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1、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Guessing game变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分He was born in a peasant family in 1866.He strongly believed in the three principles:nationalism; peoples rights;

2、peoples livelihood.He is a Chinese who founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years fighting.Who is he?变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Sun Yat-sen变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分He said, “Thats one small step fo

3、r a man, one giant leap for mankind.”He was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969. Who is he?He was a pilot in the American Air Force and later joined the astronaut program.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Neil Armstrong变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完

4、成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Neil Armstrong(1930 - 2012), USAAmerican pilot, astronaut; the first person to walk on the moon 变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分He was a Canadian who worked selflessly in China as a doctor and saved many Chinese people.He fought aga

5、inst the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II. Who is he?Unfortunately he got blood poisoning while working in China and died here.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Norman Bethune变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分H

6、e was a man who wrote the Bible in English so all could read it. He died for his ideas but his work is still used in the official Bible today.Who is he?变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分William Tyndale变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组

7、成部分William Tyndale (1494 - 1536),Britain He believed that the Bible should be read by everyone. He translated the Bible into easily readable English for the people of his time. The priests and some religious people opposed his idea. At last he was caught and put to death for his beliefs.变电站电气主接线是指变电

8、站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分He was an Indian who gave up a rich life for his ideas.He fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.Who is he?He was the father of the Indian nation of the twentieth century.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主

9、接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Mohandas Gandhi变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分He was the former president of South Africa who fought for black people.He helped black people get the same rights as white people.Who is he?He was in prison for almost thirty years. 变电站电气主接线是指变电站的

10、变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Nelson MandelaHe was a great political leader in the USA. He fought for black people to get the same rights in the USA. He made a great speech “I have a dream”.Matin Luther KingAnd what qualities does a great person have?变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与

11、电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Qualities of the great peopledeterminedbraveconfidentwarm-heartedresponsibleselflesshonestgenerouskindeasy-goinghard-workingdevotedhelpfulindependentGreat persons are important in a long history. Important persons are important in a certain time. 变电站电气主接线是指

12、变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Do you know him?Former President of African National CongressFormer President of South Africa He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to get the same rights as the white people. Mandela di

13、ed on 5 December 2013 at the age of 95. Elias StoryReading变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Key phrases0) be of good quality ; found sth. ; the first man to 0) be of good quality ; found sth. ; the first man to do sth.do sth.1) be generous with ; be grateful for1) b

14、e generous with ; be grateful for2) fee 2) fee 专业服务费,如律师费专业服务费,如律师费 ;fare fare 交通费,车船飞机票价交通费,车船飞机票价; be out of be out of workwork3) be hopeful about; join + 3) be hopeful about; join + 组织(如组织(如 the Army, the the Army, the PartyParty); the first time = when ; the first time = when 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句4)

15、Places / Years see (4) Places / Years see (见证见证) .; stage ) .; stage 定从定从6) position 6) position 定从定从; answer violence with violence; answer violence with violence7) as a matter of fact; blow up; achieve our dream; 7) as a matter of fact; blow up; achieve our dream; make sb. equalmake sb. equal8) es

16、cape from ; join sb. ; come to power 8) escape from ; join sb. ; come to power 9) set up ; be sentenced to ; release sb. From ; 9) set up ; be sentenced to ; release sb. From ; President of South AfricaPresident of South AfricaWhats the connection between them?Reading strategies(阅读策略)(阅读策略): Make a

17、guess according to the title before reading. Strangers Friends C. Father and son D. Teacher and studentPre-readingRead fast to prove your guess and get the main idea.1.Whats the relationship between Mandela and Elias? Strangers B. Friends C. Father and son D. Teacher and student the poor life of bla

18、ck people in South Africa. the life of Mandela. how Mandela helped black people. how Elias met Mandela.2. Elias story is mainly about _ .Fast-reading Reading strategies : It is a story so we should find out the essential items in a story.Time Place CharactersEventsIn the middle of 1900sSouth AfricaE

19、lias and Mandela How Mandela helped Elias and black people in South Africa.Detailed-readingRead the story carefully and do some exercises. 1 True or False 2 Comprehending questions 3 Get to know EliasComprehending exercises (True or False) 1. Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble.2

20、. Elias left school because the school was too far from his home.4. Elias trusted Nelson Mandela and he joined the ANC Youth League.6. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help the black people.5. Elias was willing to blow up government buildings. 3. Nelson Mandela helped him keep his j

21、ob.TFTFFTMake a timeline of Elias life. Not all years will have information to be added. 1940_ 2. 1942_ 3. 1946_4. 1948_ 5. 1952_6. 1963_DFACBEA timeline of Elias life and other events in his life. Elias began school.B. Elias was twelve years old and met Mandela.C. Elias left school.D. Elias was bor

22、n.E. Elias helped Mandela blow up some government buildings.F. Elias was a two-year-old baby.WhatWhat was Elias was Elias change? change? I worried about whether I would I worried about whether I would bebecomecome out of work. out of work. I was happy to help because I I was happy to help because I

23、 knew it knew it would help us achieve would help us achieve our our dream of making black and white dream of making black and white equal.equal.WhyWhy did Elias change? did Elias change?A. Elias changed himself. A. Elias changed himself. B. Nelson Mandela helped him B. Nelson Mandela helped him whe

24、n he was in trouble.when he was in trouble.C. Nelson MadelaC. Nelson Madelas qualities s qualities influenced him a lot and made him influenced him a lot and made him realize to make black and white realize to make black and white equal.equal.D. B and C.D. B and C.What situation were the black peopl

25、e in at that time?no moneycould not get the job they wanted live in the poorest places where noone could grow food.no right to votealmost no rights at all How did Mandela help Elias and other black people ? He offered guidance to the black on legal problems. He organized the ANC Youth League. He bro

26、ke the law in a peaceful way first. He blew up some government buildings. 让所有人得享正义。让所有人得享正义。让所有人得享和平。让所有人得享和平。让所有人得享工作、让所有人得享工作、面包、水、盐分。面包、水、盐分。变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Nelson Mandela, 1_ (bear) on July 18,1918, is the 2_ (one) black president of South Afr

27、ica. He studied law 3 _ he entered university. Then in 1952 he set up 4_ law office to help poor black people. Because of his fight 5_ the government and anti-black laws, he 6_ (sentence) to five years of hard labor. After that he formed ANC Youth League. Fighters from ANC began 7_ (blow) up buildin

28、gs in 1963 and he was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robbin Island. Twenty seven years 8_, he was freed by the white government. In 1993 he was made president of South Africa 9_ the government by and for the black people was 10_ (final) set up. Nelson Mandela was really a great man!bornfirstafter

29、aagainstwas sentencedto blowlaterandfinally变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1.A child receives its early _ at home. A well _ mother will have a great influence on her childs future. (educate)2.Although he is quite old, he leads an _ life. His _ i

30、nclude tennis and painting. (act)3.They dont want to solve the problem with _(violent). Instead, they hope to solve it in a _(peace) way.4.The _ master beat Tom heavily with a whip. He couldnt stand being treated _. (cruelty)5.He was _ and he treated them with _ and thoughtfulness. (generously)6.Mr.

31、Johnson was a _teacher because he had had his teacher _ for more than ten years. (quality)变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分一、Translate the following phrases1.愿意做某事2.在某方面活跃3.灰心,丧气4.被判处(死刑)5.失业6.事实上7.爆炸8.把某人关进监狱9.在危险、痛苦等的处境中10.求助于;致力于be willing tobe active inlose hea

32、rtbe sentenced to (death)out of workas a matter of factblow upput sb. in prisonUnit5 words & phrasesinin troubleturn to变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分1.【原句】This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. 在这段时期,你想要住在约翰内斯堡就非得要有身份证不可。模仿要

33、点 句子结构:由when 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词time,when在从句中作时间状语。【模仿1】我永远忘不了我们一起学习的那些日子。I will never forget the days when we studied together.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分3. Sadly I did not have it because I was not born there and I worried aboutworried about whether I would beome

34、 out of workbeome out of work. worry aboutworry about 担心担心 She worries aboutworries about her health. = She is worried aboutis worried about her health. out of workout of work 失业失业 (做表语或后置定语做表语或后置定语) Jim has been out of workout of work for months.The number of people out of work reached 300.练习见(学英语报

35、Page2)变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分4. The last thirty years have seenseen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. 过去三十年里出现了最多的法律来剥夺我们的权过去三十年里出现了最多的法律来剥夺我们的权利利, , 阻挡

36、我们的进步阻挡我们的进步, ,直到今天我们已经到了几直到今天我们已经到了几乎没有任何权力的地步乎没有任何权力的地步. . see see 在此句意为在此句意为“见证,目睹见证,目睹”;( (在某段时期在某段时期) )发发生生( (某情况某情况),),经历经历, ,经受经受; ; 为某事发生之时,主语为某事发生之时,主语为时间为时间 The last few months has seenhas seen more and more traffic accidents. The city has seenhas seen many changes.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样

37、与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分原句原句: Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.只有到了只有到了那时我们才决定以暴力对抗暴力那时我们才决定以暴力对抗暴力。(B1P34)5. Only+状语状语(副词副词/介词短语介词短语/从句从句)+部分部分倒装倒装例句例句: Only by studying hard can you make progress.只有努力学习你才能取得只有努力学习你才能取得进步进步。变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连

38、接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分only thenonly then 此处引起倒装句,当此处引起倒装句,当onlyonly修饰修饰状语状语位于位于句首句首时,句子采用时,句子采用部分倒装的结构。部分倒装的结构。 Only by practicing a few hours every dayOnly by practicing a few hours every day will you be able to master English. You can leave only when he comes. = _ _ he comes _ you l

39、eave. onlyonly 修饰主语时,句子不倒装。修饰主语时,句子不倒装。 OnlyOnly he knew how to solve the problem.Only when can变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 只有在那时我才明白学习英语只有在那时我才明白学习英语的重要性。的重要性。Only then _ the importance of learning English.仿写仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 did I realize 变电站电气主

40、接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分(2) 只有当你对未来充满信念时只有当你对未来充满信念时, 你就会忘记困难和挫折。你就会忘记困难和挫折。Only _ _ all the hardships and setbacks. when you hold a strongwhen you hold a strongbelief towards future will youbelief towards future will youforgetforget变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统

41、相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分补充词汇1.vote (1)n投票, 选票 I gave my vote to Mr. Wang. 我投王先生的票。 The matter will be decided by vote. 此事将投票决定. (2)v投票; 选举 vote for sb/sth vote for sb/sth 投票支持 vote against sb./sth vote against sb./sth 投票反对 vote on sb./sth vote on sb./sth 针对进行投票表决 As we canAs we cant a

42、gree on this matter, lett agree on this matter, lets vote on it.s vote on it. 由于我们对此事没能达成一致, ,让我们投票表决吧. .变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分2. accept accept sth. accept that accept & receive Mary received a present from Tom, but she didnt seem to accept it.【练习练习】I _

43、his letter of invitation, but I didnt _ it.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分3. As a matter of factAs a matter of fact, I do not like violencebut in 1936 I helped him blow up some government buildings. 事实上我不喜欢暴力事实上我不喜欢暴力但在但在19631963年我帮年我帮他炸了一些政府大楼他炸了一些政府大楼. . as a m

44、atter of factas a matter of fact = in fact= in fact As a matter of factAs a matter of fact, I dont know the truth.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分4.But I was happy to help because I knew it was to achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.equal equa

45、llyEveryone is equal under the law. 法律面前人人平等. be equal to 等于,相当于; 能胜任One li is equal to half a kilometer.一华里等于半公里。 Im not equal to the job. 变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分5. Do you easily lose heartlose heart when you are in troublein trouble? lose heartlose hear

46、t 灰心,丧失信心灰心,丧失信心 Please dont lose heartlose heart, you still have more chances. lose onelose ones hearts heart 爱上,喜欢上爱上,喜欢上 He lost his heartlost his heart to her as soon as he saw the girl. in troublein trouble 有麻烦,处于不幸中有麻烦,处于不幸中 He is willing to help me whenever I am in trouble.in trouble. out of

47、trouble out of trouble have trouble (in) doing sth. have trouble (in) doing sth. have difficulty (in) doing sth have difficulty (in) doing sth变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Whenever we are in _ , we must never lose _ , but try to think of the way out. A. the tro

48、uble; our heart B. troubles; hearts C. trouble; heart D. trouble; our heart 答案: C 6. They told the workers to f_ their rights. We will have to f_ difficulties.3) If the enemy comes, well f_.ight foright againstight backfight for, fight against, fight back,fight with7. He has been i_ for five years.2

49、)Anyone who breaks the law will g_. 3) The car thieves have been t_.4) The killer tried to b_ but failed.n prisono to prisonaken to prisonreak out of prisonprison 监狱监狱8. 1) She studied French history for a long p_ of time.2) Lets finish this p_ and have a break. 3) We have six p_of science a week.pe

50、riod n. 学时学时,课时课时,一段时间一段时间,时期时期,周期周期eriodserioderiods9. 1) Can you show me the p_of your company on the map?2) Whether or not youre given a car depends on your p_ in the company.3) In my present p_ I cannot help you.4) She is a woman of high p_.ositionposition n. 位置位置,职位职位,状态状态 v. 安置安置,决定决定.的位置的位置os


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