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1、如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流with复合结构比较句型【精品文档】第 6 页With的复合结构1. With a government health warning cigarette packets, smokers have to think twice when they are to light a cigarette(attach) 烟盒上附着政府的健康警告,抽烟者在他们即将点燃一支烟时不得不三思。2. With , I cant give you a definite answer now. (discuss) 还有一些细节要讨论,我现在还不能给你一个明确的答复。3. W

2、ith_ _his lecture about the endangered animals, the professor has been preparing for it all the day. (attend)因为许多学生来听关于濒危动物的报告,这位教授一整天都在做准备。 4. With , the farmers refused to take a rest, for fear of missing the best planting time(plant)还要栽很多树,农民们担心错过最佳栽种时节,都不愿休息。5. I showed him a map of China in the

3、 Ming Dynasty on it.(with)我给他看了一张明朝时的中国地图,所有的边界都画在上面。6. I cant get down to my work with _ around. (play) 有这么多的孩子在身边玩耍,我不能开始认真工作。7With he didnt know what to do next(arise)随着很多问题的出现,他不知道下一步该做什么了。8. With_ ,you can enjoy yourself in the Food Festival, (taste)有如此多的食物品尝,在这次美食节上你可以好好享受一番了。9. The murderer w

4、as brought in, with _ behind his back. (tie)这个凶手被带了进来,双手绑在背后10With , his family continues to support him in every way(come)来源:学科网他的梦想实现了,但他的家庭继续在各个方面支持他。11. With the population increasing in this city, it is suggested that a new water supply plant be built up, with the government _ . (provide) 由于人口不

5、断增长,建议在这个城市建一个新供水厂,资金将由政府提供。12. _, many animals are facing the danger of dying out. (destroy)大部分森林毁掉了,很多动物面临着灭绝的危险。13. With so , the newly-elected chairman couldnt sleep well at night. (settle)由于有如此多的问题要解决,这个新当选的主席晚上没法睡得很好。14. With the newly-elected president , most Americans think that things will

6、change for the better. (come) 随着新总统的上台,大多数美国人都任务事情会向好的方向发展。来源:学科网强调句 1. It was my younger brother _ the party last night. (organize) 昨晚是我弟弟组织了那个聚会。 2. It was my father _ me not to give up painting. (persuade) 是我爸爸劝服我别放弃画画。3. It is your efforts, not your intelligence, _ your success. (determine)是你的努力

7、而不是你的智力决定你的成功。4. It is not what you say, but what you do, _ . (count) 重要的是你的行动,而不是你的言语5. It is his efforts, rather than how much he knows, _ success as a player. (result)他作为一名运动员而获得成功,不是因为他懂得多少,而是他的努力的结果。 6. It is years of hard work _ what he is today. (make) 多年的辛苦成就了他今天的样子。7. It is the burning of m

8、ore and more fossil fuels _ this increase in carbon dioxide. (result)正是由于越来越多燃烧化学燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。8. _ that our school sports meeting will be held. (it)我们学校的运动会时在明天举行。9. _ that we arrived at the small town, which had fallen in total silence. (it) 午夜时分我们才到达那个已经完全沉寂的小镇的。10. It was in a drawer _ some old p

9、hotographs. (come) 他是在抽屉里意外发现这些旧照片的。11. It was at midnight _ yesterday. (return) 昨晚他是半夜回家的。12. _ I met an old friend of mine. (it) 是在街上我遇到了我的一个老朋友。13. It was for this reason _ out of Wuhan City. (move)正是由于这个原因他才搬出了武汉市。14. It was nine years ago, when I came to China for the first time, _ learn Chines

10、e. (begin)我是在十年前第一次来中国时开始学习汉语的。 15. It was in the village which we used to live in _ each other. (know)我们是在我们以前生活过的村子相识的。16. It was only when the accident took place _ the importance of careful driving. (realize)只有当事故发生了,他才意识到小心驾驶的重要性。 17. It was only after one is in trouble _ how much sympathy ther

11、e is in the world. (realize)只有当一个人遇上困难,他才能意识到世界上有多少同情心。18. It was not until a month later _ . (hear) 直到一个月之后我才收到他的来信。19. It was _ I recognized the famous film star. (until)直到她把墨镜摘下来后我才认出这位著名的影星。20. It was _that I knew the truth.(until)直到昨天下午他才知道真相。 21. It was _ that he knew what kind of a country sh

12、e was(until)直到他来到中国他才知道她是一个什么样的国家。 22. _ that she realized she had forgotten her book?(until)是直到她进入教室她才意识到她忘了带书吗? 23. Was it in the mine _? No one was sure. (treasure, bury)那批珍宝藏在矿山中吗? 谁也不能确定。24. _ you wanted to tell her?(be)你想告诉他的究竟是什么?25. I just wonder _ makes him so excited.(be)我只是想知道究竟是什么让他如此兴奋。

13、26. I really dont know _ he bought the cell phone.(be)我真的不知道他究竟在哪里买的手机。 27. _ taught you English ten years ago? (who) 到底是谁在十年前教你们英语。 28. Do you still remember _ that you last went out for a walk with your Daddy?你还记得最后一次究竟是什么时候与你父亲出去散步吗?29Could you tell me_ you found the missing boy (it) 你能告诉我你究竟是在哪里

14、找到的那个丢失的男孩。30.It is your efforts, not your intelligence _ your success, (contribute)正是你的努力,而不是你的聪明促成你的成功。31It was because he experienced the unusual turns and twists of his career .( resolve ) 正是他经历了职业生涯的起起伏伏后,他才决定退休的。32. Its not now finding a method, but finding the best one that is effective and s

15、afe _. (matter) 现在不是要找个方法,而是找到最好的,有效又安全的方法最为重要。来源:Zxxk.Com33It is not the money at the fear that the canes is hopeless. (worry)真正令美国人不安的倒还不是钱的问题,而是对取得战争胜利遥遥无的恐怖。34. It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do our work most. (benefit) 让我们的工作最受益的不是我们做多少,而是我们有多么热爱自己所做的事。35. In my

16、opinion, it is his measures rather than his ability _. (blame)依我看来,是他的措施而不是他的能力应该受责备。36My classmates kept asking me _that l worked out the mathproblem(how)我的同学们一直在问我到底是怎么做出那道数学题的。37I think that it is I rather than my sister what has happened. (blame)我认为出了事不能怪姐姐而应该怪我。来源:学.科.网38. _ that Bell sent his

17、first telephone message to his assistant Watson. (until) 直到5天后贝尔给他的助手沃森发送了第一份信息。39. Wed like to know _, a businessman like your age has succeeded in remaining energetic. (it) 我想知道一个你这样年龄的商人究竟怎样成功地保持精力充沛。40. Who _ went to the concert with you yesterday? (it)到底是谁昨天跟你一起去听音乐会的?41Do you know that your pa

18、rents chose to settle down in this city? (why)你知道你父母为什么选择在这座城市定居吗?42. It is always _that we realize it is not so important as we expect, ( obtain)我们总是在得到我们想要的东西后,才意识到它们不像我们希望的那么重要。43It was _ _ the cost that the factory made some money and got out of debt in the end. (cut). 正是通过削减开支,那家工厂才赚得一些钱并最终摆脱了债

19、务。来源:学.科.网44. I feel it is the absent-minded driver the traffic accident. (blame) 我以为那个心不在焉的司机应为这起交通事故负责。45It was at a Christmas party _ my American friend Jack(acquaintance)我是在一次圣诞晚会上认识我的美国朋友杰克的。46. I really want to know _that Gangnam Style is so popular all over the world.(why) 我真的想知道是为什么江南style如此

20、的风靡全世界。47. When the survivor came to, he was eager to know _saved him from the burning house. (be) 当生还者醒过来后,他急切的想知道是谁把他从燃烧的房子里救出来的。 48. Was it because of murder _? (sentence) 他是因为谋杀才被判处死刑的吗?49. The CEO from the big company believed that it was the newcomers ability _,not the university they graduate

21、d from. ( difference)这家大公司的首席执行官认为,真正重要的是新员工的能力,而不是他们毕业于什么大学。 50. From my point of view, it is you, rather than your husband, _your spoiled child. (blame)在我来看,是你而不是你的丈夫应该为宠坏了的孩子受责备。51. It was only after serious consideration _to sponsor the poor children to finish his compulsory education. (decide)

22、他就是在慎重考虑后,才决定资助这个贫困孩子完成义务教育。比较结构 1. After the new equipment was introduced , our company produced _ in 2012 as the year before(twice) 在新的设备引进后,我们公司在2012年生产了和前年数量相比两倍的机器。2.His answer was so confused that hardly of it at all. (sense)他的答案很不清楚,我根本弄不懂。3. A person with a severe mental health problem is to

23、 have no close friends than the average. (likely)有着严重心理疾病的人找不到知心朋友的可能性是普通人的四倍。4. The more often you seize opportunities to talk to the foreigners , _ _when speaking a foreign language . (confident) 越抓住机会和老外交谈,说外语时你就越自信。5. When I was at middle school, my physics teacher told me light _ sound. (travel

24、) 在中学时,我的物理老师告诉我光比声音传播得快。来源:Zxxk.Com6. As the College Entrance Examination is in sight, we teachers feel you students. (relax) 高考临近,我们老师并不比你们学生感到轻松。7. When we went shopping last week, Mary spent as I did (much) 我们上周去购物的时候,玛丽花掉的钱只有我花掉的一半。8.Jody Williams also worked hard to make_ as possible agree not

25、 to use landmines, (country) 乔迪威廉斯还努力使尽可能多的国家同意不使用地雷来源:学_科_网9. According to statistics, a man is to die of skin cancer as a woman.(likely)来源:Zxxk.Com 根据一项调查,男性死于皮肤癌的可能性是女性的两倍。10. You can buy the handbag online with one third the market price, (than)你可以在网上买这款手袋,价钱比市场价少三分之一。11. As far as I am concerne

26、d, education is about learning and the more you learn , you are. (equip)在我看来,教学习。你学的越多,你就越能适应生活12. The earlier you get rid of smoking, _ protect yourself against serious illnesses in later life. (likely) 你越早戒烟,你就越可能在今后的生活中保护自己不得重病。13. It is estimated that Ten cent QQ has more than 500 million users,

27、which is almost _ the United States. (population) 据估计,腾讯QQ有五亿多用户,这差不多是美国人口的两倍。14. To learn English well, you should keep in mind the more you speak English, _ . (become)要学好英语,你应该牢记你讲得越多,你的英语就会越好。15. She was when her daughter didnt come home. (more) 当她的女儿没回家时,与其说她生气倒不如说她担心。16The factorys output of ca

28、rs this year is _ as that of last year. 今年这家工厂生产的小汽车的产量大约是去年的三倍(great)17_in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River.(long) 世界上最长的三条河流是尼罗河,亚马逊和长江。18. At the award ceremony, Mr.Jackson said, “For me, there has been _than your support.”(great) 在颁奖仪式上Mr.Jackson说:“对于我来说,没有比你的支持更大的回报

29、。19The X Games _ than sports like football and basketball. (familiar)极限运动并不像足球和篮球那么被我们熟悉。are less familiar to us20In the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China got nearly _ as Japan. (many)在广州亚运会上,中国获得的金牌数量是日本的四倍。21The boys, _ could not reach the shelf, went to look for something to stand on. (tall)那些孩子里较高

30、的一个也够不着搁板,于是就去找可以垫脚的东西。22It is _ that nobody can move it. (such)箱子如此重,没人移得动它。23_ to spend more time playing computer games than you do studying. (right)花费比学习还多的时间去玩电脑游戏是不对的。24We are trying hard to make the rebuilt tower _ in the past. (wonderful)我们努力使这座重建的塔跟过去一样美观。25Our city is _ in our province, wi

31、th a population of over 3 million. (large)我们的城市是省内第三大城市,人口超过三百万。26Taking everything into consideration, the result is _. (expect)把一切都考虑在内,结果比预期的还要好。27This is a country that has a population almost _ America. (that)这个国家的人口差不多是美国的三倍。28When I told her that at the top of the mountain the air would be _,

32、 she said she wasnt afraid of that. (breathe) 当我告诉她在山顶很难呼吸时,她说她不怕。29Our school will be enlarged soon, and it will be _(大三倍)than it is now, as far as I know. (large)我们的学校将很快扩大,据我所知,它将是现在的三倍大 。30The earthquake that happened in San Francisco in 1989 was _in the United States, which killed about 100 peo

33、ple. (strong) 1989年发生的旧金山地震是美国第二强的地震,死了大约100 人。31I cant carry this box. Believe it or not, its _of that one. (weight)我扛不动这箱子。信不信由你,它的重量是那口箱子的两倍多。32Tom,_ to have left the house without turning off the light. (it)汤姆,你离开房子没关灯你太粗心了。33Thank you for your suggestion, Cathy. _ than this to solve the problem

34、, I think. (good) 谢谢你的建议,Cathy。我认为解决这个问题不可能有比这更好的办法。34This island is _in December every year, when it will be cut off by ice and snow. (crowded) 这个岛每年12月份最不拥挤, 那时被冰雪切断了联系。35I _ for your kindness, because without your help I cant have succeeded in the exam. (enough) 对于你的善意我太感谢你了,因为没有你的帮助我不可能在考试中成功。36Each new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and_ to discover new possibilities. (make)看待局势的每个新的方法提高了我们的理解和使得发现新的可能性更容易37That year in Cambridge, I remember, _ were required to take part in the Boat Race. (strong)那年在剑桥,我记得十个年轻力壮的中国学生要求参加划船比赛。


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