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《新人教版选修七-Unit1-5综合复习PPT课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教版选修七-Unit1-5综合复习PPT课件.ppt(118页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1. 重点单词拼写1)The living people in these apartments have free ato that swimming pool.2) Cto you on achieving such a complete victory.3) It will be a long time before you a to the new environment.4) It is bto get up early to exercise.【答案】 access【答案】Congratulations【答案】adapt【答案】beneficial5) I am intereste

2、d in stories in general, but in detective stories in p .6) He asked me to ahim in carrying through their plan.7) Gone with the Wind is one of the great works of American l.8) All the members were present at the meeting, (包括) Mr.Smith and Professor Li.【答案】particular【答案】assist【答案】literature【答案】includi

3、ng9) Well test your (视力) before giving you a driving license【答案】eyesight10) It was the first time that she had lived (独立).2. 重点词词形变换2) For a long time, mentalwas considered shameful and the mentallyreceive little treatment or encouragement. (disable)【答案】independently1) Itme to think how much time we

4、 had wasted on the fly. (annoy)【答案】annoyed, annoying【答案】disability, disabled3) My teacher oftenme to speak English out of class and hermade me a successful lecturer. (encourage)【答案】encouraged, encouragement【答案】resign, resigned4) The presidentus around the Palace. There was great satisfaction with th

5、eof the negotiation. (conduct)【答案】conducted, conduct5) “I didnt really want tomy post,” he said with asigh. (resign)6) Tom is studyingat university. He wants to become a leader like Martin Luther King.【答案】 politics, political7) Robert is a veryman and one of hisis to travel in Antarctica. (ambition)

6、【答案】ambitious, ambitions8) Shes veryshe went to France for a holiday alone. She neveron anybody. (depend)10) The news was sothat all of us wereat it. (amaze)【答案】independent, depends9) My brotherfrom a well known American university. My parents attended hisceremony yesterday. (graduate)【答案】graduated,

7、 graduation【答案】amazing, amazed返回单元菜单1. 短语积累in other words 换句话说,也就是说in a word = in one word 总而言之in words用语言have a word with somebody 与某人谈话keep ones word 信守诺言have words with与某人争吵break ones word 食言out of breath 上气不接下气at a breath 一口气地catch ones breath 屏息,松一口气draw breath 呼吸,休息一下hold ones breath 屏息in the

8、same breath 同时地,异口同声地under ones breath 小声地,悄悄地all in all 总而言之above all 最重要的,尤其 after all 毕竟,终究all but 几乎all over 一片,到处,遍身all the same 都一样;照样,仍然in all 全部,合计make fun of 取笑be full of fun 很好玩,极有趣have fun (with sb ) (和某人在一起)作乐,开心for ( in ) fun 为了快乐,闹着玩地all the best 一切顺利 best of all 尤其,特别,最had best do 做最好

9、at ( the ) best 竭尽全力,尽量make the best of 善用,最有效地利用to the best of 尽所能adapt to 适应adapt oneself to 使自己适应adapt from 根据改编2. 用方框中短语的正确形式填空adapt toadapt fromin other wordsmake fun ofafter allin particularall in allout of breathbest of allkeep ones word1)My father loves golf. He goes for it every weekend.【答案

10、】best of all2) He has promised to help you and Im sure he.4) Dont blame him too much., he is a small child.5) The price of gasoline has gone up. , we have to pay more for it.6) Its bad mannersthe disabled people.7) To tell you the truth, my daughter isto me.【答案】will keep his word3) This novelthe Rus

11、sian original for radio.【答案】has been adapted from【答案】 After all【答案】In other words【答案】to make fun of【答案】all in all8) She loves the song, because her mother used to sing it.【答案】 in particular9) We ran so fast that we were. 【答案】out of breath10) He is quicknew circumstances【答案】to adapt to11) Your perfor

12、mance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard, you failed.【答案】in other words返回单元菜单1. She was proud to have recently represented her country in an athletics competition where she won a gold medal in the 50metre race.(P1)她很骄傲地在最近代表祖国参加的运动会上获得了50米赛跑的金牌。to have done 为不定式的完成式,表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前

13、,意为“已经做了”。即时强化练习:翻译下列句子: 对不起,让你等了这么久。【答案】Im sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.2. Of course, there will always be a few who cannot see the real person inside my body, but I do not get annoyed.(P3)get 是系动词,后接过去分词或形容词作表语,表示状态的改变,意“被,变得”。【词汇网络】get lost 迷路get burned 被烧伤或烫伤、晒伤 get caught

14、 in the rain 被雨淋湿get damaged 遭到破坏 get dressed穿衣 get drunk 喝醉get excited 结婚 get killed 丧命 get paid 取得报酬get hurt 受伤即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:你被邀请参加晚会了吗?【答案】Did you get invited to the party?3. Up until I was about ten years old, I was the same as everybody else in my class.(P2)the same (.) as.表示“和相同”。即时强化练习:翻译下列句子

15、:1) 我的袋子和你的相同。【答案】My bag is the same as yours.2)那个学生犯了和上次相同的错误。 【答案】The student has made the same mistake as last time.返回单元菜单1. My motto is: live one day at a time. (P2) 我的座右铭是:活一天算一天。(P2)【词语辨析】at a time 一次,依次,每次at one time (过去)有个时期,一度,曾经 The girl often eats one apple at a time now, but at one time

16、she ate several apples in an hour. 现在这女孩经常每次吃一个苹果,但她曾经一个小时吃了几个。【词汇网络】at times 有时 at the same time 同时 at any time 随时 all the time 一直 in time 及时 on time 准时 in no time 立刻 from time to time 时不时 ahead of time 提前 have a good time 玩得很开心【提示】in no time 放在句首时,句子要倒装。 In no time did he leave at the news. 听到这消息后

17、他马上离开。2. So sometimes kids laugh at me when I get out of breath after running just a short way.(P2) out of breath 上气不接下气,喘不过气 When Alice managed to catch up with the other students running all the way she was out of breath 当艾丽斯一路跑步赶上其他同学时,已喘不过气。 Dont make him carry such a heavy box, or he will be ou

18、t of breath. 别让他搬那么重的箱子,否则他会喘不过气的。【词汇网络】hold ones breath 屏息 catch ones breath 松一口气 get ones breath 喘过气来,恢复正常(呼吸) take a deep breath 深深地吸了一口气 out of control 失控 out of sight 看不见 out of order 坏了 out of ones reach 够不着 out of question 没问题,毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能【提示】out of . 只是介词短语,不能单独作谓语。 He out of

19、 breath after running back to the classroom. (错误句子)He became out of breath after running back to the classroom.(正确句子)3. So dont feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and ignore them either. (P3) 因此,不要感到残疾人可怜,或者取笑他们,也不要瞧不起他们。 make fun of 取笑,嘲笑 We should not make fun of the classmates when

20、they can not answer the questions correctly. 当同学们不能正确回答问题时,我们不应该嘲笑他们。【提示】make fun of 用在被动语态结构时,请不要漏掉介词 of Nobody likes being made fun of.没有人喜欢被嘲笑。【扩展】play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑 play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人4. Her motto is “The key to happiness lies inendless new interests.” (P4) 她的座右铭是:幸福的关键在于不断产生对新鲜事物的兴趣

21、。 lie in 在于,位于 China lies in the southeast of Asia. 中国位于亚洲东南部。 His success lies in his hard work. 他的成功在于他的努力。【词语辨析】lie与lay的用法区别。5. I read in the newspaper that you are the architect who is to design the new Bankstown cinema. (P8) 我从报上了解到,你是班克斯敦新电影院的建筑设计师。be to do sth. 是将来时的一种结构,表示一种可能或应该发生的事情。 Do yo

22、u know who is to be our monitor? 你知道谁会是我们的班长? He is to teach us English next week. 下星期他来教我们英语。6. Access to the cinema for people in wheelchairs and those who have difficulty walking. (P8) 为坐轮椅的人和行走不方便的人进入影院提供方便。 have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 have difficulty/ trouble with sth. 在有困难可转

23、换成: there is difficulty/ trouble in doing sth.或there is difficulty/ trouble with sth.【提示】difficulty前面的修饰主要有no, little, some, much, great等。 I have great difficulty in understanding British English. 要听懂英国英语,我有点困难。 She has no difficulty in getting along well with her new classmates. 和新同学相处,她一点困难也没有。 Mo

24、st students in this class have difficulty with pronunciation. 这个班的大部分学生发音有困难。7. Disabled people should have the same opportunities as ablebodied people to enjoy the cinema and they should be able to do so with dignity. (P8) 残疾人应当与健全人一样有同样的机会欣赏电影,同时能保持自己的尊严。able-bodied 是由“形容词+名词+ed”构成的复合形容词。类似的例子:one

25、-eyed 独眼的 kind-hearted 好心的round-faced 圆脸的 long-armed 长臂的honey-mouthed 甜言蜜语的 clod-blooded 冷血的返回模块菜单返回单元菜单1. 重点单词拼写1) Dont forget to sdown the board before you paint it.2) I was afrom the meeting this morning because of the terrible sandstorm.3) The young couple always quarrel with each other after th

26、ey got married. I think they will d sooner or later.4) I dont have much tfor music. I cant sing well.【答案】 smooth【答案】absent【答案】divorce【答案】talent5) Nearly all the students in our class have got full marks in the maths test. Our maths teacher smiled with s.【答案】satisfaction6) The old lady was aby her da

27、ughter to go to the hospital to have her eyes examined.7) A good dictionary is the e of all students.8) Many people dbetter working conditions and more education for their children.9) An atraffic accident happened yesterday afternoon, which claimed seventeen people, including three children.【答案】 acc

28、ompanied【答案】envy【答案】desire【答案】awful10) His account of the crime was a complete f. Theres nothing believable in it.【答案】fiction2. 重点词词形变换1) We had ameal together last Sunday. All the guests arevery.(satisfy)【答案】satisfying, satisfied2) Out offor the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night.

29、 People say he was. (sympathy)【答案】sympathy, sympathetic3) She has always beenfrom work recently. Her boss is very angry with her and wants to dismiss her. (absence)【答案】absent, absence4) The Chinese teacherthe difficult long sentence again and again but hermade the students more puzzled. (explain)【答案

30、】explained, explanation5) Hehis support for the terrorists. He must be responsible for his. (declare)【答案】declared, declaration6) Walt Disney was a successful. People like hisvery much, especially the children. (cartoon)【答案】cartoonist, cartoons7) Making speeches in public always the actress. She feel

31、s when the reporters ask her personal questions. (embarrass)【答案】embarrassed, embarrasses8) People feelto live in the newly built houses because of the noises from the market nearby. (annoy)【答案】annoyed, annoying9) I was sleeping soundly in the morning when a telephone me awake. I was evento hear the

32、alarming news that another bombing had hit London. (alarm)【答案】alarmed, alarmed10) The escalator didnt operate. What can I do toaway the problem? (smooth)【答案】smoothly, smooth返回单元菜单1. 短语积累test out 考验test.for. 检查(的)test drive试车test match 国际锦标赛test paper 试卷;试纸test pilot 试飞员test tube 试管ring up 打电话给ring u

33、p the curtain鸣铃开幕,宣布开始ring a bell 使人回想某事,引起共鸣ring back 回电话ring down the curtain 鸣铃落幕,结束turn around 转向,回转turn about 转变,改变意见,转身,反复思考turn against (使)变成和敌对turn aside 避开,转过脸,撇开,使转变方向turn away from 厌恶turn back 使停止往前,往回走,翻回到turn back the clock 把钟拨慢,开倒车turn down(被)向下折转,拒绝turn in上缴,出卖,把向内折turn into进入,(使)变成tu

34、rn left 向左转turn off 关掉,避开,使转变方向turn on 开启,变得兴奋,突然装出,开始turn out 使外倾,生产,起床,制造,关掉turn over 打翻,移交给,反复考虑,翻身turn to 转向,求助于,致力于,开始行动leave . Alone 不管,别惹leave behind 留下,遗留,超过leave aside (把某事)搁置一边leave for 到,去,出发前往leave office 辞职leave on 留住,开着leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑leave school 退学,离校,放学回家leave sth as it is 听任某事自由

35、发展fall off 跌落,掉下来fall back 后退,退却fall behind 落在的后面,拖欠fall down 倒下,跪拜fall in (房屋等)坍下,倒塌,(债务等)到期fall over 落下之上,脸朝下跌倒fall in love with 爱上be in love 在恋爱for love 出于喜爱;无酬地for the love of 为起见,看在面上for the love of God 看在上帝的份上give ones love to 向致意love knot 同心结love letter 情书love song 情歌love story 爱情小说,爱情故事searc

36、h for 寻找search after 探索,寻找search into 调查search out 寻找到in search of 搜索,寻求make a search for 搜索,寻求,追求search party 搜索队give up 放弃give away 泄露,揭发,背叛give back 归还give in 递交;呈送;投降give off 放出;散发出give out 允许被知道;公开宣布;放出; 散发出;用光,耗尽;用尽give over 托付;委托;完全放纵(自己);放弃2. 用方框中短语的正确形式填空leave.aloneturn aroundsearch forleav

37、e offcarry outfall behindset asideturn outring offfall in love with1) You shouldnt haveAndyin the mountains; it was very dangerous.【答案】left , alone2) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see itnext year.【答案】envy3) He said what he had to say, and then, before I could reply, he.【答案】

38、rang off4) PeterScarlet at first sight when they met in a party.【答案】fell in love with5) The illness caused him tothe rest of the class.【答案】fall behind6) The tenth of September is speciallyas Teachers Day 【答案】set aside7) Its twelve oclock now, time for us towork and have lunch.【答案】leave off8) I was a

39、fraid that things werent going tosmooth for you.【答案】turn out9) The policethe prisoner escaping from prison last night.【答案】were searching for10)As he walked towards the hotel, he suddenlyand found an old lady following him.【答案】turned around返回单元菜单1. As with anything,the more you practice, the better y

40、ou become.任何事件都是这样,练得越多,就变得越好。The more . the more .,表示“越,越”。如:The more, the better.越多越好。即时强化练习:翻译下面句子:写得越多,写作技能就越好。【答案】The more you write, the better your writing will be.2. Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldnt harm her or allow her to be harmed.(P11)Larry说服她机器人不会伤害她也不会让她受到伤害。本句要注意动词不定式的被动语态:t

41、o be done.It remains to be seen whether the pollution will be getting more and more serious.即时强化练习: 翻译下面句子1) 所有的这些礼物必须及时邮寄,以便在圣诞节及时收到。【答案】All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas.2) 吉姆最后是否适合演出仍将拭目以待。【答案】It remains to be seen whether Jimll be fit enough to

42、 play in the finals.3. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern.(P11)当她转过身进,(她发现)Gladys站在那儿。句子谓语是动词go, come, run, stand, live等表示位置转移的动词以及be动词,且句中又有表示方向的副词there, here, up, down, in, out, away等,为强调该副词,可将副词置于句首,若这时主语是名词,则主谓全部倒装;若为代词,则不倒装。如:Down came the hammer and out flew the sparks.锤子落下,火花四溅

43、。即时强化练习: 翻译下面句子1) 车来了。【答案】Here comes the bus.2) 男孩们冲了出去。【答案】Out rushed the boys.返回单元菜单1. Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires? (P10) 你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求吗? desire vt. 渴望,希望,要求 n. 愿望,要求,欲望,向往的东西 desire sth. = have a desire for sth. 渴望得到某事 desire to do sth. = have a des

44、ire to do 希望/渴望做某物 desire sb. to do sth. = desire that sb. (should) do 希望某人做某事 (have) the desire for sth. / to do sth. 渴望得到某事/希望做某事 meet / satisfy ones desire 满足某人的愿望 at ones desire 照某人的希望 We all desire happiness and health. 我们都希望幸福健康. Everyone has a desire for success, but not everyone desires to g

45、et rich. 每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望有钱. He desires you to go to see him at once. = He desires that you (should) go to see him at once. 他要求你马上去见他。【词语辨析】desire / wish / hope / expect / want / long for desire强调主观愿望的热切性,含有“强烈希望做或得到某物”,用 于正式场合或文章中。 long for 表示希望,渴望wish语气比desire弱,一般用于难以实现或 不可能实现的愿望(从句常用虚拟语气),或表祝愿,可

46、接双宾 语。hope表示实现的可能较大的希望,want表示想要,而expect侧 重表示“期待,预期,指望”。 表示“希望做某事/得到某物”有多种表达:desire (for) sth. / to do sthhope for sth. / to do sthwish for sth. / to do sthwant sth. / to do sthexpect sth. / to do sthlong for sth. / to do sthbe eager for sth. / to do sthwant / wish /expect sb. to do sth. (但不能用hope)希望

47、某人做某事2. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep. (P11) 他的头发又黑又滑,声音低沉浑厚。 smooth adj.平坦的,平滑的,顺利的 vt. 使光滑、平坦或顺利 smooth away / over difficulties / problems. 排除/解决困难等 smooth the way for . 为铺平道路/排除障碍3. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. (P11) 她感到有点儿不好意思,赶紧叫他离开。 embarrass vt. 使困窘

48、,使局促不安 interest vt. 使感兴趣 embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,害羞的 interested adj. 感兴趣的 embarrassing adj. 使人尴尬/难堪的 interesting adj. 有趣的【扩展】embarrass sb. with sth. / by doing sth. 做使某人尴尬/害羞/窘迫 Be careful not to embarrass others by asking embarrassing questions. 注意不要问令人尴尬的问题,那样会使人难堪. Little James seemed embarrassed in

49、 the presence of the guests. 小詹姆斯在客人面前显得局促不安.4. This really surprised Asimov and from that moment, he started to take himself seriously as awriter. (P16) 这使阿西莫夫很惊讶。从那以后,他就开始认真地把自己成作家了。 take .seriously 严肃对待,认真对待 Please dont take what he said seriouslyhes got drunk. 请不要把他说的话当真他醉了。 Take your studies se

50、riously or you will regret some day. 要认真对等学习,否则将来你会后悔的。5. As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. (P11) 因为克莱尔不让托尼陪她去商店,所以托尼就给她写一份购物清单。 accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同,同时存在或发生,为伴奏 accompany sb. to a place 陪伴某人去 accompany sth. with / by sth. 与某事物同进存在或发生 keep sb c


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