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《高考英语阅读理解题型解题技巧精品课件阅读技巧之猜测词义-读懂文章ppt.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语阅读理解题型解题技巧精品课件阅读技巧之猜测词义-读懂文章ppt.ppt(35页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Dealing with new words or phrases in reading comprehensionComprehension of WordsComprehension of Words变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分猜测词义猜测词义 读懂文章读懂文章变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变

2、电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分1. Teaching background 教学背景教学背景变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 方法一: Using word formation(构词法)2.Approach introduction 方法介绍方法介绍变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站

3、的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分prefix (前缀) suffix(后缀) un- word root (词根) believe -ableGuessing the meaning变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginn

4、ing reader to gain confidence.(2003NMET)变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分unconditional:无条件的无条件的, ,绝对的绝对的 adj.adj.condition conditional 情况,条件情况,条件 n. n. 有条件的有条件的 adj.adj.unconditional:变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分nonjudgmental:

5、没有判断力的没有判断力的judge judgment judgmental判断判断 v.判断判断 n.adj.nonjudgmental:变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 方法二:方法二: Using context clues(利用上下文线索)变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分同义词、近义词同义词、近义词 Doctors believe that smoking is detrimenta

6、l to peoples health. They also regard drinking as harmful.有害的有害的 adj. 作者可能会用一个近义词或者同义词去解释另一作者可能会用一个近义词或者同义词去解释另一个更难的词,以便使他的文字意思更清楚,近义词往个更难的词,以便使他的文字意思更清楚,近义词往往出现在同一句或者同一段落中。往出现在同一句或者同一段落中。 also技巧技巧 1变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分资金资金 n. At the beginning they did

7、 not have enough capital to start a business, nor were they able to borrow the amount of money they needed from the bank. money同义词、近义词nor同义词常见信词:同义词常见信词:or, namely, or, namely, that is, i.e., that is, i.e., that is to say,that is to say,等等。变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中

8、一个重要组成部分反义词反义词eg. Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome man, John is quite homely “homely” means “ ”.uglyWith the help of words like: unlike; buthowever, while, instead, on the other hand.Unlike handsome技巧技巧 2变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Rather than likin

9、g the movie, as I expected them to, all my friends abhorred it. 厌恶,憎恨厌恶,憎恨If you agree, write “yes”; if you dissent, write “no”. 不赞成;不同意不赞成;不同意Rather than likingnoyesagree变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一

10、个重要组成部分定义、解释或举例定义、解释或举例 通过通过定义定义,定语从句定语从句/同位语同位语/词或词组词或词组(is; was; mean; that is; thats to say; or; namely ; in other words ; to put it another way; i.e , such as ; like; especially; for instance; for example )来确定词义来确定词义技巧技巧 3变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分1.When

11、 writing an article, we often use simile, such as “brave as a lion” and “quick like lightning” “simile” means“_”.【修辞修辞】明喻明喻常见的信号词:常见的信号词:such as, for example,for instance 等。等。变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线

12、组成中一个重要组成部分因果关系因果关系With the help of conjunctions like: because, as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,therefore,so that, etc.技巧技巧 4变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分- since you are my superior(上(上级)级), it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do .(2005年上海卷)年上海卷

13、)Afull of respect Btoo confident and rude Clacking in experience Dtoo shy and quiet sincesuperior变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分标点符号(冒号;破折号;括号)标点符号(冒号;破折号;括号)1.You can take any of the periodicals: The World of English, Foreign Language Teaching in Schools, or Eng

14、lish Learning. A.dictionaries B. story-books C. magazines D. newspapers 技巧技巧 5变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分经验和常识经验和常识In spite of the fact the fishermen were wearing souwesters, the storm was so

15、 heavy that they were wet through. a kind of raincoat 技巧技巧 6变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 The heat of sun warms some ocean water. The surface of the water evaporates, forming a cloud of warm, wet air that moves upward “evaporates” means “_”turns into vapour 蒸发蒸

16、发 变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Using word formationUsing context(上下文)上下文) clues(线索)(线索) 同义词、近义词同义词、近义词 反义词反义词 定义、解释或举例定义、解释或举例 因果关系因果关系 标点符号标点符号 经验和常识经验和常识Summary 小结小结3.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分4.Practice练习练习变电站电气主接线是指

17、变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Read the following passages and see if you understand the words or phrases that may be new to you: Passage 1. We can not feel speed. But our sense let us know that we are moving. We see things moving past and feel that we are being shaken. W

18、e can feel acceleration, an increase in speed. But we notice it for only a short time. For example we feel it during the takeoff run of an airplane. 1. Acceleration is the name for _. A. any kind of movement B. the movement of a plane C. a steady speed D. an increase in speed变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样

19、与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Passage 2. A tornado can do a lot of damage. The wind of a tornado rushes at great speed around a funnel-shaped cloud. It travels in a path a few hundred feet wide and about twenty-five miles long. As the wind circles, the funnel spirals higher and higher

20、. 2. A tornado is a _. A. rainstorm B. dust storm C. great circle wind D. huge funnel of water变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Passage 3. STOCKHOLMA Swede and two Americans won the 2000 Nobel Prize for medicine on Oct. 9 for studies on how messages move around the

21、 nervous system. The discovery makes it possible to develop drugs against Parkinsons disease and schizophrenia. Arvid Carlson of Sweden and Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel of the United States share the first prize of the millennium, worth nearly US$ 1 million, for their discoveries, Swedens Karlinsk

22、a Institute said. 3. What does the underlined word “schizophrenia” probably mean? A. a kind of illness B. a new discovery C. a name of a subject D. a new drug变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Passage 4. New York: when the first jet struck 1 World Trade Center at 8:

23、48 am on Tuesday, the people in 2 World Trade Center with a view of the instant damage across the divide had the clearest sense of what they, too, must do: get out fast. Among the uncertainty about what was the best thing to do, formal announcements inside the south tower instructed people to stay p

24、ut, telling them that the building was in good condition and the threat was limited to the other tower. 4. The underlined words “stay put” means_. A. to keep silentB. to leave at once C. to stay in the building D. to put everything back and then leave变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接

25、线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Passage 5. All the athletes try to be at the closing ceremony. They have forgotten all their fears and worries. It does not matter whether they have done well or not. All the teams walk round the stadium together. Everybody in the village clears up and gets ready to leave. Everyo

26、ne is hunting for local products. People exchange track suits, hats, running vest and so on. There is a last chance to take photographs and get addresses of new friends. Then each team starts its journey home. 5. The underline phrase “clears up” in the paragraph means_. A. packs up B. goes away C. m

27、akes clear D. does the cleaning变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 1. The computer also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full. And a special piece of equipment breaks up the nonrecyclables. ( ) 2. Helping laid-off workers and unemployed pe

28、ople find jobs is crucial (关系重大的关系重大的)and pressing task facing the Chinese Government, President Jiang Zemin stressed yesterday, he urged better service to create work for the unemployed. ( ) 3. Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know if you think you are a brave pe

29、rson or a coward. ( ) 不可回收资源不可回收资源 下岗下岗 胆小鬼胆小鬼 5.Assignment 作业作业变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 4. Most women in China -educated and illiterated, urban and rural, the young and old-work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mo

30、thers. ( ) 5. Jane was talking with others while Tom remained reticent all the time. ( ) 6. The farmer is the most important person in the movie. He is the hero. ( ) 7. They surrendered, that is, threw out their weapons and walked out with their hands above their heads. ( )文盲的文盲的 沉默寡言的沉默寡言的 男主角男主角 投

31、降投降 变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 8. Japan has a problem many other countries would envyits workforce works too hard. Curing Japanese workers of disease “workaholism” is proving a difficult job, partly because many of them like work better than anything else, e

32、xperts say. ( ) 9. The harbor is protected by a jettya wall built out into the water. ( ) 10. Crime is a very serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worries people is juvenile crimescrimes committed by young people. ( )醉心工作醉心工作 防波堤防波堤, 码头码头青少年犯罪青少年犯罪变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分


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