2022版中考英语精练精析 八下 Modules 1-3知能综合检测 外研版.doc

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1、八年级下册 Modules 13(45分钟 100分). 单项选择(30分)1. (2012烟台中考)Do you often play _ soccer with your friends? No, I dont like sports. I often play _ piano in my free time. A. a; the B. the; / C. /; the D. the; a2. Do you _ anything? Yes, I have a _ of dolls. A. collect;collectB. collection;collectionC. collect;c

2、ollectionD. collection;collect3. Colours can change our moods(心情) and make us _ happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. A. to feelB. feelingC. feelD. feels4. (2011天津中考) Im sorry I broke your coffee cup. _A. Youre welcome. B. I dont know. C. Youre right. D. It doesnt matter. 5. Did our school team _ yeste

3、rdays football match? Yes. They _ the team from No. 2 Middle School. A. win; beatB. beat; wonC. win; wonD. beat; beat6. Kate is a little ill. She doesnt feel like _ anything these days. A. to eatB. eatC. ateD. eating7. Its very nice of you to help me. _A. Dont say so. B. Dont mention it. C. All righ

4、t. D. No problem. 8. The house price was going up quickly last year, but this year it goes down _. A. day and dayB. day by dayC. day to dayD. day after day9. When will you visit your grandparents? _ next month. A. May be sometimeB. Maybe sometimeC. May be sometimesD. Maybe sometimes10. (2012黄冈中考)Can

5、 you tell me the way to the railway station? (替换)A. where isB. how can I get toC. the way atD. how to get to11. Could you tell me _? Of course a boy. A. what your pen friend likesB. how old is your pen friendC. where does your pen friend come fromD. whether your pen friend is a boy or not12. It _ th

6、at the worker didnt eat anything. A. seemsB. seemedC. seems toD. seemed to13. Its hard to _ that such a little child is able to speak several languages. A. sayB. realizeC. imagineD. think14. I was traveling _ in the _ mountain.A. lonely; aloneB. alone; lonelyC. lonely; lonelyD. alone; alone15. (2011

7、咸宁中考)Were you at school when it began to rain? Yes. I _ with my teacher at that time. A. talkB. will talkC. was talkingD. am talking. 完形填空(10分)My name is Simon and I am a Grade 9 student. I am crazy 1 football! I love 2 football, reading about football, and of course, playing football. My dream 3 a

8、great football player. However, my love of football has become a big problem, here is my problem. I have 4 friends, and we always play football together at school or in the park after school. We like staying out late to play football. We often play for three hours or more and forget when to stop. Th

9、en I 5 trouble at home because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p. m. . I really do not understand why they are so strict. I feel stressed and angry 6 . I believe it is important for us 7 some time on our hobbies. They can help us relax and make our lives 8 . I wish I could have my

10、 parents 9 . Is it bad to stay out late to play football? Should I spend less time on it? I really do not know 10 . Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies? 1. A. forB. withC. ofD. about2. A. watchingB. seeingC. looking atD. looking3. A. am to beB. is t

11、o beC. is to beingD. are to be4. A. muchB. not anyC. fewD. plenty of5. A. get inB. get intoC. get onD. get off6. A. from time to timeB. from times to timesC. between time and timeD. between times and times7. A. to takeB. to costC. to spendD. to pay8. A. much interestingB. more interestedC. more inte

12、restingD. the most interesting9. A. supportB. supportedC. supportingD. supports10. A. why to doB. when to doC. what to doD. where to do. 阅读理解(10分)(2011崇左中考)Nowadays, more and more schools in China make rules making students wear school uniforms to school. Parents and teachers think it will make a be

13、tter learning environment at school, but some students dont like their school uniforms. So, what are school uniforms like in other parts of the world? In Japan, boys in middle school wear uniforms called “gakuran” which have dark jackets with stand-up collars and pants. Girls, on the other hand, wea

14、r uniforms called “sailor fuku”, which look like European naval(海军的) uniforms. Most schools in England require students to wear school uniforms. Boys need to wear long grey or black pants, white shirts and school ties. Girls have the same clothes as boys, but they can wear skirts or summer school dr

15、esses during the summer term. In the UK, uniforms were the custom throughout most of the 20th Century, but now more and more public schools stop requiring students to wear uniforms. They think uniforms make students lose their personalities(个性). For children in many African countries, school uniform

16、s can be a kind of pride, or a huge financial burden(经济负担). Many children have only one uniform, and that may be all the clothes they have. In a word, love it or hate it, school uniform is a part of growing up for children around the world so youd better enjoy your school uniform and your school lif

17、e. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)( )1. The author introduces school uniforms of different countries to prove it is a part of growing up for children. ( )2. In Japan, teenagers all wear uniforms which look like European naval uniforms. ( )3. Neither Chinese students nor students in other countries like their

18、school uniforms. ( )4. In England all the school stop requiring students to wear uniforms because they think uniforms make students lose their personalities. ( )5. In Africa, many children are too poor to afford more than one uniform. . 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1. You cant b _ him. He is always

19、telling lies. 2. Its not polite to talk loudly in p _ places. 3. We are p _ for the coming exam. Im sure well get good grades. 4. This is my p _ diary, so you cant see it. 5. (2011毕节中考)With the d _ of computer science,more and more work will be done by computer. ()用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)6. Is the magazine R

20、eaders monthly or _ (week)? 7. Many _ (teenage) love Zhang Jies songs, and then he has become a successful singer. 8. The students should spend more time _ (read) books. 9. He did better at the school sports meeting than _ (usually). 10. She will present the prize to the _ (win). . 完成句子(10分)1. 雪下得很大

21、,结果,他来晚了。It snowed heavily, and _ _ _, he came late. 2. 我告诉他我害怕一个人在晚上外出。I tell him that Im _ _ _ out at night alone. 3. 布朗先生将在一两个月之后访问中国。Mr. Brown will visit China in _ _ _ months. 4. (2011北京中考)多吃蔬菜水果对健康有好处。_ _ _ your health to eat more vegetables and fruit. 5. 在我去上学的路上,我碰到了我最好的朋友。I met my best frie

22、nd _ _ _ to shcool. . 补全对话(10分)根据对话内容,在空格中各填写一个句子,使对话完整、通顺A: I havent seen you for a long time! How is it going? B: 1 . A: Where are you going? B: Im going to the new movie theatre. I hear that there are many new movies on recently. A: 2 ? B: I like action movies. My favorite movie star is Jet Li. 3

23、 ? A: Me, too. I think his movies are exciting. His “Shaolin Temple” impressed me a lot. B: 4 ? A: Yes, Id love to, but I dont know the way. 5 ? B: No, its quite near. Its only ten minutes walk. A: OK. Lets go. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _. 短文填空(10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词,使短文内容完整、通顺David goes to school in New Zea

24、land. When he was at primary, he didnt have any h 1 to do. He only had to read for 15 minutes every evening. And thats all! His school had a huge sports field that was b 2 enough for four football fields. He loved to run around with his friends. His t 3 was nice, too. Sometimes she would say, “S 4 y

25、our math work please, children. Its a beautiful day outside. Lets go out and play a g 5 ! ”Things have changed since David s 6 his high school life. He still p 7 a lot of sports, but the work is a bit harder. He has to do some homework, but not too much, only one hour each night. But the b 8 thing D

26、avid loves about his high school is all the sports he can play. The sports ground has a running track, a s 9 pool and four fields. David plays sports every day after school. David is looking forward to going to university. After he has finished his studies, he wants to t 10 around the world. He drea

27、ms and hopes that one day he can.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _. 书面表达(10分)(2011十堰中考)针对社会上人们对90后年轻人的某些评论,英语课上同学们与老师就此展开了讨论。作为一名90后的中学生,请参考下面的提示词写一篇英语发言稿,展示真实的你。要求:1. 语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯,可适当发挥。2. 文中不能出现真实校名、姓名等相关信息。3. 词数:不少于80词。发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:selfish(自私的); Internet; believe in

28、oneself; high ideals(崇高理想); in style; creativeAs we know, most of us are the only child in our families now. _We are growing up. We are sure to do better. 答案解析. 1.【解析】选C。考查冠词的用法。“球类”词前不加冠词,“乐器”前需加定冠词the。句意:你经常和朋友们踢足球吗?不,我不喜欢运动。我有空时经常弹钢琴。故选C。2. 【解析】选C。考查词形变化。collect动词,“收集”;collection名词,“收集”。第一空需填动词,第

29、二空需填名词,故选C。3.【解析】选C。考查make sb. do sth. 的用法。句意:颜色可以改变我们的心情,可以使我们高兴或悲伤,精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。故选C。4.【解析】选D 。考查交际用语。 用“It doesnt matter. ”来回答 “Im sorry. ”,故选D。5.【解析】选A。考查win与beat的区别。句意:我们的校队赢了昨天的那场足球赛吗?是的。他们打败了来自第二中学的足球队。win后跟比赛、游戏等, 而beat后跟人或团队, 故选A。6.【解析】选D。考查feel like的用法。feel like意为“想要”,后加动名词。故选D。7.【解析】选B。考查交际用语

30、。A项意为“别这么说”;B项意为“不客气”;C项意为“行;好的”;D项意为“没问题”。由第一句“你帮助我真是太好了”可知应选B。8.【解析】选B。考查day by day的用法。句意:去年的房价迅速上涨,但是今年又一天天地下降了。故选B。9.【解析】选B。考查maybe与may be及sometime与sometimes的区别。maybe副词,放于句首;may be情态动词 +动词原形,放于主语后。sometime表示“将来的某个时间”;sometimes表示频率,常用于一般现在时。句意:你什么时候去看望祖父母?下个月的某个时间。故选B。10.【解析】选D。考查“疑问词+动词不定式”的用法。宾

31、语从句的语序应为陈述语序,所以排除A项和B项;C项本身错误。故选D。11.【解析】选D。考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句的语序应为陈述语序,排除B和C项。由答语“当然是男生。”可知问句应为“你的笔友是不是男生”,故选D。12.【解析】选B。考查seem的用法。seem后加动词不定式意为“好像做某事”,it seems/seemed + that从句,意为“好像”,又由从句中的didnt可知选B。13.【解析】选C。考查动词词义。say说;realize意识到;imagine想象;设想;think思考;认为。句意:很难想象这样小的一个孩子会说好几种语言。故选C。14.【解析】选B。考查alone和l

32、onely的区别。alone“单独,独自”,只能作表语或状语;lonely“孤独的,荒凉的”,只能作表语和定语。句意:我独自一人在荒凉的大山中旅行。故选B。15. 【解析】选C。考查过去进行时的用法。句意:下雨的时候你在学校吗?是的。那时我正在和老师交谈。故选C。. 1.【解析】选D。考查短语be crazy about对感到疯狂。2.【解析】选A 。watching 一般指观看比赛;seeing 一般指看电影;looking at看着;looking不及物动词,不能直接加宾语。本句为看足球比赛,故选A。3.【解析】选B。dream作主语,系动词用is,后加动词不定式,表示“将要做某事”。4.

33、【解析】选D。根据下句可知“我有很多的朋友。”plenty of“许多;大量的”,much修饰不可数名词,few表示“几乎没有”,故选D。5.【解析】选B。考查短语get into trouble “陷入困境”。6.【解析】选A。考查短语from time to time “不时地”。7.【解析】选C。考查spend. . . on结构。take的主语为sth. ,cost的主语为sth. ,意为“花费金钱”,pay需与for连用,意为“花费金钱买”。8.【解析】选C。句意:它(足球)能够使我们放松,使生活更有趣。应使用比较级形式。interesting用来形容物。9.【解析】选A。suppo

34、rt作名词,意为“支持;拥护”,不可数。10.【解析】选C。句意:我确实不知道做什么。“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语。. 1.【解析】T。考查主旨大意。本文主要讲述各个国家校服的不同,告诉我们校服是孩子们成长过程中的一部分,所以要爱我们的校服与学校生活。2.【解析】F。考查文章细节。由第二段中Girls, on the other hand, wear uniforms called “sailor fuku”, which look like European naval uniforms. 可知: 在日本只有女孩穿的校服像海军服。3.【解析】F。考查文章细节。由第五段第一句“For chil

35、dren in many African countries, school uniforms can be a kind of pride, or a huge financial burden. ”可知对于非洲国家的孩子们来说校服就是一种自豪,所以他们应该是喜欢校服的。4.【解析】F。考查文章细节。根据第四段中. . . but now more and more public schools stop requiring students to wear uniforms. 可知:越来越多的公立学校不再要求学生穿校服,而不是所有的学校。5.【解析】T。考查文章细节。根据第五段中. . .

36、 ,or a huge financial burden. Many children have only one uniform, and that may be all the clothes they have. 可知:校服对于非洲的孩子们来说可能是一种巨大的经济负担。很多孩子只有一套校服,并且这是他们全部的衣服。从而可知非洲的许多孩子很穷无法支付更多的校服。. 答案:1. believe 2. public 3. preparing 4. personal5. development 6. weekly 7. teenagers 8. reading9. usual 10. winne

37、r. 答案:1. as a result 2. afraid to go 3. a couple of4. Its good for 5. on my (the) way. 答案:1. Not bad/Pretty good/Great2. What kind of movies do you like3. How/What about you4. Would you like to go to a movie with me5. Is it far. 答案:1. homework 2. big 3. teacher 4. Stop 5. game6. started 7. plays 8.

38、best 9. swimming 10. travel.【参考范文】As we know, most of us are the only child in our families now. Our parents love us very much and they try their best to do everything for us, which make us become selfish. Usually we spend so much time on the Internet that we have less time to communicate with other

39、s. There is no doubt that we have our own advantages as well. We teenagers have high ideals. We always believe in ourselves and never say “die”. Meanwhile(同时) we are in style. New ideas can be easily accepted by us. You can find out that creative thinking is full of our life. We also know how to respect our parents and teachers.We are growing up. We are sure to do better. - 9 -


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