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1、普陀区2015学年度第二学期初三质量调研英语试卷(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题,试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)1、Listening Comprehension(听力理解)A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应图片)(共6分)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和

2、问题,选出最恰当的答案)(共8分)7. A) 9:00 B) 930 C)10:00 D) 10:308. A)She is will see her uncle off. B)She is will visit her uncle. C)She is will take a plan. D).She is will go to the beach.9. A)Football. B)Basketball. C) Tennis D) Table tennis.10. A)The service. B)The food C) The price D) The smell11. A)By makin

3、g phone calls. B)By going out with them.C)By sending messages. D) By chatting with them.12. A)In a field. B)On a farm. C) On a train. D) At a bus stop.13. A) She was the writer of the book. B)She believes the man knows Mary well.C)She thinks books are the best gifts for writers. D) She suggests the

4、man change the gift.14. A) An earthquake. B) A traffic accident. C)A terrible. D) A running race. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(共6分)15. Montys father trained horses for people on the farms.16. Montys drew

5、a picture of a horse farm in the composition about his dream.17. Montys got a ow mark for the composition because it was too long.18. The teacher explained to the class about her opinions of Montys composition.19. Monty changed some parts of the composition though he didnt quite agree with her.20. H

6、is teachers words didnt make him change his mind and he finally realized his dream.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(共10分)21. Julian, a 17-year-old ,was the only person alive after the accident.22. She had a terrible headache and a bad cut on the arm w

7、hen she ,23. In the forest, she knew that the most important thing was to find ,24.When the animals attacked her, she with a stick.25. After , the police decided to give up searching for people who might be alive.Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当

8、的答案)(共20分)26. Which of the following underlined part is different in pronunciation from others? A) Her clothes are always modern. B) How can I improve my English? C) Please focus your mind on your work. D) I saw a rabbit come out of a hole.27. He was tired after running a quarter of a mile. Which of

9、 the following is correct for the underlined letters in the word? A) /:/ B) /e/ C) /:/ D) /28. Our parents are always ready to help us and ask for nothing in return. A) a B) an C) / D) the 29. The film, Ice Age 5, Produced by 20th Century Fox, will be shown July, 2016. A) in B) on C) by D) at30. The

10、 government officials in Shanghai will do best to reduce PM2.5. A) they B) them C) their D) theirs31. I phoned Peters offices several times this morning, but answered. A) somebody B) anybody C) everybody D) nobody32. Susan is keen collecting models of Japanese cartoon characters. A) on B) of C) to D

11、) with33. A number of old house have been pulled down, and lots of new will be built. A) one B) the one C) ones D) the ones34. Mark Twain was thought to be one of play writers of his time. A) great B) greater C) greatest D) the greatest 35. Nowadays many people travel abroad to spend the Spring Fest

12、ival it is a bit expensive. A) because B) though C) since D) if36. Andrews honesty and wisdom will surely make him a businessman. A) succeed B) success C) successful D) successfully37. Most people in the high-rise when the big fire broke out on the eighth floor. A) sleep B) slept C) have slept D) we

13、re sleeping38. The doctor has worked in the operation room all night without any rest. A) take B) takes C) to take D) taking39. To escape the noise, Jacob would rather out of the city centre. A).live B) living C) to live D) lived40. The show on for ten minutes by the time Jennifer got to the theatre

14、. A) is B) was C) has been D) had been 41. The Zhangs sightseeing in Hangzhou for their next holiday. A). Go B) will go C) went D) have gone42. - did it take you to prepare this big family meal?- About six hours.A) How long B) How soon C) How often D) How many times43. She be crazy to wear a short s

15、kirt in such freezing weather.A).ought to B) must C) can D) need 44. - How about raising some money for the people in need? - A).Never mind B) Not at all C) Good idea. D) Thats all right 45. - Can you teach me how to use iCloud? - A) Yes, of course. B) No, thanks.III. Complete the following passages

16、 with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)A. independent B. considered C. freedom D. give up E. grow up In Western society, many young people, when they finish school at the age of 18, take a gap(间隙) year before they go to

17、 university. The chance for young people to see the other countries and experience life is _46_ important by their parents.Parents often want their children to _47_ a little and see what the real world is like when they finish school. Although they are worried about the hard times their children mig

18、ht have, many think that the advantage of being _48_ and getting experience are worth the worries. Children are encouraged to be brave and to explore the world on their own or with friends.Young people also want to experience _49_ and see what life is like on the other side. This other side could be

19、 the other side of the world or just the other side of life.A. volunteers B. feed C. widely D. especially E. precious A gap year after school is also an important chance for young people to spend time thinking about what they want to do with their lives. It will help them make their important life d

20、ecisions, _50_ when they are not sure about what they want to study.So much of the world has been travelled and explored. The young people are looking for more _51_ experiences nowadays. Some of them work as _52_ to do something for the country they are visiting. Many young people are now spending a

21、 few months teaching English in Thailand, helping to _53_ giant pandas in China or building a well in a village in Africa.These young peoples wish to explore the world is an expression of the values of the societies that they are part of.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suita

22、ble forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)54. After the heavy rain, the river rose seven_high.(inch)55. In our first English class, the teacher asked us to introduce_.(we)56. The pop star will join the_season of the TV play next year.(nine)57. Life has changed greatly since the_ of the Internet.(in

23、vent)58. The nurse_ washed off the blood from the patients cut.(gentle)59. The_in the right corner is Martins youngest aunt.(act)60. Although he is a lucky man in others eyes, he is _ about his life.(happy)61. A _ team from Shanghai will arrive in Yunnan in three days.(medicine)V. Rewrite the follow

24、ing sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词)62. The young parents lost their kid while shopping in a mall.(改为一般疑问句) _ the young parents_their kid while shopping in a mall?63. People get drinking water by taking away the salt from sea water.(对划线部分提问) _ _people get drinking water?64. It is fun to

25、ride a bike on a sunny day like this.(改为感叹句) _ _ it is to ride a bike on a sunny day like this!65. Ray takes his personal cup everywhere, so he doesnt use paper cups.(保持句意基本不变) Ray drinks with his personal cup_ _paper cups.66. We must take care of all the books in our school library.(改为被动语态) All the

26、 books in our school library must_ _ care of by us.67. “I have left the umbrella in the classroom.”Thomas said to me(改为宾语从句) Thomas told me that he _ _the umbrella in the classroom.68. my, often,during,I,with,go travelling,parents,holiday(连词成句) _Part3A Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最乔当的答案)(12分)The

27、 small Italian city of Sieana sits on top of a htrying to get a hill. It makes for beautiful views. But if youre a piano to the top ,it means a lot of work. But Dothan Negron was not afraid of the challenge. For him, pushing a piano from place to place is a regular task. In five years time Dothan tr

28、avelled to over 300 cities in 21 countries with his piano,sharing his love of music with people from USA,Mexico, Canada and a number of European countries. When Dothan first graduated from college, he changed jobs very often. The young man never felt like he had a real interest in these jobs. He wan

29、ted to do something unusual with his life. Finally, in 2010, Dothen left his own city of New York and bagan working as a travelling pianist. He first travelled to some other cities in USA, then farther to more cities abroad. Of course, his life is by no means easy. Moving a 500-pound piano is really

30、 hard. Dothan once had his piano fall on his hand, which broke two of his fingers. His van was broken into in Mexico. And he also had problems when he tried to park hs van on narrow Eurpean streets. But it has never stopped Dothan from getting to the next place. He loved meeting people of all kinds.

31、 All through these years, he has had over 1200 contacts in his phone book. “Who would have thought that playing the piano is the best way to clear up misunderstanding?” Dothan said. Now, Dothan plans to travel to Aisa and Australia, and continue to meet more aspiring people.69. For Dothan Negron, pu

32、shing a piano to different places is a/an _ task.A. regular B. new C. easy D. boring70. Dothan travelled to over 300 cities in _.A. year 2010 B. 21 months C. 5 years D. 500 days 71. After graduation from college, Dothan changed jobs very often because _.A. he wanted to have experience of different j

33、obsB. he found those jobs not attractive enough to himC. he liked to know more people doing varous jobsD. he hoped to have more time to go travelling72. We learn from the passage that Dothan Negron is a pianist from _.A. Mexico B. Canada C. Italy D.USA73. The underlined part in paragraph 4 is closes

34、t in meaning with_.A. his life is mdad hard by his fansB.his life is not easy at allC. he has no idea about real lifeD. he doesnt know how to enjoy life74.The best title for this passage is _.A. Playing the Piano With Special SkillsB. A Young Man Who Loves Travelling C.Making Friends in Hundreds of

35、CitiesD.Travelling Around the World With a pianoB. Choose the words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词完成短文)(12 分) Today, more and more popular novels, both modem and old, are being turned into films in Hollywood. Yet why are some of these films so successful, while others seem to lose the main idea

36、of the book completely?Characters One of the most important things in a film is having characters that the audience can relate to(与有某种联系). It does not matter what job they do, where they live, or even whether they are good or bad. However, the audience must be able to recognize something of themselv

37、es in them. _75_ ,no one wants to spend two hours watching people they do not like or understand.Actors When you read a book, you often build a picture of the _76_ in your mind. For example, if you have imagined a character as short and dark-haired, it can be quite a surprise when you go to the cine

38、ma and see a tall actor with blond hair. Producers often feel the need to _77_ famous actors, but they should not do this unless these actors are completely right for the story. When they put the wrong person in the film, they often ruin(破坏)the effect of the film as a whole.Learning _78_ Books can b

39、e read over a long period of time. So writers can look very closely at every little detail, and spend a lot of time thinking about the best descriptions. People producing films have to make them move more _79_ , or they are afraid that their audience will get bored. Thats why the most important is l

40、earning which parts should stay, which should be cut from the film.Endings The biggest problem with some films is that they change the ending to make it happier, and this may let part of the audience feel pleased. To many people, however, it loses the meaning of the book. A film needs to stay true t

41、o the main idea of a book, even if it makes some people _80_. There are few things worse than seeing a book you love turned into a terrible film.75 A) After all B) By the way C)In addition D) At last76 A) famous actors B)main characters C) beautiful houses D)attractive views77 A) choose B) become C)

42、report D)meet78 A) where to start B) when to finish C) how to act D) what to cut 79 A) easily B) carefully C) quickly D) clearly80 A) frightened B) tired C) disappointed D) unluckyC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分) We all remember se

43、eing hitchhikers(搭便车者). They stood by the side of the road, thumb sticking out, waiting for a lift(免费搭车). But hitchhiking is getting rare nowadays. What killed it? S_81_is often mentioned as a reason. Movies about hitchhiking killers and real-life crimes have stopped many drivers from picking up hit

44、chhikers. No single women picked me up on my journey to Manchester. This fact shows peoples fear: a large, strangely dressed man is thought to be a d_82_ person. But the reason may be more complex(复杂):hitchhiking happens where people dont have cars and transport service are p_83_. Plenty people stil

45、l hitchhike in some countries. Perhaps the rising level of car ownership in the UK. makes the few hitchhiking people look strange. Why cant these people a_84_ cars? Why cant they take the bus or the train? Three-quarters of the UK. Population have cars; many of those that have no cars are quite old. So the potential(潜在


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