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1、精品资料BEC剑桥商务英语中级作文模板、例题超全解析.BEC中级作文模板、例题超全解析题型: 1商务书信类; 2商务便条便函类;3商务信函类;4. 商务报告类商务书信类 这一题型要求考生根据所提供的短文,如书信、传真、便函、留言条(电话留言条)等,起草一封书信,字数要求达到120140词左右。题目结构:Input: 1 situation description 2 task 3 target readerReading: texts in note, letter, fax, memo + content points (handwritten notes; second letter)Wr

2、ite: business letter (120-140 words) 【例题】l You have organised a production conference for your company which will be held on 10 October 2005. The following is the letter of confirmation you received from the Conference Centre.l Read the letter and fax below, which gives details of the conference.l T

3、hen, using all information from the fax, write your letter to John Smith at the Nuffield Conference Centre, explaining the changes to the arrangements.l Do not include postal addresses.l Write 120-140 words on separate sheet.Dear Conference Organiser,I am writing to confirm the arrangements for the

4、conference.DATE AND TIME: 10th October-10 a.m. to 5 p.m.NUMBER OF GUESTS: 50ROOMS RESERVED 10 a. m. to 12: 30 p.m.CONFERENCE HALL 32 p.m. to 5 p.m. SEMINAR ROOMS 1, 2, and 3CATERING: Coffee-11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.Lunch-12:30p.m. to 2p.m.Conference Centre RestaurantTea-4 p.m.We look forward to welcomin

5、g your company to the Nuffield Conference Centre.Yours faithfully,John SmithToday your Production Manager has sent you the fax below with changes he would like to make to the conference arrangementsFAX Im afraid we have to make some last-minute changes to the arrangements for our production conferen

6、ce.1. Ten more guests have accepted.2. The President wants only one hour for lunch, and just a simple buffet-not seated in the restaurant.The Conference Speaker(Tom Moors)cant come until 2 pm. So he will give his presentation in the afternoon. Can we move the seminars to the morning?Sorry about this

7、!Sam2.商务便函与便条审题:Mr Smith, your boss, told you to ask Ms Liu to attend a sales presentation on a new product.Write a note to Ms Liu:*saying who wants her to attend the sales presentation;*informing her when and where the sales presentation will be held(一)商务便函一般公司企业往往都印有按照自己公司风格的商业便函,请看下列例子:MemoTo:(收信

8、人)From:(发信人)Date:(日期)Subject:(事由)Message:(正文)商务便函一般由以下几个部分组成: 1、Memo: Memo是Memorandum缩写,因此也可以用Memorandum备忘录 2、To:这一标题后面应写收信人的姓名与职衔,姓名前可以用尊称或不用,如: To:Mr. John Smith,Sales Manager 3、From:这一标题后应写发信人的姓名与职衔:职衔可根据需要决定写或不写,但姓名前不要用尊称。 4、Date:日期的写法同书信里日期写法的要求完全一样,不要用数字来表示月份。 5、Subject:这一标题后是写事由的,即用一个或几个词汇简单概

9、括便函的内容,以便查阅。事由必须简洁明了,不要用完整的句子,如:Changes in Travel Advance FormPromotion of Staff Vacation ScheduleParticipation in Training Programmes (二)商务便条商务便条一般有四个组成部分:日期、称呼、正文、签名。一些公司有印好的便条笺。如: MessageTo: Date: MessageTelephone MessageFor: From: Tel.: Message:Action required: Please call back Caller will call

10、back later No action requiredMessage taken by: Date Time 例:让秘书通知推迟约会 9 a. m.Miss Wang ,Ive got an urgent meeting today. Please contact the applicants to postpone the interviews till further notice.DS分类:1 告知信息 inform2 布置安排 arrange3 征求意见 request4 询问信息 enquire5 求助申请 apply6 推荐建议 suggest1 告知信息类例题:l You a

11、re a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just merged with a competitor to become MasonGolding. You have been asked to inform staff of the change of name.l Write a memo of 40 - 50 words:* informing staff of the new name* telling them when to start using the new name* asking s

12、taff to use only the new name after that time.收购与兼并 merger and aquisition范文:As a result of our merger with Mason&Co., the name of our company will be changed MasonGolding. Please start to use the new name on 1 March 2006. You are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on.例题You are the

13、 training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.Write a memo to staff:explaining why the courses are necessarysaying which members of staff should attendannouncing when the courses will startWrite 40-

14、50 words on a separate sheet.范文To: All staffFrom: the Training ManagerDate: 1 March 2005Subject: A Foreign Language Training CourseI was asked to organise a foreign language training course because of the large export order we received recently. It will start on 15 March and will last 2 weeks. Those

15、 who will deal with orders should attend this course.2 布置安排类l You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.l Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary:l telling her who you

16、are going to see and whenl asking her to book flight tickets and accommodationl telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.l Write on your Answer Sheet.subsidiary, parent company, holding company, affiliate, branch, headquarters, representative office范文:I need to have an urgent m

17、eeting with Pierre Blanco of our Paris office tomorrow. Please book a return ticket to Paris and a hotel room for me as soon as possible. During my absence, please keep me informed of the progress of the project. If there is anything urgent, give me a phone call.例文You are the manager of a small expo

18、rt company. Peter Watson, an important client, is visiting your company for three days from 22 October.Write a note of 40-50 words to your secretary:Asking her to book a hotel roomSaying where the hotel should beGiving her the dates范文比较下面三篇作文,注意内容点和语气的区别。作文1:Dear Ms Jones,I am writing to inform you

19、that Mr Peter Watson will be visiting our company. Would you please be so kindly as to reserve a suitable room for him?Yours sincerely作文2:Hi Mary,Look. Im really sorry to have to trouble you but Peter Watson a really important client is visiting the company for three days in October, starting on 22n

20、d, to discuss a contract with us. Please will you book for Mr Watson a really nice hotel room as soon as possible? Thanks very much.See you soon!作文3 Mary,Mr Peter Watson is visiting us in October. Could you please hire a hotel room for him? He is arriving on 22nd October and will stay for three nigh

21、ts. If possible, the hotel should be one near the office. Thank you.3 询问信息类例5You are the factory manager of a car company. You are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department.Write a note to Mr Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager:enquiring about the reason for the de

22、lay;stating when the components are needed;suggesting a meeting to discuss future deliveries.Write 40 - 50 words on your Answer Sheet.范文I am writing to enquire about the reason of the late delivery of the ordered components. We need the components by next Monday. In order to smooth our cooperation,

23、I suggest that we have a meeting to discuss future deliveries.4 征求意见类例文You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:informing them of the postponing and givin

24、g the reasonstating a new date and time for the meetingrequesting suggestions for the agenda.Write on your Answer Sheet.词汇:postpone; delay agenda, schedule, timetable范文I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. Because several team members will be abroad for another

25、project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.最后一句话可以替换为:Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.5 求助申请类例题You have lost your calculat

26、or, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray.Write a memo to hersaying that you need a replacementexplaining what happened to the old oneasking her to approve the requestWrite about 40-50 words.范文I am writing to apply for a replacement calculato

27、r. I found the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday. As a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request?例题You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills.Write an email to your line manager:requesting time off work to go to the seminarsaying w

28、hen the seminar isexplaining why you want to goWrite 40-50 words on a separate sheet.词汇:line and staff management, line manager, staff manager句型:May I have your permission to do sth?范文To: Nick JohnsonSubject: Presentation Skills SeminarI would like to attend a seminar on 3 April.It is about presenta

29、tion skills. Since I have to make many presentations to customers, this seminar will be very useful.Could you tell me if its possible to take time off work to attend this seminar?ThanksAngela6 推荐建议类例题Your companys Sales Department has asked you to give a talk next Friday on your most recent project.

30、Write an email to Mrs Jay in the Sales Department:agreeing to give the talk and suggesting a timesaying what equipment you will needrequesting information about the participants.Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet. 范文To: Anna JaySubject: Talk Next FridayI would like to give the talk suggested by y

31、ou and I think 9.30am, after the break, would be the perfect time.Required equipment: - Overhead Project- Flipchart with PensPlease give me some information about the people participating.3.商务信函字数要求 40-50 / 120-140重视开头和结尾段落 开头部分: (1)开头部分要恰到好处。 (2)不要使用否定性的或不礼貌的词语。 (3)要从对方的角度出发体谅对方(You-Viewpoint),而不能以

32、自我为中心(1-Viewpoint)。 (4)开始句一定要切合正题,不要东拉西扯,重复对方明知的信息。(5)起首段落不宜太长。(6)起首段落要前后一致,保证连贯性。开始句最好提一下上一次联系的情况,显得自然。结尾段落:(1) 明确指出希望对方采取的行动。(2) 如果对方不是行动的执行者,一定要指明动作的执行者是谁。(3) 说明该行动的具体实施细则。(4) 指明最后的期限。(5) 赞赏对方,但除非对方曾为你做过什么,否则不要随便道谢。(6) 避免使用消极性词汇。(7) 如若需要,表明愿意提供帮助的态度。(8) 结尾段落不宜过长。总结常用句型:Referring to previous conta

33、ct:Thank you for your letter of/dated .With reference toFurther toIn reply toStating the reason for writing:I am writing to enquire about to confirm that to apologise for/about in reply to your with reference to Ending a letterIf you have any further questions, please contact me on I look forward to

34、 hearing from you soon. in due course. in the near future.注意考试当中的格式问题题目分类:1 订单类 handling order2 询问类 enquiry and reply3 投诉类 complaint and apology4 告知变化类 notice of changes5 邀请类 invitations例题l You are the owner of a clothing factory. A customer has sent you a letter summarising a recent negotiation. Yo

35、u have written some notes on the letter.l Write a 120 - 140 word reply to the buyer using the letter and your notes.l Write on your Answer Sheet.Mrs P MirzaLahore Textiles6 Ocean RoadLahoreDear ParveenIt was good to see you again last week and we are delighted that your silk blouses will be included

36、 in our winter catalogue.As promised, listed below are the points agreed at the meeting.1. The contract is for the Sheba range of silk blouses in three colours.2. You will grant us exclusive import rights for the blouses in the UK.3. The quantity will be 5,000 pieces, with a further option of 3,000.

37、4. The price per piece will be $ 5.65 for the first 5,000. You will confirm the price for the optional 3,000 pieces.5. Payment will be by letter of credit.6. The initial order will be ready ex factory by 1 August 1999.I trust you will find this in order. I look forward to your written confirmation i

38、n due course.Best regardsStephanie powellChief Purchaser段落:平头式/缩进式范例1:Block Version( 平头式 )Dear Sir or Madam,We welcome you the order above order. The prices you mentioned are old ones. The current prices should be 5% higher. However, we accept your order and wish to assure you that delivery will be

39、made immediately we receive your L/C.Our T-shirts and knitting wares enjoy favourable reception in the world market because of their fine quality and excellent craftsmanship. No wonder your customers have remarked favourably on our products. You may be sure that we shall do our best to maintain our

40、reputation for quality and reliability.We enclose a quotation for summer wares, such as bathing suits, all cotton vests and shall be pleased to receive further orders from you.Yours faithfully,Edward White范例2 Indented Version( 缩行式 ) October 30,2005Messers Samson Ghadban Co., Ltd.15 Horns Avenue,Trip

41、oli Lebanon.Dear Sir or Madam:Thank you for replying so promptly to our enquiry for lightweight extinguishers and also for your offer to arrange a demonstration.Our general manager and our office manager will both be able to meet Mr Burton at any time during the morning or afternoon of Thursday, Nov

42、ember 10th. It would be helpful if Mr Burton would write or phone to let us know at what time we may expect him. Yours faithfully, John Black范文:Dear Stephanie,Thank you for your letter of 1 March. We are delighted that the Sheba range will be in your catalogue.There are, however, some small points w

43、hich need clarifying.l The Sheba range comes in six colours. Please look at the samples and confirm which three colours you would like.l You referred to the further option of 3,000 pieces. I thought we had agreed on 4,000. Please confirm the correct figure.l I can confirm the optional pieces will co

44、st $ 5.25 each.Unfortunately, due to a full order book, we are unable to deliver by 1.8.99. The earliest date would be 15.8.99. I hope this will be acceptable.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,Parveen Mirza例题l The company you work for is expanding rapidly and is looking for new premises. Your Manag


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