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《名词,代词,形容词副词练习及答案12页word.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《名词,代词,形容词副词练习及答案12页word.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流名词,代词,形容词副词练习及答案【精品文档】第 12 页高二英语专项练习:名词1. Let me give you _ advice. A. anotherB. an C. one D. a piece of 2. Lenovo, one of the biggest _, designed the 2008 Beijing Olympic Torch.A. computers companies B. computer companies C. computers companies D. computers companies 3.Can you g

2、ive me _ about it? A. an informationB. some information C. any of informationD. some informations4.Most of them are _. A. woman doctor B. women doctor C. woman doctors D. women doctors5.Are you ready to order now, sir? Yes, _, please. A. two beerB. two glass of beer C. two beersD. beers for two6.The

3、 _ reading-rooms are near the classroom. A. students B. studentss C. of students D. students7.Tom dropped the _ and broke it. A. bottle of inkB. inks bottleC. bottle for inkD. ink bottle8.This is my _ book. A. brother John B. brothers John C. brotherss Johns D. brother Johns9._ can be made into _ an

4、d many other things. A. Glass; glassB. Glasses; glasses C. Glass; glassesD. Glasses; glass10.After climbing for two hours we were glad to take _ rest. A. a few minutes B. a few minutes C. a little minutes D. a little minutes11.He wrote a _ report. A. two-thousand-words B. two-thousand-wordC. two-tho

5、usands-word D. two-thousands-words12.This shop sells _ clothing. A. childs and womans B. children and womens C. childrens and women D. childrens and womens13.The police _ arrested twenty people following the disturbances so far. A. had B. hasC. have D. have been14.Li Ying has three _. A. brothers-in

6、-law B. brothers-in-laws C. brother-in-law D. brother-in-laws15.There are _ under the table. A. four basket of apples B. four baskets of apples C. four baskets apples D. four basket of apple16.The woman over there is _. A. Julia and Mary mother B. Julia and Marys mother C. Julias and Marys mother D.

7、 Julias and Mary mother17. Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the _.A. rooms number B. room number C. rooms numbers D. room numbers18. The kids went to the park while we _ sat in the backyard.A. growns-ups B. growns-upC. grown-up D. grown-ups19. Marys dress is

8、similar in appearance to her _. A. elder sister B. elder sisters C. elder sisters D. elder sisters dress20. The room was small and contained far too _.A. much new furniture B. much new furnituresC. many new furniture D. many new furnitures21. About 60 percent of the students _ from the south. The re

9、st of them _ from the north and foreign countries.A. are; isB. are; areC. is; areD. is; is22. Half of the workers here _ under 30 _.A. is; yearsB. are; year oldC. is; year oldD. are; years of age23. Now Tom with his classmates _ football on the playground.A. playB. are playingC. playsD. is playing24

10、. The number of pages in this dictionary _ about two thousand.A. areB. hasC. haveD. is25. The secretary and principal _ at the meeting now.A. are speakingB. is speakingC. were making a speechD. have a speech26. “If anybody _, please put down _ name,” said the teacher to the monitor.A. wants to buy t

11、he book; hisB. want to buy the book; theirC. will buy the book; onesD. wants to have the book bought; her27. Nothing but one desk and six chairs _ in the room.A. areB. is stayedC. isD. are left28. Shall I wait here for three hours?Yes. Three hours _ to wait for such a good doctor.A. are not very lon

12、g for youB. is not long enough for youC. was not long enough for youD. will be too long for you29. The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _ saved for other purposes. A. is B. are C. was D. were 30. One third of the country _ covered with trees and the majority of the cit

13、izens _ black people. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is 31. The famous musician, as well as his students, _ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.A. were invited B. was invited C. have been invited D. has been invited32. Generally, students inner motivation with

14、 high expectations from others _ essential to their development.A. is B. are C. was D. were33.The _ of the cottages were covered with _.A. roofs; leafs B. roofs; leavesC. rooves; leafs D. rooves; leaves34.He ordered _ from the laboratory.A. two equipments B. two pieces of equipmentsC. two pieces of

15、equipment D. two equipment pieces35.Which group is right?A. men servants, women doctors, lady driversB. boy friends, grown-ups, daughter-in-lawsC. children, geese, teeth, oxesD. fish, deer, sheeps, Japanese36.The _ raised by an old man.A. sheeps are B. deer have C. cattle are D. cattle is37.What you

16、 need is more _. You are always doing your _ at your desk.A. exercises; exerciseB. exercise; exercisesC. exercises; exercisesD. exercise; exercise38.The astronauts are busy making _ for the historic flight to the moon.A. preparingB. a preparationC. preparationsD. preparation39._ came that Professor

17、Wang would drop in on his way here to have _ with me.A. Word; a wordB. A word; a wordC. Words; wordsD. Word; words40.When I went to see him yesterday, the _ were watching TV.A. families B. family C. all families D. familys41.“The bridge is five _ wide.” This means: “This is a five-_-wide bridge.”A.

18、foot, foot B. feet, foot C. feet, feet D. foot, feet42.To the captains surprise, he found that _ travel could also be quite pleasant.A. earthB. landC. groundD. plain43.The history of _ is full of achievements and adventures.A. manB. menC. mensD. the men44.I read a book “A Wolf in _.”A. Sheep Clothin

19、g B. Sheeps ClothingC. Sheeps Clothing D. Sheeps Cloth45.Whose car is it? Its so nice! Maybe its _. A. Whites B. the Whites C. the Whites D. White高二语法练习 代词一、单项填空1. Listen to _. There should be no error, no delay, and no waste.A. thatB. thisC. thoseD. it2. The rocket flies so rapidly that youll somet

20、imes feel _ difficult to keep it in sight.A. itB. youC. thisD. that3. I havent brought the dictionary with _. Will you please lend me _?A. my; yourB. me; yourC. mine; yoursD. me; yours4. For the millions and millions of people living in modern times, they might have to change their diets, especially

21、 _ with poorer nutrition quality.A. thoseB. onesC. itD. that5. Id appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.A. itB. youC. oneD. this6.Which language are you better at, French or German? To be honest, _. French is no easier than German.A. bothB. neitherC. eitherD.

22、any7. Usually there might be a lot of accidents in the heavy fog. I happened to witness _ this morning.A. itB. thoseC. oneD. that8. If the man is only interested in your looks, _ just shows how shallow he is.A. asB. whichC. whatD. that9. Is _ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?A. nowB. manC.

23、 thatD. it10. Mr. Smith gave the textbooks to all the students except _ who had already taken them.A. the onesB. onesC. someD. the others11. For quite a few students, their teachers advice is more important than _ of their parents.A. oneB. thatC. itD. any12. Neither side is prepared to talk to _ unl

24、ess we can smooth things over between them.A. othersB. the otherC. anotherD. one other13. Some students are for the plan but _ are against it.A. any moreB. many moreC. much moreD. no more14. Its impossible for all the people to get the jobs because _ of them are fit for them.A. noneB. allC. not allD

25、. every one15. When he took his gloves off, I noticed that _ one had his name written inside.A. eachB. everyC. otherD. another16. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _ I will always treasure.A. thatB. oneC. itD. what17. Was it in BHSF _ he was elected chairman of the

26、Students Union?A. thatB. whileC. in whichD. then18. You may drop in or just give me a call. _ will do.A. Either B. EachC. Neither D. All19. I want an ice cream, but there was _ in the cup.A. noneB. nothingC. a littleD. no one20. After paying 100 dollars _, youll all become full members of our club.A

27、. bothB. anyC. everyD. each21.Have you heard the news?Yes, Ive got _ from your brother.A. itB. themC. theyD. their22.Which of these two ties will you take?I really cant decide So Ill take _, to give me a change sometimes.A. eitherB. neitherC. allD. both23.You seem not to be _ today, Jane. Whats up?_

28、 in particular; only a little headache.A. yourself; NothingB. you; SomethingC. yours; EverythingD. you; Nothing24._ is that man? He is a worker.A. WhoB. What C. WhomD. Whose25. Its _ thing to enjoy watching someone playing basketball, but its quite _ to play basketball yourself.A. a; anotherB. one;

29、otherC. one; anotherD. a; other26. I borrowed two books. _ is in English, and _ is in Chinese.A. It; anotherB. One; anotherC. The one; anotherD. One; the other27. Our monitor runs faster than _ in our class.A. anyoneB. everyoneC. anyone elseD. someone28. Is there anyone who can do the job? _.A. None

30、B. No oneC. Not oneD. Not many ones29. How many books have they read this week? _.A. NothingB. NoneC. No oneD. No many30.What about the services in the hotel?They are at least as good as, if not superior to, _ in yours.A. thoseB. thatC. whichD. one31._ thats important is that you are doing your best

31、 and moving in the right direction.A. OneB. AllC. EverythingD. Anything32. In their hearts, some American women think it is mens duty to make money and _ to spend it.A. theyB. themC. theirsD. their33. It is impossible for so _ workers to do so _ work in a single day. A. few; much B. few; manyC. litt

32、le; much D. little; many 34. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _.A. anythingB. everythingC. somethingD. nothing35. Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I cant remember _.A. whereB. thereC. whichD. what36. Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, bu

33、t _ didnt help.A. heB. whichC. sheD. it37. There is still a copy of常春藤英语in the library. Will you go and borrow _? No, Id rather buy _ in the bookstore.A. it; oneB. one; one C. one; it D. it; it38. Oneweekstimehasbeenwasted. Icantbelievewedidallthatworkfor_.A.somethingB.nothingC.everythingD.anything3

34、9. Youaretheteamstar!Workingwith_isreallyyourcupoftea.A.bothB.eitherC.othersD.theother40. Onmydeskisaphotothatmyfathertookof _ whenIwasababy.A.himB.hisC.meD.mine语法练习 形容词、副词1. Do you like Faye Wongs songs? Yes, I do. _, I am the president of the Faye Wong International Fan Club. A. Really B. Obviousl

35、y C. Actually D. Generally2. Do you know our school will be enlarged soon? Of course. It will be _ in size, as far as I know.A. the large B. the largest C. three times as largeD. larger three times3. Dont make so much noise, or youll wake up the _ boy. A. sleepB. asleepC. sleepingD. sleepy 4. The Ol

36、ympic Games in Beijing were the biggest _ sports events in the world. A. aliveB. liveC. livelyD. living5. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone else in the class has _ IQ. A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest6. Sometimes we buy a magazine with absolutely no purpose _ to pas

37、s time. A. other thanB. rather than C. as well D. as if7. Lewis Carroll is a great British mathematician, but he is _ known for his book Alice in Wonderland. A. the best B. more C. better D. the most8. Usually John would be late for meetings. But today, _ to my surprise, he arrived on time.A little

38、B much C ever D even9. How much _ she looked without her glasses! A. wellB. good C. best D. better10. The children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horse ride _. A. mostB. more C. less D. little11. The students are _ young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty. A. mostB. almostC. m

39、ostlyD. at most12. Its high time you had your hair cut; its getting _. A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much13. The plane flew smoothly _ in the sky and people spoke _ of theexperienced pilot. A. high; high B. highly; highly C. high; highly D. highly; high14. I thought horseback riding would be fun for me until I fell down from the horse back. As you can


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