2022年六年级上册期末测试题 .pdf

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1、六年级上册期末测试题一 按要求写出相应的词: (15 分)1. no (反义词) 2. eye (同义词) 3. tall (反义词)4. box (复数) _5. mother(相对词 ) 6. play(现在分词)7. Its (原形) 8. Jim(所有格) _9. child (复数)10. on (相对词) 11、 collect (动名词)_ 12、 America(形容词) _ 13、 hobby(复数) _14、 riding (动词原形 )_15 、I (宾格) _ 二单项选择: (26 分)( )1. this your teacher ? A. Its B. Is C.

2、is ( )2. I would like basketball . A. to play B. play C. playing ( )3. I have a letter my friend . A. in B. for C. from ( )4. There is “u” and “s” in the word bus . A. an ; a B. a ; an C. the ; the ( )5. There is a store our school . A. in front of B. in the front of C. in front ( )6.Does your broth

3、er a snack after school ? A. eat B. eats C. eating ( )7. The boy is from Pairs. A. with curly blond hair B. in a red C. in red coat ( )8. a pretty girl ! A. Whats B. What C. How ( )9. Its time home . A. go B. going C. to go ( )10. - your aunt live in a castle ? -Yes, she _. A. Is ; is B. Does ;does

4、C. Does ; is ( )11、Simon has got some chopsticks, _ they are difficult. A、and B、but C、or ( )12、Pandas eat _ twelve hours a day. A、 for B 、to C 、on ( )13、She sometimes _ the classroom after school. A、clean B、 cleans C、cleaning ( )14、I want to _the UN building someday. A、visit B、visits C、visiting ( )1

5、5、Believe it _ not. Snakes cant hear. I believe it. A、 or B、 and C、but ( )16、_is my hobby. A、Collecting cars B、swims C 、Read stories ( )17.He can dance he cant sing. A. and B. but C. so ( )18.What interesting film it is! A. a B. an C. the ( )19.Daming can play table tennis,and he can play flute. A.

6、the ,the B. the, / C. /, the ( )20.I m Linda. Please my pen friend.A. am B. is C. be ( )21.I dont like pears ,so I eat them. A. never B. sometimes C. often ( )22.Do you want inside A. go B. to go C. goes ( )23.Does he with toys? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页 A. likes play

7、B. like playing C. like play ( )24. Let s _ _ to see films. Good idea! A. go B. goes C. going ( )25.Father Christmas gives presents the children. A. at B. for C. to ( )26.A baby can sleep twenty hours a day. A. in B. for C. to 三、为下列问句选择正确的答语。(5 分)( )1、Do you want to visit the Summer Palace? A、 Sanya

8、. ( )2、Where are you going? B、By bus. ( )3、What s y our favourite city? C、Yes, I do. ( )4、Are there any pandas at the zoo? D 、To the park. ( )5、How do you go to school every day? E 、Yes, there are. 四、选词填空,请将答案写到横线上。(5 分)peace all around present bamboo fantastic 1、There are flags from _ the world. 2、

9、What a _ present! 3、They want to bring _ to the world. 4、Pandas love _. 5、I want to show Daming the _ from China. 五 、 英 汉 短 语 翻 译 。 ( 1 0 分 )1. 联 合 国 大 厦2.t ent of i v e3. 一 天 十 二 小 时4.t heSummerPal ac e5. 图 书 馆 规 则6.bel i ev ei tornot7. s t andi nl i ne8. 全 世 界9. 端 午 节10. s l eepi nt hewi nt er六 、

10、根 据 句 意 和 汉 语 提 示 , 完 成 句 子 。 ( 10 分 )1. Ther ear es omeol d( 建 筑 )i nt hec i t y.2. Pl eas e( 快 点 ).I t st ent osi x.3. Pandasl ov e( 竹 子 ).4. Thi si smyemai l( 地 址 ).5. He( 总 是 )r i dehi sb i ket os cho ol.6. I v egots omecho pst i c ks ,butt heyar e( 困 难 )7. That( 听 起 来 )ni c e.8. Doy ouof t en(

11、清 理 )y ourr o om?9. Ther ei sabi g( 广 场 )i nBei j i ng.10. Now y ouc anhave( 另 一 个 )Chi neses t amp.七 、 根 据 上 下 文 的 意 思 , 用 所 给 单 词 的 正 确 形 式 填 空 。 ( 10 分 )1. Il i k e( c o l l ect )st amps.2. Ihav et wo( k ni f e).3. Fl y i ng k i t es an d r e adi ng book s ar e my( hobby ).4. Ther e sChi nes e( d

12、anc e).5. Li ngl i ng( say )s hewi l lc omesoon.6.( pl eas e )t omeety o u!精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页7. Theyar ef r om 192( c ount r y ).8. I m( s end)anemai lt omyf ami l y.9. Let( we)got ot hepar k.10. Ther e( be)s omeor ang ej ui c ei nt he b ot t l e. 五 、八 、 选 择 配 伍

13、 ( 10 分 )从 栏 中 找 出 栏 每 个 句 子 恰 当 的 答 语 并 将 答 案 标 号 写 在 题 前 括 号 内 。() 1 How bi gi sL ondon?A Yes , Id0() 2 Wher ear eyo uf r om?B Notv er yof t en() 3 I st her eal et t erf orme ?C You r ewel come() 4 Doyouwantt oChi nat own ?D No, Ihav en t () 5 Hav ey ougotanys andwi c h?E I m f r om Canada ()6Can

14、s he s p eak Fr enc h?FI t s got ei ght mi l l i on peopl e () 7 Thanky ousomuc hG Ye s , t h er ei s () 8 Pandas eatmeat , bel i ev e i t ornot ?H No, s he can t () 9 Do y ou o f t en c l e an y our d es k ?I I t s in E ngl an d() 10 W her ei st h eLond onEye ?J Ido n tbe l i ev ei t 九 、 连 词 成 句 ,

15、注 意 大 小 写 和 标 点 符 号 。 ( 5 分 )1.about/b ook/got/ you/have/a/Amer i c a(?)2.bedr oom /c omp ut er/i n/i s/t her e/a/my( .)3.t o/go/do/t o/y ou/want/Qi ngd ao(? )4.hi s/i s/l oo k i ng/hobb y/s t ar s/ at( .)5.be/y our/c a n/f r i end/ pen/who(?)十、阅读理解: ( 10 分)I m Mary . I m from England . This is my f

16、amily photo . The woman in a sweater is my mother. She is a doctor . The man in the brown coat is my father . He is a teacher of English . I m a student in a primary school . We live in an apartment . After school , I usually play badminton with my friends . After dinner , I always do my homework. T

17、hen I watch TV. I go to sleep at ten thirty . My favorite food is hot dog . On holidays we like camping . 1.Where is Mary from ? 2.Where does she live ? 3.What s her father ? 4.When does she go to sleep ? 5.What do they like doing on holidays ? There is a big supermarket near Mrs. Greens house. She

18、usually goes there to buy food . The shop assistants are polite and helpful . The things are cheap, too . One day Mrs. Green goes to the supermarket . She buys some noodles for Tim 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页and Mimi . They like noodles . Biscuits are also their favorite

19、 food . And she buys some milk. Her children always have milk for breakfast . Mimi likes fish and Tim likes hot dog . She buys some fish and sausages for them, too . Mrs. Green doesnt have enough apples at home. She wants to buy a bag of apples, but she cant take it. It is very heavy. David, the sho

20、p assistant, is helping her . ( )1. Where does Mrs. Green often buy food ? A. In the shop . B. In the supermarket . C. In the big market . ( )2. Who likes biscuits ? A. Tim B. Mimi C. Tim and Mimi ( )3. Mrs. Green buys some for breakfast . A. milk B. eggs C. candy ( )4. Does Mrs. Green buy a bag of

21、apples ? A. No, it is too heavy. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she is . ( )5. The shop assistant is . A. helpful B. help others C. too heavy 十 一 、 阅 读 理 解 。 ( 10 分 )A: 阅 读 短 文 , 选 择 正 确 的 答 案 。My n ame i s Al i ce I m Canada Ihav e gotf ourpen f r i e nds f r omChi na I k no w somet h i ng about Ch i na

22、 f r o m t hem Chi nes e peop l e l i k eu s i ngchops t i c ksandeat i n gdumpl i ngs It hi nkc hop s t i c k sar ed i f f i c ul t f or me I o f t en u s e k ni f e a nd f or k t o e at My f avour i t ef ood is b r ead a nd c h ees e Yes t er da y I g ot p ost c ar d fr om m y p e nf r i end On ei

23、 sapi c t ur eoft heSu mmerPal ac e , t heot heri sap i c t ur eoft heW es tLak e Il i ket hem v e r ymu ch() 1 Wher ei sAl i c ef r o m?A Amer i ca B Engl a ndC Canada() 2 How manyChi nesepenf r i endshasAl i c eg ot ?A Thr eeB Four C Si x() 3 WhatdoesAl i c eus et oe at ?A Chops t i c k sB Af or k

24、 C Hands () 4 Whodi dgi vet hep os t c ar dt oAl i c e?A Sal es man B Fi r emanC Her pen f r i ends () 5 WhatdoChi n es epe opl el i k et oeat ?A Chees eB Dumpl i n gsC Br eadB: 阅 读 短 文 , 判 断 正 (T) 误 (F) 。He l l o!My n ame i s L i l i. I m Ch i nes e . I m t wel ve y ea r s o l d.I m in C l as s 1 ,

25、 G r ad e 6 .I ve g ot a g ood fr i end. H er n ame isAmy . She s el eve n . She i s i n Cl a ss 1,t oo.I l i k e c o l l ec t i n g dol l sa ndd r awi ng,buts hel i k e spl a yi ngf oot b al l.Mi s sW angi so urEngl i s ht eache r.Mi ssLii sourChi neset ea c her. W ear ei nXi nhuapr i ma r ys c hool.()1. Li l ii saChi nes egi r l .()2.Hergoodf r i endi sab oy.()3.Theyar ei nt hes amec l as soft hesames c h ool.()4.Mi s sLii st hei rEngl i sht eac her.()5.Li l iandAmybot hl i k epl ayi ngf o ot ba l l.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页


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