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1、高考英语历年真题含答案解析1.He studies the subject _.译文. 他研究这门学科较深。 A. far B. farther C. further D. farthest答案:A。 far副词,表示程度。由于没有比较对象不能用比较级或者最高级。2.Dont _ to correct me if I made a mistake.译文. 如果我有什么错误的话请毫不犹豫地改正过来。 A. pause B. stop C. mind D. hesitate答案:D。 本句考查too.to.结构。3.I asked him to _ me a few minutes so that

2、 we could go over all the problem.译文. 我请他抽出几分钟的时间,以便我们把所有的问题讨论一下。 A. spend B. save C. spare D. share答案:C。 spend花费; save节约,拯救;spare抽出时间;share分享。4.What are you going to be when you grow up ? -I want to _.译文. -你长大了想当个什么?-我想当名水手。 A. go to the sea B. go to sea C. work beyond the sea D. go to Qingdao by s

3、ea答案:B。 go to the sea到海边去;go to sea当水手;work beyond the sea在海外工作;go to Qindao by sea坐海船到青岛。5.Dont all speak at once! _, please.译文. 不要同时都讲话!请一个一个地说。 A. Each at one time B. one by one time C. one for each time D. One at a time答案:D。 one at a time 一次一个。6.Kunar can take his car apart and put it back toget

4、her again. I certainly wish he_ me how.译文. Kunar能将他的车拆开后又重新装好,我当然希望他现在能教我。 A. teaches B. will teach C. has taught D. would teach答案:D。 wish that+宾语从句,宾语从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟语气来表示。7.Dont forget the day _ you were received into the Youth League.译文. 不要忘了你入团的那一天。 A. when B. that C. at which D. where答案:A。 定语从句,the

5、 day在从句中充当时间状语。8.I havent got any paper _.译文. 我没有写东西的纸了。 A. to write B. for writing C. to write in D. to write on答案:D。 在I have sth. to do句型中不定式得是及物动词。9.How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?译文. 我们两到花园散步如何? A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking答案:C。 how about 后面接动名词。10.The war again

6、st the Japanese invaders _ in 1937.译文. 抗日战争在1937年爆发。 A. was broekn out B. was broke out C. broke out D. was breaking out答案:C。 break out 是不及物动词,不能有被动形式。11.What do you think of the materials _ these clothes were made? - They feel _.译文. -你看这些衣服是什么原料做的?-他们摸起来柔软。 A. for whom; well B. into; soft C. of whi

7、ch; soft D. in which; good答案:C。 成品中看得到原材料,要用be made of;feel摸起来,是连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。12._, great changes have taken place in our hometown.译文. 在20世纪80年代,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 A. In 1980s B. In the 1980 C. In a 1980s D. In the 1980s答案:D。 表示在20世纪80年代用in the 1980s表示。13.Im sure the red team will _ the game.译文. 我肯定红队将赢

8、得这场比赛。 A. win B. beat C. defeat D. succeed答案:A。 beat, defeat的宾语是人或者团体;succeed 后面要接介词in;win的宾语是物。14.I think _ at the train station will surprise Aunt Kate.译文. 我看你在火车站的出现会使Aunt Kate感到惊讶的。 A. your being B. you are C. you were D. you to be答案:A。 动名词的复合结构作主语。15.To play fair is as important as _.译文. 公平比赛与比

9、赛成绩好一样重要。 A. to play well B. play well C. we play well D. playing well答案:A。 不定式的同等比较,不定式符号不能省略。16.It is he, not you, _ right.译文. 是他对,而不是你对。 A. who are B. who is C. which is D. that are答案:B。 先行词是he,是单数而不是复数。17.What shall we have for dinner tonight?-Oh,I dont care. _. Its your job to come up with the

10、menu,so get on with it.译文. 今天晚上我们吃什么好呢?喔,我不介意,什么都行。 A. Anything will do B. I wont have lessons tomorrow C. I neednt to talk about it with someone D. What a nice meal答案:A。 do为不及物动词,合适,行。18.The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.译文. 最后一次看到那个丢失的孩子时他在河边玩。 A. playing B. to be playing C. play D.

11、 to play答案:A。 现在分词作主语补足语,表示进行。19.Is there any _ for the piano in the office?译文. 办公室有没有放钢琴的地方? A. seat B. place C. empty D. room答案:D。 room表示空间,地方。20.My brother _singing _ dancing while I _ dance _sing.译文. 我哥哥喜欢唱歌不喜欢跳舞,而我恰恰相反。 A. prefers , to , would rather , than B. would rather , than , prefer , to

12、C. prefers , than , would rather ,to D. would rather , to ,prefer , to答案:A。 prefer doing sth. to doing sth. = would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿而不愿。21.It was five oclock in the afternoon _ they climbed up to the top of the mountain.译文. 他们爬上山顶的时候是下午5点钟。 A. since B. when C. That D. until答案:B。 此句为一主从

13、复合句。when引导状语从句;若看作强调结构,应在five前加at。22.Tomorrow is Sunday. You are free _ anything you like.译文. 明天是星期天。你可随心所欲地做你想做的事。 A. to be done B. to doing C. to do D. doing 答案:C。 be free to do sth. 句型。随心所欲地做.。23._ a reply, he decided to write again.译文. 没有收到回信,他决定再写一封信。 A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not ha

14、ving receiving D. Having not receiving答案:C。 现在分词的完成形式表示动作发生在主句动作之前。24.If you _ it , I will lend the book to you.译文. 如果你愿意读的话,我会把书借给你的。 A. read B. will read C. have read D. were reading答案:B。 will在条件状语从句中不是助动词而是情态动词,表示愿意。25.I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.译文. 我真的不是在这儿工作,我在

15、这儿帮忙直到新的秘书来。 A. just help out B. have just helped out C. am just helping out D. will just help out 答案:C。 until前的谓语动词是延续性动词就用肯定形式,动作到until从句的时间就结束了。26.He wont go to the party without _ .译文. 没被邀请,他不会去舞会的。 A. inviting B. to be invited C. invited D. being invited答案:D。 without是介词。27.Seeing the sun _ abov

16、e the surface of the sea we let out a shout of joy.译文. 当看到太阳从海平面升起来,我们发出欢乐的叫声。 A. to rise B. to raise C. rising D. raising答案:C。 现在分词短语作宾补。28.It is generally considered unwise to give a child_ he or she wants.译文. 一般认为给孩子他或者她想要的任何东西是不明智的。 A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever答案:B。 whatever引导

17、宾语从句,在从句中作wants的宾语,用whichever引导,则表示任何哪个,与题意不符,A29._ she did was right. So everyone always believed(in)her.译文. 无论她做什么都是对的。所以大家都信任她。 A. What B. Whatever C. How D. When答案:B。 主句中差主语,同时从句中差宾语;当what和whatever同时出现应首选whoever。30.He stood against the wall with his right hand _.译文. 他举着他的右手,靠着墙站着。 A. raised B. r

18、aising C. risen D. rise答案:A。 在with + n. + .的复合结构中,用过去分词表示状态。31.There is _ word in the dictionary.译文. 辞典中没有这样一个词。 A. no such B. not a such C. no such a D. not such答案:A。 习语no such+名词 “没有这样的”32. _ she did was right. So everyone always believed(in)her.译文. 无论她做什么都是对的。所以人们总是信任她。 A. What B. Whatever C. How

19、 D. When答案:B。 whatever表示强调。33.Havent you heard the news? -What news? - Some of the workers are _ while others are _.译文. -你没有听到这消息?- 什么消息?-一些工人在游行,一些在罢工。 A. on the march, on strike B. on march, on strike C. on the march, on the strike D. on the strike, on march答案:B。 be on strike在罢工; be on march在游行。34

20、.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _ he grew up as a child.译文. 在巴黎住了将近五十年后他回到了他生长的小城。 A. which B. where C. that D. when答案:B。 定语从句,the small town在从句中充当地点状语。35.After _, jack hurried to work.译文. 快速地吃完早饭,杰克匆匆地上班去了。 A. a quick breakfast B. quick breakfast C. eating quick

21、ly breakfast D. eating quickly the breakfast答案:A。 一般说来,一日三餐前不加冠词,但表示三餐的名词被形容词所修饰时,应该加上不定冠词。36.Mrs. Black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera, _?译文. 布莱克太太不相信她的儿子能够设计数码相机,是吧? A. is he B. isnt he C. doesnt she D. does she答案:D。 复合句的反意疑问句的附加疑问部分一般说来与主句一致。37.My last lesson in French!

22、 I hardly know how to write, _ I would never learn now .译文. 我的最后一节法语课!我几乎不知道该如何写,可我也再也学不到了。 A. but B. and C. if D. so答案:B。 并列的句子用并列连词。38.If you keep on, youll succeed _.译文. 如果你继续的话,你迟早会成功的。 A. in time B. at one time C. at the same time D. on time答案:A。 in time及时,迟早;at one time先前,以前;at the same time同时

23、;on time准时。39.The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.译文. 最后一次看到那个丢失的孩子时他在河边玩。 A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play答案:A。 现在分词作主语补足语,表示进行。40.He asked several questions _ the professor who gave us a lecture _ the balance of nature.译文. 他经常问老教授问题,那个给我们讲大自然平衡的教授。 A. with; for B. from;

24、of C. to; about D. of; on答案:D。 ask表示提出请求或问题时,其间接宾语可用of引出。41.Is there a cinema around _ I can see a movie?译文. 附近有能看电影的电影院吗? A. that B. which C. where D. what答案:C。 where引导定语从句修饰cinema。42.Please write your composition _ line to leave space for the teachers correction .译文. 请隔行写你的作文以便留下空间供老师评改。 A. one an

25、other B. every other C. any other D. each other答案:B。 every other line 隔行。43.Its better _ it again.译文. 最好再听一次。 A. to listen B. to listen to C. listen D. listen to答案:B。 是It is + 形容词 + to do sth.句型;listen 式不及物动词,如果跟宾语的话后面就得跟介词to 。44.The head engineer is in _ the project .译文. 主任工程师负责这项工程。 A. his charge

26、of B. the charge of C. charge of D. ones charge答案:C。 in charge of固定搭配,负责。45.I think it _ to smoke . - _.译文. -我认为抽烟不对。-我也这样认为。 A. was wrong; Neither do I B. wrong; So do I C. wrong; So I dont D. wrong; So I do 答案:B。 第一句属于6123结构。第二句是倒装句,表示也是如此。46.There are forty five students in our class, and they ar

27、e _ interested in football.译文. 我们班上有个学生,大家几乎都对足球感兴趣。 A. most B. almost C. nearly D. mostly答案:D。 most常用来修饰形容词和副词;nearly, almost表示几乎47.He gave me _ valuable _.译文. 他给我许多有价值的建议。 A. many ; advices B. a number of; advice C. a lot of; advice D. a few, advice答案:C。 首先advice是不可数名词;它的修饰语在本句中只能选a lot of。48.Mr.

28、Chen is a teacher and works very hard. -_ his wife.译文. -陈老师是一个好老师,工作很努力。-他的妻子也是这样。 A. So does B. Do it C. So it is with D. It is same with答案:C。 表示和什么一样。前面的句子中两个句子的谓语动词不一样,或者是两件不同的事,就的用so it is with这个句型。49.They will be very _ to see you here.译文. 他们将很高兴地在这儿见到你。 A. pleasing B. pleasant C. pleasure D. p

29、leased答案:D。 pleasing表示特征;pleasant只能修饰名词;pleasure是名词;pleased表示状态。50.What _ their child fond of?译文. 他们的孩子喜欢什么? A. do B. does C. are D. is答案:D。 be fond of 喜欢.51.He is too careless and he _ keys.译文. 他太粗心了,老是丢钥匙。 A. always lost B. always loses C. is always losing D. will always lose答案:C。 always和进行时连用表示老是

30、,总是。52.The subject _ we are going to turn is about English studies.译文. 我们打算求助的科目的是英语学习。 A. about which B. with which C. about that D. to which答案:D。 定语从句。turn to 是一个固定搭配,求助于,求教于。53. _ a good insulator(绝缘体) , rubber is often used in cables.译文. 由于是较好的绝缘体,橡胶常用于电缆。 A. Having been B. To be C. Be D. Being答

31、案:D。 现在分词短语表原因,状态等;不定时表示将来,目的。54.The students are _ young people between the ages at between the age of sixteen and twenty.译文. 这些学生大部分是年龄在16-20岁的年轻人。 A. most B. almost C. mostly D. at most答案:C。 mostly副词,大部分的意思。55.They have _ friends since they met in Shanghai.译文. 从他们在上海见面后就成了好朋友了。 A. made B. become

32、C. turned D. been答案:D。 有since 引导的从句,主句应该是延续性的动词。56._ danger man is often much eiser than usual.译文. 在危险的时刻,人总是比平时聪明些。 A. In a time of B. In the time of C. in the times of D. In time of答案:D。 in time of 在时刻。57.Ill give the prize to _ finishes the work first.译文. 我将把奖品给最先完成工作的人。 A. whomever B. whoever C.

33、 who D. anyone答案:B。 名词性从句中的“救从不救主原则”和“首选原则”。58.You _ a child. You can take careof yourself.译文. 你不再是小孩了。你能自己照料自己了。 A. no longer are B. not any more are C. are no longer D. no more are答案:C。 no longer 不再 常放在助动词或be动词后。59.Has everything _ can be done _?译文. 能够做的是不是都做了? A. what; done B. that; been done C.

34、that; already done D. what; already being done答案:B。 主句是现在完成时态,主句中有一个定语从句。60.The boy wanted to ride his bike in the street, but his mother told him _.译文. 这孩子想在街上骑自行车,但是他的妈妈不许可。 A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to答案:A。 省略结构,不定式做宾补时,可以带不定式省略后面的相同部分。61.Nobody enjoys _.译文. 没有人喜欢被瞧不起。 A. bein

35、g looked down upon B. looking down upon C. being looked down D. to look down 答案:A。 enjoy后面要跟动名词。62.Im not very good at playing chess. He often _ me.译文. 我不太擅长下棋。他经常赢我。 A. beats B. wins C. hits D. fights答案:A。 在比赛中战胜对手用beat;win指赢得某项比赛,后接比赛项目的名词。63.Ill go to the railway station to _ you _.译文. 我将到火车站去为你送

36、行。 A. see; of B. take; off C. see; off D. see; away答案:C。 see sb. off为某人送行。64.He wont go to the party without _ .译文. 没被邀请,他不会去舞会的。 A. inviting B. to be invited C. invited D. being invited答案:D。 without是介词。65.It was until last year that he _.译文. 他作为英语老师在一所中学一直工作到去年。 A. left his home town for a new star

37、t B. came to realize the importance of leaving English C. worked as an English teacher at a middle school D. set out to build a new house of h his own答案:C。 强调句型。注意until引导的句型是肯定的意思其谓语动词应该是延续性动词。66.How pleasant the picture is to _!译文. 这幅画看起来很不错! A. be looked B. for looking at C. looking at D. look at答

38、案:D。 It is peasant to look at the picture。故不定式用主动形式。67.It was foolish _ you to give up what you rightly owned.译文. 放弃你所拥有的东西很愚蠢。 A. for B. of C. about D. from答案:B。 It is + 形容词 +of sb. + to do sth.句型。该句型中的形容词如果是休息sb.的特征,形容词用of。68.The factory is five kilometers _ from his house.译文. 工厂离他的家大约五公里左右。 A. so

39、 far B. or so C. far D. way答案:B。 or so左右69.We had to read _ the light of a candle because the light went out.译文. 我们的借助蜡烛看书,因为电灯熄了。 A. by B. in C. with D. on答案:A。 by the light of借助的光亮。70.Would you be _ to turn down the gas fire a little?译文. 请你把天然气关小一点好吗? A. kind enough B. kind so as C. kind D. so kin

40、d答案:A。 would you be kind enough to do sth是一个常见句型,请求人家做什么。71.We have _ such tall building in our city.译文. 我们市里有四十座这样的建筑。 A. two scores of B. two dozen of C. two score of D. two dozens of答案:C。 量词前有数词修饰,不能用复数形式;score常和of连用。72.I can _ BBC English programmes clearly on my radio.译文. 在我的收音机里我能听到清晰的BBC英语广播。

41、 A. picked up B. pick up C. picks up D. picking up答案:B。 情态动词后要跟动词原形。73.The film is very interesting. _students have seen it.译文. 这部电影很有趣,许多学生都看过。 A. A plenty of B. Many of C. A great many D. Two hundreds答案:C。 coin-collector硬币收集者。以as引导的让步状语从句应用倒装句,名词放于句首时,前不加冠词a。74.I think _ at the train station will

42、surprise Aunt Kate.译文. 我认为你在车站会使Aunt Kate感到惊讶的。 A. your being B. you are C. you were D. you to be答案:A。 动名词的复合结构作主语。75.They _ when they heard him confess his fault.译文. 他们惊讶地听到他承认他的过错。 A. had been surprising B. were surprising C. were surprised D. had been surprised答案:C。 时间状语是过去时态,主句也应用过去时态,从句中heard是一

43、般过去时态。76.I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.译文. 我认为是你的丈夫该为这个被溺爱的孩子而受到责备。 A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame答案:A。 责备,抱怨某人,用主动形式不用被动。Sb. is to blame for sth.77. shall I sit this end or _ of the boat?-_ if you keep still.译文. -我坐在这头还是船的另一头?-只要你保持不动,

44、任何一头都可以。 A. another; Either B. the other; either C. another; Both D. the other; Both答案:B。 小船只有两头,指另外一个只能用the other;两个中的任何一个用either。78.The visiting professor _ giving lectures to students _ invited to meetings at times.译文. 来访教授宁愿作讲座而不愿不时地被邀请参加会议。 A. preferred; to being B. preferred to; rather than C. preferred; than being D. preferred; to being答案:A。 考查句型:prefer doing sth to doing sth. 宁愿.而不.。79.These plants are water _.译文. 这些植物每隔一天浇水。 A. each other day B. every other day C. each of two days D. every of two days答案:B。 每隔几天/周/月的表达是:every few days/ weeks/months。每隔一天是: every oth


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