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《2021年最全高考英语【备考练习】(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年最全高考英语【备考练习】(含答案).docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语历年真题含答案解析1.how _ are you driving now? -A hundred miles an hour.译文. -你现在的车速是多少?-每小时一百英里。 A. fast B. long C. far D. quickly答案:A。 问速度,要用how fast提问。2.What are you afraid _? -Im afraid _ dogs.译文. -你害怕什么?-我怕狗。 A. / ; / B. with; with C. of; of D. / ; of答案:C。 be afraid of sth.害怕。3.If you _ the medicine

2、you _ better now.译文. 如果你吃了这药,你现在就会感觉好些。 A. took ; would feel B. had taken ; felt C. had taken ; would feel D. took ;would have felt 答案:C。 是错综复杂条件状语从句中的虚拟语气,主句与从句的时态各管各的。4.Youd better make a mark _ you have any questions.译文. 你最好在你有疑问的地方做上标记。 A. at which B. at where C. the place D. where 答案:D。 where引导

3、的地点状语从句。5.So excited _ that he couldnt say a word.译文. 他太激动了,一句话都说不出来。 A. was he B. he was C. did he be D. did he was答案:A。 sothat结构中的so位于句首,主句要部分倒装。它的倒装要连同它所修饰的成分一同倒装。6. _ that she should come here on time.译文. 让她准时到达这儿。 A. Suppose B. Demand C. Think D. Believe答案:A。 suppose表示建议其意为让,后面跟虚拟语气。7.Do you ha

4、ve clothes _? Ill wash them for you. -No, thank you. I will wash them myself.译文. -你有衣服要洗吗?我帮你洗。-谢谢,我要自己洗。 A. to be washed B. to wash C. washing D. being washed 答案:A。 在该句型中,如果不定式的动作主语发不出来,就得用被动式。8.If It had been possible, I would have helped him, but I _ too busy the.译文. 如果可能的话,我就帮助他了,但那时我太忙了。 A. had

5、 been B. would be C. were D. was答案:D。 前面是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,but引导的真实情况。9.The meeting _ tomorrow afternoon is about _ rid of pollution.译文. 明天要举行的会议是关于制止污染的问题。 A. held, to get B. to be held; getting C. to hold; to get D. being held; getting答案:B。 不定式作定语表示将来和目的;介词后面跟动名词作宾语。10.Dream of the Red Mansions(红楼梦)

6、is _ a novel. It can help us understand the social life of that time.译文. 红楼梦不仅仅是一部小说。它能够帮助我们了解当时的社会生活。 A. less than B. no more than C. more than D. much more than答案:C。 less than 少于;no more than 仅仅;more than 不仅仅;much more than多得多。11.Did the medicine make you feel better? -No. The more _, _ I feel.译文.

7、 -这药是否使你感觉好些?-不。吃得越多,越觉得不好。 A. mdecine I take; the worse B. I take medicine; the worse C. medicine I take; and the worse D. I take medicine; worse答案:A。 the more . the more.句型。12.I think it _ to smoke . - _.译文. -我认为抽烟不对。-我也这样认为的。 A. was wring; Neither do I B. wrong; So do I C. wrong; So I dont D. wro

8、ng; So I do答案:B。 前面是6123结构。后面是反意疑问句,与主句一致。13.Has Tommy finished his homework yet?-I have no idea; he _ it this morning.译文. 汤米完成了他的作业了吗?我不知道,今天上午他在做呢。 A. was doing B. had been doing C. has done D. did答案:A。 表示今天上午一直在做作业。14.Both the Summer and Winter Olypics _ every four years.译文. 春冬两季奥运会都是每四年举行一次。 A.

9、hold B. are hold C. are held D. is held答案:C。 主谓一致问题,bothand引起的短语做主语谓语用复数;此句的主语不能发出动作故用被动语态。15.Instead, he seemed to see Tom s face, with the wide smile he _ whenever he told a joke.译文. 相反,她似乎看到了Tom的脸,一张带着他任何时候讲笑话时微笑的脸。 A. wore B. brought C. appeared D. carried答案:A。 带着微笑,英语中wear a smile一般用表示。16. _ sh

10、e was afraid at that time, she would say no to the plan.译文. 要不是当时她害怕,他会不同那个计划的。 A. But for B. If C. But that D. When答案:C。 but that要不是,引导一个从句。17.In fact she was _ of softball, tennis and track.译文. 事实上,她更喜欢垒球,网球和田径。 A. much more fond B. much fond C. very fonder D. too more fond答案:A。 be fond of的比较级。18.

11、I told him that if painting was important for him he would live on bread in order to _ .译文. 我告诉他如果绘画对他来说是重要的话,他就得以面包度日以求成功。 A. succeed B. success C. succeeding D. to success答案:A。 in order to后面得跟动词原形。19.The fact _ he was successful proves his ability.译文. 他成功的事实证明了他的能力。 A. that B. what C. which D. why

12、答案:A。 同位语从句。20.Dinnerll be ready in a few minutes. Youd better _.译文. 晚饭马上就好了。你最好把手洗了。 A. wash B. wash himself C. get washed D. washing答案:C get washed系表结构。21.Who told you about Follow Me?-_. I picked it up _.译文. -谁告诉你跟我学的?-没有人呀。我自己用收音机收到的。 A. No one; my own B. No one; myself C. None; by myself D. Non

13、e; myself答案:B。 用who提问,用 no one 或nobody回答。22.Help yourself _ some more fruit.译文. 请随便吃点水果。 A. with B. to C. for D. on答案:B。 help oneself to sth. 固定搭配,随便吃点。23.Dont forget the day _ you were received into the Youth League.译文. 不要忘了你入团的那一天。 A. when B. that C. at which D. where答案:A。 定语从句,the day在从句中充当时间状语。2

14、4.During the trip one student _ three spent _ 200 dollars.译文. 在旅行中三分之一的人花费了多达200美元。 A. of; much to B. in; as much as C. from; as much as D. out of; as many as答案:B。 one in three = one ouf of three 三个中的一个;as much as多达。25.A fish needs water and without water it will die. _.译文. 鱼没有水不能活。人类也是这样。 A. so doe

15、s a man B. so will a man C. so it is with a man D. so is it with a man答案:C。 考查句型。详见前面练习题。26.Dont all speak at once! _, please.译文. 不要同时都讲话!请一个一个地说。 A. Each at one time B. one by one time C. one for each time D. One at a time答案:D。 one at a time 一次一个。27.Our family _ always _ love and understanding.译文.

16、在我们家庭中总是充满的爱和理解。 A. was rich; on B. is rich; in C. is riching; in D. riched; by答案:B。 be rich in固定搭配,充满着。28.The film is very interesting. _students have seen it.译文. 这部电影很有趣,许多学生都看过。 A. A plenty of B. Many of C. A great many D. Two hundreds答案:C。 coin-collector硬币收集者。以as引导的让步状语从句应用倒装句,名词放于句首时,前不加冠词a。29.

17、As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep.译文. 在她读报的时候,Granny睡着了。 A. read ; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read; fell答案:B。 fall asleep是一个系表结构,不能用进行时态。30.He stood against the wall with his right hand _.译文. 他举着右手靠着墙站着。 A. Raised B. raising C. risen D. rise答案:A。 复合结构表示伴随。3

18、1.How long have you _ the car? - For two months.译文. -你买车有多久了?-两个月。 A. bought B. had C. buy D. borrowed答案:B。 和how long连用只能是延续性的动词,只有had是延续性的动词。32.Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is a must in _ international trade today.译文. 许多人都同意英语知识是在国际贸易中的必备之物。 A. a; / B. the; an C. the; the D. / ; th

19、e答案:A。 a knowledge of 固定搭配的知识,加冠词表示抽象名词的具体化。33.We started early _ before dark.译文. 我们早点出发以便在天黑前到达。 A. in order to reach B. in order that arrived C. so as to arrive D. so that got to答案:C。 不定式表示目的;reach是及物动词要跟宾语。34.Has Tommy finished his homework yet?-I have no idea; he _ it this morning.译文. 汤米完成了他的作业了

20、吗?我不知道,今天上午他在做呢。 A. was doing B. had been doing C. has done D. did答案:A。 表示今天上午一直在做作业。35.Do you think we can get there on time? -Yes,_ the truck doesnt break down.译文. 你认为我们会准时到达那儿吗?会的。只要车不出问题。 A. even if B. unless C. until D. so long as答案:D。 so long as=if。unless除非unless the truck breaks down.36.Thoug

21、h _, many laws of nature exist.译文. 尽管没被发现,许多自然规律还是存在的。 A. not having been discovered B. having not been discovered C. not having discovered D. having not discovered答案:A。 当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,可以用分词短语化简。37.Speech is _ heard when it is given in a clear voice just slightly louder than normal.译文. 演讲的声音稍稍比平常清晰的

22、声音大一些,效果会更好。 A. hardly B. less C. completely D. best答案:D。 best是well的最高级形式修饰动词,表示最好。38.We have spent _ money on English books.译文. 我们花了许多钱在买英语书上。 A. a great deal of B. a good many C. a plenty of D. a number of答案:A。 money是不可数名词,只有a great deal of可以修饰它。39.Tom studies harder this term. _, he has made grea

23、t progress in his lessons.译文. Tom这期学习很努力,结果,在学习上他取得了长足的进步。 A. As a result B. After all C. By the way D. Instead答案:A。 as a result结果,因此;after all毕竟;by the way顺便说一下;instead代替。40.The doctor was reading an article _ the class.译文. 医生在把一篇文章读给学生听。 A. for B. by C. towards D. to答案:D。 read sht. to sb. 把读给听。to表

24、示对象;如果用介词for的话就是为而读,表示目的。41.Mrs.Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she _ that the cloth _ very well.译文. Mrs.Green想买那种布料,因为有人告诉她这种布料耐洗。 A. has been told; washed B. has told; washes C. has been told; is washed D. is told; is washed答案:A。 wash well好洗,容易洗。42.So excited _ that he couldnt say a

25、word.译文. 他太激动了,一句话也说不出来。 A. was he B. he was C. did he be D. did he was答案:A。 so.that.结构中的so在句首,主句要部分倒装。43.This material _ very soft.译文. 这种材料摸起来很柔软。 A. is felt B. feels C. has felt D. feeling答案:B。 feel连系动词,摸起来,后面跟形容词作表语。44.Are there any English Story books for us students in the library?-There are on

26、ly a few, _.译文. 图书馆里有适合我们学生的英语书吗?如果有的话,也是不多。 A. if any B. if there C. if some D. if has答案:A。 any以及它的合成词一般用于疑问句45.The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.译文. 丢失的孩子最后看见他时,他在河边玩耍。 A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play答案:A。 现在分词作主与补足语,表示进行。46.If my brother is allowed to go out, _.译文. 如

27、果容许我哥哥出去,我也该出去。 A. so should I B. so am I C. so should I D. so I am答案:B。 两个句子的主语不是一个人,两种情况一样就得倒装。47.The fact _ he was successful proves his ability.译文. 他成功的事实证明了他的能力。 A. that B. what C. which D. why答案:A。 同位语从句。48.If you keep on, youll succeed _.译文. 如果你继续的话,你迟早会成功的。 A. in time B. at one time C. at th

28、e same time D. on time答案:A。 in time及时,迟早;at one time先前,以前;at the same time同时;on time准时。49._that shes by law old enough to get married, I dont see how you can stop her.译文. 我明白按法律她到了该结婚的年龄,但不明白你如何能阻止她。 A. Having seen B. To see C. Seeing D. Seen答案:C。 现在分词表伴随,动作由主语发来的。50.So loudly _ that every one of th

29、e class could hear him.译文. 他讲话这样大声,班上的每个人都能听见。 A. did he speak B. did he spoke C. spoke he D. he spoke答案:A。 sothat结构位于句首,要部分倒装。51.Youd better make a mark _ you have any questions.译文. 你最好在你有疑问的地方做上标记。 A. at which B. at where C. the place D. where 答案:D。 where引导的地点状语从句。52.A fish needs water and without

30、 water it will die _.译文. 鱼需要水,没有水就会死。人也是这样。 A. so does a man B. so will a man C. so it is with a man D. so is it with a man答案:C。 在前面句子中有两个不同的动词或者两件不同的事,某人也是这样的话,就得用上这个句型。53.If you call him a liar, you are _ for trouble.译文. 你如果叫他撒谎者,你就是自找麻烦。 A. answering B. caring C. asking D. searching答案:C。 ask for

31、trouble 固定搭配,自找麻烦。54.If my brother is allowed to go out, _.译文. 如果容许我哥哥出去,我也该出去。 A. so should I B. so am I C. so should I D. so I am答案:B。 两个句子的主语不是一个人,两种情况一样就得倒装。55.Who has found out the answer _ this question?译文. 谁找到了这个问题的答案? A. of B. for C. to D. about答案:C。 什么什么的答案介词要to用,类似的还有:key, note, entrance。5

32、6.They need twenty more workers _ their group to do the job.译文. 他们除了他们这个一组人还需要二十人做这件工作。 A. except B. but C. beside D. besides答案:D。 besides表示包括在内。57.At no point south of the Han River _ more than a mile.译文. 敌军在汉河南岸前进了一英里多。 A. the enemy didnt advance B. the enemy advanced C. did the enemy advance D. d

33、idnt答案:C 表示地点的状语在句首,主句要部分倒装。58.Country music has become _ in America.译文. 在美国,乡村音乐已经成为了一个大行业。 A. big business B. a big business C. big a business D. businesses答案:A。 business不可数名词,行当之意。59.We found Marys brother to have _ more story books than Anns.译文. 我们发现玛丽哥哥的故事书比安利哥哥的多得多。 A. much B. too much C. by f

34、ar D. far 答案:D。 far修饰比较级。60.Charles did what he could _ the servant, although he himself was in danger.译文. 尽管他自己也在危险中,Charles尽了他的一切努力救助他的仆人。 A. rescue B. rescued C. to rescue D. rescuing答案:C。 此题中could后省略了do,而不定式to rescue是目的状语。61.Have you got your test result?-Not yet. The papers _.译文. 你知道你的考试结果了吗?没有

35、。试卷正在评改。 A. are still being corrected B. are not correcting C. have already been corrected D. have not corrected答案:A。 根据题意应选用被动语态的选项, B62.Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.译文. Charles Babbage被认为是第一台电脑的发明者。 A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented答案:

36、C。 不定式的动作发生在谓语动作之前,要用完成时态。63.If you _ the medicine you _ better now.译文. 如果你吃了这药,你现在就会感觉好些。 A. took ; would feel B. had taken ; felt C. had taken ; would feel D. took ;would have felt 答案:C。 是错综复杂条件状语从句中的虚拟语气,主句与从句的时态各管各的。64.I hate _ their complains all day. one of these days Ill tell them what I real

37、ly think.译文. 我讨厌他们整天的抱怨。哪天我会告诉他们我的真实想法的。 A. paying attention to B. to talk about C. listening to D. to have heard答案:C。 从意思上推断只能用C。hate可以加不定式或动名词作宾语。65.I need some red ink badly, but theres _ at hand.译文. 我急需一些红墨水,但手头一点也没有。 A. nothing B. a little C. none D. not答案:C。 none这儿指的是没有红墨水。66.By the end of thi

38、s year, we _ 2000 English words.译文. 到本年尾,我们将记住2000个单词。 A. will learn B. would learn C. have learned D. will have learned答案:D。 在有by the end of 引导的短语中,句子的时态要用完成时态。67.He was named Robert _ his father by mother.译文. 妈妈根据父亲的名字给他命名为Robert. A. to B. upon C. after D. under答案:C。 name sb. after 根据.的名字命名。68.We

39、have _ such tall building in our city.译文. 我们市里有四十座这样的建筑。 A. two scores of B. two dozen of C. two score of D. two dozens of答案:C。 量词前有数词修饰,不能用复数形式;score常和of连用。69.None of the students watched the teacher_.译文. 没有一个学生在认真听老师讲课。 A. careful enough B. enough carefully C. carefully enough D. enough careful答案:

40、C。 enough作为副词,在修饰副词,形容词时要后置。70.When shall we meet again? - Make it _ day you like; it s all the same to me.译文. -我们什么时候再见面?-你决定,任何时候对我来说都一样。 A. one B. any C. another D. some答案:B。 代词any表示任何。71.Have a nice time in the winter vacation. -_.译文. -寒假愉快! -彼此彼此。 A. Of course, I have B. The same to you C. Of c

41、ourse, I will D. What about you答案:B。 交际语。对别人的问候或祝愿的回答要用The same to you。相当于汉语的:彼此彼此!72.I first met Lisa three years ago. She _ at a shop at the time.译文. 我第一次遇到Lisa是三年前。她那时在一家商店工作。 A. has worked B. was working C. had been worked D. had worked答案:B。 某个时候正在做什么用进行时态。73.Please write your composition _ line

42、 to leave space for the teachers correction .译文. 请写作文时隔行写,以便留出空间供老师批改。 A. one another B. every other C. any other D. each other答案:B。 every other每隔一个每两个。74.Alice, why didnt come yesterday? -I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.译文. -阿莉思,你昨天为什么没来呢?-我本打算来的,单来了一位不速之客。 A. had B. would C. was going to D. d

43、id答案:C。 would 只表示纯粹的将来;be going to打算,计划。75.If It had been possible, I would have helped him, but I _ too busy the.译文. 如果可能的话,我就帮助他了,但那时我太忙了。 A. had been B. would be C. were D. was答案:D。 前面是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,but引导的真实情况。76.How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?译文. 我们两到花园散步如何? A. to take B. take

44、 C. taking D. to be taking答案:C。 how about 后面接动名词。77.So excited _ that he couldnt say a word.译文. 他太激动了,一句话都说不出来。 A. was he B. he was C. did he be D. did he was答案:A。 sothat结构中的so位于句首,主句要部分倒装。它的倒装要连同它所修饰的成分一同倒装。78.What are you going to be when you grow up ? -I want to _.译文. -你长大了想当个什么?-我想当名水手。 A. go to the sea B. go to sea C. work beyond the sea D. go to Qingdao by sea答案:B。 go to the sea到海边去;go to sea当水手;work beyond the sea在海外工作;go to Qindao by sea坐海船到青岛。79.What _ their child fond of?译文. 他们的孩子喜欢什么? A. do B. does C. are D. is答案:D。 be fond of 喜欢.80.When a


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