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《2021年秋七年级英语上册Unit2Thisismysister学案2无答案新版人教新目标版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年秋七年级英语上册Unit2Thisismysister学案2无答案新版人教新目标版.doc(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A 1a1c ( P7 )* 教师寄语:East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。【学习目标】:1. 掌握本节课的13个单词。 2 . 初步介绍复数的概念。 3. 学会运用介绍人的句型: This / That is.以及These / Those are和询问人的句型 Whos she?【学习重点】:掌握指示代词 this / these , that/ those 的用法。 【体验学习】:I、个人自读,记忆本课单词。小组互相检查单词读写情况。II、“译”展身手 1. my famil

2、y _ 2. her brother _ 3. her brothers _4. his friends_ 5. 你的父母亲_ 6.他的妹妹们_ 7. Whos she? _ Shes my sister._ 8. 这是她爷爷奶奶。_ _ her _. 9. 这些是他的钢笔。_ _ his _.III、完成第7页1a。【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Step 1: Lead-inThe teacher introduces his/her family members using a family photo.Step 2: Presentation Present the new words an

3、d the sentences in 1a. Get the students to read and practice them.Step 3: Match the words with the people in the picture in 1a. Check the answers.Step 4: Listening Listen and finish 1b. Check the answers.Step 5: Pair work Work in pairs and talk about the people in the picture in 1a. Ask some pairs t

4、o show their conversations.II、问题反馈检查预习交流答案。 III、深入探究: 指示代词this, that, these, those的区别与联系。 1. 从意义上看,this意为_,these意为_,that意为_,those意为_。 2. 从数量上看,this和that指代单个人或事物,后接_数名词; these和those指代两个以上人或事物,后接_数名词。3从时间或空间看,this和these指代距离说话者较_的人或事物;that和those指代距离说话者较_的人或事物。 (回答含有指示代词的问题时,用it代替this和that,用they代替these和

5、those。) 【自主检测】:I、精挑细选: 选用this,that,these或those填空.1. Mom, _ is my English teacher, Ms. Brown.2. What is _ over there(在那边)?3. Are _ your keys ? Yes, they are.4. Are _ your pencils ? No, these are my pencils.5. Hello,_ is Jane. Is _ Peter? -Yes, Peter speaking.II、慧眼识珠( ) 1. _ is my aunt, Mary.A. These

6、B. This C. He( ) 2. _ my sisters. A. These are B. This are C. These is ( ) 3. His mothers _ is his grandmother.A. grandfather B. grandmother C. mother( ) 4. This is Mary and that is Kate. _my _.A. Shes, friend B. Theyre, friends C. Theyre, friend ( ) 5. Those my .A. are; friends B. are; brother C. i

7、s; brothers( ) 6. Is she your aunt? .A. Shes my aunt B. Yes, she is C. No, she is ( ) 7. My uncle and aunt teachers.A. am B. is C. are 【快乐链接】 指示代词用法歌诀this,these靠近我,that,those离我远,this,that指单数,these,those不指单,都可用the来代替,劝君一定莫忘记。【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足: 课后反思这节课主要是1. 掌握本节课的13个单词。2 . 初步介绍复数的概念。3. 学会运用介绍人的句型: T

8、his / That is.以及These / Those are和询问人的句型 Whos she?掌握指示代词 this / these , that/ those 的用法。 Section A 2a2d ( P8 )* 教师寄语:East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。 【学习目标】:1. 掌握本节课的5个单词。 2 . 掌握介绍人的句型: This / that is.以及These / Those are和询问人的句型 Are these/ those? 等。3. 学会与同学友好相处,关心他人。【学习重点】: 通过介绍自己的家人或朋友来学习掌握

9、有关词汇和句型。 【体验学习】:I、 个人自读,记忆本课单词。小组互相检查单词读写情况。II、试读第8页2d。III、 “译”展身手 1. Those are my parents. _ 2. You, too._ 3. Are those your parents? _ 4. I see. _ 5. Have a good day! _ 6. Bye! _7. 那些不是我的夹克衫。_ _ my _.8. 这些是你的尺子吗? _ _ your _? 9. 那是你姐姐吗? _ _ your _?【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Step 1: ReviewReview the key sentences

10、 by asking and answering questions. Step 2: PresentationLead in new sentence patterns and enable the students to read the sentences and try to remember them by heart. Whos he? Hes my brother, Paul. Are those your parents? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Have a good day!.Step 3: Listening Finish 2a a

11、nd 2b. Check the answers.Step 4: Pair work: Ask and answer questions about the photo in 2b. Step 5: Group work (1) Work in groups of 3 and role-play the conversation in 2d. (2) Ask several groups to show their conversations.II、 问题反馈 检查预习交流答案。 III、深入探究: 1. 在英语中,表示两个或两个以上的可数物体要用复数名词。把下列单词变为复数形式。brothe

12、r _ sister _ friend_ cup _ pen _ ruler _ (思考:可数名词单数怎样变成复数?)_2. 单数句变复数句时要注意以下几点:(1) 人称代词要由单数变成对应的复数代词。(2) 指示代词this或 that相应地变成 these 或 those。(3) am或 is 要变成 are。(4) 可数名词单数要变成复数形式。(5) 去掉不定冠词a或an。【自主检测】:I、 精挑细选 ( ) 1. Is this your eraser? No, it isnt. I think _.A. it her eraser B. its her eraser C. its h

13、er eraser( ) 2. Are these your friends? _. A. Yes, these are B. Yes, they arent C. Yes, they are ( ) 3. Anna is not my sister. _ my cousin. A. He B. Hes C. Shes( ) 4. Bye! _!A. Yes, I am. B. Thanks C. Goodbye ( ) 5. Have a good day! _! A. Thanks B. Nice to meet you C. Me, too II、 单复数句互变。1. This is m

14、y sister.(复数) _ _ my _. 2. That is his brother.(复数) _ _ his _.3. Is that your friend?(复数) _ _your _?4. Are these your books?(单数) _ _ your _?5. Those are her pens.(单数) _ _ her _.【快乐链接】你来我往:完成对话 Tim: Hello, John! This is my brother Tom. Tom, this is my friend, John. Tom: _, John! John: Nice to meet yo

15、u, too. Tom, are those your parents?Tom: Yes, _. John: _?Tom: Shes my sister, Mary.John: I see. Have a good day!Tom: _. You, too. Bye!John: _!【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足: 课后反思这节课主要是1. 掌握本节课的5个单词。2 . 掌握介绍人的句型: This / that is.以及These / Those are和询问人的句型 Are these/ those? 等。3. 学会与同学友好相处,关心他人。通过介绍自己的家人或朋友来学习掌握有关

16、词汇和句型。 Section A Grammar Focus3c ( P9 )* 教师寄语:East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。【学习目标】:1. Section A 语言能力提升。2. Section A 知识综合运用。 3. 学会与同学友好相处,关心他人。【学习重点】: 通过介绍自己的家人或朋友来复习掌握有关词汇和句型。【体验学习】:I、个人自读,背诵语法聚焦中的句型。小组互相检查背诵情况。II、 试着写出下列结构的缩略形式。1. that is_ 2. who is _ 3. who are _4. they are _ 5. he is _

17、 6. are not _ ( 思考:this is 可以缩写吗?) III、完成第9页3a, 3b。【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Step 1: Review Read and recite the sentences in Grammar Focus.Step 2: Check the answers in 3a.Step 3: Pair work Work in pairs and practice the conversations in 3a.Step 4: Group work(1) Work in groups. Make as many sentences as possible.

18、 (2) Bring some family photos to class. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos using the key sentences: Whos she/ he? She/ He is. Whore they?. II、问题反馈 检查预习交流答案。 III、深入探究: 如何介绍自己的家人?你能试着总结介绍他人的句型吗?_ 【自主检测】:I、 精挑细选 ( )1. Those are _. A. my key B. his, key C. her, keys( )2. Is _ your f

19、ather?. A. this B. these C. those( )3. _ his friends. A. This is B. These is C. These are( )4. Are _ your oranges? A. this B. these C. that( )5. Are those your friends? _ . A. Yes, those are B. Yes, theyre C. Yes, they are( )6. _ they your parents? A. am B. is C. are II、 小医生:下面各句中的画线部分均有一处错误,请找出来,将字

20、母标号填在括号内,并把正确答案写在横线上。 1. Is these your photos? ( ) _ A B C D 2. What is those in Chinese ? ( ) _ A B C D 3. Nice to meet your. ( ) _ A B C D4. Those arent her map . ( ) _ A B C D5. Do you his friend? ( ) _A B C DIII、连词成句1. my , this, mother, is (.) _2. your, that, sister, is (?) _3. is ,your ,Zhang

21、Ming, brother (?) _4. is , she , his , aunt (?) _【快乐链接】 Lets chant together! Sister, sister, this is her sister, Brother, brother, thats his brother, Parents, parents, these are my parents, Friends, friends, those are my friends.【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足: 课后反思这节课主要是学习英语的目的就是为了交流,如果学生在课堂上能滔滔不绝地讲,就不用担心学生的英语

22、学不好。相反,如果学生在课堂上不愿讲而只听教师讲,那肯定是学不好英语的,当然也没有体现以学生为主体的教学原则。Section B 1a1d ( P10 )* 教师寄语: Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。【学习目标】:1、掌握关于家庭成员的词汇,能用本单元所学词汇制作家谱图。 2、掌握人物间的关系,熟练地介绍自己的家庭成员及朋友。 3、能听懂听力,完成听力练习。 4、学会尊重长辈,与人和睦相处。【学习重点】:1、能熟练识别家谱。 2、进一步熟练运用介绍家人的句型。 【体验学习】:I、个人自读,记忆本课单词。小组相互检查单词读和写的情况。II、按要求写出相应的词1this

23、(反义词)_2these(反义词)_ 3it(复数形式)_4that(复数形式)_ 5cousin(复数形式)_6photo(复数形式)_ 7son(对应词)_ 8sister(对应词)_ 9uncle(对应词)_ 10dad(对应词)_ 【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Step 1: Review Review the key sentences in Grammar Focus by asking and answering questions.Step 2: Presentation (1) Present the new words. Read these words and try to

24、remember them by heart.(2) Present the family tree. Get the students to learn to read the family tree.(3) 1a. Add the words in the box to the family tree. Check the answers.Step 3: Listening Listen to the tape, finish 1b and 1c. Check the answers.Step 4: Pair work Work in pairs, draw a picture of yo

25、ur family and friends. Tell your partner about your picture using the key sentences: This/ That is my./ These/ Those are my.II、 问题反馈 检查预习交流答案。 【自主检测】:I、根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Look at this. Whats this in English, do you know? Ah, its a photo. Whos that in the photo? Its Li Yan. Li Yan is my good friend. She i

26、s a beautiful girl. Whos that? The boy in black? Its Jim. He is an English boy. He is very cool. He is my friend, too. We are all in the same school. I like Jim and Li Yan. ( )1What is t his? Its _. Aa school Ba friend Ca photo ( )2Li Yan is _. Aa cool boy Ba beautiful girl Can English girl( )3What

27、color is Jim in? _. ARed BYellow CBlack( )4Whos English? _. AI BJim CLi Yan ( )5Who are in the same school? _. AJim and I BLi Yan and I CJim, Li Yan and III、补全对话 A: Is this your_1_ photo? B: Yes. This is my grandfather _2_ this is my grandmother. A: _3_ these your father and your mother? B: Yes, the

28、y are. Look! This is my _4_. She is my fathers sister. A: Is this your_5_? B: Yes, hes my fathers brother. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._【快乐链接】 七嘴八舌说“再见”! Bye! Bye-bye!Goodbye! See you! See you later! See you next time! See you tomorrow!(明天见!) 【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足: 课后反思这节课主要是学习英语的目的就是为了交流,如果学生在课堂上能滔滔不绝地讲,就不用担心学

29、生的英语学不好。相反,如果学生在课堂上不愿讲而只听教师讲,那肯定是学不好英语的,当然也没有体现以学生为主体的教学原则。 Section B 2a2c ( P11 )* 教师寄语:Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。【学习目标】:1、掌握本节课的7个单词。 2、能区分男、女人名。3、能做简单的阅读理解题。【学习重点】: 正确理解简单短文。 【体验学习】:I、个人自读,记忆本课单词。小组相互检查单词读和写的情况。II、“译”展身手1照片_/ _ 2这两个女孩_ 3two nice photos of my family_ 4the name of my dog_ 5in th

30、e first photo_ 6in my family_7Here are two nice photos of my family._ III、完成第11页2a, 2b, 2c。【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Step 1: Review Review the words and key sentences in this unit.Step 2: PresentationPresent the new words. Read these words and try to remember them by heart.Step 3: Practice (1) 2b. Talk about the

31、 two pictures first. Read about Jennys family and circle the names. Check the answers. (2) 2c. Read the passage again and complete the sentences. Check the answers. Step 4: Pair work (1) Check the answers in preview. (2) 2a. Find the male and female first names in this unit and write them. Check the

32、 answers. II、 深入探究: Here are.1、 Here are two nice photos of my family. 这是一个倒装句。在英语中有here(在这里) ,there(在那里)存在的句子常用倒装句式。here/ there置于句首起强调作用。2、 其基本结构为:Here/ There + be + 名词或名词短语。3、 当主语为代词时常用不完全倒装形式,其基本结构为: Here/ There + 主语(人称代词)+ be动词。4、 be动词的单复数取决于主语的单复数。【自主检测】: I、连词成句1. is, my, brother, this, Tom (.) _2. meet, to, nice, you (.) _


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