2022年中考英语语法笔记整理大全 .pdf

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1、学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料中考英语语法笔记整理大全名词表示人、事物、地方、现象或抽象概念等的名称的词。知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!一、名词的分类名词类别意义例词专有名词表示具体的人名、 事物、国家、地名、机构、团体等的专有名称Jim , China, Qingdao, the UK, the Great Wall 普通名词可数名词个体名词表示单个人的人或事物girl, student, factory, desk, cat , country 集合名词表示一群人或一些事物的总称people, police, team, clothes, group, crew 不可数名词物质

2、名词表示无法分为个体的物质water, ice, pork, cheese, cotton, broccoli 抽象名词表示抽象概念的词fun, healthy, happiness, courage, love, care 注: 1.专有名词是指人、地方、团体、机构等特有的名称。第一个字母必须大写。专有名词前一般不加冠词。2、有普通名词构成的专有名词前要用定冠词“the ”,但它不大写。3、有些不可数名词有时表示为具体的东西时,则变为可数名词,而且以四上也有了变化。eg. beer -a beer 一杯啤酒,work- a work 工厂,著作, glass-a glass 一个玻璃杯,ro

3、om 空间 -a room 一个房间二、 名词的数:表示可以计算数目的人或物称为可数名词。1、可数名词有单、复数两种形式:可数名词的单数形式要在名词前加“a 或 an” ;复数形式是在名词后加“ -s 或-es” 。名词复数形式有规则变化和不规则变化两种,规则变化及其读音可依照下表:当名词为:词尾变化读音例词一般情况加 s 在清辅音后读/s/ chips, jeeps, pats , clock s在浊辅音或元音后读 /z/ boys, sharpeners, sofas, drawers以 s,x,ch,sh 结尾的单词加 es /iz/ watches, boxes, classes, b

4、rushes以字母 o 结尾的单词加 s或 es /z/ zoos, photos, bamboos, tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, 以辅音字母+y结尾的单词去 y 变 i加 es /z/ dictionar ies, strawberries, 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 36 页 - - - - - - - - - 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料以 f 或 fe 结尾的单词去 f 或 fe 变 v 加es /vz/

5、leaves, wiv es, halves以 th 结尾的词加 s /ez/; /z/mouths, paths; months, deaths2. 可数名词复数的不规则变化改变单数名词中的元音字母eg. man-men, womanwomen, tooth teeth, footfeet, goosegeese, mouse-mice 单复数同形eg. Chinese-Chinese, deer-deer, fish-fish, sheep-sheep, 由 man 和 woman 构成的合成词 , 每个名词都要变复数eg. a man doctor men doctors, a woma

6、n teacher-women teachers 注意 : 有些名词表示一种物体具有不可分割的相同的两部分,在使用时只有复数形式eg. trousers, clothes, glasses, shorts,scissors, etc; 有些名词从形式上看是复数, 实际上是单数 (其后的谓语动词要用单数). eg. maths, phyiscs, politics, news 3. 不可数名词:表示不能计算数目的人或物,称为不可数名词。他们前面不能用a/an,没有复数形式。物质名词和抽象名词都属于不可数名词。不可数名词一般只有单数形式, 但有其特殊用法 :(1) 同一个词 ,变成复数形式, 意义

7、不同。 eg. food 食物 - foods 各种食物,time 时间 - times 时代, green 绿色-greens 青菜(2) 有些不可数名词用复数代指具体的事物eg. hope -hopes 希望hardship - hardships 艰苦(3) 物质名词在表示数量时,常用某个量词 +of 来表示eg. a cup of tea, seven pieces of bread, several bags of rice, 三、名词的所有格名词的所有格是表示名词之间的所有关系,有两种表示形式, 一种是在名词后+s; 另一种是用 of, 表示“ 的” 。1. (1) 一般词的所有格

8、, 直接在词尾+s。 eg. Mr. Mott s robot, children s clothes(2) 以 s 结尾的名词所有格只在词尾+ eg. teachers books(3) 两人共有的物体, 则在第二个名词后+ s; 如果分别是两人所有, 则在每个名词后面+s。 eg. Lucy and Lilys room. (指两人共住一个房间) Mrs Green s and Mrs Brown s son. (指两人各自的儿子) (4) 表示某具体场所时, 所有格后面的名词可省略eg. the doctor s (office) Mr. White s2.(1) 没有生命的事物一般用o

9、f 短语来表示所属关系。eg. the wall of the classroom, a picture of the bedroom ,(2) 名词的的定语较长时,有生命的事物也可用of 短语表示。eg. a long story of a 50-year-old man (4) 双重所有格eg. a friend of his, the big nose of Toms(5) 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以加s 来构成所有格。eg. ten minutes walk, today s newspaper名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - -

10、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 36 页 - - - - - - - - - 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松!1. They got much _ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. news D. stories 2. I have two _ and three bottles of _ here. A. orange, orange B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange D. ora

11、nge, oranges 3. Every evening M r. King takes a _ to his home . A. 25 minutes walk B. 25 minute s walkC. 25 minute walk D. 25 minutes walk 4. An old _ wants to see you. A. people B. person C. the people D. the person 5. Help yourself to _. A. chickens and apples B. chickens and apple C. chicken and

12、apple D. chicken and apples 6. Oh, dear. I forgot the two _. A. room s number B. rooms number C. room numbers D. rooms numbers 7. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _. A. family B. house C. home D. room 8. _ mothers couldn t go to the meeting, because they have gone

13、 to Shanghai .A. Mary and Peter s B. Mary and Peter C. Mary s and Peter D. Mary s and Peters9. Li Lei has been to _ many times this month. A. her uncle B. her uncle s C. her uncles D. aunts 10. He is a success as a leader but he hasnt _ in teaching. A. many experiences B. much experience C. an exper

14、ience D. a lot experience 11. A classmate of _ was here ten minutes ago. A. you B. your C. your sister D. your sisters12. A group of _ are talking with two _. A. Frenchmen, Germans B. Germans ,Frenchmans C. Frenchmans , Germen D. Germen , Frenchmen 13.The team _ having a meeting . A. is B. are C. am

15、 D. be 14. “ Would you like _?” “ _, please.”A. drink, Three coffees B. a cup of drink, Coffees C. a drink, A coffee D. a drink, Three cups of coffees 15. The Great Wall was made not only by _, but also the flesh and blood of _ men. A.earth and stone, millions of B. earths and stones, millions C. th

16、e earth and stone, million of D. the earths and stones, millions 1 Last night, there was a food accident. The _ were ill, but no _ were lost. A. child, lives B. children, life C. children, lives D. child, life 2. -This is a photo of _ when they were young. -OK, how happy they both looked! 名师资料总结 - -

17、 -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 36 页 - - - - - - - - - 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料A. my father and mother B. my mother and fathers C. my mothers and fathers D.my fathers and my mother 3. The new student is in _ , Grade Two. A. Class Third B. Third Class C. Class Th

18、ree D. Three class 4. Today is September 10th. Its _ Day. Lets go and buy some flowers for our teachers. A. Teachers B. Teachers C. the Teachers D. Teachers 5. The market isnt far from here. Its only _ bicycle ride. A.half an hours B. half an hours C. half an hour D. an hour and a half 6. - What wou

19、ld you like to drink, girls? - _, please. A.Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffe C. Two cups of coffee D. Two cups of coffees 7. During Christmas, people get together and sing Christmas songs for _. A. fun B. wishes C. interest D. thanks 8. Some _ are flying kites near the river. A. child B. boy C

20、. boys D. childs 9. After the exam, well have_ holiday. A. two weeks B. two-weeks C. two weeks D. two weeks 10. They are those _ bags.Please put them on the bus. A. visitor B. visitors C. visitors D. visitors 11.- How many workers are there in your factory? - There are two _. A. hundreds B. hundred

21、C. hundred of D. hundreds of 12. -What do you think of the _ the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven? - It sounds really wonderful. A. subject B. music C. book D. animal 13. There is not enough _ in the corner for the fridge. A. place B. room C. field D. ground 14. _ comes from sheep and some people like

22、eating it A. Wool B. Pork C. Mutton D. Milk 15. If you dont take more _, youll get fat. A. medicine B. lessons C. photos D. exercise 16. My school is about twenty _ walk from here. A. minute B. minutes C. minutess D. minutes 17. Mum, I have _ to tell you! A. a good news B. some good news C. some goo

23、d newes D. much good news 18. Which is the _ to the post office? A. street B. way C. road D. address 19. I stayed at _ last Sunday. A. my uncles B. my uncles C. my uncles D. my uncles family 20. Maths _ not easy to learn. A. are B. is C. am D. were 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

24、- - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 36 页 - - - - - - - - - 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料冠词分为不定冠词 (a, an )和定冠词(the) 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!一、不定冠词的用法1)用与可数名词的单数形式前,指人或事物的某一种类:例如:Pass me an apple , please. 2)、指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。例如:A boy is waiting for you 3). 表示“ 一 ” 这个数量 ,但数的概念没有one 强烈 .例如 : We are going to have an En

25、glish lesson tomorrow. 4). 用于某些固定的词组中.例如 : a few, a little, a lot of 注: 用 a 还是 an, 要看后面的词读音以辅音开头还是以元音开头. 二、定冠词的用法1) 特指某 (些)人或某 (些)物 .例如 : the photo of the boy 2) 指双方都知道的人或物.例如 :-Where are the new books, Jim? 3) 指上文提过的人或物.例如 : Today he is making a machine. He wants to ride the machine like a bike and

26、 fly it like a plane. 4). 用在世界上独一无二的事物前.例如 :The sun is bigger than the moon. 5). 用在序数词或形容词最高级前.例如 : The first truck is carrying a few baskets. 6). 用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前.例如 :the Great Wall 7). 用在一些习惯用语中.例如 : in the morning (afternoon, evening), 三、不用冠词的情况1)在专有名词前和不可数名词前。例如:China, Grade Two, Bill Smith, milk

27、 2)名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any 等代词。例如:The letter is in her pocket. 3)复数名词表示一类人或事物时。例如:My father and mother are teachers. 4)在星期、月份、季节、节日前。例如:It is Sunday (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) 5)在称呼语或表示头衔的名词前。例如:Uncle Wang likes making things. 6)在三餐饭和球类运动的名称前。例如:He went to school after breakfast. Can

28、you play basketball? 注:在某些固定词组中,如:at home, by bus, go to school 等的名词前不用冠词。1. We saw _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant was from India. A. a; The B. the; An C. an; The D. the; 2. How do you get home from _? By Bus? No, I walk. _ isn t very far. A. school; The school B. the school; The school C. the sc

29、hool; School D. school; School 3. There s _ dictionary on _ desk near the window. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the4. How far is it from our school to _ seaside? It is _ eight-kilometre walk from here. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 36 页 -

30、 - - - - - - - - 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料A. the; an B. /; an C. the; a D./; a 5. Where is _ maths teacher? He s talking with Sam s father. A. a B. an C. the D. / 6. The scientists from _ United States live in _ Ninth Street. A. the; the B. /; the C. /;/ D. the; / 7. _ sun is bigger than _ earth. A. A; the

31、 B. A; an C. The; an D. The; the8. _ earth we live on is bigger than _ moon. A. The; a B. The; the C. An; a D. An; the9. I liver on _ floor of the hotel so I have to take a lift. A. twenty-seventh B. twenty-seven C. the twenty-seven D. the twenty-seventh 10. The farmers were busy _ ready for the nex

32、t year in _ winter of 1999. A. getting; / B. to get; the C. to get; / D. getting ; the11. Hi, Jack. Do you have _ pen? Sorry, I don t have one. A. aB. an C. the D./ 12. Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning. Is it _ black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. a; an B. a; a C. the; the D. /;

33、 an 13. I am reading _ novel. It is _ interesting story. A. a; an B. a;a C. the; the D./; an14. If you don t mind, pass me _ apple, please. A. a B. an C. the D. / 15. There s _ “ h” in the word hour. A. a B. the C. an D. / 16. No hurry. There s _ time left. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few17. _

34、 India and China are of _ same continent. A. /; the B. The; the C. /;/ D. /; a18. I think study is _ important work. A. a B. an C. / D. the19. It takes us nearly _ hour to go to Korla by _ air. A. an; a B. a; an C. an; / D. a; the20. The text is very easy for you. There are _ new words in it. A. a f

35、ew B. a little C. few D. little二、选择填空:A. / B. a C. an D. the1.They are living _happy life now. 2._bag on _desk is mine. 3.There is _empty box on the table. 4.Do you like _music of the film “ Titanic”?5.On _Saturday, I stay in _bed till 12:00. 6._Browns have been to China twice. 7.Don t make any nois

36、e in _class.8.This is such _interesting story that you must listen to it. 9.Next week they will go to Australia by _air. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 36 页 - - - - - - - - - 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料10. Which is bigger, _sun or _moon? 代词1 人称代词: 人称代词是指

37、人的代词,有性、 数、格的区别。 表示“ 我” “你” “他” “我们” “你们 ” “他们 ” 。请看下表:数格人 称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称we me we us 第二人称you you you you 第三人称he him they them she her it it 2物主代词:表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词包括名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词。词义类型我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他/她/它们的形容词性物主代词my your his her its our your their 名 词性物主代词mine yours his hers its ours yours

38、theirs 3反身带词:用来表示“ 某人自己 ” 的代词称为反身代词。如下表所示:词义数我(们)自己你(们)自己他/ 她/ 它 自 己 / 他 们 自 己单 数myself yourself himself herself itself 复 数ourselves yourselves themselves 反身代词可与其他词构成固定搭配,例如:make oneself at home, teach oneself, learn by oneself, help oneself to ,etc4指示代词:表示时间和空间远近关系的代词叫指示代词。见下表这,这个那,那个这些那些this that

39、these those 5疑问代词: 用来构成特殊疑问句的代词叫疑问代词。常用的有: who, what, which, whose, whom,6相互代词:用于表示相互关系的代词。常用的有: each other, one another. 相互代词可以作宾语、定语。7连接代词:用来连接宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句的代词叫连接代词。常用的有:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 36 页 - - - - - - - - - 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料

40、what, which, who, whom whose, that 例如:8. 不定代词:不定代词没有确定的对象,常用的有:all, each, every, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many , much, other, another, some any, no 以及由 some, no, any, every 构成的复合词。1.This isn t _ pencil case. I left _ at home.A. my, mine B. me, my C. I, my D. my, myself 2.The En

41、glish novel is quite easy for you. There are _ new words in it. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 3.- Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? - _ OK. I m free today and tomorrow.A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 4.The population of China is much large than _ A.this B.those C.it D.that 5

42、. - When shall we meet again? - Make it _day you like. It s all the same to me.A. one B.any C.another D.all He said _ at the meeting and just sat there silently. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything - Do you know the lady _ is interviewing our headmaster? - Yes, she is a journalist from

43、 CCTV . A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 23. Either Mary or her parents will let me use _ car. A. her B. their C. mine D. him 24. The bird builds _ nest in the tree. A. her B. its C. its D. hers 25. The sun makes _ day and night. A. its B. we C. our D. ours. 26. Ive forgotten my bread.Never mind, yo

44、u can have _ . A. some of us B. us some C. some of ours D. some of our 27. Two sisters of _ help us with our English. A. him B. his C. he D. hes 29. Lily and Bill want to see it _ . A. theirselves B. themselves C. himself D. themself 30. We had better ask the secretary _ . A. his B. him C. himself D

45、. themselves 31. We met his grandma _ . A. himself B. hers C. herself D. her 1. If you need money, Ill lend you _ . A. one B. some C. any D. those 2. The pen Im writing with is different from _ . A. that ones B. that one C. that ones D. those one 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

46、- - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 36 页 - - - - - - - - - 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考学习资料3. I remember _ word he said that day. A. all B. none C. both D. every 4. Does he study physics or chemistry ? He studies _ . A. either B. neither C. none D .all 5. Does he study English or Russian ? He studies _ . A. both B.

47、all C. either D. none 6. There are several windows in the room. The _ face south. A. both B. all C. every D. either 7. Do you have _ to say at the meeting? A. something important B. anything important C. important something D. important anything 8. Ive had enough bread, would you like _ ? A. one mor

48、e B. some more C. any much D. another more 9. _ wore what she liked best. A. Each of the women B. Each of the woman C. Each of women D. Each the women 16. Have you any books on cooking? Id like to borrow _ . A. it B. that C. this D. one 18. Is this your coat? No, mine is _. A. one blue B. a blue one

49、 19. If you need money,Ill lend you _ . A. one B. it C. those D. some. 20. Have you found the pen you lost yesterday ? A. one B. the one C. ones D. it 22. Put _ bread on the table; we need _ more. A. any, some B. some, any C. some, some D. any, any 23. There isnt _ work for us to do. A. some B. any

50、24. He remembers having read about it in _ . A. any storybook B. some storybook 25. I have _ important to tell you. A. something B. anything 数词1. _ Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympic. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of 2. Both of the r


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