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《2021_2022版高中英语Module4CarnivalIntegratingSkills素养评价检测含解析外研版必修.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021_2022版高中英语Module4CarnivalIntegratingSkills素养评价检测含解析外研版必修.doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、课时素养评价十二Module 4Integrating Skills. 单句语法填空1. What is known to us all is that National Day in celebration (celebrate) of the 60th anniversary of PRC excited people across China. 2. Once you have finished, put your sheet in the envelope marked (mark) with your name. 3. I have lent him ten magazines, m

2、ost of which are more wonderful than you can imagine. 4. Parents hope that their children can be educated in a relaxing (relax) and active atmosphere. 5. The unreasonable taxes should be abolished (abolish) without exception. 6. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rath

3、er he focused/should focus (focus) more on its culture. 7. I refuse to trade with that company again. They keep cheating us on the bill. 8. The black slaves fought for their freedom (free) for many years, and finally succeeded. 9. We have no idea how to persuade him to give up the crazy idea. 10. To

4、 be honest, I preferred the original (origin) plan. . 选词填空take over, wash down, walk off, give up, go wild, make fun of, consist of, more or less, in celebration of, think much of1. Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires. 2. Many people like to walk off supper in order not to ga

5、in weight. 3. Everyones singing the praises of his new film, but I dont think much of it. 4. We should never make fun of the poor. Why not put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch? 5. He decided to give up traditional style and adopted a new drawing style. 6. He took two as

6、pirin immediately which were washed down with three cups of water. 7. The couple gave a dinner party in celebration of their silver wedding anniversary. 8. Its estimated that the apples are 500 kilos more or less. 9. I bought a new camera. Now, I can go wild taking pictures! 10. Farm workers consist

7、 of only a small section of the population. . 完成句子1. As the campus is small, there is a need to restrict the number of students. 由于校园小, 有必要限制学生的人数。2. I do believe Ashley would rather read than hunt! 我的确相信, Ashley宁愿读书也不愿意外出打猎! 3. There is no need for you to come if you dont want to. 如果你不想来, 就不必来了。阅读理

8、解A(2020平顶山高二检测)Here are four fun Thanksgiving tradition facts. Turkey and cranberry sauce (小红莓果酱)While the Native Americans and Pilgrims are believed to have feasted on geese, lobster, cod and deer, present-day Thanksgiving dinners mainly feature turkey. Some experts believe the birds were selected

9、because they were cheaper, and easier to raise. The bird was suggested by Sarah Josepha Hale to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Since President Abraham Lincoln loved roasted turkey, he happily included the bird on his Thanksgiving menu. The idea of pairing the bird with cranberry sauce is beli

10、eved to be the brain child of Civil War Union General Ulysses S. Grant in 1864. Turkey TrotsMany Americans build up their appetites (食欲) for the holiday feast by participating in their town or citys morning runs, or “Turkey Trots”. The fun tradition was started in 1896 by six people of Buffalo, New

11、York. It is the worlds oldest footrace, attracting over 14, 000 runners of all ages and abilities every year. Thanksgiving paradesAmerican retailer Macys has been holding a Thanksgiving parade along Manhattans 77th Street and Central Pack West since 1924. Though the popular event, which attracts ove

12、r 3. 5 million people in person and about 50 million television viewers, now contains giant floats (花车), the first parade featured animals from New Yorks Central Park Zoo. The Presidential turkey pardonEvery year, two lucky turkeys escape the Thanksgiving table due to a special pardoning supported b

13、y the US president. People credit the fun tradition to President Harry Truman (April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953). Though at first, just one bird could be freed, a “spare” was added in 1981, after a turkey named Liberty escaped by accident before President Ronald Reagan was able to grant (授予) his p

14、ardon at the ceremony. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国感恩节的四个传统。1. Which of the following traditions has the longest history? A. Turkey Trots. B. Thanksgiving parades. C. Turkey and cranberry sauce. D. The Presidential turkey pardon. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章内容可知, 四个传统的历史: Turkey and cranberry sauce在1864年形成; Turkey

15、 Trots在1896年形成; Thanksgiving parades始于1924年; The Presidential turkey pardon形成于1945年或之后。因此可知, 历史最悠久的应是Turkey and cranberry sauce。故选C项。2. Which is a benefit of many Americans observing the tradition “Turkey Trots”? A. Building good relationships with others. B. Winning awards given by the government.

16、C. Adding a new tradition to the festival. D. Physically preparing for the coming holiday feast. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据 Turkey Trots部分的Many Americans build up their appetites for the holiday feast by participating in their town or citys morning runs, or “Turkey Trots”. 可知, 许多美国人通过参加他们所在城镇的晨跑或“火鸡小跑”来增加节日大餐的

17、食欲。许多美国人参加Turkey Trots的一个好处是使自己更有胃口去吃节日盛宴。故选D项。3. The presidential turkey pardon was changed in 1981 probably to _. A. make it easy to name the turkeysB. attract more people to participateC. give the pardoned turkey a partnerD. make sure the pardon could be carried out【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据The Presidential

18、 turkey pardon部分的Though at first, just one bird could be freed, a “spare” was added in 1981, after a turkey named Liberty escaped by accident before President Ronald Reagan was able to grant his pardon at the ceremony. 可知, 起初, 只有一只鸟可以被释放, 1981年, 一只名为“自由”的火鸡在里根总统能够在仪式上赦免他之前意外逃脱, 之后又增加了一只“备用”火鸡。由此可知,

19、仪式上多了一只被赦免的火鸡是为了确保赦免仪式能正常进行。故选D项。B(2020石家庄高二检测)Chinas popular “Singles Day”, better known as “Double Eleven”, started out as a day to celebrate singles symbolized by the four number ones on the date of November 11. With time that meaning has changed. In 2009, Chinas e-commerce leader Alibaba set the

20、 day as a lucky shopping day for online sales as the date was both easy to remember and perfectly timed as it hit between the consumer spending lull (间歇) between National Day and Chinese New Year. It soon became a hit, and Double Eleven became a buying frenzy (疯狂) spread across the worlds second lar

21、gest economy. In 2019, the Double Eleven Shopping Festival entered its eleventh year. During this decade, Alibaba, Chinese e-commerce giant, and other e-commerce platforms, together with consumers, have co-created a very big shopping event whose heat has swept the world. Foreign readers share their

22、ideas on Singles Day in China: Ghost Buster (UK) I think Double Eleven is unbelievable. It is not a religious festival that people of the same religion but living in different countries share. As an e-commerce faithful fan, I really love the shopping festival. Emanreus (Australia) I work in Shanghai

23、. Many of my young female colleagues are still single. They simply dont have time to date, as they tend to work long hours then travel two hours by subway to get to and from work. Singles Day is a day when they give themselves a treat with online shopping. Blonde Amber (Ireland) There is no thing to

24、 be proud of to be in a country that spends so much online on a particular day. It does nothing more than showing the superficiality (肤浅) of the temporary pleasure of shopping, and produces nothing more than a mountain of environmental waste. I bet there is plenty of buyers deep regret after this da

25、y. Ionstar (US) Singles Day became a big deal for Valentines Day not for the singles! Well, Alibabas 11. 11 has become more famous and important than that of Black Friday and Cyber Monday! 【文章大意】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了中国“双十一”电商大节, 以及一些外国人对这一购物节的评论。4. Alibaba set the festival on November 11 mainly because _.

26、 A. it is a traditionally lucky dayB. it is a time for people to stay singleC. many foreigners like shopping on this dayD. it comes right between two consumer spending festivals【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段as the date was both easy to remember and perfectly timed as it hit between the consumer spending lull be

27、tween National Day and Chinese New Year. 可知把购物节设在双十一这一天有两个原因: 一是因为这个日期容易记住; 二是因为这个日期正好处于国庆节和中国新年两大节日之间, 而且国庆节和中国新年也是中国人传统的消费大节。因此D选项正确。5. What do the foreign readers think of the “Singles Day”? A. It is a festival that people living in different countries share. B. It is a day for the singles to dat

28、e. C. People will certainly regret buying anything on this day. D. Alibaba has made it as famous as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段During this decade, Alibaba, Chinese e-commerce giant, and other e-commerce platforms, together with consumers, have co-created a very big shopping eve

29、nt whose heat has swept the world. 可知经过各大电商的共同努力, 双十一购物节已经席卷整个世界, 由此可知双十一购物节也受到很多外国消费者的喜爱。故选A。6. Who believes that the “Singles Day” will make much waste? A. Ghost Buster. B. Emanreus. C. Blonde Amber. D. Ionstar. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三个评论中的It does nothing more than showing the superficiality of the temp

30、orary pleasure of shopping, and produces nothing more than a mountain of environmental waste. 可知, Blonde Amber认为双十一购物节会产生大量的垃圾。故选C。话题写作表达升级节日介绍对节日进行介绍时, 一般采用说明文的体裁, 要说明所介绍节日的名称、时间、起源、饮食、人们的活动、节日的传统地位和意义等。文章结构要清晰, 句式结构不宜过于复杂。适当地多选用形容词和副词来丰富语言。假定你是李华, 你的美国朋友John发来电子邮件, 向你打听关于中秋节的情况。请根据以下提示, 给他回一封电子邮件。

31、写作要点: 1. 它是中国的传统节日之一。2. 家人团聚, 共进晚餐。3. 赏月、吃月饼。4. 人们认为月亮是团圆、运气和财富的象征, 在那天会互相表达美好祝愿。注意: 1. 词数100个左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。完成句子1. 中秋节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. 2. 中秋节的时间在每年阴历的8月15日。The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on August 15th of the lunar calend

32、ar every year. 3. 在那一天, 人们会与家人团聚, 共享一顿大餐。On that day, people will reunite with their family, enjoying a large meal together. 4. 人们认为月亮是团圆、运气和财富的象征。People believe that the moon is a symbol of family reunion, luck and fortune. 5. 在那天人们会互相表达美好祝愿。It is a day when people will express their best wishes to

33、 each other. 句式升级6. 用非限制性定语从句合并1和2。The Mid-Autumn Festival, which is one of the most important festivals in China, falls on August 15th of the lunar calendar every year. 7. 用it作形式主语改写4。Its believed that the moon is a symbol of family reunion, luck and fortune. Dear John, You asked me about the Mid-A

34、utumn Festival and now Im writing to tell you something about it in China. The Mid-Autumn Festival, which is one of the most important festivals in China, falls on August 15th of the lunar calendar every year. On that day, no matter how far or how busy we are, we will try to reunite with our family,

35、 enjoying a large meal together. We also eat mooncakes and enjoy the full moon. Its believed that the moon is a symbol of family reunion, luck and fortune. Therefore, its also a day when we express our best wishes to each other. Hope you enjoy my brief description. Ill tell you more about the festiv

36、al later. Yours, Li Hua1. 话题词汇(1)festival节日(2)celebrate庆祝(3)Christmas圣诞节(4)Easter复活节(5)Fools Day愚人节(6)the Spring Festival春节(7)the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节(8)gather相聚(9)tasty food美食(10)all kinds of activities各种各样的活动2. 话题句式(1)It falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar calendar. 它定在中国阴历的8月15日。(2)The M

37、id-Autumn Festival is one of the most significant traditional Chinese festivals. 中秋节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。(3)Its a day when the whole family reunite, enjoying a big dinner together. 这是一个举家团圆, 共进晚餐的日子。(4)No matter how far or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. 无论我们距离多远或是多忙, 我们都会尽力回家庆祝这个节日。(5)Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere can be found everywhere. 虽然各地的风俗可能不同, 但是快乐的氛围是相同的。(6)Its believed that the moon is a symbol of family reunion. 人们相信月亮是家庭团聚的象征。


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