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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除1. I am then never less alone than when alone. 我那时从未觉得独处时更寂寞。2. Nobody will be the wiser.没人会知道的。3. The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.牛津词典是有关英文一切问题的最高权威。4. Dont you see the writing on the wall?难道你看不到灾难的迫近吗?5. Truth lies at the bottom

2、of the decanter.酒后吐真言。6. Dont tell him home truths.不要对他讲逆耳忠言。7. This will go a long way in overcoming the difficulty. 这在突破难关时是很有帮助的。8. He has a yellow streak in him. 他性格胆怯。9. One or two of the jewels would never be missed.丢失一两粒珠宝是绝不会知道的。10. I know he meant business.我知道他不是开玩笑的。11. This failure was th

3、e making of him.这次失败成就了他。12. He has never recovered her loss.他没有摆脱失去她的悲痛。13. I could do with more leisure time.要再多一些闲暇就好了。14. She is now in a delicate condition. 她现在怀孕中。15. The lecturer carried his audience with him.他的演讲吸引了所有听众。16. General Smith and my father are on first name basis.史将军和我父亲是能直呼名字的知交

4、。7. The grey mare is the better horse. 牝鸡司晨。18. How much did you have to pay down on the car?那辆车你得付多少定金?19. Rich and poor were sitting cheek by jowl in the audience.富人和穷人并肩坐在一起听讲。20. Keep your chin up.不要气馁!21. The wind blows south.风从南边吹来。22. There was no living in the island.那岛不能居住。23. A drowning ma

5、n catches at a straw.一个将溺死的人哪怕是一根草也要去抓。24. It was not that he had plenty of money.并不是因为他有很多钱。25. The cavalry were well mounted.骑兵都是骑的好马。26. He wanted to go to sea.他想去当水手。27. She is careless of her dress.她不爱惜她的衣服。28. None is so deaf as those that wont hear.没有比不要听的人更聋了。29. You must make good any loss.

6、你必须赔偿一切损失。30. Those apples are good and ripe.那些苹果熟透了。31. The smoke betrayed where the dwelling lay.炊烟起处有人家。32. Curses come home to roost.害人终害己。33. He is brave like anything.他无比英勇。34. It is said that his days are numbered. 据说他时日无多。35. It is time he began to work.现在是他该开始工作的时候了。36. He was lost in admir

7、ation.他羡慕之至。37. He was strong in his time.他年轻时身强力壮。38. He may be drowned for all I care.他也许会溺死,但我毫不介意。39. There is no love lost between them.他们之间非常不合。40. He had words with her.他和她发生了争吵。41. He was laid up for a few days.他病倒在床两三天了。42. He took my advice in good part.他接受了我的忠言。43. It is a wise man that n

8、ever makes mistakes.智者千虑必有一失。44. We parted the best friends. 分别时我们是极好的朋友。45. Twenty failed, myself among the rest. 二十人失败,我自己也是其中之一。46. I am in his debt. 我欠他钱。47. He is dead, as I live.他的的确确是死了。48. She will make you a good wife.她将成为你的好妻子。49. His picture does credit to a professional.他的画较之专家所作亦无逊色。50.

9、 I am staying with a friend.我现在住在一个朋友家。51. They made an example of the boy.他们惩罚了那个孩子以儆效尤。52. We found them at table.我看见他们在用餐。53. I will make myself obeyed.你们必将恪守我说的话。54. But for hope, life would be short.若无希望,人生 苦短。55. He is ignorant to a proverb.他的无知人尽皆知。56. The man was generous to a fault.他太慷慨了。57

10、. I have no opinion of that sort of man。 我对那种人毫无好感。58. He will finish it in no time.他马上就会把这个做完。59. I have a long letter in hand. 我正在写一封长信。60. He thought all his own that she had. 他认为她所有的一切都是他的。61. He is equal to any task whatever.他对任何工作都应付自如。62. He has to answer to me for the letter.关于那封信他必须对我负责。63.

11、 They did not answer to your explanation.那些和你的解释不相符。64. The officer was broken for neglect of duty.那军官因玩忽职守而受降级处分。65. They were killed to a man.他们被杀得片甲不留。66. The village is on the side of the mountain.那村庄在山腰上。67. He was at once a soldier and a writer.他是一名军人,同时也是一名作家。68. She can play on the piano aft

12、er a fashion.她勉强能弹点钢琴。69. He was worn out with company.来客太多使他疲于应接。70. Take this as an earnest of what is to come.这个作为定金,以后再行付清。71. It is the man behind the gun that tells. 胜败在人而不在武器。72. He never calls a spade a spade.他从不直言不讳。/ 他总是拐弯抹角。73. The proper study of mankind is man.要正常地研究人类,就应以人为对象。74. The C

13、hild is father of the Man.一个人的心性在他小时候就会体现出来。75. Every time he snickers, he sprays his audience, like a Chinese laundryman.每次他笑时唾沫横飞到他的交谈者身上,犹如中国洗衣匠76. That picture flatters her.那画像比她本人美。77. He flatters himself that he speaks English as well as an Englishman.他妄自以为他说英语跟英国人一样好。 78. It does not belong t

14、o me to dictate to my colleagues.我无权对同事下命令。79. Better not be at all than not be noble.与其忍辱偷生,不如光荣而死。80. Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits.足不出户的年轻人,心智常是平庸的。81. I will see you hanged first.我必使你先吊死。82. Shes the sort of woman who likes to be very much in evidence.她是那种爱出风头的女人。83. He doesnt know an

15、y better.他一点也不懂事。84. He is one of the institutions of the place.他是当地知名人物之一。85. Ill eat my hat if I do.我决不做。86. It is the watch I am anxious to have mended.这就是我渴望去修好的表。87. I can make nothing of what he says.他说的话我一点也不懂。88. I did what I thought was wise.我做了我认为是贤明的事。89. He talked himself hoarse.他说得声音都嘶哑

16、了。90. I went an enemy, and returned a friend.我去时是敌,归时为友。91. He wants for something to read.他没有可读的东西。92. She made light of her illness.她轻视自己的病。93. He looked thanks at her.他感激地看着她。94. There is nothing like home.任何地方都没有家里好。95. You have your own way to make.你要努力开拓自己的前途。96. She is well-informed for a wom

17、an of the old school.作为一个旧式的女人,她算是见多识广的。97. He will do for a teacher.他适宜当老师。98. I am no mans man.我不是任何人的下人。99. He takes after his father more than his mother.他更像父亲。100. I have next to nothing to say about my childhood.关于我的童年,我几乎没有什么可说的。101. I shall leave here for good next year. 明年我将离开这里不再回来。102. He

18、 was caught red-handed.他当场被抓。103. Every man cannot be a poet.并非人人可为诗人。104. Dont cough more than you can help.能不咳就不咳。/只要能忍住,就别咳。105. You are not playing the game.你不公平。106. The actress has her head turned.那女优得意忘形。107. Im a Dutchman if it is true.绝无此事。 108. There are friends and friends.朋友有种种不同,有益友,有损友

19、。109. I wish peace could be saved at the eleventh hour.我希望在最后时刻可以挽回和平。110. I am now a little under the weather.我现在有点不舒服。111. Somebody will have to break the ice.总得有人先开口说话。112. The boy cried because his schoolfellows called him names.那孩子哭了,因为同学骂了他。113. If he has a hobby let him ride it.如果他有什么得意的话题,让他

20、发挥好了。114. Why should I quarrel with my bread and butter?我干吗要和自己的生计过不去呢?115. He used to lay down the law in a teahouse.他从前在茶馆里大发议论武断一切。116. Most people have a daily fight to keep the wolf from the door.许多人每天都在与饥饿作斗争。117. There is no come and go with him.他非常固执,怎么也劝不动他。118. He has come off second best.

21、他失败了。119. He has got out of the bed on the wrong side today.他今天很不高兴。120. Go it while you are young.青春不再,趁早努力。121. My shoes are the worse for wear.我的鞋子穿破了。122. Everybody bridled at his remarks.大家听了他的话都感到愤怒。123. Fight shy of the theoretical method of approach to the learning of translation.学翻译要尽力避免只谈理

22、论而不务实际。124. It is not women only that would rather have their tongues bitten than bitted. 宁肯割断舌头也不愿闭嘴的不只有女人。125. He changed his condition only a week ago.他刚在一星期前结婚了。126. He got married accepting a leap-year proposal.他接受女方的求婚结婚了。127. All my advice falls flat on him.他把我的忠告当作耳边风。128. You can always tel

23、l the somebodies from nobodies at a cocktail party. The somebodies come late.鸡尾酒会上你常可看出大人物和无名小卒来。那些迟到的都是大人物。129. The persons elected will sit till 31 Dec, 1973.当选的人任期至1973年底。130. He is free with his money.他很豪爽。131. An airplane was ordered from France.向法国定了一架飞机。132. She has been a widow only six mont

24、hs.她的丈夫死了不过半年。133. Your loss is nothing to mine.你的损失和我的比较起来真算不了什么。134. He started on New Years Eve.他在除夕出发了。135. He left his watch with me.他将手表托我保管。136. He pretended not to be ill.他假装没有生病。137. “I think not,” said he.他说:“我以为不是这样。”138. It is two years come Christmas.到今年圣诞时就是两年了。139. Men of millions are

25、 possessed with the idea.百万富翁都有这种思想。140. He is behind time.他迟到了。141. He went up stairs.他上楼去了。142. One fine morning he found himself a ruined man. 一朝醒来,他发现自己破产了。143. His English leaves nothing to be desired.他的英语好得不能再好了。144. Take care that all is right.注意使一切正常。145. He measured his length on the floor

26、as soon as he entered the room.他一进房就跌倒在地方。146. We searched him to no purpose.我们搜遍了他全身,但毫无所获。147. I met a woman with child when I came home.我回家时遇到一位孕妇。148. He succeeded to a large property.他继承了一大笔财产。149. He caught me by the hand.他抓住了我的手。150. What shall I go in?我穿什么出去呢?151. He says what he does not me

27、an.他口是心非。152. No alcohol this evening.今晚不喝酒。153. What does c-a-m-e-l spell?c-a-m-e-l拼成一个什么词?154. He is tired of the work.他对那工作已经厌倦了。155. Life is often compared to a voyage.人生常常比作旅行。156. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.宁为鸡先,不为牛后。/宁做鸡头,不做凤尾。157. Iowas Governor Harold Hughes had withdrawn

28、his favorite son candidacy 12 days ago and shortly afterwards announced his support for Senator Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota.爱荷华州州长休斯撤销了他自己被州内一致推举出来提名竞选总统的候补资格,并随即宣布他支持明尼苏达州的参议员麦卡锡竞选。158. If the election were held today, we would not have a prayer.如果今天举行竞选的话,我们就用不着感谢上帝了/ 必定失败。159. I would rather

29、have his room than his company.我宁愿他不在此。160. That women are bad drivers is open to question.说女人不会驾车值得商榷。161. The lost child was soon identified.那迷路的孩子很快就辨明身份了。162. He begged to be remembered to you.他向你致意。163. I have seen nothing of him of late.我近来没看见他。164. He shared the little he had with the poor.他把

30、他所有的少许东西也分给了穷人。165. What you cannot afford to buy, do without.买不起,则不买。166. What is done cannot be undone.覆水难收。167. She believed he said so honestly.她相信他说了实话。168. They have been broken into a dozen pieces.它们打成了碎片。169. They that know nothing fear nothing.不知者无畏。170. The picture was painted after Wu Cha

31、ngshuo.这画是模仿吴昌硕画的。171. He knows what it is to have a boy idle.他知道让孩子游荡下去的后果。172. It is no proof that one cannot do a thing because one does not like it.不喜欢做并不是不能做的理由。173. I bought these books new.这些书我是买的新的。174. He borrowed a horse of a friend.他从朋友那里借了一匹马。175. He covered ten miles an hour.他一小时走了十英里。176. He helped himself to the wine.他随意自斟自酌。177. I believe in rough, manly sports.我认为激励的男性的运动是好的。178. He did not see the movie out.他没看完那部影片。179. Eighty poor fellows perished.不幸有八十人死亡。180. He said nothing to that effect.他丝毫没说含有那种意思的话。【精品文档】第 4 页


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