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《园丁颂歌.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《园丁颂歌.pdf(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、-范文最新推荐 - 1 / 19园丁颂歌园丁颂歌老师: 请听我说 . 感谢您没使学习变成劳作而成为一种欢乐;感谢您让我明白自身的价值;感谢您帮助我发现了自己的专长而且让我把事情做得更好;感谢您帮我驱走我对不理解事物的恐惧一一一而且说服我去透彻地理解它们;感谢您成为一个我能永远信赖的人在生活中遇到麻烦便会去求助的人。thank you for making learning not a job but a joy. thank you for making me feel valuable. thank you for helping me to discover what i do best

2、- and to do it even better. thank you for taking away the fear of things i could not understand - and persuading me that i understood them after all . thank you for being someone i can always trust - and turn to when life gets difficult. 要想变得聪明就像聪明人要变得迟缓一样艰难。感谢您理解我们所有人,给我们时间并且时时关注着我们的需要。it’s ha

3、rd to be clever as to be a little slow. thank you for understanding all of us and giving us the time and care each of us needs . 感谢您让我相信我能成为超过自己期望的人。thank you for persuading me that i was better than i suspected . 好老师能说服她们的学生,学习并不是一种负担,一种干扰,一种自由的-范文最新推荐 - 3 / 19剥夺; 而是一种兴奋,是获得一把通向他们从不知道的更大的自由天地的钥匙goo

4、d teachers can persuade their students that learning is not an imposition ,an interference, a theft of freedom - but an excitement , and the key to a greater freedom than they have ever known. 全班和老师都沉浸在欢乐的气氛中那是因为刚刚解决了一道难题。空气中充满了沁人心脾的温馨。您教会我们用自己的头脑大胆探索�� 去寻找去发现,让生活充满惊喜a class and a teac

5、her who have just defeated a difficult problem beam at each other in delight. the air is full of invisible hugging. you have taught us to have adventures in our heads - to search and discover, to live with amazement. 有些老师让通过考试获得好成绩成为学习的唯一理由。感谢您使我们明白学习也能够变得乐趣无穷。some teachers make passing exams and ge

6、tting good grades the only reason for learning. thank you for showing us that it can be fun 一个好老师在你悲伤时,会理解你的心情。即使你没吐露片言只字。还让你知道,只要你愿意,能把一切向她倾诉。a good teacher knows when you are very sad . even if you haven’t said anything at all. and lets you know you can tell her all about it. if you want to .

7、 一个好老师记得自己也曾是个孩子�� 因此理解全班孩子的恐惧,悲哀,激动和欢乐。-范文最新推荐 - 5 / 19如果一个老师真正关心她的同学,她的关心便会沐及全班。a good teacher remembers being small - and understands the terrors and the sadnesses, the excitements and the joys of the children in the class. if teacher really cares for her class , it spreads . 人们时常伤害

8、他人,因为他们不明白这种伤害是什么感觉。您却把受伤害人们的感情对我们细细解释。people often hurt other people because they don’t understand what it feels like . you explained to us just how the other people feel . 善于处理一切你就会更热爱生活。这是您说的,千真万确 . become good at anything and you will love life more. that s what you said. and it s true. 谢谢您

9、让我们明白我们能从失败中汲取教训,在困难中发现力量,在最黑暗的日子里找到爱和仁慈;谢谢您还给了我们勇气去开动我们的脑子同时要我们襟怀坦荡决不畏惧。难题;谢谢您让我们明白如何坚持自己认为正确的哪怕这时我们实际上两腿嗦嗦直抖。thank you for showing us that we can learn from failure, discover strength in difficulties, find love and kindness in our darkest days. thank you for giving us the courage to use our minds

10、as well and as honestly as we can-范文最新推荐 - 7 / 19and never be afraid to question. thank you for showing us how to stand firm for what we believe right even when we areshaking in our shoes. 不管外面是多么喧嚣 ; 我们都知道在您的教室里我们会发现规律,公正和一次学习的机会。还有宽容。欢笑。激动。whatever chaos reigned outside we knew wed find order , ju

11、stice and a chance to learn inside your classroom. and tolerance. and laughter. and excitement. 暴力和贪婪的映像将我们团团围住。它们在拼命捶门。但我们在这儿非常安全。在这块小小的空间我们学会相互尊重思考,学习,捉摸和创造images of violence and of greed engulf us. they hammer at the door. but here we are safe. in this small space we learn to value one another to

12、 think ,to learn, to wonder and create. 您将美放入我的手中。那就是我的开端。您,我的老师,给我教诲,想象,见识,由此营造起我的一生。不管我在建造什么,您总是帮助我垒好基础。you put beauty into my hand. and that was my beginning. you, as my teacher, gave me words, images, ideas from which to build my life. whatever i build, you helped to lay the foundations. 在一个愉快学习

13、的课堂上有一种令人悠然陶醉的感觉。我们得到了这种感。觉。there s sort of buzz in a happy, learning classroom. and we have it. -范文最新推荐 - 9 / 19您从不硬逼我们去面对一个未经探索的问题�� 不管是地理,历史,电脑,代数还是诗歌。或者是真正的花岗岩。您指给我们踩脚点和抓手点。您仔细地引导我们让我们在攀登时感到绝对的安全。当我们终于攀到顶峰时,您跟我们一起为胜利和光辉的前景欢呼雀跃. you never shoved us up an unexplored rock face whether

14、 it was geography, history, computer studies, algebra or poetry. or real granite. you showed us the toeholds and finger holds. you carefully guided us and made us feel absolutely safe, as we climbed. and when we finally reached the top, you rejoiced with us at the view and the victory. 一个好老师为最悲哀的人们做

15、出了最好的工作。就像在喂养小蝌蚪或者在浇灌小花 �� a good teacher gives the best job like feeding the tadpoles or watering the plants to the saddest person. 当您授课的每个细枝末节已经给遗忘之际,热情,勇气,还有仁慈却会永远保留。when every detail of what you taught has been forgotten, enthusiasm, encouragement and kindness will remain. 感谢您从不冷嘲热

16、讽孩子眼中感到迷惑茫然的事情。thank you for never being sarcastic the thing that baffles and bewilders a child 您将丑陋和贪婪驱走 ; 足以使我们有勇气挺身面对它们。您让我们看到慈蔼,耐心,勇气,毅然的力量。您给了我们生活的机会。you hold ugliness and greed off long enough for -范文最新推荐 - 11 / 19us to gather strength to stand against them. you show us the power of kindness,

17、of patience, of courage, of dedication. you give us the chance to live. 我会永远永远把您记在心怀。i will remember you always and always. 一个好老师能帮助我们塑造我们生活的一部分,不管时光有多么艰难。a good teacher can help us make something of our lives, however bad times are. 半夜里,老师不会因梦见气势汹汹的恶狼而惊醒。他们只会梦见自己所有的授课笔记都掉在了公共汽车上。teachers do not wak

18、e in the night form a dream of pursuing wolves, wild-eyed and desperate. they dream they have left all the school projects on a bus. 人们期待着老师去教育好那些令父母,医生,一两个精神病专家或是一大批社会工作者大失所望的孩子。他们通常被稿纸这些孩子需要的只是一个正常的课堂环境。a teacher is expected to deal with children that have defeated their parents, their doctor, a p

19、sychiatrist or two and a gaggle of social workers. they are usually told that all thats needed is a normal classroom environment. 孩子在尝试时,一个好老师总是殷切关注着即使成果是那么微不足道。-范文最新推荐 - 13 / 19总让孩子明白老师已经看到了他的成绩。a good teacher notices when a child is trying even if the results are minute. and shows she s seen the c

20、hange. 一个好老师注意让每个孩子在有趣的工作中都有机会一试 ��在枯燥乏味的事上也同样如此。a good teacher sees that everyone gets a turn at the interesting jobs and at the grotty ones. 一个好老师会认真批阅一页信手涂鸦的作业并辨认出你想说些什么。她不去重写这篇作业。她只是巧妙地一改便让通篇文字各得其所。a good teacher can look at a page of writing that looks like tangled knitting and fi

21、gure out what you re trying to say. she doesnt rewrite it. she just gives it a sort of shake and it all falls into place. 在您告诉我们什么是智慧美好以及聪明,什么是思想家制造家和梦想家�� 这是些改变世界的人们的时候��您总是提醒我们他们也曾是孩子,需要学习每一样东西。您的教诲给了我们尝试的勇气。when you told us about the wise and the good and the clever, t

22、he thinkers and makers and dreamers people who changed the world you always reminded us that they were children once and had everything to learn. it gave us the heart to try. 一个问题,一个发现,一种体验令全班同学着迷,整个班级就像一支节日烟火在满天星斗中欢快地绽放!a class bewitched by a problem, a discovery, an experience , fizzes lide a fire

23、work and -范文最新推荐 - 15 / 19celebrates in stars! 一个老师了解生活的一切,包括孩子熟悉的一切,并把这些事塑成通往知识和成熟的步步台阶。a teacher takes the everyday things of life, the things a child knows, and fashions them into stepping stones of knowledge and growth. 您教导我们的最重要一点是人们都需要互相帮助。the most important thing you have taught us is that we

24、 all need one another. 您教导我们美德应付出代价取得。每个人面临的抉择知识准备付出多少。you taught us that excellence costs. everyone has to decide just how much they are prepared to pay. 您让我们相信,伟大的科学家和伟大的艺术家也曾跟我们一样年幼无知,也曾犯过许多错误,也陷入迷惘。you assured us that the great scientist and the great artist were once as little as we are and mad

25、e mistakes and got confused. 学校是为世界设立的一个考场,而一个老师能做的就是尽力帮助我们通过每场考试。老师尽了力,他们尽了自己最大的努力。我们,最后得到了自由急于展翅飞翔,客气而自负地说声再见离开了学校。却不知道您已成为我们永远的一部分。school is a trial run for the world and a teacher can only do so much to help us through it. but teachers try. they do their best. and we, free at last and eager to b

26、e off, say goodbye with kindly arrogance and walk away . not knowing that you are a part of us forever. 一个优秀的老师会让你明白你独自能够做到什么份上 ;而同其他人一起-范文最新推荐 - 17 / 19你又能做多少。a good teacher shows you how much you can do on your own and how much more you can do working with others. 是您循循善诱让我们明白生活能像一张纸那么轻薄平淡; 也可以像大海一

27、样深邃像天空一样辽阔。我们必须作出抉择。you were the one who explained that a life can be as thin and flat as paper or deep as the ocean and as high as the sky. we have to choose. 2018.11.11日世纪光棍节怎么过,光棍节安排:世纪光棍节怎么过 ?光棍节,是咱光棍的节日,谁敢鄙视咱,谁敢给咱冷眼瞧。同胞们,让我们行动起来,看看咱光棍们的奇妙创意,过一个超强全宇宙无敌巨型光棍节,2018 年 11 月 11 日,看咱们的吧! 11 月 11 日光棍节节日

28、安排:我们是光棍,鄙视平庸的光棍; 我们是光棍,热爱生活的光棍。如果给我一个机会在这个城市留下印记,我们选择坐两趟11 路车,出去一趟,回来一趟。让11 路公交车带着我们与这个城市一起见证我们庆祝光棍节的时刻。晚上邀 4 个光棍打麻将,只胡4 条。夜里 11 点 11 分准时睡觉。完美的一天结束了, 11月 11 日,一群群光棍集体宣扬着我们的光棍精神,路上的风景真好,我们也是别人眼中的风景。光棍宣言恋人几时有,把酒问青天。不知告别单身,要等多少年? 我祝愿天下所有的情侣都是失散多年的兄妹。我们要允许一部分人先结婚,先婚带后婚,最终实现共同发昏! 今天过节不收礼 , 收礼只收女朋友只要相信真爱

29、,她就一定存在,要么咱就不爱,爱就爱个痛快。我是愿意等待,哪怕青春不在。-范文最新推荐 - 19 / 19教师节征文 21号作品老师,你辛苦了! ! ! 9 月 10 日,平凡而又通普通的一天,这一天很普通,很平凡,正像老师一般。我想:春蚕到死丝方尽。蜡炬成灰泪始干,是对教师最真实的写照。说教师是蚕,是因为他们永不停息地教书育人, 直到生命的完结:说教师是蜡烛,是因为他们总是有牺牲自己、照亮别人的精神。 9月 10 日是教师的节日,他们的节日礼物或许仍是忙碌,或许是几个顽皮学生惹他们生气, 而他们最想得到的是学生的进步和快乐成长。 他不介意自己的明天会永远待在这个偏僻的山村,他们别无所求,只求学生能够考上理想的学府,只求他们将来能成材。如果 说,哪 一行最苦,是教师 ; 哪一行最累,是教师 ; 哪一行最平凡,是教师;哪一行最伟大,仍是教师!作为一名教师,你们的开心源于学生,你们的满足源于学生,你们的成就,将在学生的身上淋漓尽致地体现!老师,您辛苦了!


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