译林版八年级上册英语 Unit 4 达标测试卷.doc

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1、Unit 4达标测试卷时间:120分钟满分:120分第一部分听力(共四大题, 20分)一、短对话理解(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)1. Which book did Jane buy?2. Which novel does Daniel like best?3. What was the boy doing at seven thirty this morning?A. Having breakfast. B. Reading. C. Getting up. 4. Where was Amy yesterday?A. In the hospital. B. At home. C. At

2、 school. 5. Where is the book?A. In the drawer. B. On the shelf. C. On the desk. 二、长对话理解(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)听下面一段对话, 回答第6、7小题。6. How many times has the man visited the Great Wall?A. Twice. B. Three times. C. Five times. 7. Why did the man visit the Great Wall so many times?A. Because he has so many f

3、riends who work there. B. Because he always went there with his friends. C. Because he is a tour guide. 听下面一段对话, 回答第8至10小题。8. Who has finished reading the book?A. Amy. B. David. C. Both of them. 9. Why does David think Amy was lucky?A. Because she was the only one to get a copy of the book. B. Becau

4、se she got the first copy of the book. C. Because she got a copy of the book for free. 10. Where did Amy read the book after she got one?A. In the shop. B. At home. C. Outside the shop. 三、短文理解(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)11. What does Jenny like?A. Reading B. Writing. C. Thinking. 12. Where did Jenny find the

5、 old man?A. On a bus. B. On the way. C. In her office. 13. What did Jenny give the old man?A. Some food. B. Some money. C. Some water. 14. How many children does the old man have?A. Two. B. One. C. None. 15. When did Jenny feel sad?A. When she saw the old man on the ground. B. When she heard the old

6、 mans story. C. When she said goodbye to the old man. 四、信息转换(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)Roald Dahla childrens writerBirth and deathHe was born in 1916 and died in 16. _. At schoolHe had a difficult time because the teachers were too 17. _. The 18. _ influenced his later stories a lot.After graduationHe joine

7、d the army and became a 19. _.His storiesAdults cant believe his stories, but children 20. _ them. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题, 30分)五、单项填空(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)21. Your red coat looks so pretty. It stood out clearly _ the snow. Thanks a lot!A. across B. over C. through D. against22. I dont know what I should _ t

8、hese old clothes. Maybe John can give you some advice on how to _ them. A. deal with; do with B. do with; do withC. do with; deal with D. deal with; deal with23. Too much homework makes me tired these days, Mr James. Thats true. But a small tree wont grow into a big one until it _ lots of winds and

9、rain. A. experiences B. imagines C. follows D. passes24. Its reported that a number of _ buy _ cars every year. A. Germans; Canadian B. Canadians; GermansC. Frenchmen; Canada D. America; Germany25. Do you know why she went to the teachers office?To _ her homework, I guess. A. hand out B. hand in C.

10、take in D. take out26. _ I stay here with you all day?No, you _. A. Must; neednt B. Must; mustntC. May; may D. Can; dont have to27. Be thankful for all the troubles in your life. They have made you stronger as you _ with your journey. A. keep B. make C. continue D. stop28. They didnt go home _ they

11、finished their work. A. because B. where C. until D. while29. Hello, Lucy, please give me some advice on _ my English!Why not keep _ more English books?A. how to improve; read B. what to improve; readC. what to improve; reading D. how to improve; reading30. Amy, thank you for driving me home. _. See

12、 you tomorrow. A. Thats right B. Im afraid notC. Youre welcome D. Its a good idea六、完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)A【新题】The mother duck had eight little yellow ducklings, but one of them was _31_ from the others. They called him Ugly Duckling. “You are an ugly duckling, ”the other ducklings said. “You dont

13、 _32_ us. We dont want to play with you. ” “You have made _33_ of me since I was born, ” the poor duckling said sadly. “You have hurt me for years! I dont want to stay here any longer. ” So he left them and tried to find a _34_ place. Finally, he came to a lake. Many beautiful _35_ were there. The u

14、gly duckling swam to them. “Hello, little one. Ive never seen you before. _36_ are you from?” one of the swans saw him and asked. “Hello, I came from a place _37_. I walked a long way. Now Im tired. Can I join you?”“Sure, you are welcome, my dear child, ”the swan answered. “Youre just one of us!”The

15、 ugly duckling was very happy, but a little _38_. He looked at _39_ carefully in the water. _40_ an ugly duckling, he saw a beautiful swan. It was himself!He became the most beautiful swan of them all. 31. A. different B. free C. absent D. important32. A. take in B. look after C. look like D. take o

16、n33. A. joke B. laughter C. decision D. fun34. A. same B. difficult C. easy D. happy35. A. swallows B. swans C. hens D. ducks36. A. What B. Where C. How D. When37. A. far away B. nearby C. go away D. be away38. A. bored B. surprised C. interested D. touched39. A. herself B. itself C. himself D. myse

17、lf40. A. Depend on B. Lie in C. Above all D. Instead ofBStuart and Steve were twin brothers. Stuart loved to play basketball. But Steve loved to read books. One day Stuart was playing basketball _41_ he fell and broke his leg. When they took him to the hospital, the doctor said he wouldnt be able to

18、 play for six months. Steve went to _42_ him and brought him books on basketball. At first Stuart wasnt going to read them. Then he began to read them and _43_ that there were ways he could play basketball better. He began to think that books werent that _44_. When Stuarts leg started getting better

19、, Steve would help him by going for walks with him. _45_ Stuarts doctor said he could start playing basketball again. Then Stuart showed Steve how to toss (投) for baskets. Steve found that he enjoyed it. Then Stuart was ready to _46_ the basketball games. Steve went to games and enjoyed himself. The

20、y then _47_ practiced basketball and read books together. So you can see, when _48_ happens, something good may also happen. Steve showed Stuart about books and Stuart showed Steve about basketball. So you can also _49_ showing others something that you like to do and they can show you something tha

21、t they like to do. _50_ you can find new things to do. 41. A. until B. when C. after D. where42. A. take B. call C. visit D. look43. A. saw B. looked C. read D. found44. A. good B. bad C. better D. worse45. A. But B. However C. Finally D. So46. A. take part B. win C. lose D. join in47. A. always B.

22、never C. seldom D. much48. A. anything good B. something niceC. something bad D. anything wrong49. A. try B. practice C. enjoy D. like50. A. On the way B. By the wayC. All the way D. In this way第三部分阅读理解(共两大题, 45分)七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)A:Have you ever read the novel Hometown?B:51. _A:You sh

23、ould read it! Its really a wonderful book. B:Well, Ive been waiting to read it for a long time, but I cant get a copy (一本). The library has only three copies. 52. _A:Well, 53. _ If you like, I can lend it to you. B:Thank you. 54. _ By the way, when can I get it?A:55. _ Will you please come to my hou

24、se after school?B:OK. Ill go with you to your home after school. A. Its very kind of you. B. Its at my home. C. Yes, I have. D. No, I havent. E. I forgot where I had put it. F. They are all out. G. I bought one last month. 八、阅读理解(共2 0小题; 每小题2分, 满分4 0分) A 【新题】The book festival is coming!Do you have s

25、ome books you dont want?Your old love may be someones new favorite!Bring one book to the Town Library & get another one home for free!*When & How:March 2March 14 Bring one book for one festival card. March 16March 31 Bring one card for one book you like to read. *What books:All kinds of books EXCEPT

26、 school books, comic books and dictionaries. Notice:1. Your book must be in good shape, without any page missing. 2. Your book must be clean, and nothing is written on it. Want to know more? Please call 12345678. (We are closed on Mondays)Town Library56. What is the book festival for?A. Selling seco

27、ndhand books to others. B. Inviting people to change books with others. C. Telling people how to choose books. D. Knowing what books are the most popular. 57. Tony is busy packing (打包) some books for the festival. Which is the most probable one of them?A. An old dictionary of medicine. B. A book of

28、short stories in English. C. A picture book with the notes. D. A workbook he used in his math class. 58. Look at the calendar. If Jenny has a book festival card, when can she use it?MarchSun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031A. On Mar. 1st. B. On M

29、ar. 12th. C. On Mar. 23rd. D. On Mar. 26th. BThese days, a library in Tianjin has been popular online. The library is called the Tianjin Binhai Library. It is a beautiful library and people say that it is the most beautiful library in China. A famous US photo website, even called the library “the wo

30、rlds coolest library”. The Tianjin Binhai Library was designed by the Tianjin Urban Planning & Design Institute and MVRDV, a design company from the Netherlands. With about 1. 2 million books in it, the library has five floors and covers an area of 33, 700 square meters, according to the Xinhua News

31、 Agency. The bookshelves in the library look like white ocean waves. To get books on higher shelves, readers have to climb some white stairs. “Now I know what the Sea of Knowledge is, ” one Internet user said after looking at photos of the library. The library has a large spherical (球体的) structure i

32、n its center. This gives visitors the sense that they are walking inside an eye. The librarys special structure also gives it a great nickname (绰号) The Eye of Binhai. The Tianjin Binhai Library is famous not only in China but also in the world. In China, lots of readers choose to visit it on weekend

33、s. Some foreigners from other countries say that they will visit it if they have a chance to come to China. 59. What do the bookshelves look like?A. White ocean waves. B. Blue oceans. C. Big eyes. D. Round balls. 60. The library has a nickname “The Eye of Binhai” because of its _. A. position in Tia

34、njin B. popularity in BinhaiC. importance in Binhai D. structure of the center61. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The passage is about why Chinese people love the library. B. The second paragraph is about who designed the library. C. The library is called “the worlds highe

35、st library” by a photo website. D. Readers are not allowed to climb the stairs to get books on high shelves. 62. After reading the passage, we can know_. A. how high the library isB. how many books the library hasC. how many stairs the shelves haveD. how many readers go to the library every dayCLitt

36、le Free Library is a little box with books for people to read. An American man called Todd Bol started it many years ago. He thinks that its a good way to remember his mother. Todds mother was the kind of mum who made her sons friends always feel welcome. She was a teacher and she had many books. Af

37、ter she died, Todd decided to remember her with a small houseshaped wooden box on the lawn (草坪). The box was filled with her books. One of Todds neighbours Lily once asked him, “Are you afraid that others will take your books away? ” “No. I have written a note on the box with Take a book, return a b

38、ook, please. I think anyone can borrow or leave used books there, ” answered Todd. Days later, many kids came to visit his library. They had fun reading and they also exchanged books there. To Todds surprise, people liked his idea and soon the great book sharing became popular all over the world. To

39、day there are thousands of Little Free Libraries in Australia, England, Italy and other countries. 63. Todd Bol built his little free library to _. A. collect old books B. sell his mums booksC. remember his mother D. thank his neighbours64. From Lilys question we know that _. A. Lily had many intere

40、sting booksB. Lily wanted to build such a libraryC. Lily didnt like the little free libraryD. Lily was afraid that books would be taken away65. Todd left a note at the little free library for readers to _. A. take books home B. leave another noteC. take care of the books D. borrow or exchange books6

41、6. What might be the best title for the text? A. A library lover B. A little free libraryC. A place to read books D. Todd Bol and his motherD (荣德原创)Introduction to world famous worksThe Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a famous novel by Mark Twain, an excellent American noveli

42、st in the 19th century. It describes many stories about Tom, his partner Huckleberry Finn and Toms favorite girl, Becky Thatcher. It has many interesting plots (情节) in line with childrens psychology (心理特征). Treasure IslandTreasure Island is a famous novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, a Scottish author

43、. It describes the adventurous young Jim Hawkins who finds a treasure map and how he fights pirates (海盗) bravely. After a lot of hard work, he finally finds the treasure and returns home happily. The author describes the brave and witty Jim and the bad pirate in his work. Robinson CrusoeRobinson Cru

44、soe is a fantastic work of the British novelist Daniel Defoe. The story is based on the experience of an English sailor Selkirk who lived on a desert island for several years. It describes the hero Robinsons life experience of 28 years on a desert island. 67. What are the works written by British au

45、thors?A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Robinson Crusoe. B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Treasure Island. C. Robinson Crusoe and Treasure Island. D. None of the above. 68. What does the underlined word “adventurous” mean in Chinese?A. 慷慨的 B. 热心的 C. 淘气的 D. 爱冒险的69. Which of the following is Not

46、true according to the text?A. Mark Twain was an excellent American novelist in the 19th century. B. Jim Hawkins and Robinson are both brave and clever. C. Robinson lives on the island for more than 20 years. D. Selkirk is Robinsons good friend. E“On a spring night, we offer book lovers a desk and a light. You can stay here as long as you want to. ”This is the slogan (标语) of Sanlian Taofen Bookstore in Beijing. Earlier this month,


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