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1、如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流上海版牛津英语8B Unit4 知识点梳理&配套双基【精品文档】第 13 页八年级第二学期牛津英语知识点梳理及配套练习Unit 4 A New Newspaper知识点梳理:I 词组1 soon after不久之后2 publish a newspaper出版一份报纸3 hold a meeting举行会议4 write a report about sth. for sb.就某事写一篇报告给某人5 after school放学后6 at the next meeting在下一次会议上7 decide to do决定做某事8 elect sb. to b

2、e sth.选某人做9 the chief editor主编10 vote for sb.投票给某人11 take charge of负责12 ought (not) to = should (not)应该13 ask for suggestions征求建议14 class / school newspaper班/校报15 the Reading Club读书俱乐部16 take notes做记录,做笔记17 different sections of the newspaper报纸的不同栏目18 talk sth. over with sb. = discuss sth. with sb.与

3、某人讨论某事19 make a list of sth.列出的清单20 be free to sb.对某人是免费的21 pay sb. money for sth.为付给某人钱22 have different ideas意见各异23 a bit longer(时间)久一点24 make a decision about sth. 做决定25 agree to do 同意做某事26 agree with sb.同意某人27 agree on sth.在上达成一致28 conclude the meeting结束会议29 in one weeks time = in a week一个星期后II.

4、 词性转换1. consider (v.) 考虑(in)considerate (a.) (不)体谅人的2. publish (v.) 出版publishing (n.) 出版publisher (n.) 出版者(社)3. edit (v.) 编辑editor (n.) 编辑4. choice (n.) 入选者choose chose chosen (v.)选择5. vote (v.) 投票voter (n.) 投票人6. elect (v.) 选举elector (n.) 选举人election (n.) 选举7. suggest (v.) 提议suggestion (n.) 建议8. ex

5、perience (n.) 经验experienced (a.) 有经验的9. brief (a.) 简短的briefly (ad.) 简短地10. decide (v.) 决定decision (n.) 决定11. conclude (v.) 结束conclusion (n.) 结论12. responsible (a.) 有责任的responsibility (n.) 责任13. (dis)agree (v.) (不)同意(dis)agreement (n.) (不)同意14. read (v.) 阅读reader (n.) 读者III. 语言点1. Soon after the term

6、 started, some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School wanted to publish a newspaper. soon after 意为“不久之后,稍后”。即可作副词短语,用作时间状语;也可作连接词,引导时间状语从句。2. They held a meeting. 句中的hold作动词,意为“举行”。此处hold可用have代替。3. We elected Joyce to be the chief editor. elect此处意为“选举,推选”。 elect sb. to be 意为“选举某人担任(职务)” 也可表示为: ele

7、ct sb. as 4. Tony suggested that we should choose Joyce, because she has experience. 句中experience作不可数名词,意为“经验”。当作不可数名词时,意为“经历”。 have experience可意为be experienced。5. Then Joyce took charge of the meeting. 句中的charge为名词,意为“任务,责任”。常见的搭配有:take charge of 和in charge of 。 此处take charge of与be in charge of与be

8、responsible for可替换。6. She said that we ought to elect a secretary next. ought to是个助动词,意为“应该”,与should同意。7. She asked for suggestions. ask sb. for .意为“向某人寻求”suggestion意为“建议”,为可数名词;与advice的不同之处在于,advice为不可数名词。 8. Joyce told them to talk it over among themselves.句中talk sth. over是“详细讨论”的意思,也可用“discuss st

9、h.”来表示。9. Should it be free to readers, or should they pay for it? free意为“免费的”,be free to sb.意为“对免费” pay for意为“付款”。 【比较】spend, cost, take, pay(1)spend的主语通常是人,往往用于以下句型: (sb.) spend some money/some time on sth. (sb.) spend some money/some time(in)doing sth. (2)take常用于“占用、花费”时间,其主语通常为形式主语it或物。句式是: It t

10、akes/took sb.some time to do sthSth.takes sb.some time. (3) pay为“付款、赔偿”之意,主语通常是人,往往是sb. pays some money for sth或pay sb.(some money for sth) 例如: (4) cost的主语必须是某物。常用用法是sth.cost (sb.) some money。10. We all had different ideas, and so Joyce said that we should think about this a bit longer. have differe

11、nt ideas意为“意见各异”。 a bit意为“一点”。1)a bit不能直接修饰名词,须用a bit of。2)a bit可修饰形容词及形容词副词的比较级,作程度状语。11. We agreed to conclude the meeting then. agree to do something意为“同意做某事”; agree with意为“同意,赞成”,后接表示人或意见观点的词; agree on/upon/about意为“在某方面达成一致意见”。IV. 语法情态动词一、主要特征。情态动词后的动词都用原形。构成疑问句,通常把情态动词放在主语前;构成否定句,not放在情态动词之后,其缩

12、写形式为cant, mustnt, neednt, shouldnt等。二、主要用法。1. 用can, could和be able to表示能力。(1) can意为“能够”,否定形式为cannot或cant。 如:He can speak five foreign languages.(2) could是can的过去式。因此,对于过去的时间(如yesterday, last week等),我们不用can或cant,而用could和couldnt。 如:When I was young, I could run very fast.(3) be able to一般可以代替can,也可以表示能力。

13、但can只有一般现在时和一般过去时(could),而be able to则有更多的时态形式。 如:My little brother has been able to write.2. 用must与mustnt, have to与dont have to, neednt表示义务。(1) must用以表示“必须做某事”或“一定要做某事”,具有强制性,表示一定的责任或义务。 如:The windows are very dirty. I must clean them.(2) mustnt是must的否定形式,表示“禁止;绝不允许”,具有强制性。 如:You mustnt play footbal

14、l in the street.(3) must没有过去时,要表达过去的含义,我们可使用had to代替must。 此外,have to侧重这种“义务”或“责任”源于某种客观情况或规定,并非说话者本人能够控制。 如:We missed the last bus, so we had to walk home.(4) dont have to与neednt是“不必”的意思,没有强制性。两者意思相近,但在使用时,前者有人称、时态的变化;后者没有人称变化,而且一般表示现在时间的含义。 如:It has just rained, so he doesnt have to water the garde

15、(n.) You neednt swim in the sea. We have a swimming pool in our hotel.(5) must用于一般疑问句中,其肯定和否定回答应引起注意。 如:Must we go now? 我们一定要走吗? - Yes, we must. 是的,我们一定要走。 - No, we mustnt. 不,我们不可以走。 Must I finish the work this week? 我一定要在这星期完成这项工作吗? - Yes, you must. 是的,你一定要完成。 - No, you neednt. 不,你不一定要完成。 从以上例子中可以看

16、出,用must提问的一般疑问句,否定回答并不一定是mustnt。根据实际含义和情况,我们需要正确选用mustnt或neednt来回答。3. 用can, could与may表示“许可”。(1) 在请求对方的许可,或是准许你做某事时,常用情态动词can, could和may。can最为常用;could较为婉转,更有礼貌;may则比较正式。 如:Can I open the window? - Yes, you ca(n.) / No, you cant. Could I borrow a pencil, please? -Yes, certainly. / No, Im afraid not. M

17、ay I leave early today? - Yes, you may. / No, you may not.(2) 表示给予许可时,通常用can或may,而不用could。 如:Could I borrow a pencil? - Of course you ca(n.) May I sit here? - No, you may not.4. 用can, could与would表示“请求”。 当我们需要别人的帮助时,常使用can, could和would这三个情态动词进行提问,但在回答时,could和would则很少使用。 如:Can you open the window? - Y

18、es, I ca(n.) Could you pass me the salt, please? - Yes, certainly. Would you help me carry my suitcase? - No, Im afraid not. 常见的肯定回答:Of course I ca(n.) / OK. / All right. 常见的否定回答:Im afraid I cant / Of course not.5. 用must和cant表示“猜测”。(1) must表示说话者对某事的发生或情况很有把握,意为“肯定;一定”。 如:Her flat is very near Xujiah

19、ui. It must be very noisy.(2) cant表示说话者有相当的把握确定某事不会发生,意为“不可能”。 如:Youve just had lunch. You cant be hungry.6. 用should和ought to表示“义务”和“建议”。(1) should和ought to表示应该做某事,或做某事的动机是正确的。一般可以相互替换。 如:You should / ought to put your rubbish in the bi(n.)(2) ought to的否定形式为ought not to或oughtnt to。构成疑问句,把ought提前至主语前

20、。 如:You ought not to watch TV for too long. Ought we to discuss the work now?(3) should和ought to用在疑问句中时,常用来询问他人的见解或建议。 如:Ought I to finish my homework now? - Yes, you ought to.(4) should和must的区别在于:前者多用于劝说他人的错误行为或给予他人一些建议,不具备强制性;而后者意为“必须”,用于规定或约束他人的行为,具有强制性。 如:You shouldnt be cruel to animals. You mu

21、stnt park you car here. Drive it away immediately.(5) should和ought to常与动词think连用。 如:I think Carol should buy some new clothes. Its late. I think I ought to go home now.宾语从句一、概念。 在句中用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。宾语从句可分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。二、语序。 宾语从句的构成为“引导词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他”,其语序是陈述句语序。三、引导词。1. 如从句是陈述句,用连接词that

22、引导(that在口语或非正式文体中常省略)。如:We know (that) there are two kinds of sports.2. 如从句是特殊提问句,用连接副词why, when, where, how或连接代词who(m), what, which引导。 如:Do you know why I like team sports?I dont know how they got the tickets.3. 如从句是一般疑问句,用连接词whether或if引导(口语中常用if)。if和whether意为“是否”。如;I dont know whether / if they ha

23、ve decided on the date of the meeting.4. 如从句是选择疑问句,多用连接词whether引导,特别是与or not连用时。 如:I dont know whether they will come for our help or not.四、时态。1. 如果主句是现在的时态,从句的时态可根据实际情况而定。 如:I tell him that I moved to Beijing last year. I have heard that he will come back next week.2. 如果主句是过去的某种时态,那么从句的时态也要用过去的某种时态

24、。 如:He said that there were no classes yesterday. Tom told me that he would have a birthday party.3. 如果宾语从句表述的是客观真理、自然现象等时,不管主句是什么时态,从句都要用一般现在时。 如:The teacher said that light travels much faster than sound.五、从句的简化。1. 当主句谓语动词是find, see, watch, hear等感官动词时,从句可简化为“宾语+宾补”结构,宾补为不带to的不定式或v-ing形式。 如:She fou

25、nd that the wallet lay on the ground. - She found the wallet lie on the ground. I heard that the birds were singing in the tree. - I heard the birds singing in the tree.2. 当主语谓语动词是wish, decide, plan, agree, hope等,且主句和从句的主语相同时,从句可简化为不定式结构。 如:She agreed that she could help me with my Maths. - She agre

26、ed to help me with my Maths.3. 在连接副词/代词引导的宾语从句中,当从句的主语和主句的主语或和间接宾语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“连接副词/代词+不定式”的结构。 如:I havent decided when I will leave for Beijing. - I havent decided when to leave for Beijing. Can you tell me how I can get to the station? - Can you tell me how to get to the station?4. 在if或whether引导的宾

27、语从句中,当主句和从句的主语相同时,从句有时也可简化为“whether + 不定式”的结构。 如:I am not sure if I will go with you. - I am not sure whether to go with you. He doesnt know whether he will stay here or not. - He doesnt know whether to stay here or not.Exercises for Chapter 4I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内。)( )

28、 1. Every time we met difficulties, we asked our teachers _ advice. A. about B. for C. of D. with( ) 2. The problem should be _ carefully before they concluded the meeting. A. talked over B. talked to C. talked with D. talked about( ) 3. The Chinese people expect that the 2010 EXPO _ successfully in

29、 Shanghai. A. will be taken place B. will happen C. will hold D. will take place( ) 4. The members of the group _ me to take charge of _ notes. A. decided, taking B. elected, taking C. decided, take D. elected, take( ) 5. If you have tried your best, you _ worry about anything. A. cant B. neednt to

30、C. neednt D. mustnt( ) 6. Who would like to make me a list _ the activities you will do during your summer holiday? A. with B. of C. for D. among( ) 7. Now that the newspaper is _, why dont we each have one copy? A. brief B. chief C. paid D. free( ) 8. Would you please tell us _? A. what you will ma

31、ke an arrangement tomorrow B. that you will make an arrangement tomorrow C. how you will make an arrangement tomorrowD. how will you make an arrangement tomorrow( ) 9. _ Tom graduated from his university, he got a job as a reporter. A. Soon after B. Since C. As D. Though ( ) 10. We all agree _ what

32、you said. Let do as you said. A. at B. on C. with D. about( ) 11. You will have to _ the landlady 100 dollars _ the rent. A. cost, on B. spend, in C. use, for D. pay, for( ) 12. There are twenty books on the shelf. Some are in English, _ are in Chinese. A. others B. the others C. other D. another( )

33、 13. The teacher told us that we _ on a holiday next weekends. A. go B. went C. will go D. would go( ) 14. She fell ill yesterday. She is _ worse today. A. very B. little C. ever D. a bit( ) 15. I _ do the work myself. No one wants to help me. A. have to B. can C. mustnt D. need( ) 16. My parents de

34、cided to _ me to Disneyland in Hong Kong. I am looking forward to _ with them soon. A. take, go B. taking, goingC. taking, go D. take, going( ) 17. My father often _ newspapers at breakfast when he once lived in London. A. sees B. looks C. looks at D. reads( ) 18. A: _ does your brother do a haircut

35、? B: Im not clear, maybe once a month. A. How soon B. How much C. How often D. How long( ) 19. We considered the question for a long time. The underlined part means _. A. thought B. solved C. thought over D. thought of( ) 20. Our meeting concluded at 10 p.m. The underlined part means _. A. finish B.

36、 came to an end C. end D. startedII. Complete the sentences with the given words box in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)1. They told me that they would consider the problem and let us know their _(decide).2. We can make a _ (suggest) by asking Why not do something or by saying Lets do somethi

37、ng.3. In China and some English-speaking countries, we shake our heads to show _. (agree)4. Im the _ (nine) one from the left in the photo.5. Its time for us to finish our _. (discuss)6. In _ (briefly), he is an honest man. You can trust him.7. My holiday is full of different kinds of _. (experience

38、)8. The old _ (edit) often gives suggestions about how to run a newspaper.9. China Daily has a large number of _ (read).10. He finished all the work by _ (he) in a week.III. Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)1. The newspaper ought to give a report on it in details. (改为否定句) The newspa

39、per _ _ to give a report on it in details.2. The room can hold 100 people. (划线提问) _ _ people can the room hold?3. The publishing house publishes childrens books. (划线提问) _ _ _ the publish house publish?4. All Lucys friends voted for her. (划线提问) _ _ all Lucys friends vote _ ?5. Have you decided what e

40、vents to take part in? (改为宾语从句) Could you tell me _ _ _ decided what events to take part in ?6. We have an important meeting to attend, _ _? (改为反意疑问句)7. The news he told me was exciting. (改为感叹句) _ _ news he told me!8. You mustnt throw paper here and there. (改为同义句) You _ _ to throw paper here and the

41、re. _ _ paper here and there.IV. Cloze Text:A) Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文. )Most Americans dont like to get advice from members of their family. when they need advice, they dont usually ask people they know. 1 , many Americans write letters to newspaper

42、s and magazines which 2 advice on many different subjects, including 3 , the use of language, health, cooking, child 4 , clothes, and 5 to buy a house or a car.Most newspapers generally print letters from readers with problems. Along with the letters, there are answers 6 by people who are thought to know how to solve such problems. some of these writers are doctors; 7 are lawyers or educators. But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special training for this kind of work.( ) 1. A. Instead B


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