英汉习语对比及其翻译(英文) 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、英汉习语对比及其翻译【Abstract】Idioms are the essence of a language, which have strong national colors and distinctive cultural connotations. So it is difficult for both English and Chinese readers to understand the idiom translation thoroughly and exactly. This thesis first analyzes the similarity of English

2、and Chinese idioms from the aspect of rhetorical means, such as alliteration, rhyme, repetition, antithesis and so on. Then it probes into the causes of the differences in English and Chinese idioms from the aspects of different living circumstances, different cognitions of things, different religio

3、ns and beliefs, and different historical allusions and myths, etc. After that, it talks about the three typical problems in English-Chinese idiom translation, such as interpreting the English idioms too literally, copying Chinese customary sayings mechanically, and lacking in necessary explanatory n

4、otes. Finally, it summarizes five idiom translation methods, including literal translation with explanation, literal translation with association, transformation of meanings, application of Chinese couplet and equal consideration of both images and meanings. All the significance of this thesis is to

5、 convey the idioms cultural information as much as possible, which is very useful for the language learning.【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; translation【摘 要】习语通常包括成语、俗语、格言、歇后语、谚语、俚语、行话等。其表现形式音节优美,音律协调,或含蓄幽默,或严肃典雅,言简意赅,形象生动,妙趣横生,给人一种美的享受。习语是语言的精华,它带有浓厚的民族色彩和鲜明的文化内涵。因此对英语读者和汉语读者来说,做到彻底精确地理解蕴含深刻文化内涵的习语的翻

6、译是相对比较困难的。本文首先从修辞手法方面分析了英汉习语的相似性,然后分别从生存环境、对事物的认知、历史典故、宗教信仰等四个不同方面来比较和分析英汉习语存在的巨大差异,接着概括了英汉习语互译中存在的典型问题,最后,本文侧重探索了英汉习语互译的最佳方法,包括直译加解释、直译加联想、意译改造法、采用汉语对联的形式,形象意义兼顾法等五种手段。整篇论文的意义在于最大限度地传递习语中的文化信息,对语言学习具有重大指导意义。【关键字】习语;对比;翻译 1.IntroductionIdioms are the essence of a language, which are always philosoph

7、ical and eternal. According to Oxford Advantaged Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, an idiom is “a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit”. “In the broad sense, idioms may include : set phrases; proverbs; sayi

8、ngs; epigrams; slang expressions; colloquialisms; quotations; two-part allegorical sayings, of which the first part ,always stated, is descriptive, while the second part , sometimes unstated, carries the message(chiefly in Chinese). While in Chinese, idioms are called as 熟语,including:短语,成语(usually c

9、onsisting of four words),俗语,谚语,格言,箴言,名言(quotation or recorded utterance ) ,警句,隽语,俚语,粗话,行话,歇后语(including pun),习语, etc.” 1 However, the thesis will discuss English and Chinese idioms in a narrow sense, and only set phrases and proverbs will be under discussion.English idioms and Chinese idioms are gem

10、s of the two languages as well as the crystallization of the two national cultures. Most of idioms are of vivid images which are appropriately used to compare to other things, consequently, they often contain distinctive national and local colors. Some idioms have quite clear meanings, some are impl

11、icit and profound, which could cause a great deal of association, while others may include several meanings, which depend on the context to define its real indication.Both English and Chinese idioms are important rhetorical means in language as well as the assembled manifestations of different kinds

12、 of rhetorical means in itself. Many idioms have symmetrical forms, beautiful syllables and harmonious rhythms. All these features give rise to the particular difficulties in translation: it is more difficult to understand and more challenging to convey the cultural information clearly and exactly t

13、han the common language, however, in order to keep the translation faithful, these features should be preserved. Not only do idioms appear largely in literary works, but also in political and scientific thesis. The qualities of the idioms translation directly affect the whole translation. So it is e

14、ssential to study the idioms and their methods of translation seriously. 2. The similarity between English and Chinese idioms in rhetorical meansAlthough there is always some “cultural distance” between Chinese and English, there is much overlap, too, and it shows in many aspects. However, the focal

15、 point of the thesis will lie in the analysis of the English and Chinese idioms similarity from the view of rhetorical means.Both English and Chinese idioms usually adopt rhetorical means, such as alliteration, rhyme, repetition, and antithesis, etc, for the purpose of enriching the rhyme and rhythm

16、.2.1 Alliteration “Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of two or more words in succession”2, which sounds continual and is easy to read and to remember. Both English and Chinese idioms take full advantages of the means, so that they could be passed down from g

17、eneration to generation. Lets look at some examples.In Chinese there are “恍恍惚惚,红红火火,乒乒乓乓” ,etc. In English there are also “ as cool as a cucumber”(泰然自若), “as busy as a bee” (忙个不停), “tit for tat”(以牙还牙), “as thick as thieves” (非常亲密,要好), “sing a song of sixpence”, “ part and parcel(主要部分), might and mai

18、n (竭尽全力)”, 3 “Money makes the mare go.” (有钱能使鬼推磨) , etc.Through the above examples, we may well see that both English and Chinese idioms are popular by this means.2.2 Rhyme“Rhyme is the sameness of sound between words or syllable”4, which sounds very beautiful. Some English and Chinese idioms use th

19、is method as well to achieve the acoustic enjoyment. For example:In Chinese, there are “从善如登,从恶如崩、不经一事,不长一智、差之毫厘,缪以千里、失之东隅,收之桑榆”, etc. , which use the means of rhyme. In English, we also can find it in “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.” , “Beggars cant be choosers.” , “East or west, home is the

20、 best.” , “Health is better than wealth.” , “ as snug as a bug in a rug (舒舒服服), high and dry(孤立无援), by hook or by crook(不择手段)” 5 ,etc. Both English and Chinese idioms that use this rhetorical means are of tinkling and jingling sounds. Not only are they easy to remember, but also it seems that we are

21、 reading a beautiful short poem.2.3RepetitionIn rhetorics, “repetition is a commonly seen rhetorical device, which usually repeats a sentence or part of sentence at both the beginning and end of long sentences, stanzas, or paragraphs. The main function of repetition is to emphasize the key points.”6

22、 Both English and Chinese idioms use this method to achieve the emphatic effect. The examples are like the following:In Chinese, there are “喜气洋洋,多多益善,沾沾自喜,泱泱大风,姗姗来迟,亭亭玉立,想入非非,落落大方,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”etc. In English, there are “measure for measure” (一报还一报), “ step by step” (循序渐进), “neck and neck”(并驾齐驱), “diam

23、ond cut diamond”(棋逢对手), “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”(以眼还眼,以牙还牙), “call a spade a spade” (直言不讳),etc.Using the means of repetition makes the idioms have obviously emphatic object. Their meanings will be clear at a glance.2.4 Antithesis“Antithesis is the deliberate arrangement of contras

24、ting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve force and emphasis. The form of the expression is very important for effect, for the force of the emphasis, whether for profundity of judgment, for humor or for satire, depends chiefly on the juxtaposition of direct opposites, of glaring co

25、ntrasts.”7 Many idioms, both English and Chinese, adopt this device, too. The examples below illustrate the point: In Chinese, there are “大同小异,古往今来,冷嘲热讽,阴奉阳违,顾此失彼,因小失大,小事明白,大事糊涂”,etc. In English, there are “far and near(四面八方), ups and downs(盛衰沉浮); sooner or later(迟早); more or less(或多或少) , penny wise

26、, pound foolish(小事聪明,大事糊涂)”, etc. Though the idioms have only a few words, they contain much truth and philosophy in them by comparing two completely opposite things. Antithesis has played an important role in this aspect, which makes the readers have a lot of aftertaste while pondering over them.3.

27、 The differences between English and Chinese idiomsEnglish-speaking and Chinese-speaking countries are two different nations, so there exists vast difference between English and Chinese culture and this difference occurs in English and Chinese idioms, too.3.1 Different living circumstancesIdioms are

28、 closely related to peoples work and life. So the idioms have strong national colors. Britain is an island country on the Atlantic ocean, surrounded by the sea, which was once leading the world with its navigation, so lots of English idioms have something to do with navigation and fish. Such as: a d

29、rop in the ocean“沧海一粟”; plain sailing “一帆风顺”between the devil and deep sea“进退维谷”; know the ropes“懂得秘诀”; go with the stream“随波逐流”; as close as an oyster“守口如瓶”; steer clear of all doubtful questions“避免一切暧昧的事情”; feel under the water“感觉不适”.While “China is an agricultural country. The peasants have prese

30、nted many idioms about farmwork, such as 斩草除根 which is translated literally into to cut the weeds and dig up the roots, its figurative meaning is to stamp out the source of the trouble. More examples:瑞雪兆丰年(a timely snow promises a good harvest); 顺藤摸瓜 (its original meaning is to follow the vine to ge

31、t the melon; its extended meaning is to track down somebody or something by following clues ); 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜 (its original meaning is to pick up the sesame seeds, but overlook the watermelons; its extended meaning is mindful of small matters to neglect of large ones )”8, etc.Typically speaking, English

32、people use “spend money like water” to describe someone who splashes money on something. While Chinese people say“挥金如土”. “However many idioms concerning boats and water cannot be given the same equivalents in Chinese, such as , to rest on ones oars(暂时歇一歇), to keep ones head above water(奋力图存)all at s

33、ea(不知所措)etc”.9Due to the geographical and environmental factors, the bamboo shoots grow abundantly in China, thus, there are idioms concerning bamboo. On the contrary, bamboo doesnt grow in British islands at all, even the word “bamboo” is a loan one, so that there is no English idioms in this aspec

34、t. For example, “the Chinese idiom 雨后春笋is translated into spring up like mushrooms” 10 in English.“In Chinese culture, east wind is the wind of spring; summer is always connected with extremely hot or the intense heat, so 赤日炎炎似火烧 骄阳似火are terms often used to describe summer. While Britain is located

35、in western hemisphere, with north temperate zone and marine Climate, so west wind is the symbol of spring. The famous English poet Shirleys Ode to west wind is a praising song of spring. Summer in Britain is a warm and comfortable season, which is usually linked with lovely, gentle and nice. Shakesp

36、eare compare thee to a summer in one of his poems, shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate” 11So different living surroundings may produce different idioms in different language and different culture. 3.2 Different cognitions of thingsBecause of the differences

37、 between eastern and western cultures, people have greatly different cognitions of things, and this exerts a great influence on the differences of the outcome of both Chinese and English idioms.3.2.1 Different cognitions of animalsEnglish and Chinese belong to two different language families. Chines

38、e belongs to the Han-Tibetan language family. Being limited to the living conditions, climate and so on, several animals find the same environment on which they rely for existence as the human being. These animals and the human beings are interdependent. While the man are the most emotional animals

39、that give the animals different affection, as a result, the symbolic meaning of the animals vary greatly.The cattle had once done great contributions to Chinese agriculture in history, sothere emerged idioms concerning this animal, such as “力大如牛”,“倔犟如牛”,“鞭打快牛”,etc. For the English, horse is used as

40、an important tool whose merits and contributions are outstanding. Consequently, there are equivalent idioms having the same meaning as Chinese idioms in English, such as “as strong as a horse”, “as stubborn as a mule” and “The horse that draws best is most whipped.” Besides, the British advocate hor

41、semanship. They like raising horses and holding horse-races. Thus there are a great number of idioms concerning horse, such as: “dark horse”, “eat like a horse”, “bet on the wrong horse”, “change horse in mid-stream”, “hold ones horse”, etc.In western culture, the cunning fox specially likes eating

42、the goose surreptitiously. If leaving the fox to look after the geese alone, wouldnt it mean looking for trouble? We have no such knowledge in Chinese. Thereby, the English idiom “set a fox to keep ones geese”(让狐狸看鹅)would be quite baffling to the Chinese. But there is an identical idiom in Chinese “

43、引狼入室”which means the same thing as “set a fox to keep ones geese”. Both of the two idioms are translated correspondingly and vividly.It is worth mentioning that, in Chineses eyes, tiger is the king of wild animals. It has rich cultural symbolized meaning, including the commendatory connotation, such

44、 as valor, grandeur and might, as well as the derogatory connotation of cruelty, savageness and ferociousness. While in English culture, lion is the king of all animals, consequently, there are obviously much more English idioms concerning lion than the Chinese idioms concerning tiger, so that “we o

45、ften translate lion into 虎 in English translation, such as a lion in the way(拦路虎), place oneself in the lions mouth(深入虎穴)”,etc.123.2.2 Different cognitions of colors There are three kinds of basic colors: red, yellow and blue. Colors are cognized mainly through the seven kinds of colors: red, orange

46、, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple in the spectrum. Due to the different countries historical backgrounds, geographical locations, customs and traditions, people have diverse cognitions of colors, so the idioms rising under the conditions reflect such regional differences.Taking “red” and “whi

47、te” for example, in western countries, red is regarded as brutality and unluckiness. Red means bleeding. So there appears some having derogatory and taboo color words, such as “red skin(对印第安人的鄙夷称呼),red tape(繁文缛节,官僚习气),in the red(亏损),out of red(扭亏为盈), red alert(空袭、紧急警报), red cock(纵火引起的火灾), red cent(毫

48、无价值的事物)etc.” 13 While in China, red means luck and joy. There are many Chinese idioms obviously having complimentary sense, such as开门红 (get off to have a good start), 红颜薄命 (a beautiful girl has an unfortunate life), 红运当头(have a good luck), 红光满面 (in the pink), 红男绿女(gaily dressed young men and women),

49、 红得发紫(extremely popular), 红极一时(enjoy popularity for a time), 红装素裹(clad in white, adorned in red),etc.People in western countries look upon white as the symbol of purity, as well as some implications of racial discrimination. The westerners are white people who entrust extremely noble symbol to white. In English there are:white hat(好人),white lies (善意的谎言), white-headed boy(宠儿),the white hope(带来荣誉的人),white slaver


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