2021-2022学年高中英语必修1:Unit 1 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills.pdf

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1、1 Section Integrating Skills 姓名:_测试时间:45 分钟本卷总分:50 分自评或老师评分:_ 基础训练 .用所给词的适当形式填空 1The children are having _(funny) playing hide and seek in the house. 2The president will appoint Mike as his _(assist) to deal with some daily affairs. 3. Its a very _(impress) performance by a group of students of that

2、 age. 4The scenery was beautiful beyond _(describe) 5. It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our _(disappoint), the fact is the opposite. 6Describe the general _(behave) of your Junior High class in English lessons. 7 Li Ming is very _(impress) with the teachers

3、 and the technology in his new school. 8Robs teacher is a _(nation) speaker of Chinese. 答案: 1fun2.assistant3.impressive 4description5.disappointment6.behaviour 7impressed8.native .完成句子 1在开始的时候,这个新的系统遇到许多大的困难。 The new system met with many great difficulties _ _ _ _ the time. 2林肯积极参加政治活动,强烈反对奴隶制度。 Lin

4、coln_ _ _ _ _ _and was strongly against slavery. 3我的妈妈鼓励我参加课后活动。 My mum encouraged me _ _ _ _afterclass activities. 4那个男孩努力想当医生,全家人都鼓励他。 All the family_the boy_ _ _to become a doctor. 5谁胜谁负对我来说都无关紧要。 It doesnt_ _ _which side may win or lose. 6当我们郊游的时候,我们班被分成三个组。 Our class _ _ _ three groups when we

5、went for a spring outing last Saturday. 7她的身高和体格和我很相似。 She_ _ _me_height and build. 8目前,我们总共学习九个科目,我认为最难的是物理。 At present, we are studying a total of nine subjects, of _ _ _ _ I think is physics. 答案: 1at the start/beginning of 2took an active part in politics 3to take part in 4encouraged;in his effor

6、ts 5matter to me 6was divided into 7is similar to;in 2 8. which the most difficult 语篇提能 阅读理解 A To most of us, school means classes, teachers, schedules, grades, and tests. But for the children at Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, school is very different. Firstly, there are no lessons. All the

7、 children, aged between 4 and 19, do whatever they want. There are no teachersonly “staff members”. The idea behind this is that you do not need to make children learn, because children want to learn anyway. “You do not need to say to a threeyearold, Go explore your environment. You cant stop them!”

8、 says Daniel Greenberg, a founder of the school. “But if you make children do what you want all day, they will lose all taste for learning. ” At Sudbury Valley School, you will permit children to talk, read, paint, cook, work on computers, study French, play the piano, climb trees, or just run aroun

9、d. Two boys spent three years just fishing! The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules. Every week, there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote eacheven the fouryearolds. They decide the school rules, how to spend the sch

10、ool budget, and even which staff they want and do not want anymore. When the school first opened in 1968, people said it would never work. But today, the school has 200 students, and 80% of its students go on to college. Even the two boys who went fishing all the time have successful careers today.

11、One of them is a musician and the other is a computer scientist. 1What is the main topic of the article? AAn unusual school BChildrens hobbies CA school without rules DEducation in the US 2What does the school believe? ATeachers cannot teach children well. BChildren learn best when they do what they

12、 want to do. CLearning is for adultschildren should only play. DChildren should only learn about one thing at a time. 3What does Daniel Greenberg say about threeyearolds? AThey love learning. BThey are very naughty. CThey want to be outside all the time. DThey are too young to learn anything. 4Who h

13、as the most power in the school meetings? AThe older children have more power than the younger children. BA child has more power than an adult. CThe younger children have more power than the older children. DEverybody has equal power. 答案: 1解析:主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了 Sudbury Valley School 不同寻常的地方:学生不用上课,不用做作业,

14、可以随心所欲做自己想做的事,可以参与学校制度的制定。这样的学校确实罕见。 答案:A 2解析:推理判断题。从第二段可知,被动学习只会让学生失去兴趣,让学生做自己想做的事他们才会学得最好。 3 答案:B 3解析:细节理解题。Daniel Greenberg 的话是对“you do not need to make children learn, because children want to learn anyway”的进一步说明,由此可知 A 项正确。 答案:A 4解析:细节理解题。从倒数第二段第二句可知 D 项正确。 答案:D B Japanese high school students

15、either walk or ride bicycles if the distance is not too far. In other cases, students must take public buses and trains. After junior high school, students attend high schools based on their high school entrance examination scores. So some students travel a long distance to attend the school. _ The

16、schoolday begins at 8: 30. Then students assemble in their homeroom classrooms for the days studies. Each homeroom class has an average of 4045 students. Students stay in their homeroom classrooms for most of the schoolday. Only for physical education, laboratory classes, or other subjects requiring

17、 special facilities(设备) do students move to different parts of the school. Between classes and at lunchtime, classrooms can be noisy, lively places. Some schools may have a cafeteria(自助餐厅), but most do not. In most schools, students bring a box lunch from home, prepared by the mother in the early mo

18、rning hours. Japanese high school students spend 240 days a year at school, 60 days more than American students. Students in high schools take three years studying of each of the following subjects: maths, social studies, Japanese, science, and English. Other subjects include physical education, mus

19、ic, art, and moral studies. All the students in one grade level study the same subjects. Given the number of required subjects, electives(选修课) are few. Afterschool activities Club activities take place after school every day. Students can join only one club, and they rarely change clubs from year to

20、 year, so the clubs are relatively stable. Clubs are made up of sports clubs (baseball, soccer, judo, kendo, etc.) and culture clubs (English, broadcasting, science, etc.). New students usually are encouraged to select a club shortly after the school year begins in April. Clubs meet for two hours af

21、ter school each day and many clubs continue to meet during school vacations. 5Most Japanese high school students often have lunch _. A. in restaurants B. in school cafeterias C. at home D. in homeroom classrooms 6. High school students in the USA go to school _ days a year. A. 180B. 200 C. 240 D. 30

22、0 7. The underlined word “rarely” in the fourth paragraph means “_” A. always B. never C. seldom D. often 8. From the passage we can know that _. A. there are fewer than 40 students in each homeroom in Japanese high schools B. students must stay in homeroom classrooms for physical education C. there

23、 are few subjects for students to choose except the required ones D. there will not be any club activity during school vacations 9The best subtitle for the second and third paragraphs may be “_” AAt School BIn Class CSubjects DHomeroom Classes 答案: 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了日本高中学生的学校生活和课外活动情况。 5解析:根据第二段中的“In mos

24、t schools, students bring a box lunch from home”可知,4 大多数高中的学生从家里带午饭,故排除 A、C 两项 ; 再根据第二段中的“Between classes and at lunchtime, classrooms can be noisy, lively places.but most do not”可知,学生是在教室吃午饭的(午饭时教室很吵闹)。故选 D。 答案:D 6解析 : 根据第三段中的“Japanese high school students spend 240 days a year at school, 60 days m

25、ore than American students”可知,美国高中学生一年上学的天数为 180 天。 答案:A 7解析:根据画线词后的“so the clubs are relatively stable”可知,此处表示学生们很少一年一年地换俱乐部,rarely 意为“很少” ,与 C 项“不常,很少”意思一致。故选 C。 答案:C 8解析:根据第二段可知,日本的高中每班通常有 40 至 45 名学生,故 A 项错误;根据第二段中的“Only for physical education.do students move to different parts of the school”可知,学生上体育课、实验课等是不在教室上的,故 B 项错误;根据文章的最后一句可知,很多俱乐部在假期期间正常活动, 故 D 项错误 ; 根据第三段的最后一句 “Given the number of required subjects,electives(选修课)are few” 可知,除了必修课之外,学生的选修课很少。故选 C。 答案:C 9解析:根据第二、三段所涉及的内容(班级规模、在校吃午饭、上学天数、所学科目等)可知,第二段和第三段这两部分主要讲的是学生在校的情况,故 A 项正确。同时正好与第二个小标题“课外活动”相承接。 答案:A


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