2022年高三物理第二轮专题复习专题三电场和磁场中的带电粒子教案人教版 .pdf

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《2022年高三物理第二轮专题复习专题三电场和磁场中的带电粒子教案人教版 .pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高三物理第二轮专题复习专题三电场和磁场中的带电粒子教案人教版 .pdf(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、deployment requirements, vigorously strengthen the partys ideological and politi cal construction, strong regulation four winds , the ideologi cal and political quality of party members and cadres has a new improved. But also to see, some members cadres belief not really letter, and slim not really

2、repair, not understand Marx doctrine princi ple, not learning party of innovation theory, not believes in party of political advocates; some members cadres party of consciousness and members consciousness desalination, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not

3、 for party; some members cadres politi cal discipline, a nd political rules relaxation, mouth no shoot, mess assessment jump on the party of policies and so on. Solve the problem of party members and cadres i deologically, must start with the ideological and politi cal construction, through the two

4、learning education i nto ideologi cal and political work in day-to-day political life of the party, do fine catch, catch, catch a long, continuous force for a long time to work. 3. two education is condensed power development needs. With the de epening of reform and the full implementation of the ru

5、le of law, we are building Qiang Fu MGM an important task of the new XXX, whi ch we need to rally the wisdom in all aspects, form a partnership to promote the developme nt of a strong force. So, grass-roots party and ge neral members to deep awareness two learn a do learning education of important m

6、eaning, effective activated grass-roots party fighting fortress role, full play members pioneer model role, in full district development strategy practice in the da ng good vanguard, a nd le d bar-headed geese, build a support has iron general belief, and iron ge neral faith, and iron general disci

7、pline , and iron General play of members cadres team, for full district work provides strong political, and thought and organization based. 4. two learning education is to enhance the ability of party members and cadres needed. T he current, complex and volatile state of the world of the party, our

8、party is facing unprecedented difficulties and challenges since the ruling, but also shoulders an important responsibility of politics, soci ety, history, more urgent goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Specific to our personal, minority party members love to party, party

9、, party, retaining the consciousness of the party still needs to be strengthened t o work and conscientiousness, initiatives still need to be enha nced, ca pacity level nee ds to be further enha nced. Our party . Create two learn a do learning education of strong atmosphere on how carried out two le

10、arn a do learning education, central programme and also issued has le arning education programme, Central Organization Department issued has learning education of programme, province, and municipal issued has implementation programme, for all members and at level a bove leaders of learning education

11、, respectively proposed has different requirements, district also specifically develope d has 1+2+4+1 of implementation programme, respectively clear has learning of main content, and Focus on ways and means of solving problems and lear ning. We want to seriously implement the Central and provincial

12、, city and district of deployme nt requirements, as more strict and more practical spirit grasp this work. Innovative ways of learning, and earnestly study and understand. To always put learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech as two learn a do learning education of heavy in the of he

13、avy, through concentrated learn, and topic learn, and research learn, variety way, strengthened da ily learning; carried out learn Constitution, keep party rules hundred day copy Constitution activities, do precisi on lear ning, insisted article-by-article step, and combines a , and station high tel

14、escope, in read original, and learn original, and Wu princi ple in the guben cult ure Yuan, complement spirit of calcium, strengthening belief of repair, cast faith of soul. To looks at Yu party and national career of new development on members of new requirements, seriously organization members lea

15、ders topic democratic life, and branch topi c organised will, further mirror, and are dresse d, and wash bath, and rule cure, self control party cultivation high not high, normal of carried out three will a class, activities, further deep understanding to who, and relies on w ho, a nd I is who, self

16、 review members consciousness strong not strong, timely error correction correction, effective do learn deep Wu through, and really understand really with. Second highlight-oriented learning, a nd earnestly oath State line. Any members of the party spirit, consciousness and moral level, neither with

17、 the a ccumulation of standing nor wit h his promotion of natural increase requires transforming the subjective world, strengthe n character mold to establish firm ideals and convictions. Therefore, adhering to problem-oriented, problem-solving is two learning the internal requirements. In re cent y

18、ears, through the educational practice of the mass line of the party, three-three thematic educational activities, quality of party members and ca dres in our region as a whole has improved, spirit has been changed, but there are still some outstandi ng issues and pr oblems. Like part rural members

19、discipli ne legal consciousness not strong, masses concept weak, pione er model role play not obviously, on grass-roots democracy construction, and public affairs indifference, and not as, cannot consciously boycott yellow bet HIV against, entertainment activities not health not civilization, minori

20、ty party fighting fortress role play not obviously, three will a class, party political life, and four on the two public, village level democratic decision enough seri ous specification, highlig ht probl em, to effective do side learn side check si de modified, and State said State line State modifi

21、ed, Excited in learning education in the party undertaking, energetic and enterprising spirit, into promoting reform and developme nt, construction of Qiang Fu MGM engines of the new XXX. Three actual learning, focus on service work. Currently, we are in a period of reform and development of opportu

22、nities; construction of Qiang Fu MGM XXX is the new main . Party members perplexity and concern. Rich give a Party lecture form, encourage experiential party lecture, live party lecture, interview-style party lecture, using typical, positive and negative side, strengthening the attraction and appeal

23、 of party lecture. 71, each branch in conjunction with the begi nning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Third branch of the Organization will be held. The f ull experience of educational practice using the mass line, three-t hree thematic education held a special de

24、mocratic meeting and the Organization s practices, picked up the weapons of criticism and self-effectively to solve problems, promote unity and purpose. Four are conscientiously carrying out the democratic review. Combined thematic Organization 专题三电场和磁场中的带电粒子一、考点回顾1三种力:2重力的分析:(1)对于微观粒子,如电子、质子、离子等一般不


26、速度大小,也可以改变电荷运动的方向,而洛伦兹力只能改变电荷运动的速度方向,不能改变速度大小;(5)电场力可以对电荷做功,能改变电荷的动能;洛伦兹力不能对电荷做功,不能改变电荷的动能;(6)匀强电场中在电场力的作用下,运动电荷的偏转轨迹为抛物线;匀强磁场中在洛伦兹力的作用下,垂直于磁场方向运动的电荷的偏转轨迹为圆弧。4带电粒子在独立匀强场中的运动:(1)不计重力的带电粒子在匀强电场中的运动可分二种情况:平行进入匀强电场,在电场中做匀加速直线运动和匀减速直线运动;垂直进入匀强电场,在电场中做匀变速曲线运动(类平抛运动 );(2)不计重力的带电粒子在匀强磁场中的运动可分二种情况:平行进入匀强磁场时,

27、做匀速直线运动;垂直进入匀强磁场时,做变加速曲线运动(匀速圆周运动);5不计重力的带电粒子在匀强磁场中做不完整圆周运动的解题思路:不计重力的带电粒子在匀强磁场中做匀速圆周运动的轨迹半径r=mv/Bq;其运动周期T=2 m/Bq( 与速度大小无关) (1)用几何知识确定圆心并求半径:因为F方向指向圆心,根据F一定垂直 v,画出粒子运动轨迹中任意两点(大多是射入点和出射点)的 F或半径方向,其延长线的交点即为圆心,再用几何知识求其半径与弦长的关系;(2)确定轨迹所对的圆心角,求运动时间:先利用圆心角与弦切角的关系,或者是四边形内角和等于360 (或 2 )计算出圆心角的大小,再由公式t= T/36

28、00(或 T/2 )可求出运动时间。6带电粒子在复合场中运动的基本分析复合场是指电场、磁场、重力场并存,或其中某两种场并存的场。带电粒子在这些复合大小方向决定因素重力G=mg=GMm/R2竖直向下由场决定, 与物体的运动状态( v)无关电场力F=qE 与 E方向平行洛伦兹力f=Bqv 与 B、v 平面垂直(左手定则)由场和物体的运动状态( v)共同决定精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 18 页场中运动时, 必须同时考虑电场力、洛伦兹力和重力的作用或其中某两种力的作用,因此对粒子的运动形式的分析就显得极为重要。所以问题本质还

29、是物体的动力学问题。分析此类问题的一般方法为:首先从粒子的开始运动状态受力分析着手,由合力和初速度判断粒子的运动轨迹和运动性质,注意速度和洛伦兹力相互影响这一特点,将整个运动过程和各个阶段都分析清楚,然后再结合题设条件,边界条件等,选取粒子的运动过程,选用有关动力学理论公式求解。(1)粒子所受的合力和初速度决定粒子的运动轨迹及运动性质:当带电粒子在复合场中所受的合外力为0 时,粒子将做匀速直线运动或静止。当带电粒子所受的合外力与运动方向在同一条直线上时,粒子将做变速直线运动。当带电粒子所受的合外力充当向心力时,粒子将做匀速圆周运动,且恒力的合力一定为零。当带电粒子所受的合外力的大小、方向均是不

30、断变化的,则粒子将做变加速运动,这类问题一般只能用能量关系处理。(2)匀变速直线运动公式、运动的合成和分解、匀速圆周运动的运动学公式;(3)牛顿运动定律、动量定理和动量守恒定律;(4)动能定理、能量守恒定律。7实际应用模型有:显像管、回旋加速器、速度选择器、正负电子对撞机、质谱仪、电磁流量计、磁流体发电机、霍尔效应等等。二、经典例题剖析1如图所示,在某水平方向的电场线AB 上(电场线方向未标明),将一受到水平向右恒定拉力的带电粒子(不计重力)在A 点由静止释放,带电粒子沿AB 方向开始运动, 经过 B 点时的速度恰好为零,则下列结论正确的有【】A粒子在A、B 两点间移动时,恒力做功的数值大于粒

31、子在AB 两点间电势能差的绝对值B可能 A 点的电势高于B 点的电势,也可能A 点的电势低于B 点的电势CA 处的场强可能大于B 处的场强D粒子的运动不可能是匀速运动,也不可能是匀加速运动解析: 根据动能定理,恒力做的正功跟电场力做的负功,数值相等,即恒力做功跟电势能之差的绝对值应相等,A 错误; 带电粒子从A 点由静止开始向B运动, 经过 B 点时速度为零,这表明带电粒子在恒力和电场力作用下先做加速运动后做减速运动,因此粒子的运动不可能是匀速运动。同时表明电场力的方向向左。粒子先做加速运动,说明水平向右的恒力大于水平向左的电场力,后做减速运动, 表明后来水平向左的电场力大于水平向右的恒力,因

32、此粒子不可能做匀加速运动,D 选项正确; 粒子在 B处受到的电场力比A 处大,因此 B处的场强大于 A 处的场强, C 选项错误;如粒子带正电,电场线方向应由B 指向 A、B点电势高于 A 点电势;如粒子带负电,电场线方向应由A 指向 B,A 点电势高于B点电势。因此, A、B两点电势的高低无法判断。答案:BD 点评:此题是动力学观点与电场性质、能量观点等知识点的综合应用判断题目。2如图所示的装置是在竖直平面内放置光滑的绝缘轨道,处于水平向右的匀强电场中,以带负电荷的小球从高 h 的 A 处静止开始下滑, 沿轨道 ABC运动后进入圆环内作圆周运动。 已知小球所受到电场力是其重力的3/4,圆环半

33、径为 R,斜面倾角为=53,sBC=2R。若使小球在圆环内能作完整的圆周运动,h 至少为多少?AB精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 18 页deployment requirements, vigorously strengthen the partys ideological and politi cal construction, strong regulation four winds , the ideologi cal and political quality of party members and cadr

34、es has a new improved. But also to see, some members cadrebelief not really letter, and slim not really repair, not understand Marx doctrine princi ple, not learning party of innovation theory, not believes in party of political advocates; some members cadres party of consciousness and members consc

35、iousness desalination, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not for party; some members cadres politi cal discipline, a nd political rules relaxation, mouth no shoot, mess assessment jump on the party of policies and so on. Solve the problem of party members

36、and cadres i deologically, must start with the ideological and politi cal construction, through the two learning education i nto ideologi cal and political work in day-to-day political life of the party, do fine catch, catch, catch a long, continuous force for a long time to work. 3. two education i

37、s condensed power development needs. With the de epening of reform and the full implementation of the rule of law, we are building Qiang Fu MGM an important task of the new XXX, whi ch we need to rally the wisdom in all aspects, form a partnership to promote the developme nt of a strong force. So, g

38、rass-roots party and ge neral members to deep awareness two learn a do learning education of important meaning, effective activated grass-roots party fighting fortress role, full play members pioneer model role, in full district development strategy practice in the da ng good vanguard, a nd le d bar

39、-headed geese, build a support has iron general belief, and iron ge neral faith, and iron general disci pline , and iron General play of members cadres team, for full district work provides strong political, and thought and organization based. 4. two learning education is to enhance the ability of p

40、arty members and cadres needed. T he current, complex and volatile state of the world of the party, our party is facing unprecedented difficulties and challenges since the ruling, but also shoulders an important responsibility of politics, soci ety, history, more urgent goal of realizing the great r

41、ejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Specific to our personal, minority party members love to party, party, party, retaining the consciousness of the party still needs to be strengthened t o work and conscientiousness, initiatives still need to be enha nced, ca pacity level nee ds to be further enha n

42、ced. Our party . Create two learn a do learning education of strong atmosphere on how carried out two learn a do learning education, central programme and also issued has le arning education programme, Central Organization Department issued has learning education of programme, province, and municipa

43、l issued has implementation programme, for all members and at level a bove leaders of learning education, respectively proposed has different requirements, district also specifically develope d has 1+2+4+1 of implementation programme, respectively clear has learning of main content, and Focus on way

44、s and means of solvi ng problems and lear ning. We want to seriously implement the Central and provincial, city and district of deployme nt requirements, as more strict and more practical spirit grasp this work. Innovative ways of learning, and earnestly study and understand. To always put learn Con

45、stitution Party rules, and learn series speech as two learn a do learning education of heavy in the of heavy, 用心爱心专心through concentrated learn, and topic learn, and research learn, variety way, strengthened da ily learning; carried out learn Constitution, keep party rules hundred day copy Constituti

46、on activities, do precisi on lear ning, insisted article-by-article step, and combines a , and station high telescope, in read original, and learn original, and Wu princi ple in the guben cult ure Yuan, complement spirit of calcium, strengthening belief of repair, cast faith of soul. To looks at Yu

47、party and national career of new development on members of new requirements, seriously organization members leaders topic democratic life, and branch topi c organised will, further mirror, and are dresse d, and wash bath, and rule cure, self control party cultivation high not high, normal of carried

48、 out three will a class, activities, further deep understanding to who, and relies on w ho, a nd I is who, self review members consciousness strong not strong, timely error correction correction, effective do learn deep W u through, and really understand really with. Second highlight-oriented learni

49、ng, a nd earnestly oath State line. Any members of the party spirit, consciousness and moral level, neither with the a ccumulation of standing nor wit h his promotion of natural increase requires transforming the subjective world, strengthe n character mold to establish firm ideals and convictions.

50、Therefore, adhering to problem-oriented, problem-solving is two learning the internal requirements. In re cent years, through the educational practice of the mass line of the party, three-three thematic educational activities, quality of party members and ca dres in our region as a whole has improve


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