高一英语牛津Unit 3 A taste of travel语言点详解.docx

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1、Unit 3 A taste of travel语法目标扫描被动语态(详见“语言点详解”第一条)Grammar 1被动语态 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。(1)动词的被动语态在各种时态中的表示:一般式进行式完成式现在are doneare being donehave been done过去were done were being donehad been done将来will be done will have been done过去将来would be donewould have been done(2)一些特殊结构的被动语态的表示: 带复合宾语的句子 将带复合宾语的句子转换成被动语态

2、时,一般把主动结构中的宾语转换成主语,保 留宾语补足语。如: We always keep the classroom clean我们总是保持教室干净。 The classroom is always kept clean 带双宾语的句子将带双宾语的句子转换成被动语态时,通常有两种转换方式。一种是将间接宾语转 换成主语,保留直接宾语。第二种是把直接宾语转换成主语,保留间接宾语。此时, 常需要在间接宾语前面加适当的介词。如: We gave him a warm welcome我们热烈地欢迎他。 He was given a warm welcome Thev bought her a silk

3、 handkerchief as a birthday present他们给她买了一条真丝手帕作为生日礼物。 A silk handkerchief was bought for her as a birthday present【注意】 如果直接宾语是宾语从句或动词不定式,则必须把间接宾语转换成主语。如:Thev told him that he had won the first prize in the singing competition他们告诉他,他在歌咏比赛中得了一等奖。He was told that he had won the first prize in the sing

4、ing competitionHe taught her how to ride a horse。他教她如何骑马。She was taught how to ride a horse(3)动词的主动语态表示被动的意义: wash、write、sell、cut、clean、read、look、iron、wear、feel、draw、drive等词 的主动形式表示被动意义。 This book sells very well这本书卖得很好。 The shirt washes easily这件衬衫洗起来很容易。 The meat cuts easily 这块肉很容易切。 need、want、requ

5、ire、deserve等词后面用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。 The children need looking after孩子们需要照顾。 The window requires cleaning窗户需要清洁了。 【拓展】某些动词不能用于被动语态。 (1)某些不及物动词,如:happen(发生)、appear(出现)、disappear(消失)、belong(to) (属于)、rise(上升)等。 (2)表示状态的及物动词,如:cost(值)、fit(合适)、lack(缺少)、hold(容纳)等。(3)连系动词,如:taste(尝起来)、smell(闻起来)、turn(变得)等。(4)表示

6、度量的动词,如:measure(有长宽)、weigh(重)等。 Reading2twist v.盘旋;蜿蜒;曲折 From here, a narrow road twists up to the top of the mountain一条狭窄的小路从这 里盘旋至山顶。 【拓展】n弯曲;扭;拧 3. construction n.建造 【常用搭配】under construction在建造中 Many underground lines are under construction in Shanghai在上海,很多条地铁线路正在建设中。 【拓展】 construct v建设 It took

7、four years to construct this suspension bridge.这座斜拉索桥用了四年才建成。 constructive adj建设性的 When his friends have trouble, they often turn to him because he can give constructive advice. 他的朋友有困难的时候常常向他求助,因为他能提供建设性的建议。4 take shape 成形 A good idea quickly took shape in her mind她马上想出了一个好主意。 【拓展】 shape 使具有的形状【常用搭

8、配】shapeinto 用做成He shaped the branches into a basket.n 形状The diamond is in the shape of a heart. 这颗钻石的形状像一颗心【注意】 shaped 常用以构成复合词,意为“有形状”,如:heart-shaped 心形的5. base n.底座,基础 That lamp with a square base is the most expensive one in the shop. 那台有方形底座的灯是店里最贵的物品。 The dish has chicken soup as its base. 这道菜是

9、在鸡汤的基础上做成的。 【扩展】 n.基地;根据地 The soldiers didnt return to the base until midnight. 士兵们直到深夜才返回基地。 v.以为基础;以为根据 【必背】 base on / upon 以为基础 The project was based on the young mans creative ideas. 这个项目是基于这名年轻人有创意的想法而形成的。6. from a distance 从远处 Sometimes it is better to appreciate an oil painting from a distanc

10、e. 【拓展】 in the distance 在远处 They saw a ship in the distance他们看到远处有一艘船 keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持相当距离;疏远 He is not welcome in the office because he often keeps others at a distance.他在办公室里不受欢迎,因为他常常疏远他人。7. include v.包括;包含 The price includes accommodation and breakfast. 这个价格包括住宿和早餐。include. in. 使成为的一

11、部分 The manager suggested that the secretary include some statistics in the report经理建议秘书在报告中引用一些数据。【拓展】 inclusion n包括;包含 They did not agree to the inclusion of Tom in the party他们不同意汤姆参加聚会。 including prep包括 The watch cost me 1,000 yuan including tax这款手表的价格含税共一千元。8seal n印章 The seal is made of jade这枚印章是

12、玉制的。【拓展】 v密封;盖章于 Small gaps can be sealed with wax小的缝可以用蜡来密封。 The letter was sealed with glue这封信是用胶水密封的。 9present adj现在的;目前的 The present situation should not be allowed to continue不应该允许现在的这种状况再继续下去。【拓展】 adj出席的;在场的 He wasnt present when the professor gave the lecture教授作讲座的时候他不在场。The teachers present

13、thought highly of the professors lecture在场的老师们高度赞扬 了教授所作的讲座。 v介绍;引见;赠送 Samples are presented free in most of the supermarkets在大多数超市里,样品是免费赠送的。He presented his friends to his parents他把自己的朋友介绍给父母认识 n礼物On her 18th birthday, she received many presents. 她十八岁生Et的时候收到了很多礼物。 n现在;目前 【常用搭配】at present 目前;现在 fo

14、r the present眼前;暂且 The company cant accept new orders at present这家公司目前不能接受新的订单。 It is unnecessary to talk about it any more for the present暂时没有必要再讨论了。【注意】 present作形容词用时,既可以作前置定语,也可以作后置定语。作前置定语时解释为“现在的;目前的”,而作后置定语时解释为“出席的;在场的”。10.historical adj历史的;有关历史的 We can learn a lot from historical events我们能从历史

15、事件中学到很多。 【拓展】 historic adj有历史意义的 There are many historic buildings in Beijing北京有很多历史悠久的建筑。 historian n历史学家The boys dream is to become a historian when he grows up这个小男孩的梦想是长 大了当一名历史学家。【比较】historic和historical historic意为“具有历史意义的;在历史上占重要地位的;历史悠久的”,而historical意为“有关历史的;史学的”。 Columbus made four historic vo

16、yages哥伦布进行了四次有历史意义的远航。Columbus is a historical figure哥伦布是一个历史人物。 11.civilization n文明 The Chinese have a brilliant civilization behind them中国人民有悠久的文化传统。【拓展】civilize v使文明;使有教养Art and culture can help civilize a person艺术和文化可以帮助一个人变得有教养。civilized adj文明的;有教养的 Reading good books will make a person more ci

17、vilized。阅读好书将使一个人变得更 有教养。12.preserve v保存;保藏;保护 The government has taken measures to preserve the ancient buildings in-the city 市政府已采取措施保护城中的古建筑。【拓展】 preservation n保存;保护Everyone should do his or her part for the preservation of wild life每个人都应该为 保护野生动物尽自己的一份力。13.admit v准许进入【常用搭配】admit somebody tointo

18、允许某人进入;吸收某人参加Visitors are not admitted to the museum after 5 pm下午五点以后游客不允许进入博 物馆。【拓展】 v. 承认He admitted his mistake他承认了自己的错误。admission n允许进入;承认 He paid 5 yuan for admission to the exhibition他花了五元钱买了张展览会的门票。 The boy made an admission that he broke the window男孩承认是他打破了窗户。14attract v吸引The art exhibition

19、attracted a lot of visitors艺术展吸引了大批参观者。【拓展】 attraction n吸引;吸引物The young singers music has much attraction for teenagers这个年轻歌手的音乐对 青少年有很大的吸引力。China is a country with many tourist attractions中国是一个拥有许多旅游胜地的国家。attractive adj有吸引力的 Goods on sale always seem attractive to the old lady打折的商品总是对这位老妇人 有很大的吸引力。

20、More reading 15remains n遗迹 The professor is very interested in studying the remains of ancient Rome教授对研究 古罗马的遗迹很感兴趣。 【拓展】 n剩余物 In her family,the remains of supper is often thrown away在她家,吃剩下的晚饭常 常被倒掉。 n遗体 The writers remains were laid in a church作家的遗体被安葬在教堂。 remain v剩下;保持 Because of a heart attack,t

21、he old man was advised to remain indoors a week由于心脏病发,老人被建议在室内休养一周。 16access v.到达;进入 Visitors were asked to access the building through the back door访客被要求从后门 进入大楼。 【拓展】 n通道;(使用或见到的)机会,权利 The only access to the village is cut off进入村庄的唯一通道被切断了。 accessible adj可以进入的;易接近的 Young parents should make sure t

22、hat medicine is not accessible to their children年轻的父母们应该确保药品放在孩子们拿不到的地方。17empire n帝国 The Roman Empire used to be very powerful古罗马帝国曾经十分强大。 【拓展】 emperor n.皇帝18ruin n. 废墟;遗迹【必背】 fall into ruin 毁坏;崩溃 Many ancient buildings fell into ruin in the earthquake许多古代建筑物在地震中被毁坏。 【拓展】 v毁坏 The storm ruined the cr

23、ops暴风雨毁坏了庄稼。19overlook v俯瞰;眺望 The managers office room overlooks the sea经理的房间可以俯瞰大海。 【拓展】 v忽略;错过 He overlooked the chance to go abroad for further study他错过了去国外留学的 机会。 20wonder n奇迹 The Great Wall in Beijing is a world wonder北京的长城是一大世界奇迹。 【拓展】 n惊讶She looked at him with great wonder她无比惊讶地看着他。v感到惊讶;想知道【

24、常用搭配】wonder at对感到惊讶 They wondered at his reaction to the surprising news他对这则惊人消息的反应使他们感到惊讶。 She was wondering how to get there quickly她当时在想如何最快地到达那儿。活学活用 A. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box below. Change the form where necessary.preserve overlook abandon hold historicaltwist

25、 admit take shape landscape attract1. The Great Wall _ across the mountain chains just tike a snake.2. The house where Lu Xun once lived is _as a museum.3. The newly-built stadium can _more than 10,000 people.4. The government decided to build a university here. The project began in 1996 and the sch

26、ool finally_ by the end of last century.5. The scenery of Zhangjiajie(张家界) in Hunan Province is like a beautiful_painting.6. This is a _event which we will never forget.7. The foreigner was _ by the traditional Chinese culture.8. He has been _to Fudan University.9. They _their research for lack of f

27、und.10. The hotel we stayed at _the sea.B. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.1. 在炎热的夏天,保护食物最有效的方法是将食物放在冰箱里。(preserve)2. 投资商决定放弃这个项目。 (abandon) 3.据说他没有参加高考就被一所大学录取了。 (admit)4.游客们被漓江的风景所吸引。 (attract)5.布达拉宫的建造是个奇迹。 (construction)6.学生们必须有机会读

28、到好书。 (access)7.站在山头,我们可以俯瞰整个村庄。 (overlook)8.作为孩子们的保姆,她的任务包括哄他们睡觉。(include)9.多做练习,你就能成功地通过考试。 (and)10.许多城市建筑在地震中成为废墟。 (fall into ruin)能力训练场.Listening ComprehensionSection A Short ConversationsDirection: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At each conversation, a

29、question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Which flower is the bes

30、t. B. The color of the flowers.C. The price of flowers. D. Which flower they like best.2. A. The man can correct his mistake later.B. The man answered two questions correctly.C. The man cant change his answer now.D. The man is very happy because he answered easily.3. A. A film on television.B. An ar

31、ticle in the newspaper.C. A meeting with someone.D. A match between Shanghai team and Japanese team.4. A. Exactly a week. B. About a week. C. More than two weeks. D. No more than a week.5. A. Look for Bill. B. Go with Bill.C. Visit Bill. D. Phone Bill.6. A. The woman needs a rest.B. The woman should

32、 see a doctor.C. The woman should take some medicine.D. The woman should go to school.7. A. She is not taking English class.B. Shell only give him part of her notes.C. She is willing to lend him her notes.D. She is unwilling to lend him her notes.8. A. She likes sweet things, too. B. She doesnt like

33、 salty thingsC. She doesnt like sweet things, either.D. She doesnt like anything. 9. A. She waited in a wrong place. B. She took a wrong bus. C. The traffic was very busy. D. She went there on foot.10. A. At home. C. In a hotel. B. In a department store. D. In a park.Section B PassageDirections: In

34、Section B, you will hear one passage. After you hear the passage, fill in thenumbered blanks with the missing words. (One word for each blank.)Many people come to big cities without knowing why. A city (11 ) _themjust because of its (12)_ People often think that they will find work there.Some of the

35、m have dreams of (13)_in arts or in music, but others just want-tobe in a place where there are always a lot of things going on. Many of them work in(14)_or factories, but some (15) _ (16)_without anyjob at all. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there

36、 are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1. He made a round-the-world_.A. journey B. travel C. voyage D. tour2. According to the information, the newly constructed highway is_.A. long fifty kilometers B. long about fifty kilometersC. about fifty k

37、ilometers long D. in fifty kilometers of long3. Every teacher and student _to plant a tree in the school.A. has been told B. has told C. have been told D. have told4. The foreigners said they Pu Dong New Area soon after they arrived next month.A. had visited B. will visit C. would visit D. visited5.

38、 When _the forest fire which lasted three weeks out?A. did; put B. has; put C. has; been put D. was; put6. Our school, which _in 1898, is one of the oldest schools in Shanghai.A. found B. was found C. was founded D. founded7. The news that volunteer workers will go to homes for the aged _now.A. is b

39、eing talked about B. are being talked aboutC. is being talked D. are being talked8. Shall I go and get Dr Brown?No, he_.A. has been sent for B. had been sent forC would be sent for D. is sent for 9.The last time when we passed by, many old houses_.A. has been pulled down B. are being pulled downC. w

40、ere being pulled down D. would be pulled down10. The Great Wall snakes over the mountain chains, and is regarded as one of the mostbeautiful tourist _in the world.A. interests B. attractions C. places D. directions11. Traditional values and cultures have been _ well in some parts of our country.A. p

41、reserved B. saved C. involved D. preventedI2. A mans dreams can only be a _ of his subconsciousness .A. shape B. reflection C. scenery D. view13.The cost of the material is _in the bill for the work.A. held B. included C. kept D. packed14. He suddenly _off the bicycle and luckily he was not injured.A. fell B. fallen C. falled D.felled15. If you climb up the peak of the mountain, you can enjoy a superb _ of the city. A. sight B. view C. scene D. landscape16. The flowers in the garden look_and smell _ A. wonderful; sweet B. nice;


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