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1、文本为Word版本,下载可任意编辑和县二中2022高考 篇一:和县二中校园安全常识 和县二中校园安全常识 一、用电知识 1、如何防止乱拉电线? (1)用电要申请安装,线路设备装好后要经过检验合格,才可通电,临时线路要严格控制,专人负责管理,用后拆除。 (2)采用合格的线路器材和用电设备。 (3)线路和设备要由专业电工安装,一定要符合有关安全规定。 (4)发现宿舍的电器设备损坏或失灵,不可擅自修理,要及时报告有关部门派专人修理。 2、如何防止由电力线路、电器引发的火灾 防止由电力线路、电器引发的火灾,除了需要同学们自觉遵守以下几点规定外,大家在日常生活中还要互相提醒不要留下用电隐患。 (1)不乱

2、接电源,防止由乱接电源使电流过载导致的火灾。 (2)严禁使用破损的插头、插座等接线板,不要购买和使用质量低劣的电器产品,一定要选用有国家认证标志的合格电器产品。 (3)不使用老化、接头处无绝缘胶布包扎的电线,不使用无插头的接线。使用上述电线时,由于电阻过大,电线发热或接头处打火等原因可引起可燃物着火。 (4)不得私自安装床头灯、台灯,不得违章使用电炉、“热得快”、电热杯、电炒锅、电饭锅等电热器具。 (5)防止宿舍中电器长期通电。电视机、收录机、电脑等发生火灾,绝大多数是因为通电时间长,引起电器内部变压器发热、短路起火。做到人走灯灭,关闭电源,节约能源,消除隐患。 3、看到有人触电怎么办 当有人

3、触电后,其身边的人不要惊惶失措,应及时采取以下应急措施: (1)首先要赶快拉掉电源开关或拔掉电源插头,不可随便用手去拉触电者的身体。因触电者身上有电,一定要尽快先脱离电源,才能进行抢救。 (2)为了争取时间,可就地使用干燥的竹竿、扁担、木棍拨开触电者身上的电线或电器用具,绝不能使用铁器或潮湿的棍棒,以防触电。 (3)救护者可站在干燥的木板上或穿上不带钉子的胶底鞋,用一只手(千万不能同时用两只手)去拉触电者的干燥衣服,使触电者脱离电源。 (4)人在高处触电,要防止脱离电源后从高处跌下摔伤。 二、防火知识 火灾是威胁人类安全的重要灾害之一,发生在校园生活中的火灾,大部分是可以预防的。大家应该学习掌

4、握一些防火知识,以备不测。 1、引起火灾的火源有哪些 ? 火源一般分为直接火源和间接火源两大类。 直接火源有:(1)明火、灯火,如火柴、打火机火焰,香烟点火,烧红的电热丝等;(2)电火花;(3)雷电火等。 间接火源有:(1)加热起火;(2)本身自燃起火等。 这些火源,同学们在学习生活、试验中都可能接触到,只有认识和掌握它的存在和发生发展的规律,认真对待,一般能有效地预防火灾的发生。 2、如何预防火灾发生 ? (1)注意用电安全,不违章用电,不乱拉电线、使用禁用电器。 (2)发现火灾隐患,每个同学都有责任向班主任或学校领导、老师等报告。 (3)不在教室、宿舍使用蜡烛等明火照明、取暖等。 (4)不

5、在教室、宿舍以及公共场所吸烟,不乱丢烟头、火种。 (5)不在教室、宿舍存放易燃易爆物品。 (6)不在教室、宿舍、楼道堆放杂物。 (7)不在教室、宿舍、楼道焚烧垃圾。 (8)遇火灾险情,要懂得自救自保,及时呼救和逃离险境,并及时报告相关老师或管理人员。 3、怎样打火警电话 ? 全国统一规范使用的火警电话号码是“119”,在任何电话上都可直接拨打。拨打火警电话要注意以下事项: (1)要沉着镇定。 (2)在听到对方报“消防队”时,要讲清火灾发生的地点和单位,并尽可能讲清着火的对象、类型和范围以及有无伤员情况。 (3)要注意对方的提问,并把自己的电话号码告诉对方,以便联系。 (4)打完电话后,可立即派

6、人在门口和消防车必经之处等候,引导消防车迅速到达火场。 4、灭火的基本方法? (1)隔离法:将着火的地方或物体与其周围的可燃物隔离或移开,燃烧就会因为缺少可燃物而停止。如:关闭电源,可燃气、液体管道阀门;拆除与燃烧物毗邻的易燃建筑物等。 (2)窒息法:阻止空气流入燃烧区或用不燃烧的物质冲淡空气,使燃烧物得不到足够的氧气而熄灭。 (3)冷却法:将灭火剂直接喷射到燃烧物上,以降低燃烧物的温度。当燃烧物的温度降低到该物的燃点以下时,燃烧就停止了。主要用水和二氧化碳来冷却降温。水不宜用于电器、油脂、液化油等失火。 (4)抑制法:这种方法是用含氟、溴的化学灭火剂(如1211)喷向火焰, 让灭火剂参与到燃

7、烧反应中去,使燃烧链反应中断,达到灭火的目的。 以上方法可根据实际情况,一种或多种方法并用,以达到迅速灭火的目的。 但是,如果是不明化学物品起火、燃烧,不能贸然施救,必须报告专业消防队施救。 5、火灾逃生自救 ? (1)火灾袭来时要迅速逃生,不要贪恋财物。 (2)平时就要了解掌握火灾逃生的基本方法,熟悉几条逃生路线。 (3)受到火势威胁时,要当机立断披上浸湿的衣物、被褥等向安全出口方向冲出去。 (4)穿过浓烟逃生时,要尽量使身体贴近地面,并用湿毛巾捂住口鼻。 (5)身上着火,千万不要奔跑,可就地打滚或用厚重衣物压灭火苗。 (6)遇火灾不可乘坐电梯,要向安全出口方向逃生。 (7)室外着火,门已发

8、烫时,千万不要开门,以防大火窜入室内。要用浸湿的被褥、衣物等堵塞门窗,并泼水降温。 (8)若所有逃生线路被大火封锁,要立即退回室内,用打手电筒、挥舞衣物、呼叫等方式向窗外发送求救信号,等待救援。 (9)千万不要盲目跳楼,可利用疏散楼梯、阳台、排水管等逃生,或把床单、被套撕成条状连成绳索,紧拴在窗框、铁栏杆等固定物上,顺绳滑下,或下到未着火的楼层脱离险境。 三、卫生防疫与食品安全知识 为了保障中学生身体健康和生命安全,保持学校正常的教学秩序,维护社会的稳定,学校及有关部门要进一步加强卫生防疫与食品安全。作为学生,自身也要提高卫生防疫与食品安全意识,确保身体健康。因此,在日常生活、学习中,请大家注

9、重卫生防疫和食品安全。 1、加强体育锻炼,增强身体素质,提高防病抗病的能力。 2、坚持每天清扫教室、宿舍卫生,保持教室、宿舍整洁;保持教室、宿舍通风换气。 3、养成勤洗澡、勤换衣、勤洗手等良好的卫生习惯,提高自我防范能力。 4、严格遵守住校生住宿管理制度,不安排外来人员住宿,防止传染性疾病传入。 5、发现传染病患者立即采取相应的隔离防范措施,并及时报告学校,及时就医。 6、学会识别“三无”产品和过期、伪劣产品,坚决不食用“三无”产品和过期、伪劣产品。 7、坚持在学校食堂就餐,不在校外就餐。 8、养成一日三餐的良好饮食习惯,不吃零食、杂食;不偏食,不挑肥拣瘦, 多吃水果蔬菜。 9、不在卫生条件差

10、餐馆、摊点特别是没有卫生保障的路边摊点就餐,防止感染传染病或食物中毒事件发生。 10、发生食物中毒或者疑似食物中毒事件,要及时送医院治疗,同时,及时报告班主任或学校有关领导、教师。 四、交通安全知识 1、行走时怎样注意交通安全? (1)在道路上行走,要走人行道;没有人行道的道路,要靠路边行走。 (2)横穿马路时,要走斑马线或天桥、地下通道;没有斑马线或天桥、地下通道的地方,要在保证安全的情况下通行;在红绿灯路口,必须按照红绿灯指示通行。 (3)集体外出时,要有组织、有秩序地列队行走;结伴外出时,不要在公路上相互追逐、打闹、嬉戏。 在公路上列队行走,最多只能两个队列,且必须靠右侧路边行走。不能在

11、公路上横排(横队)行走。 (4)在公路上行走时,要专心,要注意周围情况,不要东张西望,不能边走边看书报或做其他妨碍安全通行的事情,更不能边走边玩手机如专注的接打电话、玩微信、玩游戏。 (5)在没有交通民警指挥的路段,要学会避让机动车辆,绝不与机动车辆争道抢行。 2、骑车要注意哪些安全事项? (1)中学生禁止骑摩托车;未满十六周岁,不准骑电瓶车;未满十二岁,不能骑自行车上路、上街。 (2)要经常检修车辆,保持车况完好。车闸、车铃是否灵敏、正常,尤其重要。 (3)骑车要在非机动车道上靠右边行驶,不逆行;转弯时不抢行猛拐,要提前减慢速度,看清四周情况,以明确的手势示意后再转弯。 (4)经过交叉路口,

12、要减速慢行、注意来往的行人、车辆;不闯红灯,遇到红灯要停车等候,待绿灯亮了再继续前行。 (5)骑车时不要双手撒把,不多人并骑,不互相攀扶,不互相追逐、打闹。 (6)自行车、电瓶车严禁在公路上载人行驶。 3、乘坐汽车应该注意什么? 汽车是人们外出最常用的交通工具,为保证乘坐安全,应注意以下几点: (1)不要在道路上等车、拦车、打车;要在站台或安全的路边等车、拦车、打车。 (2)乘坐公共汽车,要排队候车,按先后顺序上车,不要拥挤、推攘他人。 上下车均应等车停稳以后,先下后上,不要争抢。 (3)不要携带管制刀具及汽油、爆竹等易燃易爆的危险品或其他违禁品乘车。 (4)乘车时不要把头、手、胳膊伸出手窗外

13、,以免被对面来车或路边树木等刮伤;也不要向车窗外乱扔杂物,以免伤及他人。 (5)乘车时要坐稳扶好,没有座位时,要双脚自然分开,侧向站立,手应握紧扶手、拉环等,以免车辆紧急刹车时摔倒受伤。 (6)乘坐小轿车、微型客车时,在前排乘坐时应系好安全带;12周岁以下小孩严禁乘坐前排位子。 (7)到站下车时,必须待车停稳后才能下车,在车行道上不得从机动车左侧下车。 (8)一切农用车、货运车的车斗以及电瓶车禁止载人载客,严禁乘坐。 4、中学生乘车的安全常识要点? (1)要选好车。选择有交通管理部门认可的行车证和营运资格的、质量优良的,没有超员的客运车乘坐;发现机动车不具备载客的准运资格或明显质量问题的,不乘

14、该车。超员的车辆,不乘坐。客运车辆有额定的载客数,一般面包车允许司乘7人或8人,摩托车只能载客1人;一切农用车、货运车的车斗禁止载人载客。 (2)要选好人。选择有合格且与车辆配套的驾驶证,精神正常、饱满,无妨碍安全行车的疾病或过度疲劳的、饮酒的、吸毒的驾驶员驾驶的车乘坐;发现驾驶员患有妨碍安全行车的疾病或过度疲劳的、饮酒的,不要乘坐该车。 未成年人严禁驾驶机动车;成年人严禁无证(驾驶证)驾驶机动车。 (3)文明上车。不要在机动车道上等候车辆或招呼出租车,应该在车站台上或指定地点依次候车,车来后,待车停稳后,再按顺序先下后上,不要拥挤或推攘他人。不要携带管制刀具以及易燃、易爆等危险品或违禁品上车

15、。 (4)文明乘车。上车后,应找座位坐好,没有座位时,应该抓好把手站稳;乘坐小型客车,坐前排副驾驶位的要主动系好安全带,不满12周岁的小孩,不能乘坐副驾驶位置。 在车辆行驶中,不要与驾驶员闲谈或妨碍驾驶员操作;不要随意开启车门、车厢,不能将身体的任何部位伸出车外,不要向车外抛投物品;不要在车内随意走动、打闹。 (5)文明下车。车到站后,下车不可拥挤推攘他人;在车行道上不得从机动车左侧下车,开关车门时不能妨碍其它车辆和行人通行;下车后,需横穿车行道时,应在确定没有车辆过往(确保安全)时,从车尾部穿行,切不可从车头部贸然通过。 (6)有备无患。在交通活动中,首先应该做好交通安全的防范工作,避免 篇

16、二:和县二中20222022学年第二学期期中质量检测 和县二中2022-2022学年第二学期期中质量检测 高一年级英语试卷 第I卷(三部分,共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 1 What does the woman mean? A. She doesnt want the man to sit there. B. The man can sit there. C. She doesnt want to sit there 2.What time did Julie leave? A. At 8:00 B. At 8:15 C

17、. At 8:50 3What does the man do? A. He repairs watches B. He makes watches.C. He keeps watches 4What does the man suggest to the woman? A. Buying a second bicycle . B. Buying a used bicycle. C. Buying a new bicycle. 5Where does the dialogue most probably take place? A. In a plane.B. At Nanjing Railw

18、ay Station. C. On a train. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分;满分22.5分). 听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。 6 What does the woman care about most? A. The color B. The size. C. The price. 7.How much do the shoes cost? A. 30 yuanB. 13 yuan C. 8 yuan. 听第7 段材料,回答第8、9、10题。 8 When did the conversation most likely take place? A. Tuesday morn

19、ing. B. Wednesday morning. C. Thursday morning. 9 How many times was Miss. Smith late during the week? A. 3 times B. 4 times. C. 5 times. 10Why was Miss. Smith late this time? A. It was raining.B. The bus service was very bad. C. She wasnt feeling well. 听第8 段材料,回答第11、12题。 11 Where were they going to

20、 have dinner this evening? A. At the Grand HotelB. At Mikes home.C. At a friends home 12 Where are they talking? A . At the office B. At the Grand HotelC. On the telephone 听第9 段材料,回答第13至16 题。 13What did the Browns think of their trip to Venezuela? A. Good B. Tiring C. Expensive. 14How was the weathe

21、r? A. Cold B. Cool C. Warm 15What is not worth buying in Venezuela? A. Gold B. Jewellery C. Clothing 16What can we learn about the speakers? A. They are not likely to go on a trip to Venezuela. B. They are planning a trip to Venezuela. C. They find the information from the Browns very disappointing.

22、 听第10 段材料,回答第17 至20 题。 17 Where did the speech take place? A. In a hotel. B. In a museum. C. In a classroom. 18What was the place the speaker was talking about? A. The place where people have their meals. B. The place where people sleep. C. The place where people cook their food. 19What do we know a

23、bout the place the speaker was talking about? A. It was big with large windows. B. It had a large room with a high ceiling. C. It was full of wooden tables. 20How many people were needed to cook the meal mentioned by the speaker? A. 18B. 25 C. 100 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

24、21 One ought _for what one hasnt done. A. not to be punished B. to not be punished C. to not punishedD. not be punished 22 Our room is _theirs. A. twice as large as B. twice as larger asC. as twice large as D. as twice larger as 23 The festivals were a way to celebrate_ history and_ culture. A. the;

25、 / B. a; the C. /; / D. the ; a 24 The traveler_ his camel_ a tree at the entrance of the village and went into it. A. tied; aroundB. tied; on C. ties; to D. tied; to 25 Who _it be that is knocking at the door? -It _be father, but Im not sure. A. can; may B. may; can C. may; must D. need; should 26

26、I was moving forward over a slope _suddenly my world dropped out from under my skis. A. when B. while C. as D. at the moment 27 A kite _silk will not tear so soon in weather with rain and strong winds. A. made ofB. to make of C. making of D. made up of 28 This article of his is _worth _a second time

27、. 29 30 A. quite; to read B. very; readingC. much; being reading D. well; reading There is no doubt _he will come tomorrow. A. that B. whether C. ifD. why I was_ and all of my equipment _ working well. A. in good healthy; was B. in a good health; were C. in good health; was D. in good healthy; were

28、31 The Arab as well as his friends _the Sahara desert every year. A. drive throughB. drives cross C. drives across D. drive across 32 I cried _my voice, but still they could not hear me. A. at top of B. at the top of C. on the top in D. to the top of 33 I took my condenser to a shed in the fields _I

29、 could do my experiment. A. whereB. which C. that D. why 34 My family _large and my family_ all party members. A. is; areB. are; isC. is; is D. are; are 35 -Oh, its you! I _ you . -Ive just had my hair cut , and Im wearing new glasses. A. didnt recognize B. hadnt recognized C. havent recognizedD. do

30、nt recognized 第二节 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A B C D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项 In October, 2022, an important man, the Russian President came to visit us. Putin was in St. Petersburg, Russias second largest city, in 1952. He came to in 2000. Four years later, he was again the president.

31、 Putin does a good job Russia great. People say that he is serious and capable (有能力 的). But young Putin wasnt a top student 39. His students book and diary from 40 years 40 this. At a time when the top grade was five, Putin got three for maths and science. His art was worse, only two.Whats your subj

32、ect? Putin liked German most. He wrote German when he was notes. He even put word cards in the textbook to remember German words! seemed that young Putin school uniform. His teacher had to him to get out of the classroom. young Putin did very well in the moral class(品德课)(分 数). He also showed a stron

33、g 54 for his motherland at an early age. He wrote a poem for when he was in primary school. 36 A. living B. born C. growing up D. staying 37. A. president B. power C. governmentD. live 38. A. making B. letting C. earning D. getting 39. A. above all B. first of all C. at all D. after all 40. A. show

34、B. prepare C. express D. introduce 41. A. very B. not C. too D. even 42. A. lovely B. favorite C. interesting D. challenging 43. A. with B. for C. in D. by 44. A. keeping B. remembering C. reading D. taking 45. A. played B. smiled C. talked D. joked 46. A. what B. who C. when D. which 47. A. questio

35、n B. answer C. word D. advice 48. A. There B. That C. It D. This 49. A. sometimes B. ever C. never D. recently 50. A. put on B. dress C. dress in D. wear 51. A. make B. tell C. let D. have 52. A. And B. So C. Then D. But 53. A. full B. all C. whole D. few 54. A. kindness B. interest C. love D. devel

36、opment 55. A. his mother B. Russia C. his father D. Russians 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2 分,满分40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选最佳选项。 A There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with his students. Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(考试委员会), the students would be in fear, b

37、ecause he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave. A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him. At the end of the term, the students of medicine would take their exam again. Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee. This studen

38、t was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all. The professor began to ask. The student was required to describe a certain illness, his description of which turned out to be OK. Then the professor asked about the cure for the illness, and the student, too, a

39、nswered just as right. Good, said the professor, and how much will you give the patient? A full spoon, answered the student. Now you go out and wait for what you can get, said the professor. At the same time the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given. Suddenly the student no

40、ticed there was something wrong with his last answer. A full spoon is too much, he thought to himself. Anxiously he entered the room and cried, Mr. Professor, Ive made a mistake! A full spoon is too much for the patient. He can take only five drops. 56. The students were afraid of the professor beca

41、use _. A. they often angered and disappointed him B. their answers often astonished him C. their answers seldom satisfied him D. he often misunderstood them and gave them bad marks 57. Before he left the room, the student probably _. A. believed that he had passed the exam B. thought five drops of m

42、edicine would cure the patient C. knew he had made a mistakeD. felt he had not done well in the exam 58. Which of the following is NOT true according to this text? A. The patient will be in danger if hes taken as much as a full spoon. B. The doctor will be in trouble if he has given the patient a fu

43、ll spoon. C. Since one spoon is more than five drops, the patient will be all right soon after taking one spoon. D. If the patient wants to remain safe, he should take no more than five drops at a time. 59. We can learn from this text that _. A. someone died in the exam B. the student would probably

44、 not pass the exam C. the professor was pleased to see the students improvement D. the slight change may not cause big difference in medical treatment B Harry and George were employed by Mr. Cook who had a small workshop in the town at the same time. They worked hard and tried to obey the boss. But they were ready to help others. Once an old man was hurt when he was repairing a machine. Mr. Cook refused to send him to hospital but


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