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《小升初英语数学题.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小升初英语数学题.doc(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流小升初英语数学题【精品文档】第 23 页一、单项选择(10分)()1. If it _tomorrow, Ill go fishing with my family That sounds_.A. rains, good B. will rain, nice C. rains, well( )2. There _ an English party in three days. Itll be good, Ill come.A. is B. is going to have C. will be( ) 3.The dish _salty ,you must

2、 have put too much salt in it.A. smells B. sounds C. tastes.( ) 4. Now the students each_ an English Chinese dictionary.A. has B. have C. are having( )5. I dont have a partner to play table tennis_? Why _ a sports club to practice a lot?A. with, dont you join B. to, not join C. with, not to join( )

3、6. Its raining hard outside. Youd better_. OK.A. to go out B. going out C. go out( ) 7. I spend half an hour in _ my bedroom.A. cleans B. clean C. cleaning( ) 8.I heard the film was_, so I decided to see another one.A. bored B. boring C. sleeply( )9. Taking exercise is _our health, but eating too mu

4、ch is _ our health.A. bad for, good for B. good for, bad for C. good at, bad at( )10. Dont turn _ the music, its good for us. Do you like music? Certainly I do.A. on B. up C. off二、句型转换(5分)1、Can I help you? (同义句) _ can I _for you?2、There isnt any body in the room. (同义句) There _ _ in the room.3. (Wint

5、er)gives us fewer hours of light.(就括号部分提问)_4. The news is surprising. (感叹句) the news !_5. Ill give that book to you tomorrow. (同义句) Ill that book tomorrow._三、完形填空(10分)Its Friday. Mr. Young 1 his office at six thirty. He comes into the post office and 2 a newspaper. He looks at the ads (广告) in it. He

6、 hopes to find a job 3 his daughter. And he sees his bus is coming across from the post office. He hurries (匆忙) across the 4 and a car hits (撞) him down. Three weeks later Mr Young wakes (醒来) up. He finds hes in 5 . His wife and daughter come to see him. They 6 him a policeman brings him to the hosp

7、ital that day. One afternoon Mr. Young wants to walk near the 7 . He sees an old woman 8 a newspaper. He asks, “Whats the date today, madam?” “I dont know,” the old woman answers. “ 9 I look at your newspaper, please?” “Its useless (无用的) to 10 ” says the old woman, “Its yesterdays (昨天的) newspaper.”(

8、 ) 1. A. arrives at B. leaves C. cleans( ) 2. A. finds B. needs C. buys( ) 3. A. of B. at C. for( ) 4. A. street B. room C. shop( ) 5. A. office B. hospital C. school( ) 6. A. tell B. says C. order( ) 7. A. zoo B. hospital C. museum( ) 8. A. hearing B. calling C. reading( ) 9. A. Do B. Must C. May(

9、) 10. A. you B. me C. him四、阅读理解(5分) 根据短文选出最佳答案Exercise makes us healthy. You may want to get up early and go running in the morning. Yes, you are right. But dont forget to go running with one of your friends. The American scientists (科学家) found that running by yourself could be not good for you. If

10、you run alone, your brain (大脑) can be stressed (压抑的)。 Then it wont make new cells (细胞)。 Scientists tested it on two groups of rats (老鼠)。 The first group ran alone. The second group ran together. After 12 days, the second group had more brain cells twice as many as the first group. So running is not

11、always good for you if you dont have a friend running with you. ( ) 1. People go running in the morning to _.A. keep healthy B. make friends C. catch rats( ) 2. American scientists found that its _ for people to run together.A. bad B. good C. health( ) 3. The rats that ran alone _ than those that ra

12、n together.A. ran quickly B. had more brain cells C. had fewer brain cells( ) 4. Which is not true according to the passage?A. Remember to go running with your friends.B. Sometimes running is bad for you. C. People can get more brain cells if they run with a rat.( ) 5. Whats the best title for this

13、passage?A. Running with others. B. Running is bad. C. Getting all your friends to run.Remember to ask a friend to run with you next time.( )17. Look! The cat is _.A. walk B. run C. ran D. running( ) 18. Whose gloves are they? _ my _.A. Its,mothers B. Theyre,mothers C. Theyre,mother D. Its,mother( )

14、19. The boys are from Tokyo. They are _.A. China B. English C. Japanese D. Chinese( ) 20. There are _ on the table.A. two bottles of milk B. two bottles milkC. two bottles of milks D. two bottle of milk( )21. “Can I help you?”“Id like _ bags of rice. ”A. some B. a C. little D. one( )22. “What would

15、you like?”“Id like _ to eat.”A. something B. apple C. meat D. some orange( )23. Look! Some meat _ in the box. Some apples _ in the basket.A. are,are B. is,is C. are,is D. is,are( )24. I would like _.A. some banana B. eat some bananas C. some bananas eat D. some bananas( )25. Please give me two bottl

16、es of _.A. milk B. waters C. milks D. oranges( )26. Well,would you like _ to drink?A. some thing B. anything C. some things D. something( )27. _ would you like _ breakfast?A. What,with B. What,for C. What,at D. How,for( )28. I want someA. meats B. waters C. cakes D. breads( )29. What about _?A. some

17、thing to eat B. to eat something C. something eat D. eat something( )30. “Do you want _ orange?”“No,Id like _ bottle of orange.”A. a,an B. an,an C. the,an D. an,a六、从栏中选出能对栏中的句子做出正确反应的应答语。(18 分)(I)( )1. Dont be late again. A. A new watch.( )2. May I have a cup of tea? B. Me,too.( )3. I like the red f

18、an. C. I see.( )4. Whats that on the desk? D. Sure.( )5. Wheres Dad? E. Perhaps hes in the study.( )6. Shall we go to the zoo by bike? F. Its Bobs,I think.( )7. Whose kite is this? G. Good idea.( )8. Can I have a look at your dress? H. Yes. Here you are.(II)( )1. Could you help me, please? A. OK.( )

19、2. Thanks a lot. B. Youre welcome.( )3. Lets put the books in the box. C. Its Monday.( )4. Can you carry it? D. No,its full.( )5. Whos on duty today? E. lam.( )6. Is it empty? F. No,its light.( )7. What day is it today? G. Certainly.( )8. Is that bag heavy? H. No. Li Lei isnt here.( )9. Are we all h

20、ere today? I. No,thanks.( )10. Let me help you. J. Yes,I can.七、在下列各句A、B 或C 中找出与划线部分意义相近的词或句子。(14分)( ) 1. Wang Hai does well in English.A. likes B. is good at C. is writing( )2. Id like some melons.A. I want B. I like C. I need( )3. Let me see.A. look at B. watch C. think over( ) 4. How does she go t

21、here?A. get up B. do C. get( )5. We have three lessons this afternoon.A. texts B. glasses C. classes( )6. Well go and get some bananas.A. sell B. want C. buy( )7. A: Its hot inside. Please open the window.B: Pardon?A. Please say it again. B. Im sorry. C. All right.( )8. Where are you from? Im from C

22、hina.A. Im from Chinese. B. Im Chinese. C. Im in China.( )9. Tom! This is my uncle.A. my fathers brother. B. my mothers sister. C. my fathers sister.( ) 10. Whats the time? Its a quarter to one.A. 1:15 B. 1:45 C. 12:45( )11. Whats the weather like in Shanghai?A. Whats the weather in Shanghai?B. How

23、is the weather like in Shanghai?C. How is the weather in Shanghai?( )12. Can I play the video games now? Im afraid you cant.A. Youre welcome. B. Thats OK. C. Please dont.( )13. Were going to the cinema.A. Were going to do it.B. Were walking in the cinema,C. Were going to see a film.( )14. Our teache

24、r walks to school on foot every day.A. Our teacher goes to school on foot every day.B. Our teacher works every day.C. Our teacher likes walking every day.八、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10 分)1. things,in,are,the,now,the,car_2. you,what,wrong,is,with_3. you,let,help,me_4. is,the,what,weather,today,like_5. you,me,

25、please,could,help_6. are,what,they,colour_7. many,minutes,hour,there,how,are,in,an_8. him,give,please,water,a,of,bottle_9. to,I,put,the,ball,in,the,box,want_10. fox,wolf,friends,and,are_九、选择正确答案。(10 分)Jack is a teacher of English. He is not young,but he is not old. He has a roundface and black hair.

26、 He is tall. There are fifty students in his class. They all like him.Now its in the afternoon. Look,some students are working in the classroom.Jack is there,too. He is helping them to study English. He is a good teacher,and he isa good friend of them all.( )1. What does Jack do?A. He is a worker.B.

27、 He is a teacher.C. He is a doctor.D. Hes a nurse.( )2. What colour is his hair?A. Its black.B. His heir is white.C. It is brown.D. He has yellow hair.( )3. How many students are there in his class?A. There are fifteen students in his class.B. Theres fifty.C. He has fifty.D. Therere fifty in it.( )4

28、. Jack is a good teacher,isnt he?A. Yes,he isnt.B. No,he is.C. Yes,hes.D. Yes,he is.( )5. What are the students doing in the classroom?A. They are walking there.B. They are doing their lessons.C. They are helping their teacher.D. They are good friends of Jack.参考答案:一.1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B6. C 7. A

29、 8. A 9. C 10. C二.(I)1. shoe2. buses3. do not4. I5. two6. his7. work hard8. lets9. long/tall10. 在那边(II)1.two bottles of juicee here3.under the tree4.twin brothers5.多少6.多谢7.照看8.穿上9.in the sky10.the girl in red三.1. an 元音开头的词前要用冠词an。2. likes she 为单数第三人称所以动词要用单数和第三人称形式。3. has he 为第三人称单数,动词要用单数第三人称形式,hav

30、e 变成has。4. me 动词give 后要用宾格形式。5. shopping go shopping 为固定短语。6. Chinese 此处Chinese 译为“中国人”。7. hours How many 后要加复数名词。8. looks Lucy 作语语,为第三人称单数,所以动词也用单数第三人称形式。9. Thanks 惯用法。10. watches she 为第三人称单词,动词watch 也用单数第三人称形式,以ch结尾的词加es.四.1. C 2. H 3. B 4. G 5. F 6. A 7. D 8. E五.1. C 由于是单数,回答时用Its。不选择A 是因为Whats t

31、his in English的回答用It is而不用This is2. B 单数回答用B。3. D 此句问的不是“那个男人是谁”而是问“那个男人是干什么的”所以选D。4. A 此处,物主代词前不能用冠词。5. C this is 不能缩写。6. C look at 为常用短语,“表示看”。7. A 情态动词后要用动词原形,go home 为固定短语。8. D 此处用情态动词can 更准确。9. D 动词give 后要用宾格形式。10. D Its time to+动词原形为习惯用法。11. A 在照片上用in.12. B 此处要用形容词性物主代词。13. B 根据回答中的uncle,故用B。1

32、4. B 句中like 为动词,所以用Do 提问。15. A 根据回答得知问“伞在哪?”,所以要选A。16. B in English 为固定用法,in 为用的意思。17. D is 与现在分词搭配,组成进行时。18. B gloves 为复数,所以要用they are;所有格要在名词后加s。19. C Tokyo 为东京,在日本,所以选择C。20. A there are 后要加复数形式,milk 为不可数名词,所以要选A。21.A bags 为复数。所以选择some。22.A something 为不定代词,用在此处,意为“想吃点什么”。23.D meat 为不可数名词,apple 为可数

33、名词,所以用D。24.D I would like 意为“我想要,想吃”。后直接加名词。25.A milk 为不可数名词。26.D something 为不定代词,something to drink 意为“喝点什么”。这时是想得到肯定回答,所以不用anything。27.B breakfast 为早饭。28.C cake 在此为可数名词,可变复数。29.A 习惯用法。30.D orange 意为橘子,元音开头要用an。六.(I)1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. E 6. G 7. F 8. H(II)1. G 2. B 3. A 4. J 5. E6. D 7. C 8. F 9

34、. H 10. I七.1. B does well in 为“学得好”的意思。2. A Id like 意为“我想要/我想吃”。3. C see 在此为“想一想”的意思。4. C go 在此表示去那儿/到那儿,get 有“到达”之意。5. C lessons 意为课程、课,故选classes。6. C get 在此为买的意思。7. A Pardon?口语中意为没听清,“再说一遍。”8. B from China 意为来自中国,故选B。9. A uncle 为“叔叔”。10. C a quarter 为“一刻钟”,故选C。11. C How 为副词,不能与like(介词)连用。12. C Im

35、afraid you cant 意为“恐怕不行”,为否定。13. C go to the cinema 意为“去看电影”。14. A 去上班还可用go八.1.The things are in the car now.2.Whats wrong with you?3.Let me help you.4.What is the weather like today?5.Could you help me,please?6.What colour are they?7.How many minutes are there in an hour?8.Please give him a bottle

36、of water.9.I want to put the ball in the box.10.Fox and wolf are friends.九.1.B 见文中第一句。Jack 是一位英语老师。2.A 见文中第三句。他圆圆的脸,黑色头发。3.D 见文中第四句。我们班有五十五名学生。4.D 见文中最后两句。他是一位好老师,还是大家的好朋友。5.B 见第二段第二句。有些同学在班级里做功课。以上就是小编为大家整理的哈尔滨小升初英语试题。今有长度分别为1厘米,2厘米,3厘米,.,9厘米长的木棍各一根(规定不许折断),从中选用若干根组成正方形,可有多少种不同方法?假设某星球的一天只有6小时,每小时三

37、十六分钟,那么3点18分时,时针和分针所形成的锐角是多少度?甲乙两车分别从A,B两地同时出发,在A,B两地之间不断往返行驶,甲乙两车的速度比为3:7,并且甲乙两车第1996次相遇的地点和第1997次相遇的地点恰好相距120千米(注:当甲乙两车同向时,乙车追上甲车不算做相遇 )。那么,A,B两地之间的距离是多少千米?一艘游船沿长江行驶,船在静水中的速度是水流速度的4倍某游客不慎把一只珍贵的木匣子掉在水中,便去向船长报告15分钟后,从游船上放下一只小艇,该游客乘小艇掉头追木匣子已知小艇在静水中的速度是水速的6倍,那么再过多长时间,游客能追回自己的木匣子?E是长方形ABCD的边AB的中点,CE和BD

38、交于 F。如果三角形EBF的面积是1平方厘米,那么长方形ABCD的面积是多少平方厘米?如下图,已知正方形ABCD的边长为4。E、P、F分别是AD、CE、BP的中点求DBF的面积。右图中的正方形的边长是2厘米,以圆弧为分界线的甲、乙两部分的面积差(大减小)是多少平方厘米.( 圆周率取3.14)一、填空题:1.3支铅笔和8支圆珠笔的价钱是11.9元,7支铅笔和6支圆珠笔的价钱是11.3元,一支铅笔和一支钢笔的价钱是_元.2.比较下面两个积的大小:A=9.58761.23456,B=9.58751.23457,则A_B.第_个分数.3.从1,2,3,4,1997这些自然数中,最多可以取_个数,能使这


40、种不同的糖果.已知甲种糖果每公斤18元,乙种糖果每公斤12元,如果把这两种糖果混在一起成为什锦糖,那么这种糖每公斤的成本是_元.二、解答题:1.有一个棱长是10厘米的正方体木块,在它的上、左、前三个面中心分别穿一个3厘米见方的孔,直至对面.求穿孔后木块的体积.2.分母是964的最简真分数共有多少个?3.两名运动员在长为30米的游泳池里来回游泳,甲的速度是每秒游1米,乙的速度每秒0.6米,他们同时分别从游泳池的两端出发,来回共游了10分,如果不计转身时间,那么这段时间内共相遇多少次?一、填空题:1.1.8由3支铅笔+8支圆珠笔=11.9元7支铅笔+ 6支圆珠笔=11.3元得21支铅笔+ 56支圆

41、珠笔= 83.3元21支铅笔+ 18支圆珠笔=33.9元(56- 18)支圆珠笔=83.3-33.91支圆珠笔= 1.3元所以1支铅笔= (11.9- 1.38)3=0.5(元)故1支铅笔和1支钢笔的价钱是1.8元.2.A=9.58751.23456+0.00011.23456B=9.58751.23456+9.58750.00001因为 0.00011.234569.58750.00001所以AB.将分母相同的分成一组,第1组1个数,第2组3个数,第3组5个数,从第2组起每一组比前一组多2个数,每一组分子的规律从1开始逐项加1,和倒数第6个分数,在这串数中是3.1000每16个连续自然数中,

42、最多可以取8个数,使得每两个数的差不等于8.199716=12413把1至1997的自然数分成每16个连续自然数一组,最后剩13个数为一组,共组成125组.即1,2,3,4,16;17, 18, 19, 20, 32;33,34,35,36,48;1969,1967,1968,1984;1985,1986,1997.每一组中取前8个数,共取出8125=1000(个)使得其中任意两个数的差都不等于8.4.954、873、6211+ 2+ 3+ + 9= 45= 95,有5个9,由于每个三位数的各个数位上的数字之和不会超过3个9,所以这三个三位数的每一个数位上数字之和只能分别是9、 18、 18(

43、合起来是5个9).要使这三个三位数的和尽可能大,各个数位上的数字之和是9的最大三位数是621,另两个数只能由9、8、7、5、4、3组成,显然百位应尽可能大,得到954、873.所以这三个数分别是954、873、621.5.14因为AD= DE= EC,所以又因为BF=FC,所以由于FG=GC,所以S阴影面积=SABD+SDFE+SGCE=8+4+2=14(平方厘米)6.97E得分是:90 5-96 2-92.5 2=73(分);C得分是:(92.52-15)2=85(分);D得分是:85+15=100(分);A得分是:97.52-100=95(分);B得分是:962-95=97(分).7.233人被4除余1的自然数有5,9,13,17,21,25, ,其中被5除余3的自然数有13,33,53,73, ,(相邻两数后一个数比前一个多20),其中被6除余5的自然数有53,且53是被4除余1,被5除余3,被6除余5的最小的一个,又4、5、6的最小公倍数是60,符合上述条件的任意整数写成60n+53,n是整数,所以这个年级的人数为:n=3,603+53=233(人)8.14.49、18的最小公倍数是36.为了解题方便,假设分别用36元购进甲、乙两种糖


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