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《名词专项复习PPT课件(中考英语).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《名词专项复习PPT课件(中考英语).ppt(49页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 名名 词词 一、考查重点一、考查重点1. 可数名词与不可数名词可数名词与不可数名词2.名词的作用名词的作用3.名词的所有格名词的所有格4.名词词义辨析名词词义辨析 名词名词 专有名词(如:专有名词(如:Tom,China, the United States, January, Monday) 可数可数普通名词物质名词物质名词(如如water,ice,wood)抽象名词抽象名词(如如:happiness幸福幸福)个体名词个体名词(如:如:teacher教师教师)集体名词集体名词(如:如:police警察警察) 不可数不可数 考点一考点一 名词的数名词的数flowerflowers找规律找规律

2、,总结规则总结规则watchesfactory-factoriesleaf - leavesboxes s特殊:roof-roofs belief-beliefs proof-proofsHandkerchief-handkerchiefs/handkerchieves找规律找规律tomatoespotatoesNegroes黑人黑人和和英雄英雄爱爱吃吃西红柿西红柿拌拌土土豆。豆。heroesbamboobamboos woman-womenman-menpoliceman policemen Frenchman Frenchmen sheep特殊:特殊:children1.Several _

3、 are talking under the treeAnd they are talking about_. Awoman; children Bwoman; child Cwomen; children2. There are three in my family. A. people B. person C. child3. Some _ came to our school for a visit that day. A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D. Germanies CAA4. In the picture there are many_ and

4、 two_. A. sheeps; knifes B. sheeps; knife C. sheep; knives D. sheep; knife 5. There are four_and two_in the group. A. Japanese,Germen B. Japaneses,Germen C. Japanese,German D. Japanese,GermansDC is is a, an, one, twomuch a little little a some any,plenty of much little 巩固练习巩固练习: (1)一茶杯茶一茶杯茶 (2)一碗饭)一

5、碗饭 (3)两公斤肉)两公斤肉 (4)五瓶橘汁)五瓶橘汁 (5)一双鞋)一双鞋 (6)许多瓶牛奶)许多瓶牛奶 1. Please give me _ paper. A. one B. a pieces C. a pieceD. a piece of2. This table is made of_. A. many glass B. some glasses C. glasses D. glass3. What can I do for you, sir? Id like two_. A.bottle of milk B.bottles of milks C.bottles of milk D

6、.bottle of milks4. We can do the work better with_money and _ people. A. less, fewer B. fewer, less C. little, little D. few, few DDCA主谓一致主谓一致1. 1. 当当people, class, family, team, group, public, police people, class, family, team, group, public, police 等等集体名词做主语时,如果看成一个整体,动词就用单集体名词做主语时,如果看成一个整体,动词就用单

7、数;看成一个个具体成员时,就用复数。数;看成一个个具体成员时,就用复数。e.g The class e.g The class areare waiting for her. waiting for her. Toms family _ rather big. Toms family Toms family _ rather big. Toms family _ film fans_ film fans. . is are2.news, maths, politics 2.news, maths, politics 表示单数意义,动词用单数。表示单数意义,动词用单数。e.g The news

8、e.g The news makes makes her very happy.her very happy. Maths _ not easy for him. Maths _ not easy for him. is 专有名词专有名词:1.表示人名表示人名 如:如:Jim Kate Li Lei Miss Gao2.表示地名表示地名:如如: China USA England Beijing3.表示星期、月份等时间概念的名称,如:表示星期、月份等时间概念的名称,如: Sunday Monday Tuesday January February4.表示中外节日:表示中外节日: 国际性节日国际

9、性节日:New Year May Day Childrens Day Womens Day 中国节日中国节日: Spring Festival Mid-autumn Day National Day 西方节日西方节日: Christmas Day Easter(复活节)复活节)Fathers Day Mothers Day Saint Valentines Day(情人节情人节)5. 机构或一些社会团体的名称,它们往往缩写机构或一些社会团体的名称,它们往往缩写,如如: CCTV WTO PLA PRC UFO BBC SOS NBA IQ EQ PE RMB VIP 名词的作用名词的作用用法用

10、法例句例句作主语作主语English is useful.作定语作定语( (一般用一般用单数形式)单数形式)paper tigers纸老虎girl students女生作及物动词或介作及物动词或介词的宾语词的宾语She learns Chinese hard every day. 作表语作表语Tom is my best friend.作宾语补足语作宾语补足语They consider the boy monitor.作同位语作同位语The teacher looked after us students well.作称呼语作称呼语Ladies and gentlemen, may I hav

11、e your attention please? 珍妮和海伦的房间珍妮和海伦的房间 Jenny and Helens room 珍妮的房间和海伦的房间珍妮的房间和海伦的房间 Jennys and Helens rooms7. 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体的等无生有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体的等无生 命的东西,也可以加命的东西,也可以加 s 构成所有格构成所有格 2小时路程小时路程 北京最好的公园北京最好的公园 今日的报纸今日的报纸two hours walk=two-hour walkBeijings best parktodays newspaper at my uncles

12、 = at my uncles home at a tailors = at a tailors shop9. 表示类别的名词作定语,不用所有格表示类别的名词作定语,不用所有格 a silk hat cotton clotha coffee cup8. 表示某人的家、店铺、诊所时,常省略所有格表示某人的家、店铺、诊所时,常省略所有格 后面的名词后面的名词1 广东的省会广东的省会2 教室的门教室的门3 我父亲的一个朋友我父亲的一个朋友4 他的两个兄弟他的两个兄弟5 爱迪生的一些发明爱迪生的一些发明6 他弟弟的一张照片他弟弟的一张照片(照片照片属于他弟弟属于他弟弟)7 他弟弟的一张照片他弟弟的一张

13、照片(照片照片里的人是他弟弟里的人是他弟弟)the capital of Guangdongthe doors of the classrooma friend of my fatherstwo brothers of hissome inventions of Edisons a picture of his brothers a picture of his brother名词的所有格名词的所有格 Practice 1. June 1st is _Day. All the Children enjoy it very much. A. Children B. Childrens C. Ch

14、ildrens D. Child2. The two bedroom are the _. A. twins B. twins C .twins D. twinsCC 重难点突破重难点突破3. Lucy is _ sister. A. Mary and Jack B. Marys and Jacks C. Mary and Jacks D. Mary and JacksD4. Its _from our school to my home.A. ten minutes walk B. ten minutes walkC. ten minute walk D. ten minutes walkA

15、 3.sports,clothes sports clothes 重难点突破重难点突破小组讨论以下练习的答案并说明其原因小组讨论以下练习的答案并说明其原因1.Our hospital needs two_doctors, Mrs. Li. You can ask your son to have a try. A. women B. man C.woman D. menD1. The model plane was made by a _ boy. A. ten-years-old B. ten-year-older C. ten-year-old D. ten-year old 重难点突破重

16、难点突破C2 Where is Tom?-He has gone to the _.A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers D. teachers 重难点突破重难点突破D1 . Could you please get me some _? Im hungry. A. appleB. water C. bread D. egg2. Something is wrong with my_. I cant see anything around me. A. nose B. ears C. eyes D. mouth3. Mr. White has a beautif

17、ul garden with many _ in it. A. flowers B. grass C. villages D. waterCCA4. - How far is your cousins home from here? - Its about two _ drive. A. hours B. hours C. hours D. hour5. Yao Ming did a good job in the basketball match yesterday. He is my favorite _A. worker B. teacher C. dancer D. playerCD6

18、.All the _ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th,because it was their own holiday. Aman B. men C. woman D. women7.Ten hours_(be) not eough for us to do it.Dis考点四 常考名词词义辨析1work job工作,多指体力或脑力的努力或活动工作,多指体力或脑力的努力或活动 不可数名词不可数名词工作零工,多指为换取报酬进行的日常活动工作零工,多指为换取报酬进行的日常活动可数名词可数名词我也喜欢花园,但我不喜欢艰苦的劳动。I like gard

19、ens too, but I dont like hard work.她正在找工作。She is looking for a job.考点四 常考名词词义辨析2cookcooker厨师厨师厨具厨具他是一个好厨师。He is a good cook.你的炊具是用燃气还是用电?Is your cooker gas or electric?考点四 常考名词词义辨析3problem question困难,客观上存在的待解决的问题,尤其困难,客观上存在的待解决的问题,尤其是比较棘手的难题是比较棘手的难题疑问,询问,主观上需要解答或解释的问题疑问,询问,主观上需要解答或解释的问题你能解出这道数学题吗?Ca

20、n you work out the maths problem?他在课堂上问了很多问题。He asked a lot of questions in class.考点四 常考名词词义辨析4Sound voice noise自然界各种各样的声音自然界各种各样的声音人的嗓音人的嗓音噪音I hate the loud noise outside.Listen! Can you hear the sound of running water?Lets say it in a loud voice.考点四 常考名词词义辨析5Road street way 具体的公路,马路具体的公路,马路 街道街道道路

21、,途径道路,途径There are many buildings on both sides of the street.He is driving fast along the road.Can you show me the way to the museum?考点四 常考名词词义辨析6home house family家,包括住处和家人家,包括住处和家人房子,住宅房子,住宅家庭成员家庭成员My _ is very large.我的房子很大。我的房子很大。I always go _ on foot.我通常都是走路回家。我通常都是走路回家。My _ is a happy one.我的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。我的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。homehousefamily考点四 常考名词词义辨析7amount number后接后接不可数名词不可数名词后接后接可数名词可数名词一笔钱an amount of money大量的学生a number of students考点四 常考名词词义辨析8weather climate一天内具体的天气状况一天内具体的天气状况长期的气候状况长期的气候状况今天天气怎么样?Whats the weather like today?这儿的气候不适合你的健康。The climate here is not good for your health.


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