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1、_2016年高二英语下册3月月考试卷(附答案)右玉一中高二年级3月月考试卷 高二英语 (时间:120分钟, 满分:150分) 第一部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题3分,满分60分) 第一节 (共15小题,每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出最佳选项。A Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from

2、 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he

3、or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention to class. Opposite to wha

4、t many people believe, if you dont eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals. 21. During the test, those who

5、 were tested were given _. A. no breakfast at all B. very rich breakfast C. little food for breakfast D. different breakfast or none 22. The results of the test show that _. A. breakfast has great effect on work and studies B. breakfast has little to do with a person s work C. a person will work bet

6、ter if he has a simple breakfast D. those wor king with brains should have much for breakfast 23. The passage mentions that many people believe that if you dont eat breakfast, you will _. A. lose weight B. not lose weight C. be healthier D. gain a lot of weight 24. Which of the following is not true

7、 according to the passage? A. Poor breakfasts affect those who wo rk with brains. B. Morning diet may cause one to get fatter. C. Reducing lunch and supper is of less value in weight losing. D. Eating less in lunch and supper may help to lose weight.B Canyonlands National Park Canyonlands National P

8、ark is a famous tourist attraction in Utah where visitors can see arches (拱门) and other beautiful rock formations. Canyonlands National Park is a wild,lonely area of rocks,rivers and desert plants.Only Native Americans,cowboys,and explorers entered this area before the park was set up in 1964.Even t

9、oday,it is difficult to walk or ride through the park.The roads are still made of d irt.Driving requires a special vehicle.The Nation al Park Service says Canyonlands National Park is wild America. Rivers created the area as they cut rocks into many different formations.At the center of the park are

10、 two deep canyons(峡谷) carved by the Green and Colorado Rivers.Three areas that surround these rivers are included in the park. One of these areas is called the Maze District.This area includes rock art made by people who lived there more than 2,000 years ago.Yet many people today cannot see the Maze

11、 District because it is so difficult to reach.The area is one of the loneliest and wildest areas in the United States. Another area of the park is called the Needles.It includes long,thin,red and white rocks that reach high into the air like fingers on a hand. A good way to see all the areas of Cany

12、onlands National Park is to fly over it.A one hour trip in a small airplane makes it possible to see the parks red rocks,arches and flat areas where ancient Indian people once lived. From high in the air,visitors can clearly see the third area of the park-a high broad flat rock known as the Island i

13、n the Sky.The island was formed between the two rivers. Another interesting formation is called the Upheaval Dome.This is a huge hole about four hundred and fifty meters deep and one point five kilometers wide.It is considered to be the most unusual geological (地质的) structure in the area. 25Why is C

14、anyonlands National Park referred to as wild America? ANo vehicle is available to go through the park. BThe park today still remains as it was in the past. CThere is no access for people to get close to it. DA variety of wild animals and plants grow in it. 26What do we know about the Maze District?

15、ANo one is allowed to explore the area. BIt is known to the outside world. CIts rock art dates back over 2,000 years. DIt is the loneliest and wildest place in the US. 27Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text? AThe unique geological structure results from the force of na

16、ture. BThe Needles is named after the rocks in the shape of needles. CCanyonlands National Park has a history of about 2,000 years. DThe Green and Colorado Rivers divide the park into three parts. 28In order to have a good view of the park,you should go sightseeing_. Aby air Bby land Cby water Don f

17、oot 29Where did ancient Indian people use to live? AThe red rocks. BThe flat areas. CThe Island in the Sky. DThe Upheaval Dome. C It might seem hard to imagine that a bad tooth could be deadly.But doctors in the Washington area said a boy died when a tooth infection(感染) spread to his brain.They said

18、 it might have been prevented,had he received the dental(牙齿的) care he needed. Experts at the National Institutes of Health say good dental ca re starts at birth.Breast milk, they say, is the best food for the healthy development of teeth.Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production

19、 in the mouth. When babys teeth begin to appear, you can clean them with a wet toothbrush.Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies and to use them very gently. The use of fluoride(氯化物) to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world.For example, it is o

20、ften added to drinking water supplies.The fluoride mixes with enamel(釉质), the hard surface on teeth, to help prevent holes, or cavities from forming. But young children often swallow toothpaste when they brush.The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste c

21、an cause problems.So young children should be carefully supervised when they brush their teeth.And only a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, the size of a green pea,should be used. Parents often wonder what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their babys teeth.Dental exp

22、erts generally agree that this is fine earl y in life. The American Academy of Family Physicians says most children stop sucking their thumb by the age of four.If it continues, the group advises parents to talk to their childs dentist or doctor.It could interfere with the correct development of perm

23、anent teeth. 30.The boy with a bad tooth died because_. A. His tooth disease was very deadly. B. The doctor refused to treat him properly C. He didnt receive timely treatment D. Something was wrong with his brain 31.The underlined word “supervised”in the fifth paragraph means “_” Awatched and direct

24、ed Btaught and helped Cpraised and advised Dled and pointed out 32.The best title of this passage is “_” A. The reason of a twelve-year-old boys death B. Baby teeth should be cared for from birth C. Breast milk and fluoride are important D.How to help young children form good habits D Doctors say ob

25、esity,also known as severe overweight,is a complex condition.A doctor may advise medical interventions(医疗干预) in addition to changes in behavior.But experts say the more successful weightloss plans include a wellbalanced diet and exercise. People who want to avoid weight gain have to balance the numb

26、er of calories they eat with the number of calories they use.To lose weight,you can reduce the number of calories you take in,or increase the number you use,or both.Experts at the National Institutes of Health say to lose weight,a person should do some moderate or intensive physical exercise most da

27、ys of the week.This could include fast walking,sports or strength training. A recent study looked at four of the most popular dieting plans in the United States.Researchers at Stanford University studied more than three hundred overweight women,mostly in their thirties or forties.Each woman went on

28、one of the four plans:Atkins,The Zone,Ornish or LEARN.The women attended diet classes and received written information about the food plans.At the end of a year,the women on the Atkins diet had lost the most,more than four and a half kilograms on average. Christopher Gardner led the study,reported i

29、n the Journal of the American Medical Association. He said the Atkins diet may be more successful because of its simple message to lower the intake of sugar.Also,he said the advice to increase protein in the diet leads to more satisfying meals But last week,another report suggested that only a small

30、 minority of people have longterm success in dieting.Researchers at the University of California found that most dieters regained their lost weight within five years.And often they gained back even more.But those who kept the weight off generally were the ones who exercised. 33All the fo llowing is

31、helpful to lose weight EXCEPT_. Aa healthy diet Bphysical exercise Cmedical interventions Dbeing polite to others 34You are most likely to ga in too much weight if_. Ayou eat the same number of calories as the number you use Byou take in less calories than the number you use Cyou take in more calori

32、es than the number you use Dyou take exercise regularly on the weekdays 35Which one of the following is the best title for this passage? ASuccessful Weightloss Plans BFour Popular Dieting Plans CWhat Is the Atkins Diet? DFew People Fail in Losing Weight 第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处

33、的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。E _36_ .Being angry doesnt really solve much, but what people do when they feel angry is important. The goal is to calm down and try to solve what is bothering you. This is hard for some kids and adults, too. Instead of calming down, some kids might keep getting more and more upset

34、 until they explode like a volcano! _37_ .Their anger might be so strong that they lose control of their temper. They may act in ways unacceptable and hurtful. People may say that someone has trouble controlling their temper._38_ Some kids might get so angry that they scream at their parents, break

35、something , or even worse , hit their brothers or sisters._39_ .However, its not OK for a kid to do any of those things .Kids dont want to act in this way , but sometimes angry feelings can be hard to manage. So what to do? Well, the good news is that kids dont just have to keep making the same mist

36、akes over and over again._40_ .Imagine your temper as a puppy inside you that needs some training. The puppy is not bad - it will probably t urn out a great dog. It just needs to learn some rules because, right now, that puppy is causing some problems to you. A.You can train you temper. B.You dont w

37、ant to cause trouble. C. Kids should be allowed to express their feelings, even angry ones. D. Everybody gets angry sometimes. E. In fact, they usually mean that a kid behaves badly when feeling angry. F. Instead of thinking of the person youre angry with, think of something else. G. Some kids get a

38、ngry more often or more easily than some other kids. 第二部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分55分) 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A young man was getting ready to gradually from college. For many months he had 41 a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom, and 42 hi

39、s father could well 43 it, he told him that was all he wanted. On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 44 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 45 but slightly disappointed, the young man 46 the box and found a

40、lovely book. 47 , he raised his voice at his father and said. 48 all your money you give me a book? And rushed out of the house 49 the book in the study. He did not contact (联系) his father for a whole year 50 one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father. He 51 he had to go back

41、 home and see his father. When he arrived at his fathers house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 52 the hospital. He saw on the desk the 53 new book, just as he had left it one 54 ago. he opened it and began to 55 the pages. Suddenly, a car key

42、56 from an envelope taped behind the book, it had a lag (标签) with dealers name, the 57 dealer who had the sports car he bad 58 . On the tag was the 59 of his graduation, and the 60 PAID IN FULL. ( )41. A. expected ( )42. A. knowing ( )43. A. offer ( )44. A. encouraged ( )45. A. Nervous ( )46. A. ope

43、ned ( )47. A. Eagerly ( )48. A. At ( )49. A. toasting ( )50. A. as ( )51. A. learned ( )52. A. leave for ( )53. A. much ( )54. A. week ( )55. A. clean ( )56. A. dropped ( )57. A. same ( )58. A. remembered ( )59. A. Picture ( )60. A. date B. enjoyed B. proving B. afford B. proud B. Serious B. packed

44、B. Angrily B . With B. putting B. until B. recognized B. search for B. hardly B. month B. read B. came B. old B. found B. date B. information C. owned C. deciding C. keep C. comfortable C. Curious C. picked up C. Calmly C. From C. leaving C. before C. realized C. turn to C. still C. year C. count C.

45、 appeared C. special C. desired C. place C. words D. admired D. finding D. like D. moved D. Careful D. put aside D. Anxiously D. To D. forgetting D. unless D. admitted D. get to D. quite D. day D. turn D. lost D. new D. met D. met D. card 第二节(共10小题,每题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料.在空白处填人适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(每空限填一词

46、) Once a farmers donkey (驴) fell into a deep well. The animal cried loudly for hours, but the farmer couldnt figure out what to do 61 it. Finally, he decided that the animal was old and that the well needed to be covered anyway, so he 62 (think) the donkey wasnt worth saving. Then, he invited some o

47、f his neighbors to come over and help 63 . They all took a shovel (铁铲) and began to put dirt in to the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried 64 (pitiful). Then, to everyones surprise, the donkey became quiet. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down into the well a

48、nd was astonished at 65 he saw. Each shovel of dirt hit its back, but the donkey was doing something 66 (amaze). It was shaking the dirt off and taking a step up. 67 the neighbors continued to put more dirt on top of the animal, it would shake the dirt off and take one more step up. Pretty soon ever

49、yone was surprised as the donkey stepped up over the edge of 68 well and ran off happily! When life some times 69 ( put) dirt on you, the best way of getting out of the well is to shake the dirt off and take a step up. Each of your troubles is a stepping stone. You can get out of the deepest well just 70 never giving up! 第三部分: 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:短文改错 (10分) 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字


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