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1、Unit1-6单选题 Part I 1. Go that way a take a seat.(B)A. No, Im not tired.B. Thanks, but I would rather stand.C. Yes, thats a good way.D. It doesnt matter.2. Would you like to see the menu(A)A. No, thanks. I already know what to order.B. Your menu is very clear.C. I hear the food here is tasty.D. The se

2、tting is very comfortable.3. Do you know who telephoned me (A)A. I heard it was SallyB. Yes, I remember it now.C. No, I didnt phone you.D. Yes, I know you well.4. Do you like watching football matches (D)A. Thank you for inviting me.B. I dont like watching it on TV, either.C. I hear the football mat

3、ch will be put off.D. Football No. Its a waste of time.5. What if my computer doesnt work (B)A. Im not good at computer.B. Ask Anne for help.C. Ive called the repair shop.D. There must be something wrong.6. Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket (D)A. Its not very far from here.B. The s

4、upermarket is very large.C. The goods there are very expensive.D. Sorry, sir. Im a stranger here myself.7. Hows the movie Interesting (C)A. It was shown late until midnight.B. It was starred by a few famous people.C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV.D. I was seated far away in the cor

5、ner.8. Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ians, wont he (C)A. Oh, yeah, I forgot.B. Its at 8 oclock.C. Yeah, hes bringing his cousin, Sandy.D. Yeah, its a nice party.9. Ive ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want (C)A. You are kind to invite me.B. Yes, please.C. A beer is fine for me. Im

6、not hungry yet.D. I find pizza is tasty.10. Jack, are you leaving now Its 7:20. (D)A. Yes, its still early.B. No, thirty minutes is enough.C. Yes, the bag is not ready.D. No, Ill set off in 30 minutes.11. Nice weather, isnt it (C)A. Im not sure B. You know it wellC. Yes, it is D. Yes, it isnt12. Is

7、the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor (C)A. No, there isnt.B. Yes, it is.C. On the ground floor.D. It is empty.13. I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. (C)A. The appointment is put off.B. You look sick and weak.C. Please wait for a minute. He is busy now.D. Tell me your ID number.14. Do you

8、 think the exam will be put off (C)A. Not good news B. The exam is difficultC. Not likely D. It was put off yesterday15. Hello, Sally. Hows everything (D)A. Good for you B. Oh, I agreeC. Thats right D. Just so-so16. Im trying to call Marie, but theres no answer. (A)A. Really Maybe shes out.B. Here i

9、s a message for her.C. Im really sorry about it.D. I didnt realize that.17. Ed said that his boy fell off a tree. (A)A. Oh dear! I hope he wasnt hurt.B. Oh, no. A lucky boy.C. He might have broken his arm.D. Nothing serious.18. Oh, the box is too heavy. (B)A. Whats in itB. Can I help you to carry it

10、.C. Whose is itD. May I have a try.19. Is there a drugstore near here (D)A. Its very small.B. Its very crowded.C. Its a cheap one.D. Yes, there is a big one.20. Can I help you to get it down (C)A. No problem.B. Yes. Lets get it.C. Thanks. Its so nice of you.D. Its no trouble at all.21. Which languag

11、e do you speak at home (D)A. I speak English very wellB. I can speak English and FrenchC. English is my mother tongue D. English, most of the time22. What do you find difficult in learning English (A)A. Listening and speaking.B. Dont be afraid of difficulties.C. Learning English is useful.D. Dont be

12、 disappointed.23. Why are you so late (B)A. Its a shame.B. I came across an old friend.C. Never mind.D. Thats all right.24. Do you know if the Andersons are still living there (B)A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are.C. No, there arent.D. No, they dont.25. Whats the problem, Harry(D)A. No problem B. No

13、trouble at allC. Thank you for asking me about it D. I cant remember where I left my glasses26. There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink (B)A. Have a try.B. Sure.C. Dont go, please.D. No, thanks.27. Who has done your hair, Susan. (B)A. My hair has been done.B. That hair stylist

14、.C. My hairstyle is cool.D. I have it cut.28. Ami, I want this report typed today. (A)A. Itll be ready in the afternoon, sir.B. Id like you to help me.C. I know nothing about the report.D. Leave it to tomorrow.29. Im sorry. Bobs not in his office. (A)A. Can you take a message for me.B. Are you sure

15、for that.C. Would you like to leave a message.D. Can you phone me.30. David, youve been losing your temper(发脾气) over nothing lately. (C)A. I havent been getting much sleep either.B. Youd better not push yourself too hard, or youll get sick.C. Im sorry. I shouldnt have blown up like that.D. Youd bett

16、er do exercises regularly.31. Look at the rainbow! What a view! (B) how+adj./what+n.A. Yes. What beautiful it is.B. Yes. How beautiful it is.C. Yes. What a beautiful it is.D. Yes, How a beautiful it is.32. Where are you from (B)A. African B. Britain.C. Australian.D. American33. In my opinion, youd b

17、etter take a couple of days off. (A)A. Ill take your adviceB. Let me seeC. Never mindD. Im afraid so34. Can I take your order now (D)A. Thank you for you offer.B. Sorry, its beyond my order.C. By no means.D. Just a moment. Tow friends are coming.35. Well, Mary, how are you (C)A. Im good.B. Im please

18、d.C. Im fine.D. Im nice.36. Must I do the washing-up tonight (B)A. No, you mustnt if you dont want.B. Leave it if youre exhausted.C. Washing-up is really exhausting.D. Washing-up really takes up time.37. What about going for a walk (A)A. Why not A good idea B. Thats all rightC. So, do I D. Walking i

19、s good to you38. Im sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. (B)A. Tell me the reason why youre late.B. Thats OK.C. It really took up my much time.D. Its a pleasure. I come here 10 minutes ago.39. Will you have some dessert, Judy (A)A. No, thank you. Im on a diet.B. Yes, Ive had enough.C. You are so

20、 good at making it.D. Oh, I dont mind.40. Must we hand in our homework now (C)A. Yes, you willB. Yes, you mustntC. No, you needntD. No, you mustntPart II 1. In the fifties last(后跟过去时) century many new cities _ _in the desert. (C)A. bring up B. make up C. grew up D. build up 2. She has brought _two c

21、hildren by herself. (B)A. (不填) B. up C. on D. away3. We _ every day when we were children. (A) used to do过去经常A. used to swim B. used to swimming C use to swim D used to swimming4. John _ to be a teacher before the war, but now he works in a hospital. (C)A. is used B. was used C used D. use5. I prefe

22、r the TV _ the radio. (A) prefer to喜爱更喜爱A. to B. on C. at D. with6. I prefer tea _ coffee. (A)A. to B. from C. by D. with 7. I prefer classic music _ pop music. (D)A. than B. on C. with D. to 8. Im leaving for New York _ three days time. (B)A. for B. in C at D. on9. She paid the builder _ the gate.

23、(A)A. to repair B. repair C. repairing D. repaired10. Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she _ it on the radio. (A)A. was listening to B. was hearing C. was listening D. was seeing11. Id rather stay at home than _ a walk. (C) rather than+原型A. taking B. to take C. ta

24、ke D to be taking12. When was the building _(C)A. complete B. completing C pleted Dpletes13. The road _ built last year. (D)A. has been B. has being built C. is being D. was 14. I broke my leg when I _ skiing in America. (B)A. is B. was C. (不填) D. would be15. Sadam _ for 25 years. (B)A. got married

25、B. was married C. married D. were married16. John and Mary _ for years before they got married. (A)A. had been in love B. had broken up C. had separated D. had been divorced17. He goes to school by bike, and the _ takes half an hour. (B)A. travel B. journey C. voyage D. trip18. On his first sea _, h

26、e was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.(D)A. trip B. travel C. tour D voyage19. My father _ take me to work with him is when I was a child. (C)A. did B used C. would D. used to 20. Are you still here You were here half an hour ago. Who _ for. (B)A were you waiting B. are

27、you waiting C did you wait D.do you wait21. -Where _ the recorder I cant see it anywhere. (D)-I _ it right here, but now its gone.A. did you put; have put B. have you put; putC. had you put; have put D. were you putting; have put22. When _ the old block of flats _(C)用如今进展时表将来时A. did being demolished

28、 B. diddemolishC. is being demolished D. is .demolished23. More and more people in China now _ to work regularly. (A)A. drive B. drives C. drove D. have driven24. Did you have a neighbor who was always _ your business (D)A. doing B. making it C getting above. D. poking his nose into25. Im in Greece

29、at the moment. I like the weather _.(B)A. here B. there C. that D. this26. The restaurants _ are good but the _ here are much better. (A)A thereones B. hereone C. thereone D. thereone27. Those cakes look nice. Can I have _(A)A. one B. it C. (不填) D. one cake28. Before she began to study at Beijing Un

30、iversity, she _ in a factory for five years. (A)A. had worked B. worked C. has worked D. would work29. The play _ already _ when we got to the theatre. (D)A. hasstarted B. wasstarted C. have started D. had.started30. Before I got to the cinema, the film _.(A)A. had begun B. has begun C. is begun D.

31、was beginning31. Hardly _ home when it began to rain. (A)A. had I got B. I had got C. had I arrived in D. I had arrived at32. _ I enjoy most is _ I can have a holiday from work. (D)A. Thatthat B. Thatwhat C. Whatwhat D. Whatthat33. _ they are doing has never been done before. (B)A. That B. What C. W

32、hy D . Whether34. He was _ about his new job. (A)A. over the moon B on the moon C off the moon D above moon35. Next year, I _ plan to go Italy. (B)A. am B. (不填) C. had D. have36. -Are you free in July (D)-No, I _ with my parents in July.A. stay B. stayed C. have stayed D. am staying37. Let me _ the

33、case carefully before I draw a conclusion. (B)A. look up B. look into C look after D. look out38. Three people, _ , were injured in the accident. (C)A. included a child B. include a child C. including a child D. includes a child39. Mary is a clerk _ a job in a top bookstore. (B)A. in B. with C. to D

34、. for40. She _ talking when I am watching TV. (B)A. always B. keeps C. forever D. still41. We are told that it is _ we are born that decides our nationality. (C)A. the country B. anywhere C. where D. somewhere42. She has always _ to her father, although he did not graduate from a famous university.

35、(D)A. appreciated B. admired C. respected D. looked up43. No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. it is at least five years since it _.(C)A. had taken place B. was taken place C. took place D. was taking place44. In this factory each worker must receive a _ training course. (A)A. tw

36、o-month B. two months C. two-months D. two-months45. Boggis little secret was that she wanted to see herself the _ girl. (C)A. twelve years old B. twelve year old C. twelve-year-old C. twelve-years-old46. Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children, _ going to the party this weekend. (B) A.am B.

37、is C are D. will47. Id like to know what you _ the plants I gave you. (D)A. made for B. dealt with C. live on D. did with48. Well _ our discussion tomorrow. (B)A. carry out B. carry on C. carry though D. carry forward49. He carried on _ after his accident. (C)A. to work B work C working D. worked50.

38、 He is very keen _ football. (C)A. at B. in C. on D. to51. I can do that job _ myself. (A)A. by B. on C. with D. (不填)52. They all _ the job. (B)A. asked after B. asked for C. asked to D. asked with53. Mr. Smith _ a most important part in the development of our city. (C)A. took B. had C. played D. ma

39、de54. I havent read _ book, but I read half of it. At least I know something about the subject now. (B)A. whole B. the whole C. all of D. all55. I am very surprised that even an expert on foreign affairs can know the painting is forgery. _, he can tell who painted it. (D)A. However B Otherwise C. Ne

40、vertheless D. Moreover而且56. The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to _ what he was saying. (A)A. take in B. take out C. take up D. take over57. After stopping for a few minutes, the bus moved _ to its next stop. (D)A. forward B. off C with D. on58. It was well known that Thomas

41、 Edison _ the electric lamp. (A)A. invented B. discovered C. found D. developed59. They walked _ the woods. (C)A. up B. down C. through D. over60. The act of speaking will also help to improve listening comprehension_.(C)A. to some way B. in the way C. to some extent D. in the extent61. These plants

42、 are rather difficult _.(A)A. to look after B. to be looked after C. being looked after D. looking after62. The refrigerator is _; we must buy some food. (D)A. bare B. blank C. hollow D. empty63. We advised him to give up smoking, _ a lot of exercise. (C)A. to do B. and to do C. and do D. and doing64. It _ that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday. (D)A. took place B. occurred C. broke out D. happened65. We have kept _ our friendship by


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