2022年场景词汇-医疗词汇 .pdf

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1、1 常用医疗用语医院 :Call 911 ambulance Pharmacy 药店(英) Drug store 药店(美) clinic 诊所Hospital 医院Admissions desk 接诊处Waiting room 候诊处Examining room 检查室Emergency room 急诊室Surgery 外科Pediatrics 小儿科Obstetrics 妇科Medical insurance 医疗保险医生:physician 内科医生surgeon外科医生oculist/eye doctor眼科医生dentist牙医vet 兽医see a doctor看病send for

2、 a doctor请医生make an appointment预约Rx. 处方药OTC 非处方药Prescription 药方Be diagnosed with被诊断出transfer 转诊各种症状symptom:a cold感冒 ,a sore throat嗓子痛,sore eyes sneeze 打喷嚏headache头痛stomachache胃痛,diarrhea腹泻,high fever/temperature发烧 ,bad cough咳嗽,swollen knee toothache牙痛,have a runny nose流鼻涕,depression沮丧,消沉,vomit/throw

3、 up/ 呕吐,dizzy 头晕,feel chilly 觉得发冷,sprained 扭伤bruised 擦伤burn 烧伤bleeding 流血rash 皮疹insect bites and stings 蚊虫叮咬itchy 痒的fracture 骨裂cut 割伤shock 电击blister 水泡inflammation 发炎phlegm痰,allergic 过敏的drowsy 昏昏欲睡的stuffed nose 鼻子塞住pimple 青春痘cavity 蛀牙monthly period/menses 月经期常见疾病Flu 流感High blood pressure 高血压Pancreas

4、 cancer 胰腺癌Food poisoning 食物中毒Stomach flu 肠胃炎Heat exhaustion 中暑Appendicitis 盲肠炎Rhinitis 鼻炎Tympanitis 中耳炎Piles 痔疮Arthritis 关节炎liver trouble 肝炎,stiff neck 脖子发僵,pneumonia肺炎,名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 2 asthma哮喘,diabetics糖尿

5、病患者,aids 治疗: medicine & treatment Pills 药丸,Tablet 药片,Capsule 胶囊,Mixture 合剂,Eyedrops 眼药水 ,Syrup 糖浆,Pad 药棉块,Vitamin 维他命,Painkiller 止痛药Aspirin 阿司匹林,paracetamol 扑 热 息敏acetaminophen ?,sit?m? n?f? n 对乙酰氨基酚hydrocortisone cream 醋酸氢化可的松antibiotic 抗生素cefixime 头孢克肟 /世福素cream 药膏,modern medicine 西药,calcium 钙inje

6、ction 打针i.v. bottle 点滴home remedies 食疗stay off your feet 卧床休息stay at home rest take an X-RAY Stitch it up 缝针Put the splint on my knee 上夹板Use crutches 用拐杖Put ice pack on 冰镇Put this cast on 打石膏Take 2 capsules 3 times before meals After meals Before bed Every 8 hours 1 teaspoon 1茶羹(tsp. 5g ) 3 tsp =1 t

7、ablespoon 大调羹 (tbsp) Sentences: P: Where is the nearest hospital? I don t have an appointment, but it s an emergency. D: What happened ?P: I have bad headache and a sore throat. D: How long had it been? P: It all started 3 days before. D: You ve got the flu. Take some medicine and stay at bed for so

8、me days. P: OK. How do I take the medicine? D: 1 pills after meals, 3 times a day. P: Are there any side effects? Do I need to come back again when I take this all. D: Not I you fell well. P: Sorry for more, who should I contact to get my medical report? I have bought overseas medical insurance. 一、医

9、生询问病情的常用问句:1. Whats wrongthe matter(with you )?你怎么了?Whats your trouble ,young man?年轻人,你哪里不舒服?2. How are you(feeling)now?你现在觉得怎么样?Are you feeling better today ?今天好些了吗?3. Have you got a headache a cough?你头痛咳嗽吗?名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 9 页 -

10、- - - - - - - - 3 4. When did you feel unwell ?你什么时候觉得不舒服的?5. When did the pain start?疼痛何时开始的?6. Did you sleep well ?你睡得好吗?Do you feel tired ?你觉得疲劳吗?7. How long have you been like this ?你像这样多久了?8. Did you eat anything for breakfast ?你早饭吃了什么没有?二、病人诉说病情的常用语句:1.I dont feel very well Im not feeling well

11、 我感到不舒服。2.I have(got)a headache 我头痛。I have a pain in my back 我的背痛。My left hand hurts 我的左手痛。Theres something wrong with my leg 我的腿有毛病了。3. I feel terrible 我感到很难受。I feel even worse我感到情况更糟了。4. I dont feel like eating anything 我什么都不想吃。5. I dream too much我的梦特别多。I cant fall be asleep in the evening晚上我睡不着。6

12、. It began two days ago两天前开始的。7. I dont feel any better now 我感觉没有什么好转。8. I had noodles for lunch today 今天午饭我吃的是面条。三、医生检查、诊断和治疗常用语句:1. Open your mouth and say “Ah”张嘴说 “ 啊” 。2. Let me take your temperature让我给你量量体温。3. Theres nothing much wrongserious with you 你没有什么大问题。4. You have got a bad cold你患了重感冒。5

13、. You have to be in hospital你得住院。6. Youd better stay in bed for a few days你最好卧床几天。Youd better not eat too much sugar你最好别吃太多的糖。Eat less food and take more exerciseIf you do that ,youll feel much healthier 少吃些,多锻炼,不久你身体就会健康得多。Drink more water 多喝水。Have a good rest好好休息。7. Take one of these pills twice a

14、 day这些药片每次服一片,一天两次。Take the medicine after a meal饭后服药。8. Youd soon be all right你很快就会康复的。Try to relax before you go to sleep 睡觉前尽量放松一下。一、 ?What s wrong ( with you )? 你哪不舒服啊?怎么了??What s the matter ( with ) you ? ?Anything wrong ? ?Is there anything wrong ? 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - -

15、- - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 4 ?What s troubling you ? ?What s the trouble ? ?What s hurts ? ?What s your complaint ? ?What do you complain of ??Can you describe the problem ? 你能把情况说说吗??Can you describe the symptoms? 你能把症状说一下吗??Describe what s wrong . 说说哪不舒服。?Has it

16、 been a problem before ? 以前有过这种情况吗??Have you had this problem before ? ?Have you had this before ? ?When did the trouble start ? 什么时候开始不舒服的啊??When did it start ? ?How long have you had these symptoms ? 这些症状有多长时间了??How long have you been like this ? 你这样多久了??How long have you had this problem ? ?Have

17、you had this problem long ? 你这种情况已经有很长时间了吗? Does it hurt when I do this ? 我这样时,疼吗?Is there a history of heart disease in your family ? 你家有心脏病 病史吗?二、?Im not feeling well . 我觉得不舒服。?I don t feel well . ?Im not myself . 我觉得不舒服。我状态不佳。?I feel terrible . 我觉得难受极了。?Im feeling rather out of sorts these days .

18、 这几天我一直觉得不舒服。?I feel chilly / dizzy / feverish / sick / hot and cold / short of breath 我畏冷 /头晕 /发烧 /恶心 /一阵冷一阵热 /气短 ?I have a headache / stomach- ache / backache / toothache / cold / fever / cough / chill 我头疼 /胃疼 /后背疼 /牙疼 /感冒/发烧 /咳嗽 /着凉 ?Theres something wrong with my head / neck / back / stomach / t

19、hroat / heart / abdomen / 我头疼 /脖子疼 /后背疼 /胃疼 /嗓子疼 /心脏疼 /肚子疼 ?I pulled a muscle . 我拉伤了肌肉。?I trained a muscle . 我拉伤了肌肉。?I sprained my wrist . 我扭伤了手腕。?I twisted my ankle . 我扭伤了脚踝。?I threw my back out . 我后背扭伤了。?Im bleeding . 我出血了。?It keeps bleeding . 血在不停地出。?It won t stop bleeding . 血止不住。?Im bleeding lik

20、e a stuck pig . 我血流个不停。?Im suffering from insomnia . 我近来一直失眠。?Ive been losing sleep . 我近来一直睡不好。?I can t sleep . 我睡不着觉。?I lie awake all night long . 我一整夜都不能入睡。?Ive been really sleepy . 我的确睁不开眼睛。?Im always drowsy . 我总想打瞌睡。我总是昏昏欲睡。?I can t seem to stay awake . 我好象眼皮很沉。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - -

21、 - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 5 ?Ive got diarrhea. 我拉肚子了。?Ive got the runs . 我拉肚子了。Im constipates. 我有便秘。?My skin itches . 我的皮肤发痒。?I have a rash . 我发皮疹了。?Ive got blotches all over my skin . 我浑身上下都发了疹块。?Ive got these bumps on my skin . 我的皮肤上长出了这些肿块。 Im achin

22、g all o ver . 我浑身上下都疼。三、 ?Do you have any allergies ? 你患有过敏症吗??Are you allergic to any medications ? 你对药物过敏吗??Are you allergic to penicillin ? 你对青霉素过敏吗?四、 Let me examine your heart / lungs / throat 让我检查一下你的心脏/肺脏 /嗓子 ?Don t worry . 别担心。?Theres nothing to worry about . Let me feel your pulse . 让我先给你把把

23、脉。 Your temperature is a little high . 你的体温有点高。 Put the thermometer under your arm . 把体温计夹在胳膊下面。 Open your mouth and show me your tongue . 张开嘴,让我看看你的舌头。 Id like to run a few tests first . 我最好还是先给你做几个检查。 You d better go and have an x -ray . 你最好还是先去透视吧。 In that case ,youd better have a general check-u

24、p . 那样的话,你最好做一次全身检查。 I think youd better take it easy for several days . 我看你最好静休几天。五、 ?I going to write you a prescription . 我这就给你开处方。?Im going to give your prescription . 我这就给你开处方。?Im going to g ive you something for the pain . 我这就给你开药。 Id like to take a blood sample . 我要采些血样。 The results should be

25、 back in a week . 检查结果要一周后能知道。六、Im going to refer you to someone else . 我将把你转诊到另一个医生那儿。七、 ?Take a dose three times a day . 每日服三次,每次服一剂。?One teaspoon daily . 一天服 1 茶匙。?One teaspoon three times daily . 每天服 3 次,每次 1 茶匙。?One tablet three times daily . 每天服 3 次,每次服1 片。?Two capsules three times daily . 每天服

26、 3 次,每次服2 粒胶囊。?Take three times daily . 每天服 3 次。?Take in the morning . 上午服用。?Take after eating . 临睡前服用。?Take before eating . 饭后服用。?Take before going to bed . 饭前服用。 Take two of the pills each morning for two weeks . 每天上午服2 丸,连服 2 周。 Not to be taken more than four times within 24-hour period . 24 小时内,

27、服药不能超过4 次。 This medication should be taken with meals . 这种药需在进餐时服用。 This medication should be take with food . 这种药需在进餐时服用。 Don t eat for half an hour before or after taking this medicine . 服用次药前(后)半小时内不能吃东西。 Don t operate heavy machinery while taking this medication . 服用此药期间切勿操作重型机械。Don t drive afte

28、r taking this medication . 服用此药后切勿开车。 Drink more hot water . 多喝热水。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 6 Drink plenty of water . 大量地喝水。 Have a good rest . 好好休息一下。Be careful of your diet . 注意饮食。?Stay in bed as much as possible . 尽

29、量在床上多躺几天。?Have a good long lie . 好好地多躺一躺。 Be sure to keep warm and rest . 注意保暖和休息。 Don t overdo things . 不要过度劳累。 Don t drink . 切勿饮酒。八、 ?Im impr oving . 我正在好转。?Im getting better . 我正在好转。?Im getting back on my feet . 我正在好转。?Im getting back on my legs . 我正在好转。?Tings are looking up . 我的病情正在好转。?Im gettin

30、g over it . 我正在康复。?Im bouncing back . 我正在康复。?Im on the road to recovery . 我的身体正在复元。?Im getting back to normal . 我的健康正在恢复正常。 Im out of the woods . 我已经脱离了危险。 Im better now .我现在好多了。 Im better than I was . 我比原来好多了。九、 ?Im well now . 我已经痊愈了。?Im all better . 我已经痊愈了。?Im completely over it . 我的病已经完全好了。 Im as

31、 good as new . 我恢复得像原来一样。 It s like it never happened . ( 我觉得)好象是没病过一样。 I feel like a new person . 我感到自己好象换了个人似的。 Ive got a new lease on life . 我感到心情更愉快,生命更有活力了。My nose is stuffed up . 我的鼻子塞住了。I m always running at nose . 我老是流鼻涕。I got a stiff neck . 我落枕了。stroke 中风lose hair 掉头发feel sick 想吐face is swo

32、llen 脸肿了chapped lips 嘴唇干裂have a cramp 抽筋have a fracture 骨折have gooseflesh 起鸡皮疙瘩have a stiff neck 落枕sneeze 打喷嚏snore 打呼噜hiccup 打嗝vomiting and runs 上吐下泻have the runs 拉肚子lose ones fluids 脱水have an injection 打针blood transfusion 输血acupuncture 针灸cupping treatment 拔火罐massage therapy 按摩have a blood test 验血ha

33、ve a stuffy nose 鼻塞have blister on the heels 脚起水泡名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 7 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 8 人体器官:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 9 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - -


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