make the following points. Firstly, in promoting Chinas peaceful rise, we must take full advantage of the very good opportunity of world peace to endeavor to develop and strengthen ourselves, and at the same time safeguard

22、 world peace with our own development. Secondly, the rise of China can only be based on our own strength and on our independent, self-reliant and hard efforts. It also has to be based on the broad market of China, the abundant human resources and capital reserves as well as the innovation of our sys

23、tems as a result of reform. Thirdly, Chinas rise could not be achieved without the rest of the world. We must always maintain the opening up policy and develop economic and trade exchanges with all friendly countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Fourthly, Chinas rise will require a l

24、ong period of time and probably the hard work of many generations of Chinese people. Fifthly, the rise of China will not stand in the way of any other country or pose a threat to any other country, or be achieved at the expense of any particular nation. China does not seek hegemony now. Nor will we

25、ever seek hegemony even after China becomes more powerful. 韩老师参考译文: The very mention of ASEAN leads me back to the ASEAN summit meeting last year when Mr. Mahathir and Mr. Goh Chok Tong compared China to a friendly elephant. They argued that Chinas rise wont pose any threat to anyone. China has witn

26、essed both glorious moments and humiliating episodes in its history of over 5,000 years. The rise of China has been a dream cherished by many generations of the Chinese nation. What is Chinas peaceful rise all about First, it means we must seize upon the exciting opportunity that the prevailing peac

27、eful international environment offers us to boost our own development as a way of safeguarding world peace in return. Second, we must rely largely on our own to push for Chinas rise. That means we must make full use of our vast market, abundant labor force and large capital reserve and embrace refor

28、m-driven institutional innovation. Third, China cant rise in isolation from the rest of the world. China must remain open and committed to business interactions with all countries of good will on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Fourth, it will take years, decades or even generations before China truly rises as a global power. Fifth, Chinas rise wont get in the way of others, threaten anyone or happen at the sacrifice of anybody else. China doesnt and will never seek hegemony even after it becomes a global power. 第 10 页


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