【走向高考】(四川专用)2021届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems语法练习 新人教版选修6.doc

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《【走向高考】(四川专用)2021届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems语法练习 新人教版选修6.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【走向高考】(四川专用)2021届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems语法练习 新人教版选修6.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【走向高考】(四川专用)2016届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems语法练习 新人教版选修6.阅读理解(2014江西省重点中学盟校第一次联考)Autumn means different things to different people. “It all depends on your personality.” said British naturalist Richard Mabey. “Personality shapes your view of the season,” he said. “You may see it as a fadingaway, a packing

2、up(结束), or as a time of packing in another sense the excited gathering of resources before a long journey.”If this is true, perhaps it tells us a little about, for instance, Thomas Hood, the 19th Century English poet. About November, he wrote: No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful easeNo shade, n

3、o shine, no butterflies, no bees November! On the other hand, another English poet John Keats, already sensing he was seriously ill, was inspired by a late September day to pen one of the most famous poems in the English language, To Autumn. He wrote to a friend afterwards that there was something c

4、omforting and healing about it. According to Richard Mabey, Keats has the biological evidence on his side. Autumn is not a time of slowing down, but a time of new beginnings and great movements of creatures. For example, just at the moment that Keatss “gathering swallows” (in To Autumn) are departin

5、g for Africa, millions of creatures are fleeing from the frozen north like Iceland, Greenland and Russia to winter along the east and south coasts of Britain. According to scientists, before falling, the leaves transfer their chlorophyll(叶绿素) and carbohydrates into the woody parts of the tree for sa

6、fekeeping over winter. What remains are the natural antioxidants(防老剂) in the leaves: the yellow and orange carotenoids(类胡萝卜素), and another protective chemical specially produced for autumn, the brightred anthocyanin(花青素). High color is not a signal of deterioration(退化) and decline, but of detox(排毒的)

7、 ability and good health. A century after Keats, the American poet Loren Eiseley wrote in his journal: “Suppose we saw ourselves burning like maples in a golden autumn. And that we could break up like autumn leaves.dropping their substance like chlorophyll. Would not our attitude towards death be di

8、fferent?” 文章大意:以秋天为主题,引用不同诗人写到的有关秋天的诗,即反映不同人对于秋天有不同见解,又升华出秋天落叶的真理和积极意义。1. From Thomas Hoods poem, we may infer that _. Ahe suffered a lot from cold November Bhe missed the shining summer days very much Che had a negative attitude towards autumn Dhe enjoyed butterflies and bees very much 答案:C根据Thomas

9、 Hood的诗歌:No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, November!一切都是从消极的一面来描写的。2. In autumn, leaves turn yellow before falling because _.Athey cant bear the freezing Bthey cant get enough water from the wood part C chlorophyll and carbohydrates have been

10、 lost through leaves D chlorophyll and carbohydrates have come back to the wood part 答案:D根据文章第四段可知。3. From the passage we can learn that_. Aautumn has different faces in different peoples eyes BJohn Keats was a good biologist as well as a poet Call creatures move from the cold north to Britain for w

11、inter Dthe three poets were only known for their poems about autumn答案:A根据文中几位诗人的诗歌可以看到对于秋天不同的理解,因此选A。4Which word can best describe Loren Eiseleys attitude towards autumn? AFearful.BOptimistic.CDoubtful. DRealistic.答案:B根据文章最后一段,诗人的诗歌以及倒数第二段的内容可知,他表达的是一种乐观积极的态度。5. What does the underlined sentence mea

12、n?A Man can never live long, just as leaves must leave the tree annually.BMan is different from autumn leaves, which will come again the next spring.CMan should have a positive attitude towards death, quite different from autumn leaves.DMan should treat death calmly, just like autumn leaves fall to

13、the ground.答案:D根据文章最后一段,可推断出画线句的含义为:我们应该冷静地对待死亡,就象秋天的落叶要归根一样。.完形填空Run Away, Dont DelayOne night, my son was watching his big screen TV alone, and I decided to join him. He was watching a show_1_there were college students going to a gettogether in Washington DC, and_2_the thousands who gathered ther

14、e to celebrate something. When they got there, they started becoming_3_in drinking, and doing drugs. I didnt want to watch it any more, so got up and went to bed.About 330 am. I awoke, and lay there thinking about_4_, and a poem began forming in my mind, which began as, “_5_sin(something wrong)comes

15、 calling, or knocking at your door, run away, dont delay,_6_sin is like a magnet, and it will pull you down, run away, do not_7_.” As I lay there, there was music which_8_it, and I knew that there was no way I would remember it by_9_, so I got up and sat at the table, trying to_10_both the words and

16、 the music which came to me at the time._11_the pattern was set, and I had the notes written down in my notebook, the_12_of the poem came to me as well.When it got_13_I decided to sit down at the piano and began trying to play it. My family came into the sitting room and I told them about the song,

17、and wanted to_14_it with them. They all liked it, and_15_several times that day, I sang it again, and played it again, trying to fix it in my_16_.Later, I wanted to put the song on paper_17_just the little dots in my notebook indicating how high and how_18_to go. Not knowing how to do that, I_19_the

18、 song, and then sent it to my sister, Jennie, who had written many songs using her own poetry and music, and soon, here came the music and words all done up_20_. I was so glad.文章大意:一天晚上,“我”和儿子一起看电视。受到电视中情节的启发,“我”写了一首诗并谱上曲。1AthatBwhichCin which Dfor which答案:C此句是一个定语从句。in which中的which指代先行词a show。2Ajoi

19、ning BwatchingCreporting Dencouraging答案:Ajoin sb.“和某人一起做(某事)”,此处指大学生们和很多人一起庆祝。3Asatisfied BinvolvedCexcited Dembarrassed答案:Bbe involved in.“参与;卷入”。4Athe tragedy Bthe accidentCthe mistake Dthe program答案:Dprogram“节目”;此处指代1空前的show。5AWhenever BHoweverCWherever DWhoever答案:Awhenever“每当时”;句意:当错误敲你的门时,马上跑开,

20、不要犹豫。6Afor BwithCthus Dotherwise答案:Afor在此表原因,用于主句之后。7Asee BstayCcare Dtake答案:B此处选stay与前面的delay和韵,而且同义。8Acaught up withBgot on well withCtook part inDcame along with答案:Dcome along with“同一起出现”。9Anow BheartCnight Dmorning答案:D我睡不着了,我想在天亮前一直记着是不可能的。10Aturn off Bwrite toCput down Dlook back答案:Cput down“记下

21、;写下”。11ASince BOnceCBefore DBecause答案:Bonce“一旦”;一旦确定下模式和音符,这首诗的其余部分也随之而来。12Astyle BotherCrest Dpart答案:Cthe rest“剩余部分;其余”。参见上题。13Alight BsunnyCwell Dperfect答案:Aget light“天亮”。14Alearn BcheckCshare Dwrite答案:Cshare sth. with sb.“和某人分享”。此处指我迫不及待地想和家人分享我新想出的诗。15Aso BsuchCvery Dtoo答案:A我的家人都很喜欢这首诗,“所以”那一天我吟

22、诵了好几次。16Adream BheartClife Dfamily答案:Bin ones heart“在某人内心深处”。17Abut for Binstead ofCother than Das if答案:Binstead of“而不是”。我想把诗写下来,而不是仅仅停留在我的笔记本上的小点点。18Abig BfarClow Dsweet答案:C该空与前面的high对应相反。19Arecorded BsangCplayed Dprinted答案:Arecord“录制”。20Akindly BcarefullyCfriendly Dnicely答案:Dnicely相当于well。.语法填空(20

23、14山西省第四次四校联考)Julie enjoyed reading when young. She grew up in _1_ key middle school in her city, _2_ her parents both taught Chinese. That meant she was surrounded by either teachers who were busy teaching or students who _3_(devote) to their studies. So she developed her love of _4_.Her interest _5

24、_ reading also benefited from the fact that _6_ parents only let her watch half an hour of TV a day. She learned to use her mind and imagination to entertain _7_. Its not really _8_(surprise) that reading became her vocation. When not reading she enjoyed watching films, walking and relaxing with her

25、 friends. Reading brought her much _9_(please) and she never wanted to stop learning. Not only did reading enrich her knowledge _10_ it improved her learning scores.文章大意:Julie热爱阅读,这得益于她的父母。而热爱阅读让她受益匪浅。答案:1aJulie在她所在城市的一所重点中学长大。不定冠词表泛指。2where在这所中学里,她的父母教授汉语。此处应填关系词引导定语从句;从句部分her parents both taught C

26、hinese不缺少主语、宾语,所以填关系副词;先行词为school,所以填where。3were devotedwho在此引导定语从句,所以填谓语动词;be devoted to“热爱,致力于”。 4reading第一段第一句话“Julie enjoyed reading.”和第二段第一句话“Her interest _5_ reading.”都有提示。 5ininterest后常接介词in。6her她对阅读的兴趣得益于她父母规定她每天只能看半小时电视。7herselfentertain oneself“自娱自乐”。8surprising修饰物应该用其现在分词形式的形容词surprising。9pleasure由空所在上下文可知,应该填名词形式pleasure。10butnot only.but(also).“不但而且”。5


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