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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date(一)报告封面(一)報告封面(一)報告封面第二梯次提昇大學基礎教育計畫全程計畫執行成果報告通識教育師資培訓暨提昇通識課程學習成效計畫Project on teachers training coursesand learning effects of general education乙91FDE93全 程 計 畫 :自民國91年9月 至民國94年8月 止執行學校名稱

2、 德霖技術學院報告撰寫日期 94.10.30目錄(一) 計畫基本資料表2(二) 整體計畫中文摘要3(三) 整體計畫英文摘要4(四) 全程計畫執行摘要中文5(五) 全程計畫成果摘要英文12(六) 全程計畫執行內容及成果說明18(七) 全程經費運用情形一覽表75(八) 全程計畫查核點執行情形76(九) 執行中所遇困難與改善建議77(一)計畫基本資料表總計畫名稱通識教育師資培訓暨提昇通識課程學習成效計畫總計畫編號乙91FDE 93執行單位通識教育中心計畫總主持人姓名張校長裕民計畫聯絡人姓名林敬文電話(02)2273-3567轉788電話(02)22733567轉668傳真2273-3995傳真(02

3、)2273-4433E-mailPresidentdlit.edu.twE-mailgec.dlit.edu.tw全程計畫核定補助經 費(仟元)經常門2179資本門2451合 計4630全程計畫學校配合款(仟元)1412計畫序號計畫名稱主持人職稱服務單位總 計 畫0通識教育師資培訓暨提昇通識課程學習成效計畫張裕民校長德霖技術學院分項計畫1多媒體教材融入科學教學探討大學生學習效益蘇金豆副教授通識中心分項計畫2網路暨多媒體融入英語教學之效益評估賴淑芬陳慧珠講 師講 師通識中心分項計畫3捕音捉影德霖藝術季陳順築副教授通識中心 註:本表資料及相關數據請依據核定後之詳細計畫書填寫。(二)、整體計畫中文摘


5、題。分項二則利用電腦輔助教學系統,及多媒體融入教材,以增進英語學習效果。同時,藉此注入新思惟、新方法,打破舊思惟藩蘺,提昇英語教學的人文意涵。分項三乃結合靜態的藝術展覽與動態的表演藝術,藉活潑感性的藝術教育與推廣活動,以淨化陶冶學生心靈,提昇藝術鑑賞的能力,培養日常生活中的美感經驗,及未來參與社會各類藝文活動的興趣。(三)、Abstract of Integrate Plan English version Keywords: misconceptions, multimedia, human concepts, aesthetic experimentsThe goal of the pla

6、n is to build up teachers teaching contents and skills and raise students learning efficiency in general courses. In addition, students professional knowledge and human conceptions are concerned. Students are expected to be kind and warm caring about people. In order to achieve the goal, there are o

7、ne integrate plan and three subsections.First of all, three general courses conferences are arranged for teachers. Secondly, four serial lectures are held with following topics: Modern Life and Sciences, Literatures and Life, Environments and Developments, Are and Life. Each will be held in sequence

8、 in each semester to aim the diversity of general courses.Section 1, including multimedia materials into the science teaching is to raise students learning efficiency and to generalize students misconceptions in learning. They are expected to be inducted their interests to understand the constructio

9、ns and backgrounds of sciences. If the do have basic analysis ability, they probably can handle the problem faced in their daily life.Section 2, computer-assistant teaching system and multimedia are aids to improve English learning effects. In addition, getting new knowledge and acquiring new way to

10、 analysize problems are helpful to enrich the human concepts of English teaching.Section 3, combine art exhibition and dynamic performance. Through art education and continue activities, students increase their ability to art-discrimination, cultivate their aesthetic experience in life and participa

11、te in various art activities. (四)全程計畫執行成果中文摘要 本計畫係依據呈報 鈞部之計畫申請書執行,總計畫第一年舉辦四場通識教育理念與規劃研習會,以培養教師對通識教育理念與理論的認知基礎。第二年舉辦現代生活與科技、文學與人生系列師資培育研習講座;第三年舉辦環境與永續發展、藝術與生活系列師資培育研討講座,藉此培育、提昇本校通識課程優秀的師資。 在所有研習會、講座等活動中,參與踴躍,認真投入,展現旺盛的求知慾望,使這項計劃獲得初步成果,相信未來必能為本校通識教育帶來光明的前景。至於各分項計畫的執行成果,摘要分述如下:分項計畫一(關鍵詞:動畫、多媒體教材、學習態度、有

12、效學習) 本計畫之目的在於設計多媒體教材動畫、數學軟體、power point、e-plus及其他截取軟體,融入數學、物理、化學和計算機概論等基楚科學課程之教學,探究學生學習效益與學習態度。 以前後測試題和學習態度問卷做為評量工具。本計畫包含二部分,第一部分是分析參與多媒體課程學習之學生背景特性第二部分是應用學習態度量表評量學習態度,量表包括六個向度:對多媒體課程之學習態度、對多媒體教學之學習態度、對教師之學習態度、對多媒體環境之學習態度、對自我評量之學習態度和對多媒體學習結果之學習態度。研究對象共有676位本校學生。 研究結果至少有四點: 第一點,多媒體協助學生更易獲取重要科學觀念第二點,學

13、生學習態度變異數分析結果顯示,在參與課程學習與否、入學方式、主修科系、喜歡程度和性別等變項有顯著差異,進一步作Scheffe事後比較發現在入學方式、主修科系、喜歡程度等變項有顯著差異第三點,結合動畫藝術、影像與聲音融入教學,促進學生對抽象科學課程有更具體的了解第四點,多媒體融入教學成為有效學習。 分項計畫二(關鍵詞:電腦輔助英語教學、英語數位語言中心、英語數位化教材) 本計劃之目的在利用電腦多媒體、網路資源、數位語言中心輔以合作學習與任務導向之教學活動設計,期能幫助技專院校大一學生,學習善用數位化時代之網路英語學習資源,並和同班小組成員之合作討論分工學習,完成英文學習任務。本教學實驗計劃課程設

14、計以學生學習需求與英語能力為基點輔以學生之電腦技巧及網路搜尋運用,配合區域網路架設之數位教材與數位語言教室學習環境,而課程教學活動實施以小組學習、注重英語語言之溝通使用、完成真實使用英語之學習任務與目的。為了解此教學實驗之效益,實施課程前之學習前測、與課程完成之成就後測及學習態度反應問卷以測量學生語言學習結果外,並紀錄學生的整個學習過程及完成之教學活動成果,以瞭解任務導向之電腦輔助英語文課程設計對四技大一學生英文學習之成效作為規劃未來英語數位化教學課程的基礎,期能有效運用科技提昇學生學習英語之興趣及英語能力。 此教學實驗研究結果列舉如下:1、全體學生成就後測成績平均為50.62較前測平均37.

15、27進步13.5,達p.001統計水準。2、全體學生對數位化英語課程之整體肯定度為3.58;他們認為在語言中心之新課程比上學期在一般教室趣(frequency mean =3.94);網路字典解釋及中文翻譯使英語閱讀容易許多(3.98);滿意語言中心的設備(3.94);喜歡用網路資源來增進英語學習題(3.75)。3、網路暨電腦多媒體功能融入英語教學能有效提昇學生學習興趣與學習方法法,但仍須詳盡有序的課程設計配合才能真正發展學生所需之語言溝通能力技巧。4、課程設計應以一年為學程,使教師與學生有充分的時間準備參與完成課程學習任務目標。分項計畫三(關鍵詞:動畫、多媒體教材、學習態度、有效學習) 本計

16、畫呈現多元豐富的藝文活動,它透過精心策劃和邀請,企圖融合音樂、美術與學術講座,交織一個互補又各具特色藝術季,師生不僅可以用純藝術的角度欣賞,也可以在通識課程或專業領域之外參照學習成果,進而擴大藝術文化的感知力。 德霖藝術季計畫,包含三個年度三部分,第一部分是91學年度的捕音捉影,是以三場國內知名爵士團體的音樂會-黃瑞豐、董運昌和張凱雅謝啟彬的二重奏為主軸,並配合旅法的攝影家彭怡平,以爵士音樂為內容的攝影展,以及政治大學孫秀蕙教授、蔡秉衡老師、黃莉翔老師分別就爵士音樂、現代胡琴示範講座和音樂行銷等主題做三場講座。第二部份是92學年度的青雲崗的大師經典繪畫與琴話,邀請了三位台灣重量級的音樂學者舉辦

17、講座,他們包括台灣藝術大學音樂系教授王美珠、台北藝術大學教授吳榮順,和今年甫獲得國家文藝基金會藝術成就獎的台北藝術大學音樂系教授錢南章,就個人音樂的專業與經驗發表深刻的演講,另外也請到活躍台灣各地的黃淵泉XX世紀古樂團做平常難得一見的演奏,美術展覽方面;舉辦了著名的現代水墨畫家劉平衡畫展,展出數十件其多年來的重要代表作品。 第三部份是93學年度的有朋自遠方來-春日琴畫室內樂語,除了榮幸的邀請到著名西畫家劉文煒教授舉辦油畫展,也跨海邀請香港中文大學音樂系的趙小玲教授,和香港中文大學財務系范建強教授,分別為藝術季帶來管風琴音樂會與演說,同時也邀約到福爾摩沙四重奏樂團、陳怡如和王雅莉老師的雙鋼琴音樂


19、宣品導讀後,也能體會到藝術家表達內心情感的方法。累積幾年來的觀察和師生的回應,此次藝術季活動深刻了解到:1.此次展演活動的由學校定點宣傳,曾擴及土城、板橋、甚至中永和地區,確有部份民眾聞訊參與藝術季節目,所以學校妥善規畫藝文活功主動出擊,證活明可以逐步帶動區域的藝文風氣。2.活動設計應深入淺出,活潑生動的藝術展演能拉近學生的參與感,打破藝術高不可攀的刻板印象。3.多樣貌的藝術活動,有助同學從參與中發現的才藝,發展自己的第二專才,提高自我的信心,持續對事物抱持高度興趣與學習。(五)年度計畫執行成果英文摘要Based on the application which had been submit

20、ted to the Ministry of Education, the first year of the project witnessed four seminars on the “ideas and arrangements of general education” in order to cultivate in teachers the basic ideas and theory of general education. For the second year, we held such series of seminars of teachers training as

21、 “modern life and technology” and “literature and human life.” For the third year, we arranged the seminars of “environment and everlasting development” and “arts and life” for teachers with an aim to strengthen the teaching force of general education.Active involvement and energetic discussion show

22、n by our teachers during the seminars have laid a solid foundation for this project. It is firmly believed that this will bring a bright prospect for the general education of De Lin. In the following, abstract on the result of various branches of this project will be delineated.Subsection (Key words

23、:multimedia texts, learning efficiency, misconceptions) This project aims at teaching characteristic improvements in basic science, incorporates multimedia texts into scientific teaching, evaluates the elevation of graduate learning efficiency, and summarizes misconceptions involved in learning proc

24、ess. As it turns out, this project inspires minds to study, realizes scientific fundamentals and spirits, cultivates basic thinking capacities, and solves various problems in our daily lives. This project makes the following fulfillments:(1) to estimate and analyze the performance of students learni

25、ng. (2) to write and submit papers for international journals . (3) to hold the academic seminars of groups.(4) to hold the academic achievement seminars of information technology.Subsection (Key words:computer-assisted English language learning, English digital language center, English digital teac

26、hing materials)The design of this language program aims to incorporate the multi-media computer capabilities, a cooperative learning approach within the project/ task-based syllabus implementation in order to enhance the learning achievements of the target freshmen at De Lin Institute of Technology

27、by exposing them to the modern high-tech language laboratory facilities and worldwide Internet online learning resources and opportunities and by engaging them in a well-supported and cooperative learning environment. The new CALL Task-based course syllabus is conducted in order to understand the ef

28、fects of technology-based language instruction on the English learning outcomes of the target freshmen. The objectives of this year include the following:(1) the data of test scores have been tallied and analyzed by SPSS; (2) the works of learning tasks have been documented into CD-Rom and the role

29、plays and song singing have been taped for modeling in new semesters;(3) the evaluation of technology-enhanced English instruction at De Lin has been formalized in a research paper;(4) the seminar on English digital instruction and the project results presentation have been held to deliver the proje

30、ct achievements and the evaluation of the program effects.Subsection 3A continuation of the wonderful artistic performance of the 91th and the 92th academic years, the “Artistic Feast” for this academic year, with the honorable participation of overseas scholars and musicians, not only enriches the

31、general education of De Lin with contemporary arts of Taiwan but pushes De Lin a step forward to the visibility of international arena. Also, the feast adds greatly to the plurality of the wonderful audio-visual feast of De Lin.Totally, there are three concerts, an exhibition of paintings, and two a

32、cademic seminars on music for this academic year. For the part of music, which was aimed at international and inter-disciplinary exchange and appreciation, we invited musicians and musical troupes from Hongkong, Taipei, and Tainan to do some performances. In this way, we hope to push and encourage s

33、tudents of De Lin to broaden and extend their horizon of music, to extend from the indigenous to the international sphere. Meanwhile, two demonstration seminars were arranged in the hope that the reverberation and lingering sweet music will softly touch the heartstrings of those listeners.As far as

34、the appreciation of fine arts is concerned, we felt very pleased that we invited the honored and renowned professor Wen-wei Liu (劉文煒) to hold an individual exhibition of his paintings, a valuable demonstration for our teachers and students.The concrete results for the project of this academic year i

35、nclude:(1) Three concerts(2) An exhibition of paintings(3) Two academic seminars on music(4) Questionaire analysis on the effects of activities held(5) Self-critical conference of artistic activities(6) Audio-visual documentary film (7) An issuing conference of annual resultsKey words: animated pict

36、ures, multi-media teaching materials, learning attitudes, effective learning Through delicate arrangement and sincere invitation, this project is designed as a complementary and unique “artistic feast” that intertwines and merges music, fine arts, and academic seminars and attempts to present series

37、 of plural activities of fine arts and literature. Teachers and students are encouraged to view things in artistic angles and strengthen their artistic know-how and perception.The project “Artistic Feast of De Lin” covers three parts of three academic years. The first part for the 91th academic year

38、 was designated and titled as “Pu-yin-jou-ying” (捕音捉影). It was made up of three concerts of renowned jazz groups at home Jui-feng Huang and Yun-chang Dung and the duet of Kai-ya Chang and Chi-pin Hsieh. Also it was modeled upon a photographic exhibition adopting jazz music of the photographer Yi-pin

39、g Peng and three seminars on the topics of jazz music, demonstration of modern Chinese violin, and marketing of music, which were delivered respectively by the professor Siu-huei Suan from National Cheng Chi University, teacher Ping-heng Tsai, and teacher Li-siang Huang.The second part for the 92th

40、academic year was titled as the “Masterpieces of the Ching-yun KnollPaintings and Music.” We invited three famous musical scholars to hold seminars. They include the professor from the department of music of National Taiwan University of Arts, Mei-ju Wang, and the professor from Taipei National Univ

41、ersity of the Arts, Jung-shun Wu, and the professor from the department of music of Taipei National University of the Arts, Nan-chang Chen, who has just been rewarded the Achievement Reward of Arts and Literature by the National Foundation of the Arts and Literature. Professor Chen delivered an impr

42、essive speech based on his erudite expertise and know-how of the sphere of music composition. Moreover, we had an valuable instrumental performance by the musical troupe “Yun-chuan Huang &the Ancient Musical Troupe of XXI Century.” As far as the fine arts is concerned, we invited the well-known wash

43、 painter Ping-heng Liu to hold his individual exhibition. He put on exhibition his representative works and masterpieces of the recent years.The third part for the 93th academic year was constituted of “Friends from Far Away Organ and Painting for Spring Days.” For this part, we invited the honorabl

44、e oil painter, professor Wen-wei Liu, to hold his exhibition of oil paintings. Also, professor Hsiao-ling Chao from the department of music of Chinese University in Honkong and professor Jien-chiang Fan from the department of financial affairs of the same university were invited to respectively hold

45、 a concert of pipe organ and deliver an impressive speech. Furthermore, we were very pleased to have such impressive performances as the Quartet Troupe of Formosa, the concert of double pianos by professors Yi-ju Chen and Ya-li Wang. At last the wonderful inter-active speech by professor Ji-yun Chen

46、 put a beautiful end to the Artistic Feast for this year.Totally, during the consecutive three years, there are six musical performances, nine seminars of academic music, and three exhibitions of the fine arts. The part of music is so plural in content that it includes Jazz, pipe organ, double pianos, delicate duet and quartet, and ancient musical troupe. In order to enhance understanding of music on the part of the faculty and students, we arranged seminars on music and marketing of economics. Except those free comers,


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