【英语学习】绝望主妇第01季第03集Pretty Little Picture.doc

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1、Season 1, Episode 3: Pretty Little Picture -Announcer: Previously on Desperate Housewives, Susan took dating tips from her 12 year old daughter. previously: 先前,以前 desperate: 绝望的,不顾一切的 take: 取得 dating: 约会 tip: 告诫,提示 前情提要 Susan从她12岁的女儿那儿学到一些约会的小窍门。-Julie: If you wanna date him, youre gonna have to ask

2、 him out. wanna(=want to): 想要 date: 和约会 gonna=going to: 将要 have to: 不得不,必须 askout: 邀请某人外出如果你想跟他约会,你就该约他出去-Susan: I keep hoping hell ask me out. keep: 保持 我一直希望他能来邀请我-Julie: Hows that going? 结果怎样?-Announcer: Bree accidentally poisoned her husband. accidentally: 意外地,偶然地 poison: 放毒于 Bree不小心毒到了她丈夫-Rex: I

3、 cant believe you tried to kill me. believe: 相信 try to: 设法 我真不敢相信你想杀了我-Bree: Yes, well, I feel badly about that. badly: 糟糕的 是啊,我非常抱歉-Announcer: Lynette indulged in creative parenting? indulge in: 沉溺于 creative: 创造性的 parenting: 养育,抚养 Lynette沉湎于启发式家长养育-Lynette: If any of you acts up, I will call Santa

4、and tell him you want socks for Christmas. act up: 耍脾气,捣蛋 Santa: 圣诞老人 sock: 袜子 你们中任何一个再调皮的话,我就告诉圣诞老人你们不想要圣诞礼物了-Gabrielle: I really hate the way you talk to me. talk to sb.:同说话我真讨厌你对我说话的方式-Carlos: And I really hate that I spent $15,000 on your diamond necklace. spend on: 把花在 diamond: 砖石 necklace: 项链

5、我真痛心花了15000元在你的砖石项链上-Announcer: while Gabrielle indulged in the company of her gardener. company: 陪伴 gardener: 园丁 当Gabrielle沉湎于她园丁的陪伴-Gabrielle: Hi honey, youre home early. 嗨,亲爱的,你回来真早-Announcer: And everybodys wondering? wonder: 想知道 每个人都在想-Susan: Oh Mary Alice, what did you do? Mary Alice,你到底干了些什么?

6、-Announcer: why their best friend just killed herself. 为什么他们最好的朋友会自杀?-Bree: How much do we really wanna know about our neighbors? wanna(=want to): 想要 know about: 知道,了解我们真正了解我们的邻居多少呢?-Announcer: Everyone has a little dirty laundry. a little: 少量,少许 laundry: 待洗的衣服dirty laundry: 字面意思为“要洗的脏衣服”,深层意思是“不可告人

7、的秘密” 每个人都有一些不可告人之事-Narrator: After I died, I began to surrender the parts of myself that were no longer necessary. begin to: 开始 surrender: 交出,交给 no longer: 不在,再也不 在我死后,我呈交出自己不再需要的部分。 My desires, beliefs, ambitions, doubts-every trace of my humanity was discarded. desire: 欲望 belief: 信仰 ambition: 野心 d

8、oubt: 疑虑 trace: 痕迹 humanity: 人性 discard: 丢弃 我的欲望,信仰,野心,疑虑 -人性中的每一抹痕迹都被丢弃。 I discovered when moving through eternity, it helps to travel lightly. eternity: 来生 travel: 到远处去 lightly: 轻轻地 在穿越来生的时候,我发现那使我能轻装上路。 In fact, I held on to only one thing,my memory. hold on to: 保留,紧紧抓住 memory:记忆 事实上,我只保留了一样东西,我的

9、记忆。 Its astonishing to look back on the world I left behind astonishing: 令人吃惊 look back: 回头看 leave behind:留下,落在后面 回头看自己身后的世界真是令人吃惊。 I remember it all -every single detail. single: 单个的 detail: 细节 我记得所有事情,每一个细节。 Like my friend Bree Van De Kamp. 就像我的朋友Bree Van De Kamp I remember the easy confidence of

10、her smile, easy: 安逸的 confidence: 信心 我记得她那悠闲镇定的微笑。 the gentle elegance of her hands, the refined warmth of her voice. gentle: 温和的 elegance: 高雅 refined: 优雅 warmth: 温暖 她那举止优雅的双手,她那优雅温和的声音。 But what I remember most about Bree. 但Bree给我印象最深刻的是. Rex, wasnt that lovely lovely: 可爱的 Rex,那真是可爱,不是吗 was the look

11、 of fear in her eyes. look: 神色,神情 fear: 恐惧 她眼中的恐惧 Bree had started to realize her world was unraveling, start to: 开始 realize: 意识到 unravel: 解开 Bree已经开始意识到她的世界正在被瓦解, and for a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable. despise: 轻视 loose end: 不完美结果 unacceptable: 不能接受的 对于一个凡事讲究完美的女人而言,那是无法接受的

12、。-Bree: Rex. Rex. You need to get up. get up: 起床 Rex,Rex,你应该起来了。-Rex: Its not even light out. even:甚至 light: 明亮的 out: 在外面 天都还没亮。-Bree: Please hurry. hurry: 赶快,赶紧 请快点。 If the kids see you sleeping down here, theyre going to start asking questions. down here: 在这里 start doing sth.: 开始做事 如果孩子们看到你睡在这里,他们

13、会开始问一些问题。-Rex: Let em ask. I dont care anymore. em = them care: 在意,关心 not anymore: 不再,再也不 让他们问吧,我不再介意了。-Bree: Well, I care. 但是我介意。 They dont need to be burden with our marital problems marital: 战争 be burden with: 【承担起,加负担于】 marital: 婚姻的 他们不应当承受我们婚姻问题的压力。 While were working things out, the least we c

14、an do is try to keep up appearances. work out: 可以解决 least: 至少 try to: 尝试 keep up : 保持,维持 appearances: 体面 当我们解决这些事情的时候,我们至少应该试着保持体面。-Rex: Oh, yeah. Appearances. 哦,是的,体面。 I keep forgetting about appearances. keep doing: 【keep后面的动词要接-ing形式,表持续的动作】 forget about: 忘记 我一直忘记要保持体面。-Bree: Oh, Rex, you look so

15、 tired. tired: 疲惫的 哦,Rex,你看起来很累。-Rex: I didnt sleep. 我睡不着。 This damn thing is so uncomfortable. Damn: 该死的 uncomfortable: 不舒服的 这该死的东西让人真不舒服。 Well, why dont you move back upstairs and sleep in our bed? move back: 搬回 upstairs: 楼上 那你为什么不搬回楼上我们的卧室睡? Were in marriage counseling, Bree. marriage counseling:

16、 婚姻咨询 Bree,我们在咨询婚姻顾问。 I think that would confuse things. confuse: 使困惑 我不想因此而引起误解。-Bree: Its just- 只是 - I miss you. 我想你。-Rex: I know you do. 我知道。 Of course, if I dont find out start getting some sleep, pretty soon. find out: 找到 pretty: 很,非常 soon: 很快 当然,如果我不能想办法睡着,很快。 Ill be forced to move back upstai

17、rs out of sure exhaustion. be forced to do: 被迫 move back: 搬会 exhaustion: 精疲力竭 out of: 由于 我就会精疲力竭而被迫搬回楼上。-Narrator:Yes, Bree was afraid of many things, be afraid of: 害怕 是的,Bree害怕很多东西, but if there was one thing she wasnt afraid of. 但是如果说有哪样东西她不怕 It was a challenge. challenge: 挑战 那就是挑战。The day on Wist

18、eria lane began like any other. Wisteria lane: 紫藤街 like: 如同 在Wisteria lane又一个如往常般平凡的日子。 With a cup of coffee and the morning paper. morning paper: 晨报 在一杯咖啡和一份晨报中开始了。 Just give me a second. give me a second: 给我一点时间,等一下 second: 秒 等我一下下and while Lynette read the business section. business section: 经济版

19、当Lynette读着经济版的时候, and Gabrielle studied the fall collections fall collections: 秋季收购 Gabrielle计划着秋季收购。 and Bree searched for decorating ideas search for: 搜索,寻找 decorate: 装潢 Bree考虑着室内装潢的点子。 Susan scanned the front page and saw something that caught her eye. scan: 浏览 front page: 头版 catch sb.s eye: 引起某人

20、注意 Susan浏览着头版,看到一些引起她注意的东西。-Mary Alice: Whats about time? Whats about time?【关于询问时间的常用语】 都什么时候了啊?-Susan: Be nice. I come bearing Snacks. Be nice: 态度好点【在这是指Susan让Alice少说废话,快来瞧瞧给她带的好吃的】 bear: 携带 snacks: 小吃 别那么鸡婆,我带了些小吃过来。-Bree: Lynette, these cards are sticky. card: 纸牌 sticky: 粘手的 Lynette, 这些牌真是粘手。-Lyn

21、ette: I know. Preston used the three of diamonds to take scoop jam out of the jar. diamonds: 方块牌 take.out of: 取出 scoop: 铲子 jam: 果酱 scoop jam:【一种果酱】 我知道,Preston拿了三张方块牌从广口瓶中刮果酱。-Gabrielle: Gorgeous, thankful we have 49 cards to play with. gorgeous: 好极了 thankful: 幸亏 play with: 玩 太“好”了,幸亏我们还有49张牌可以玩。-Su

22、san: Hello. Sorry Im late 嗨,不好意思我来晚了。-Mary Alice: So, Susan and I was just telling the girls, I want to throw a dinner party throw: 抛,投【“举办晚会”常用throw a party】 对了,Susan和我正在告诉大家,我想举办一个晚宴。-Susan: Really? 真的?-Mary Alice: Yes. 当然。 Well how long have we all lived on this street weve never done a big group

23、 thing. a big group:【一件大的(口语)】 我们一起在这里住了这么长时间,但从来没有一起做过一件大事。-Bree: I think its a great idea. great idea: 好主意 我想那是一个不错的主意。-Mary Alice: Paul never likes to have people over but the heck with him Im doing it. over:【在此处是around的意思】 heck:口hell的委婉语见鬼 Paul不喜欢家里有很多人,不过管他呢,我照样要办。-Susan: So when is this shindi

24、g? shindig: 盛会 什么时候办呢?-Mary Alice: How about a month from tonight? 一个月后如何? That would be the 16th. Good for everyone? good for:【省略句,=be good for: 适合于】 那就是16号. 大家到时候都有空吗?-Lynette: Works for me. work for sb.【在口语里经常用到。意思是对某人来说合适,没问题】 我没问题。-Bree: Should we all make something? 我们都该准备些什么?-Mary Alice: Oh,

25、no. This is my party. 哦,不,这次我来准备。 Ive been wanting to have everyone over for years. want to: 想要 have sb. over for: 邀请来 我一直期盼这么一个邀请大家过来的机会。 Im so happy were finally doing this. finally: 终于 我真高兴最终能实现了。 Its gonna be so much fun. gonna = going to 将会 fun: 有趣 那将会很棒。-Lynette: Hey. 嗨。 I know. Her dinner. 我知

26、道,她的晚宴。-Susan: How could we have all forgotten about this? forget about: 忘记 我们怎么能忘记了这事呢?-Lynette: We didnt exactly forget, its just usually when the hostess dies the partys off. exactly: 确切地 hostess: 女主人 be off: 离开【在这是call off,取消的意思】 我们没有忘记,只是随着女主人的去世,晚宴也取消了。-Bree: Lynette Lynette-Lynette: Im not be

27、ing flip. Im just pointing out a reality. flip: 轻率无礼 point out: 指出 不是我轻率无礼,只是事实如此。-Gabrielle: Mary Alice was so excited about it. Its so sad. excited: 兴奋的 be excited about: 对感到兴奋 Mary Alice曾对这次晚餐那么期待。真令人伤心。-Susan: I think we should go through with it. go through with: 完成,做完 我想我们继续做下去。-Bree: Really?

28、Wouldnt that be in poor taste? poor: 低劣的,次等的 taste: 品味 你说真的? 那会不会很低俗啊?-Susan: No. Its sort of a way to honor Mary Alice. It was so important to her honor: 尊敬 be important to: 对很重要 不会,那可以算是我们对Mary Alice的追思。这件事曾经对她有那么重要的意义。-Gabrielle: We could all use a fun night. use:【在此是have,enjoy的意思】 我们可以有一个愉快的夜晚。-

29、Bree: Well, good, because I have some new flour that I have been just dying to show off. flour: 面粉 be dying to do: 渴望 show off: 展示 嗯,很好,我正好有些新面粉一直没机会展示呢。-Susan: Lynette? Lynette?-Lynette: Im in. sb. be in:【(口语)算我一个,我加入】 算我一个。-Bree: Ill make braised lamb shanks. braised: 炖熟的 lamb: 小羊 shank: 小腿 braise

30、d lamb shanks: 炖小羊腿 我做炖小羊腿。-Lynette: Im still in. 也算我一个。-Bree: So how many I will be cooking for? 那么会有多少人参加呢?-Gabrielle: Seven. Three couples and Susan. Does that sound right? couple: 夫妻 sound: 听起来 七个,三对夫妻,还有Susan,没问题吧?-Susan: No, it sounds very, very wrong. 不,听起来有很大很大的问题。-Bree: Oh 哦? Is there someb

31、ody youd like to invite? invite: 邀请 你还想邀请谁吗?-Susan: I have an idea. 我有个主意。-Carlos: A dinner party. 一次晚宴。 Honey, I may be working late. 亲爱的,可能我要工作到很晚。 The Dillman proposals a complete mess. proposal: 建议 complete: 完全的 mess: 乱七八糟 Dillman的建议真是乱糟糟的一片。-Gabrielle: No, no, you promised to be home every nigh

32、t this week. promise: 允诺 不,不,你答应这周每晚在家的。-Carlos: Ill try but I cant guarantee anything. try: 试图,努力 guarantee: 保证 我会尽力,但我不能保证任何事情。 This is business. business: 生意 这是做生意。-Gabrielle: Says the prince as he rides off into the sunset. prince: 王子 ride: 骑马 ride off: 离去 sunset: 夕阳 王子这样说道,策马远去没入夕阳之中。 Boy the m

33、ovies ever get the wrong. 电影里说的真是对啊。【这里是反语,表示讽刺】-Carlos: You know what your problem is? 你知道你的问题是什么吗? Youre very tense. tense: 紧张的 你太紧张了。 You should go to a spa or go shopping. spa: 温泉浴 go shopping: 购物 你应该去做个SPA或者去购物。 Find a way to relax. relax: 放松 想个办法放松自己。-John: Hello? 喂?-Gabrielle: Where are you?

34、你在哪里?-John: Algebra. algebra: 代数学 上代数课。-Gabrielle: You free at 4:00? free: 空闲的,不忙的 你4点有空吗?-John: Im not sure. I got track after school. track: 径赛 我不确定,我下课后要参加径赛。-Gabrielle: Well, get here as fast as you can. asas you can: 尽可能地 好吧,那尽快赶来这里。 My husband says I need to relax. relax: 放松 我丈夫说我需要放松。-John: Y

35、ou, uh, want me to keep my gym clothes on like last time? uh=huh: 嗯 gym: 健身 on: 穿上 你,嗯,要我像上次那样穿着运动服吗?-Gabrielle: If you would, please. 如果可以的话,好啊-Tom: A dinner party? 一次晚宴?-Lynette: Yeah, itll be fun. 是啊,那会很有意思的。 Brees cooking, everyones coming. Bree掌勺,大家都会来。 You know what? 你知道么? I havent even had a

36、chance to unpack yet, honey. even: 甚至 unpack: 卸下行李 yet: 还,尚 honey:(昵称)亲爱的 我都还没有来得及卸下行李呢,亲爱的。-Tom :I just, uh, I just need to chill out for the next few days. just: 只是,仅仅 chill out : 冷静下来 我只是,嗯,我只是想静静地过几天。-Lynette: Oh, Tom. 哦,Tom。 Therell be liquor and hors doeuvres and grownups without children and

37、-and silverware. liquor: 酒 hors doeuvres: 开胃菜 grownup: 成人 silverware: 银器 晚餐上会有酒,有小点心,不带孩子来的大人们,还有银器- Remember silverware? 记得银器吗?-Tom: Honey, can you take this in for me? take in: 拿进 亲爱的,可以帮我把这个拿进去吗?-Lynette: Have you heard anything I just said? just: 刚才,方才 你听到我刚才说的话了吗?-Tom: Yeah, Im sorry. Im just -

38、 Im wiped out. be wiped out: 筋疲力尽 是的,对不起。我只是 - 我实在太累了。 Three cities in six days - my head is just pounding. pound: 重击 六天里跑了三个城市 - 我的头都大了。 Im not ready for a dinner party. be ready for: 准备好 我还没准备好参加一次晚宴。-Lynette: I already got a sitter. already: 已经 sitter: 临时看孩子的人 我已经找了个看孩子的。-Tom: Can you cancel her?

39、 cancel: 取消 还能取消吗?-Tom: Please? Look, lets just stay in tomorrow night. stay in: 不出门 拜托,我们明晚待在家里吧。 We can get a bottle of wine and rent a video, wine: 酒 rent: 租 video: 录像(机) 我们可以买一瓶酒,还可以租一盘带子。 and I-I just want to hang out with my best gal. want to: 想要 hang out with : 与出去玩 gal: 女孩 而我 - 我只想和我最爱的女孩儿在一

40、起。 Thats all. 这就是我所想的。-Lynette: I was looking so forward to a night out. look forward to: 盼望 night out: 节日的夜晚 我是那么期望能有一晚在外度过。-Tom: I know, sweetie, Im sorry, but. sweetie: (昵称)爱人 我知道,甜心,对不起,但是 Im beat.beat: 精疲力尽的 我太累了。 I mean, do you remember what it was like to work a 60-hour week? 你还记得一周工作60小时的日子吗

41、? -Rex: A dinner party? 一次晚宴? Do I have to go? have to: 必须 我一定要去吗?-Bree: Well, given that were hosting it, Id say so. given that: 既然,考虑到 host: 主办 既然是我们主办,我会说是的。 By the way, you wont be drinking at this party. by the way: 顺便说 顺便提一下,在晚宴上你不能喝酒。 Why is that? 为什么不? Because when you drink, you get chatty.

42、 chatty: 爱闲聊的 因为每次你一喝酒话就开始多。 No one needs to know that were seeing Dr. Goldfine. 我不想别人知道我们在Goldfine医生那儿咨询。-Rex: You know, if you spent half as much time working on our problems as you do covering them spend: 花费 work on: 从事,努力做 cover: 掩盖 如果你能将花在掩盖问题上时间的一半用来处理这些问题 - not a drop. drop: 滴 一滴都不准喝。 You kno

43、w, this - this is ridiculous. ridiculous: 荒谬的 这 - 这真是荒谬。 And this whole thing about us taking tennis lessons? tennis: 网球 而我们上网球课这事?-Bree: Well, the nurses at your office may start wondering why youre disappearing three times a week. nurse: 护士 wonder: 怀疑 disappear: 消失 time: 次数 你手下的护士可能已经开始猜测,为什么你一周会有

44、三次都不在。 Tennis lessons are a plausible alibi. plausible: 似合理的 alibi: 托辞 上网球课这借口看上去不错。-Rex: All right so, these tennis lessons were taking take: 学习 take lessons: 修习课程 好吧,我们所上的网球课里 - how are we doing? how are we doing【常用句,用于询问事情进展如何】 我们的进度如何?-Bree: My backhands improving immensely, but youre still havi

45、ng problems with your serve. backhand: 反手 improve: 改善,提高 immensely: 很大地 serve: 发球 我的反手击球提高很快,但你发球还存在很大问题。-Rex: Of course. 当然。-Karl: A dinner party? 一次晚宴?-Susan: Its tomorrow night, so if you could just keep Julie an extra day. extra: 额外的 在明天晚上,所以你能不能多带Julie一天。-Karl: Fine, but thats all. Brandi and I

46、 leave Sunday for a week up at the cabin. cabin: 小木屋 好吧,但就一天。Brandi和我周日要离开去林间小屋呆一周。-Susan: What cabin? 什么林间小屋?-Karl: Brandi wanted some place where we could get away. get away: 离开,脱身 Brandi想找一个远离喧嚣的地方。 Escrow just closed yesterday. Escrow昨天刚关门。-Susan: You can afford a cabin, but you cant scrape up child support? afford : 供应的起 scrape up: 攒


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