2022年人教版新目标七年级英语下册Unit导学案 .pdf

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1、课题: Unit 9 What does he look like? 主备人:审核人:复核人:课型: New总第 1 课时【教学目标】 describe peoples looks.【重点、难点】 describe peoples looks.【教学过程】二次备课预习指导:I. 预习 Unit9 Section A (P49-P51) 所有单词 , 并在下列空白处写出:1.卷曲的 _2. 直的_3. 高的_ 4.中等的 _5. 身高;高度 _6. 中等身高 _ 7.瘦的_8. 重的_9. 身材_ 10.今晚;今夜 _11. 小的_12. 一点儿;少量 _ 13.电影院 _14. 眼镜_15.

2、以后_ 16. 英俊的_17. 演员_18. 女演员 _19. 人_ II. 预习课本 P49 1a-P50 2c页,翻译下列词组和句子:1.短/卷/长/直发_ 2.你的朋友长什么样 ? _ 3.她中等身高,留长直发_ 4. David 是高个还是矮个 ? _ 5. Sally 留长发还是短发 ? _ 当堂训练:I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. Mary looks _ (像) her sister Lily. 2. My dogs _ (毛发) is white and long. 3. The mother is _ ( 重的), but she wants to be thin. 4

3、. She always _ ( 穿着) a yellow skirt. 5. Her hair isnt _ (卷曲的 ), it s straight.6. Bob isn t tall or short. He is of medium _( 身高) . II. 句型转换1. My friend is thin and of medium height. (划线提问 ) _ 2. He has long curly hair. ( 改为一般疑问句 )二次备课_ 3. He doesn t like staying at home. I think. (合并为一句 ) _ 4. Mary

4、is in a white skirt today. (改为同义句 )_ 5. He likes reading. (对划线部分提问 ) _III. 用 be 或 have 的适当形式填空1. My friend Amy_ tall and thin. 2. Selina _ long curly hair. 3. David_ of medium height. 4. Jim _ heavy and he _ short hair. 5. They _ of medium height and _ short straight hair. 达标检测:翻译下列句子 : 1.你的朋友长的什么样子

5、?_ 2.他长着棕色的头发,戴着眼镜。_ 3. Sally 短头发还是长头发?_ 4. Peter 高还是矮?_ 5.我不认识他。_ 6.就先在电影院门前和他见面。_ 7.她有一头美丽的长黑发。_ 8.我的妹妹中等身高,短头发。_ 【教学反思】名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 课题: Unit 9 What does he look like? 主备人:审核人:复核人:课型: New 总第 2 课时【教学目标】 M

6、aster “ look like, blonde hair ”and so on.【重点、难点】 “ This person is of medium height ”【教学过程】二次备课预习指导:预习 P50 2d-P51 3d 找出下列短语和句子 ,写在空白处:1.你今晚去看电影吗? _ 2.但我可能会晚一点儿。 _ 3.就先在电影院前面见他吧。_ 4.他留着棕色的头发戴眼镜。_ 5.他不高不矮,他是中等身高。_ 6.那么回头见。 _ 7.他确实高。 _ 8.他们是中等身高。 _ 9.他们留直发还是卷发? _ 10.他帅呆了。 _ 11.你最喜欢的男演员或女演员_ 当堂训练:I. 改错1

7、. What do your sister look like? 2. Does her aunt tall or short? 3. They are often wearing glasses. 4. Listen! They singing.二次备课5. My friend doesnt heavy and he i snt has long hair. 6. Those banks don t on the left. II. 句型转换:1. They are tall and have long straight hair. ( 划线提问 ) _ _ they _ _? 2. I m

8、 not tall or short. (改为同义句 )I m_ _ _. 3. She wears funny glasses. ( 改为一般疑问句并做否定回答) _ she _ _ _? No, _ _. 4. Be quiet! (改为否定句 ) _ _ _! 5. His brother is thin. (用 heavy改为选择疑问句并用thin 做回答 ) _ his brother thin _ _? He _ _. 达标检测:翻译句子:1.他们有着直的还是卷曲的头发?_ 2. Mary 最喜欢的女演员长得什么样子?_ 3.她中等个子,留着短而卷曲的金发。_ 4. Johnny

9、Dean 长着一张圆脸。_ 5.他今天没戴滑稽的眼镜。_ 6.电影演员们(男性)来了。_【教学反思】名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 课题: Unit 9 What does he look like? 主备人:审核人:复核人:课型: New总第 3 课时【教学目标】 Describe people s looks【重点、难点】 Describe people s looks【教学过程】二次备课预习指导:I. 预习

10、 Unit9 Section B (P52-P54) 所有单词 , 并在下列空白处写出1.鼻子_ 2.金色的 _ 3.嘴_ 4.圆形的 _5. 脸_6. 眼睛_ 7.歌手_ 8.艺术家 _ 9.犯罪活动 _ 10.罪犯_ 11.放_ 12每个;各自 _ 13.方式;路线 _14. 描绘_ 15. 不同地_ 16.另一,又一 _17. 结尾;尽头 _ 18.最后_19. 真正的,真实的 _20. 牛仔裤 _ II. 预习 P52、53 找出下列短语和句子 , 写在空白处:1.一个大鼻子 _2. 一张小嘴 _ 3.一张圆脸 _4. 留黑发 _5. 留金发_6. 留短发 _7. 戴眼镜 _ 8.他是

11、一个警察艺术家 _ 9.一些人目击犯罪然后和Joe交谈_ 10.画一张罪犯的画像 _ 11.警察把它放在报纸上和电视上来抓他_ 12.许多人并非以同样的方式看待事情_ 13.所以他们可能将同一个人描绘的不一样。_ 14.他们也总是记不牢。 _ 15.另一个女人 _ 16.真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖的老男人,并且他留着黑色的短发_ _ 二次备课当堂训练:单项选择:( ) 1. He _ a big nose and he _ of medium height. A. is, is B. has, is C. has, has D. is, has ( ) 2. I dont like this b

12、ook. Can you show me _? A. other one B. another one C. one another D. one other ( ) 3. Our new English teacher has_ hair and she is good-looking. A. black long beautiful B. beautiful long black C. long beautiful black D. beautiful black long ( ) 4. He studied hard and _ he passed (通过了) the test A. i

13、n the past B. in the end C. at first D. at once 达标检测:选词填空:but, speaks, friendly, goes , looks, to be, meets , says, going, medium Mrs. Black is my neighbor. She works at a post office and she 1._ lots of people every day. She is 2._ to everyone and likes helping others. She is over fifty years old.3

14、. _ she looks very young. She is of 4._ height and thin. She has long curly brown hair. She likes to wear a red T-shirt and jeans. She 5._ like a movie star. She really likes 6._ shopping and buys many beautiful clothes. She always 7._, Old people still want 8._ beautiful! 【教学反思】名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载

15、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 课题: Unit 9 What does he look like? 主备人:审核人:复核人:课型: New总第 4 课时【教学目标】 Describe people s looks【重点、难点】 Describe people s looks 【教学过程】二次备课预习指导:预习课本第 54页,翻译句子 :1.让我告诉你他长得什么样。_ 2.他留着褐色的直发 ,不戴眼镜。_ 3.他擅长足球。_ 4.他总是穿牛仔裤。_ 5

16、.我喜欢他因为他确实又风趣又酷_ 当堂训练:I. 用所给词的适当形式填空paint, look, high, shoe, he 1. Let me tell you what my mother _ like. 2. Dave isn t tall or short. He s of medium _. 3. Jim is my friend. I often play basketball with _ 4. You should wear sports _ in gym class. 5. My brother John is good at _. II. 句型转换1. M y frien

17、d is really tall and thin. ( 划线部分提问 ) _ does your friend _ _. 2. My brother wears glasses. ( 改为否定句 ) My brother _ _ glasses. 3. Peter has short curly brown hair. ( 改为一般问句 ) _ Peter _ short curly brown hair?二次备课4. Michael likes to wear jeans and a T-shirt. ( 划线提问 ) _ _ Michael _ to wear? 5. My sister

18、 does well in English. (同义句) My sister _ _ _ English. 达标检测:I. 单项选择( ) 1. Can you tell me _ your friend looks like? A. why B. which C. when D. what ( ) 2. Mary isn t in the classroom .Do you know _? A. where she is B. where is she C. who is she D. who she is ( ) 3. We have two foreign teachers here .

19、One is from England, and _ is form American. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others ( ) 4. The boy _ black hair _ a blue coat. A. has; has B. with, is C. has, wears D. with; wears ( ) 5. We want to know _ to help them. A. what can we do B. what we can do C. how can we do D. how we can do ( )

20、 6. The girl _ glasses is _red. A. with; with B. in; in C. with;in D. in; with II. 根据汉语完成句子。1.你认识那个有一头卷发的人吗?Do you know the man _ _ _? 2.我认为人们不喜欢她的新形象。I _ _ people _her new look. 3.他看起来有点像他的父亲。He _ a little _his father. 4.他喜欢穿什么?_ _he like to _? 5.她有一头漂亮的又长又直的金发。She _ _ _ _ _hair. 【教学反思】名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - -


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