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1、高考英语历年真题含答案解析1. - Whats your opinion about it? -You can _at a glance that the building was poorly built. 译文. -你对此的看法如何?-一眼就可以看得出这座楼房修建得很差。 A. say B. see C. tell D. take it for granted答案:B。 see在该句的意思是明白,知道。say说;tell区分;take it for granted想当然。2.How did you manage to get to school on time _ you missed t

2、he school bus?译文. 你赶掉了校车,你是如何按时到学校的呀? A. when B. if C. once D. because答案:A。 整个句子说得是过去的事,不表示假设,只要排除了once,if,答案就只有A了。3.Im sure the red team will _ the game.译文. 我肯定红队将赢得这场比赛。 A. win B. beat C. defeat D. succeed答案:A。 beat, defeat的宾语是人或者团体;succeed 后面要接介词in;win的宾语是物。4.Only when class began _that he had le

3、ft his book at home.译文. 知道开始上课了她才意识到他把书丢在家里了。 A. will he realize B. he did realize C. did he realize D. should he realize答案:C。 only+状语放于句首,主句应该部分倒装句。5.The world is _ seven continents and four oceans.译文. 这个世界由七大洲,四大洋组成。 A. made up of B. made out of C. made from D. made in答案:A。 be made up of表示由什么组成;be

4、 made of/ from/ out of表示由制成。6.We believe she can win the game, _?译文. 我们相信她会赢得这场比赛,是吧? A. dont we B. do we C. can we D. cant she 答案:D。 主句中的谓语动词是6123结构之类动词而且主句的主语是第一人称,反意疑问句应该和从句一致。7.I can hardly heat the radio. Would you please _?译文. 我几乎听不到收音机了。请把他开大一点好吗? A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D

5、. turn it off答案:C。 turn up 开大一些;turn off关掉; turn on 打开;turn down关小一些。8.May I have a talk with one of your sports reporters?-Sorry, but all of them are out to_the main events of the day.译文. -我可以和你们体育记者钟的一个谈一谈吗?-对不起,所有记者都外出采访今天的新闻去了。 A. get B. find C. cover D. search答案:C。 cover the events采访事件。9.They w

6、aited and waited. _ they had been looking forward to.译文. 他们等呀等呀,他们盼望的时刻终于来到了。 A. Then the hour came B. The hour then came C. Then came the hour D. Then did the hour come答案:C。 then等副词在句首,句子要完全倒装;后面还跟了一个定语从句。10._ on the portrait, mother was deep in thought.译文. 凝视着画像,妈妈陷入沉思。 A. Fixed her eyes B. Her ey

7、es are fixed C. Her eyes fixing D. With her eyes fixed答案:D。 复合结构。With + 名词 + 过去分词短语,表示伴随。11._ in prison for ten years, no one recognized him.译文. 由于这个人在监狱蹲了十年,所以没有人认识他。 A. The mans having put B. The man being put C. The man having been D. Having been答案:C。 独立主格结构。12.The teacher asked us to put weekend

8、s _ good use.译文. 老师要求我们充分利用周末。 A. with B. in C. for D. to答案:D。 固定搭配,put sth. into good use充分利用。13.Tony is coming with _ boys.译文. Tony将和另外两个小男孩一道来 A. little two other B. two other little C. two little other D. little other two答案:C。 多个形容词的排列顺序。参见本站语法栏目相关内容。14.You cant _ until tomorrow morning after th

9、e blood examination.译文. 直到明天上午查血后,你才可以吃喝。 A. not only eat but also drink B. either eat or drink C. neither eat nor drink D. both eat and drink答案:B。 该句中有否定词not,就只有用either or结构。15.I waited for the car from the factory to _ me.译文. 我等厂里的车接我。 A. call on B. call for C. call out D. call up答案:B。 call on 拜访某

10、人;call for 接某人同往某地;call out to sb.朝某人大声喊叫;call up给打电话。16.He entered the room, _ coat covered with snow.译文. 他进了屋子,他的外衣上是雪。 A. whose B. his C. its D. its答案:B。 复合结构表示伴随。17.In no case _ allowed to go on.译文. 这样的是绝不容许再发生。 A. should such a thing be B. should not such a thing be C. such a thing should not b

11、e D. such a thing should be答案:A。 in no case 这样的否定词或者短语在句首,句子要部分倒装。18.He was determined that his children_ to the best school available.译文. 他决心让他的孩子上尽可能好的学校。 A. should go B. went C. ought to go D. would go答案:A。 be determined引出从句用should do sth.。require,order,demand,recommend和be determined从句中,谓语动词用shou

12、ld do形式做谓语,或省去should,只用动词原形做19.Henry escaped _ by admitting his mistake.译文. Henry承认了错误免去了受惩罚。 A. being punished B. having been punished C. having punished D. punishing 答案:A。 escape后面一般跟动名词做宾语。20.If my brother is allowed to go out, _.译文. 如果允许哥哥出去,那我也要出去。 A. so should I B. so am I C. so I should D. so

13、 I am答案:B。 由于两个句子的主语不是同一个人,因此要倒装。21.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his loss.译文. Nick再找其他工作,因为他觉得他做的工作没有一件使他的老板满意。 A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. supports答案:B。 动词用法辨异。22.Mr.Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had _was nowhere to be seen.译文

14、. Mr.Smith很惊讶的发现他修好了的手表不见了。 A. it B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired答案:C。 此处的had had为过去完成时,是was surprised之前发生的动作。he had had repaired是一个省略了which的定语从句(其先行词为watch),作had had的宾语,repaired为宾补。23.Dont _ to correct me if I made a mistake.译文. 如果我有什么错误的话请毫不犹豫地改正过来。 A. pause B. stop C. mind D. hesitat

15、e答案:D。 本句考查too.to.结构。24.Kunar can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he_ me how.译文. Kunar能够把他的车拆开后又组装好。我真希望他能教我。 A. teaches B. will teach C. has taught D. would teach答案:D。 wish that+宾语从句,宾语从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟语气来表示。如是将来时态的动作应用would do sth.或could do sth.。25.Dont all speak at

16、once! _, please.译文. 不要同时都讲话!请一个一个地说。 A. Each at one time B. one by one time C. one for each time D. One at a time答案:D。 one at a time 一次一个。26._ is the population of your country?译文. 你们国家的人口是多少? A. How B. what C. How many D. How many答案:B。 就名词population提问多少时,可用what或how large。27.His lessons arent intere

17、sting and the students _ his classes.译文. 他的可没有兴趣,学生也厌倦他的课。 A. are tired from B. are getting along with C. are tired of D. tired of答案:C。 be tired of / with 意为对感到厌倦。28.The students in this college are all taking courses _a degree.译文. 这所大学的大学生都在参加学位的课程学习。 A. devoting to B. turning to C. leading to D. s

18、ticking to答案:C。 lead to意为导致29.A fish needs water and without water it will die. _.译文. 鱼需要水,没有水鱼就会死。人也是这样。 A. so does a man B. so will a man C. so it is with a man D. so is it with a man答案:C。 当前面的句子是两回事或者两个不同的谓语动词,要表示与这种情况一样就得用so it is with的结构。30.Though _, many laws of nature exist.译文. 尽管没被发现,许多自然规律还

19、是存在的。 A. not having been discovered B. having not been discovered C. not having discovered D. having not discovered答案:A。 当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,可以用分词短语化简。31.The blind man _ the elephants trunk. It _ like a snake.译文. 这个瞎子摸着大象的鼻子,摸起来像一条蛇。 A. felt ; was feeling B. felt ; felt C. was feeling; felt D. was feelin

20、g; was feeling答案:C。 feel 一个是及物动词;后面的是感官动词。32.The poor man _ lost his money just now is called John.译文. 刚才那个丢钱的可怜人名叫John。 A. that B. which C. who D. whom答案:C。 定语从句,先行词是人,做主语用who。33.My brother _singing _ dancing while I _ dance _sing.译文. 我哥哥喜欢唱歌不喜欢跳舞,而我恰恰相反。 A. prefers , to , would rather , than B. wo

21、uld rather , than , prefer , to C. prefers , than , would rather ,to D. would rather , to ,prefer , to答案:A。 prefer doing sth. to doing sth. = would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿而不愿。34.The man and the horse _ fell into the river were drowned.译文. 掉在河里的人和马都淹死了。 A. Which B. who C. that D. of which答案:C。

22、 人和物做先行词,定语从句用that引导。35.Did your uncle fly to Paris directly?-No,he travelled from Hong Kong _ London.译文. 你叔叔直接飞巴黎去了?不,他从香港出发取道伦敦飞抵巴黎。 A. through B. by way of C. across D. on way of答案:B。 by way of意为途经;经由;取道。36.You _ a child. You can take careof yourself.译文. 你不再是小孩了。你能自己照料自己了。 A. no longer are B. not

23、 any more are C. are no longer D. no more are答案:C。 no longer 不再 常放在助动词或be动词后。37.Its _ warm today, lets go swimming.No, I dont _ to do. Its _ cold today.译文. -今天相当暖和,去游泳吧!-不,我不想去,今天还较冷。 A. rather, hope, fairly B. fairly, want, rather C. rather, think, fairly D. fairly, like, fairly答案:A。 rather表示过分;fai

24、rly表示合适。38.Do you usually take a vacation? -Yes, I like to go away_.译文. -你喜欢度假吗?-是的,我喜欢远出一年一次。 A. one time this year B. once a year C. one time a year D. one time in a year答案:B。 次数 + a year/ month/ week 是常用固定搭配,表示一年月周一次。39.As middle school students, we _ the police to keep order.译文. 作为中学生,我们过去常常帮助警察

25、维持交通秩序。 A. are used to help B. used to helping C. used to help D. used to be helped答案:C。 used to do sth. 过去常常做;be used to doing sth.习惯语做。 40.The students in this college are all taking courses _a degree.译文. 这所大学的学生都在学习达到学位的课程。 A. devoting to B. turning to C. leading to D. sticking to答案:C。 lead to意为导

26、致41.Ill be back _ 5 oclock tomorrow afternoon.译文. 我将在明天下午大约点钟的时候回来。 A. about B. around C. until D. for答案:B。 about是副词,表示具体的时点要加介词at;around是介词,大约的意思。42.In fact she was _ of softball, tennis and track.译文. 事实上,她更喜欢垒球,网球和田径。 A. much more fond B. much fond C. very fonder D. too more fond答案:A。 fond的比较级是加mo

27、re构成。43.When shall we meet again? - Make it _ day you like; it s all the same to me.译文. -我们什么时候再相会?-什么时候都行,对我来说都一样。 A. one B. any C. another D. some答案:B。 make it any time 是一个固定搭配,确定时间。44.Im not going to help you steal a can, what do you _?译文. 我不会帮你偷罐头的,你把我当什么了? A. call me B. think me C. take me for

28、D. read me答案:C。 takefor把.误认为.。45.A new school was _ in the village last year.译文. 一所新的学校去年在村里建立起来了。 A. held up B. set up C. sent up D. brought up答案:B。 hold up句气;set up建立;send up发射;bring up抚育。46.When are you _ your next exams? - Next month.译文. -你什么时候参加下一次考试?-下一个月。 A. making B. taking C. holding D. get

29、ting 答案:B。 参加考试用take。47.After _, jack hurried to work.译文. 快速地吃完早饭,杰克匆匆地上班去了。 A. a quick breakfast B. quick breakfast C. eating quickly breakfast D. eating quickly the breakfast答案:A。 一般说来,一日三餐前不加冠词,但表示三餐的名词被形容词所修饰时,应该加上不定冠词。48.The box is _ what I saw in the shop.译文. 这个盒子和我在商店里看到的一样。 A. same as B. the

30、 same like C. the same that D. the same as答案:D。 same总是和定冠词the连用;当表示类似时用as;表示同一物时用that。49.They have _ friends since they met in Shanghai.译文. 从他们在上海见面后就成了好朋友了。 A. made B. become C. turned D. been答案:D。 有since 引导的从句,主句应该是延续性的动词。50. _ a good insulator(绝缘体) , rubber is often used in cables.译文. 作为良导体,橡胶常用作

31、电缆。 A. Having been B. To be C. Be D. Being答案:D。 现在分词短语表原因。51.If you get_ in a foreign city, youd better stay where you are and wait for your friends译文. 如果你在国外的城市里迷路了,你最好呆在原地等待你的朋友来帮助你。 A. lose B. to lose C. losing D. lost答案:D。 get lost迷路。get+及物动词的过去分词形式也可构成被动语态。在get+done所在的句式中不用by引出谓语动词在逻辑上的主语。52.Li

32、n Tao and I are in _ school, but in _.译文. Lin Tao和我在同一个学校,但在不同的班。 A. a same ; different classes B. the same; a different class C. the same; different classes D. the same; the different class答案:C。 same 前必须加the,different 后面应该跟复数名词。53.Alice, why didnt come yesterday? -I _, but I had an unexpected visit

33、or.译文. -阿莉思,你昨天为什么没来呢?-我本打算来的,单来了一位不速之客。 A. had B. would C. was going to D. did答案:C。 would 只表示纯粹的将来;be going to打算,计划。54.He wrote to his friends _ information.译文. 他写信给他的朋友寻求信息。 A. asked for B. to ask for C. ask for D. asks for答案:B。 不定式表示目的。55._ the beginning of the meeting, we heard a report by Mr Li

34、.译文. 在会议之初,我们听了李先生的报告。 A. By B. In C. At D. On答案:C。 at the beginning of 在之初。56.So excited _ that he couldnt say a word.译文. 他太激动了,一句话也说不出来。 A. was he B. he was C. did he be D. did he was答案:A。 so.that.结构中的so在句首,主句要部分倒装。57.Only at that time _ that he had made a lot of mistakes in his homework.译文. 知道那个时

35、候他才意识到他的家庭作业中出了很多错误。 A. He realized B. did he realize C. he did realized D. realized he答案:B。 only引导的状语在句首,主句要部分倒装。58.Do you know our town at all? No, this is the first time I _ here.译文. 你了解我们城市么?不,我这是第一次到这儿来。 A. was B. have been C. came D. are coming答案:B。 this is the first time that在这个句型中,从句要用完成时态。5

36、9.We found Marys brother to have _ more story books than Anns.译文. 我们发现玛丽哥哥的故事书比安利哥哥的多得多。 A. much B. too much C. by far D. far 答案:D。 far修饰比较级。60.Dinnerll be ready in a few minutes. Youd better _.译文. 晚饭马上就好了。你最好把手洗了。 A. wash B. wash himself C. get washed D. washing答案:C get washed系表结构。61.I think it _ t

37、o smoke . - _.译文. -我认为抽烟不对。-我也这样认为。 A. was wrong; Neither do I B. wrong; So do I C. wrong; So I dont D. wrong; So I do 答案:B。 第一句属于6123结构。第二句是倒装句,表示也是如此。62.The stone on the river bank rolled under her feet; she was _into the river,and she called out for help.译文. 河岸的石头滚到她的脚下;把她推到了河里,于是喊救命。 A. being ju

38、mped B. jumped C. pulled D. being pulled答案:D。 was being pulled是过去进行时的被动形式。63.Too mcuh meat and sugar may cause to _ weight very easily.译文. 太多的肉和糖会容易引起发福。 A. put up B. put off C. put on D. put down答案:C。 put up挂起,张贴;put off推迟; put on wieght发福;put down放下,拒绝。64.It was an exciting moment for these footba

39、ll fans this year, _ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.译文. 这是一个令足球迷们激动的时刻,多少年来这是他们的球队第一次获得世界杯。 A. that B. while C. which D. when答案:D。 非限制性定语从句,先行词是an exciting moment,在从句中充当时间状语。65.Historically, _ main material for making tables has been wood, but _ metal and stone have also be

40、en used.译文. 历史地说,做桌子的的原料一直是木料,但是金属和石料也可以用了。 A. the; / B. /; / C. the; the D. /; the答案:A。 第一个为特指;第二个空不填是因为meta, stone不可数名词表示种类。66.Is she a teacher? - Yes, _.译文. -她是一个老师吗?-对呀 A. all right B. thats right C. thats all right D. this is right答案:B。 all right行了,好吧;thats all right不客气,没关系;thats right对,没错;this

41、 is right没有这个表达法。67.Its better _ it again.译文. 最好再听一次。 A. to listen B. to listen to C. listen D. listen to答案:B。 是It is + 形容词 + to do sth.句型;listen 式不及物动词,如果跟宾语的话后面就得跟介词to 。68.BBC English is _ people _ want to improve their English.译文. BBC英语是为那些想提高自己英语的人开设的。 A. for; who B. for; to whom C. to; who D. t

42、o; what答案:A。 第一个空需要一个表示目的的介词;第二空时定语从句,需要一个主语。69.Our family _ always _ love and understanding.译文. 在我们家庭中总是充满的爱和理解。 A. was rich; on B. is rich; in C. is riching; in D. riched; by答案:B。 be rich in固定搭配,充满着。70.Miss Yang will teach us Chinese today _ Mr Zhang.译文. 今天杨老师代替张老师给我们上语文课。 A. instead B. instead of

43、 C. to D. of答案:B。 instead 是副词;instead of是介词短语,才能跟宾语。71.Dont have the clock _ , Your father is sleeping.译文. 不要让闹钟响,你爸爸在睡觉。 A. rings B. rang C. ring D. ringing答案:C。 have sth. do sth.结构,不定式一般表示将来要发生的动作。72.Money is often _ to be the most important thing in the west.译文. 在西方金钱被认为是最重要的东西。 A. considered B.

44、regarded C. thinking D. suggested答案:A。 consider to be sth.结构。73.Lincoln promised to _ slavery _ the end.译文. 林肯许诺他要为反对奴隶制而战斗直到最后。 A. fight for; to B. fight against; of C. fight for; of D. fight against; to答案:D。 fight against 为反对而战;to the end直到最后。74.I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language

45、 without much memory work.译文. 我以为不做记忆类工作是不可能掌握一门外语的。 A. this B. that C. its D. it答案:D。 6123结构。75.He suddenly returned to the small village _ a rainy morning.译文. 在一个下雨天的早晨他突然回到了这个小村庄。 A. on B. at C. in D. during答案:A。 在一个具体的日期,介词要用on。76.The students are _ to hand in the exercises before class.译文. 希望学生在下课前交作业。 A. hoped B


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