Analysis of Cultural Differences in Communications between China and Western Countries30.doc

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1、 中西方交际中文化差异不同之分析 Analysis of Cultural Differences in Communications between China and Western Countries ContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I. Introduction.2II. Aspects of different cultures.21. 打招呼与聊天:人们在交往中一般都遵循某种约定俗成的规则或习惯进行交际。Greetings and chats.22. 情感表达与接受赞美:中国人委婉、含蓄地表达自己的情感,不直接表白;在得到赞美时常表现得很谦虚,内心接受,不

2、正面承认。Praises.43. Visiting friends5III. Feasible analysis.51. 传统的价值观念是文化的核心。Traditional cultural values.5 2、价值观念1111 VV VVvttt4444444555552.2 22 2. Different culture different idioms .63. Conduct in different culture .6IV. Solutions.7V. Conclusion.10References.12Analysis of Cultural Differences in Co

3、mmunications between China and Western CountriesAnalysis of Cultural Differences in Communications between China and Western Countries【摘要】在中西跨文化交际中,文化冲突的事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行,因此我们很有必要找出其深层次的原因,并采取一定的措施来培养跨文化交际的能力,避免文化冲突。Abstract: As we know, different countries have different cultures. Of course, ther

4、e are many differences in communications. Intercultural communication regards too many aspects, not only cultural, but also social environment. Different ethnic groups have different language and cultural background. The same language and cultural background of different forms and often convey diffe

5、rent messages. 在中西方文化交流中,由于文化背景的不同,常会出现交际上的误区。Chinese and western cultures have different cultural backgrounds; if we dont know the differences between them we may often see the errors in communication. The goal is to learn a foreign language learning to use language to communicate, and when we lear

6、n language pronunciation, vocabulary, knowledge of the syntax of the language, the language must also understand the cultural background it is often because of language and cultural background of this lack of understanding and not to use the language correctly. 有时善意的言谈会使 对方尴尬无比,礼貌的举止会被误解为荒诞粗俗。Someti

7、mes very good conversation will embarrass the other side, courtesy of vulgar behavior will be perceived as ridiculous. 因此,研究文化差异,研究正确的跨文化交际行为已成为不 可忽视的问题。So it is necessary to find out the deep-seated causes, and to take certain measures to cultivate the ability to cross-cultural communication. Avoid

8、 cultural clashes. 【关键词】跨文化交际、文化差异、文化冲突Key words: cross-cultural communication; cultural differences; cultural conflict 摘 要:我们知道,不同国家有不同的文化,当然他们在交际方面也有许多的不同。跨文化交际包含着许多方面,不仅是文化,而且还存在于社会环境中。不同的种族有不同的文化背景。不同形式的相同语言和文化背景有时他们传递的信息则是相背的。如果我们不了解他们之间的不同,在交际中可能要出现错误。因此,研究文化差异,研究正确的跨文化交际行为已成为不 可忽视的问题。我们很有必要找出

9、其深层次的原因,并采取一定的措施来培养跨文化交际的能力,避免文化冲突。关键词:跨文化交际; 文化差异; 文化冲突I. IntroductionAlong with the deepening of Chinas opening up, the West and more and more things are entering our vision. In such circumstances, cross-region and cross-ethnic, cross-cultural exchanges will be increasing economically and socially

10、. This provides us with many opportunities for contacts and exchanges with the West. This has enhanced our understanding of the western society is a good thing, but this is not a simple matter. From because we are faced with a strange culture and the country, our way of thinking, living habits and b

11、ehavioral patterns of people with very different.II. Aspects of Different CulturesProblems in Chinese and the British daily life there are many differences in their daily contacts, such as to say hello, to chat, to visit friends and guests, to get along with other people. 1. 打招呼与聊天:人们在交往中一般都遵循某种约定俗成

12、的规则或习惯进行交际。Greetings and chatsPeople generally follow some common contacts or customary rules for communication. 对这些约定俗成的规则或习惯,西方人与中国人的表达方式存在着较大的差异。These common rules or habits of Westerners and Chinese peoples way of expression there is a big difference. 中国人常用“你吃了吗?”,“你去哪儿了?”或“你要去哪儿?”(实际上并非关心其结果)作为

13、打招呼用语;常以年龄、婚姻、薪水等个人情况作为聊天的话题例如:中国人见面打招呼的用语多是:“你吃了吗?”,“你去哪了?”,“你要上哪去?”。Chinese people often use “you eat?” “Where are you?” Or “Where are you going?” (Actually not interested in the results) as a warning language; often by age, marriage, as salaries and other personal topics such as: chat in the lobb

14、y to meet the Chinese language is: “Have you eaten?”, “you going?” “You have to Shang nai qu?” 英美人对这样的问候会非常反感,他们不知道这纯粹是中国人的greeting(打招呼),而并不关心他是否真的吃饭没有或是去哪,因而对此不理解,他们认为这些都是个人隐私。Britain and the United States will be very disgusted with regards to this, they simply do not know whether this is the gree

15、ting (candidates), and is not concerned about whether he is going to eat or not, and therefore did not understand. They think that these are personal privacy. 对中国人打招呼的用语、聊天的话题,他们会误解为在被人监视。Say hello to the Chinese language chat topic, they would be mistaken to be kept under surveillance. 西方人会认为也许有人在监

16、视他们并且认为这是侵犯了他们的隐私权。Westerners have been monitoring them and think that maybe this is a violation of their privacy. 他们喜欢用与个人无关又不会引起麻烦的话语打招呼或聊天。They also like to use causes no trouble has nothing to do with individual words to say hello or chat. 他们见面常说:“Hi / Hello / How are you!”或是“Good morning!”等问候语。

17、他们聊天时常喜欢谈论天气、政治等不涉及个人私事的话题,,如“Its a good day.。See them saying: “Hi / Hello / How are you!” or “Good morning!” Greetings:They often prefer to chat about the weather, such as a personal affair of political topics, such as “Its a good day.”美国作家马克吐温(Mark Twain)曾经说过这样一段话:“Its true that every body talk ab

18、out the weather, Its the most common subject of conversation.”。” American writer Mark Twain (Mark Twain) once said this to say: “Its true that every body talk about the weather r, Its the most common subject of conversation.” (每人都谈论天气,这是事实,谈论天气是最普通的谈话话题)。(Everyone talks about the weather, this is a

19、fact, and talk about the weather is the most common topic of conversation). 西方人,特别是英美国家的人认为年龄、婚姻、工资等涉及个人情况的问题都属于个人的隐私,他人无权过问。Westerners, especially Britain and the United States that age, marriage, wages and other individuals involved in the issue of personal privacy, others have no say. 否则就是侵犯了他们的隐

20、私权。Otherwise its a violation of their privacy. 特别是女士最忌讳别人询问她的年龄。The biggest taboo in others, especially President asked her age. 相反中国人常以这些做为聊天的话题:“你每月赚多少钱?”,“你今年多大年龄了?”,“你结婚了吗?”等等。Chinese people often use these chat as contrary to the topic: “Do you asking about the profit generated each month?” “At

21、 what age are you?” “You married?” And so on. In 英美人会认为这是非常无礼的表现。Britain and the United States one would think it is very impolite performance因此,当中西方学者(尤其是非语言方面的学者)在交流时,常会由于语言交际方面的误区而产生误解、引起不快 due to the often erroneous and misleading language communication caused unhappiness. In China, others have

22、expressed concern about the health education, polite performance. 但对西方人的健康表示关心,就不能按中 国的传统方式了。And they expressed concern about the health of the Westerners, according to the traditional Chinese methods. 一个中国学生得知其美籍教师生病后,会关切地说“you should go to see a doctor!(你 应该到医院看看)”。A Chinese-American student knows

23、 their teachers sick, Council concern, saying you should go to see a doctor! (You should go to the hospital). 不料,这句体贴的话反而使这位教师很不高兴。Unexpectedly, this is thoughtful, but then so this teacher was very unhappy. 因为在这位教师看来,有病看医生这种 简单的事情连小孩都知道,用不着任何人来指教。This is because the teachers, the sick children see

24、a doctor even known such a simple matter; there is no need to enlighten anyone. 如果就某种小事给人以忠告,那显然是对其能力的怀疑,从 而大大伤害其自尊心。If it gives to some trivial advice, it is clear the doubts of their ability, which will greatly hurt their pride. 1.3 Out of the conflict in the phrase “modest attention to the Chines

25、e people everywhere, in communication with the people, emphasizes Belcher own dignity. “Seen as a virtue, it is a rich Chinese cultural heritage, courtesy phenomenon. 在别人赞扬我们时,我们往往会自贬一番,以表谦虚有礼。We commend the people; we tend to self-debasement about the need to be modest and polite. 西方国家却没有这样的文化习惯,当他

26、们受到赞扬时,总会很高兴地说一声“Thank you”表示接受。Western countries often do not have the cultural habits when they were being praised, always very happy to say Thank you accepted. 由于中西文化差异,我们认为西方人过于自信,毫不谦虚;而当西方人听到中国人这样否定别人对自己的赞扬或者听到他们自己否定自己的成就,甚至把自己贬得一文不值时,会感到非常惊讶,认为中国人不诚实。Due to cultural differences, we think that

27、Westerners are too self-confidence, modesty; When Westerners hear the Chinese people do hear or deny others their own tribute to the achievements of self-denial, even have to depreciate their worthless, would be extremely surprised that the Chinese people dishonest. The warmth and hospitality of the

28、 Chinese people at the dinner table often get misunderstood by Westerners as an uncivilized act. 因西方人认为:客人吃多吃少完全由自己 决定,用不着主人为他加菜添酒;而且饮食过量是极不体面的事情,因此客人吃饭后,主人不必劝他再吃。Westerners eat: eat less due entirely by their decision, there is no need to master his arrival Tim wine; Moreover, excessive eating is a

29、 very shameful thing, so after dinner guests, the owner advised him not followed. 一 位美国客人看到中国主人不断地给他挟菜很不安,事后他抱怨说“主人把我当猪一样看待”。A master of American guests to see China continue to give him Jiacai very uncomfortable, afterward, he complained that when my masters like a pig. 在交际场合和酒席上,热情的中国人常常互相敬烟敬酒。 中国

30、人宴客,即使美味佳肴摆满一桌,主人也总习惯讲几句“多多包涵”等客套话。Chinese banquets, even delicacies already set out, the owners are always used to say a few excuse me for his kind words. 主人有时会用筷子往客人的碗里夹菜,用各种办法劝客人多吃菜、多喝酒。Sometimes guests will host the one really to take their food with chopsticks, using various means to persuade c

31、ustomers more vegetables, drink more. 而在西方国家,人们讲求尊重个人权益和个人隐私,所以他们不会做强人所难的事。In Western countries, people stress respect for individual rights and privacy of the individual, they do inconsiderate things. 吃饭的时候,绝不会硬往你碗里夹菜,自己想吃什么就吃什么,他们也不会用各种办法劝客人喝酒,不会非要你喝醉了为止。Eat, no one really hard to you, fed sandwic

32、hes to eat what he wanted to eat for themselves what they would not have to use all kinds of ways to persuade customers to drink, you must not get drunk so far. 中国人路遇熟人时,往往会无所顾忌地说:“啊呀,老兄,你近来又发福了!”或者以关切的口吻说:“ 老兄,你又瘦了,要注意身体啊!”而西方人若听你说“you are fat”或“you are so thin”,即使比较熟 悉,也会感到尴尬和难以作答。2. 情感表达与接受赞美:中国人

33、委婉、含蓄地表达自己的情感,不直接表白;在得到赞美时常表现得很谦虚,内心接受,不正面承认。PraisesEmotional expression and acceptance of the Chinese euphemism, implicitly express their feelings, and that he did not direct; often been praised performance in a very humble heart, without due recognition. 在接受赞美时中国人与西方人在用词上有明显的差异。In China and the We

34、st in terms of praise there are obvious differences. 当有人夸奖某人英语发音好或是英语讲得不错时,通常得到的反应是:“No, no, my English is very poor.”(“不,不,我的英语很差”)。When a person has been praised or good English pronunciation of English is pretty good, it is usually the response is: No, no. my English is very poor. (No, no, my Eng

35、lish is poor). 而按照英美人的习惯,回答应该是:“Thank you.”(“谢谢”)。According to the British habit, the answer should be: “Thank you.”(“Thank you”). 在中国人看来谦虚是我们民族的传统美德。In the eyes of Chinese people is our nations traditional virtue of modesty. 英美人截然相反:他们会坦率、大方、直接地表达自己的情感;得到赞美时的表现是欣然接受并表示感谢,认为赞美是真实的,理应接受。Britain and t

36、he United States were diametrically opposite: they will frankly, openly and directly express their feelings; receive praise when the performance is gladly accepted and expressed gratitude that praise is true, it should accept. 另外,当英美人在接受了某人的帮助时总是说:“Thank you.”(“谢谢”);中国人这时常会说:“Its my duty.”(“这是我应该做的”

37、)。In addition, when a person who has accepted the help of Britain and the United States when he said: “Thank you.”(“Thank you”); Chinese people often say this: “Its my duty.”(“This is what I should do”). 此时西方人会误解为中国人帮助他是责任和义务、是出于无奈,必须这样做。Westerners misunderstand time for the Chinese person is the re

38、sponsibility and obligation to help him, out of helplessness, it is necessary to do so. 因为这是他们的工作。This is because they work. 按着他们的习惯应该回答:“Its my pleasure.”或是“My pleasure.”(“我很愿意帮您忙”)。They won the habit should have answered: “Its my pleasure.” or “My pleasure.” (“I am willing to help you busy”). Due

39、to the customs and courtesy, exchanges are subject to specific environmental impacts, have distinct characteristics. 中国人在交往时,更注重委婉、含蓄,而美国人却注重直来直去,“坦率”就能体现他的价值观和交流方式。In the exchanges between the Chinese people, more attention and tactful, subtle, but they always pay attention to go straight, frank He

40、 will be able to reflect the values and ways of communicating. 当中国人听到赞扬后会谦虚地说“不”。When people hear praised China will modestly said no. 尽管内心极度高兴,但也绝不喜形于色,因为谦虚是中国人的美德。而美国人听到赞扬后会说:“Thank you”。Americans will hear praise and said: Thank you. 在餐桌上,面对美味佳肴,中国人不会轻易地随便吃,因为这是不礼貌的表现,而美国人会大口品尝主人的手艺,这是对主人的尊重和礼貌的表

41、现。At the dinner table, in the face of delicacies, the Chinese people will not easily eat lightly, because it is impolite performance But the Americans will be masters of the craft mouth taste, it is an expression of politeness and respect for the masters. 对别人送来的礼物,中国人往往要推辞一番,接受后一般不当面打开,如果当面打开查看,显得不礼

42、貌;而在英语文化中,人们对别人所送礼品一般都要当面打开,并称赞一番,然后欣然道谢。3. Visiting friends The concept of time in a few minutes before the scheduled time, whichever is earlier time (hours of instruction) went to visit friends or walk. 英美人的时间概念与中国人不同,提前到达不礼貌,他们在赴约时常准时或略迟一点到达,而且无预约不拜访朋友。Britain and the United States with the Chine

43、se concept of time, arrived at the sessions in advance, they often meet this woman arrived on time or slightly later but not without an appointment to visit friends. Chinese acquaintances, often cynically said: oh, shut up. You recently made a blessing! The tone or concerns, said: Brother, you skinn

44、y. Be physically! and Westerners if I heard you say you are fat or you are so thin , even got reported, we would feel embarrassed and very difficult question to answer. III. Feasible AnalysisIt is not difficult to see from the above examples: cultural barriers will truly affect cross-cultural commun

45、ication. 因此有必要研究不同文化间的差It is necessary to study the difference between different cultures Western culture and Chinese culture in many respects there is a considerable difference. 英汉这两种各具特色,大相经庭的语言,其表达方式与文化习惯存在一定的差异,由于汉民族与英美之间在民族历史、价值观念、生存环境、社会习俗、宗教信仰而出现这些五彩斑阑、丰富多彩的表达方式和综繁复杂的习惯差异。There are two charac

46、teristics in English language widely on the court. There is a certain cultural practice and the manner of its presentation of the differences between the United States and the United Kingdom because of Han nationality in the history and values, environment, social customs, religious beliefs, these c

47、olorful spot begins comprehensive colorful expression and the complicated differences in habits. 1. 2、价值观念1111 VV VVvTraditional cultural values 价值观念包括人与自然的关系、家庭观念、道德标准以及人生观、世界观等。Values include the relationship between man and nature, family values, moral standards and values, worldviews. 传统的价值观念是文化的核心。Traditional cultural values are the core.(Jia Yuxing 2002:98).英文化强调“自我(self)认为每个人都有自己的独特性,应该被承认和实现。英文中与“self”最密切相关的词是“me”和“my”。中国说“洗脸”、“吃早餐”、“做家庭作业”,而英文则是“wash my face”、“take my breakfast”,“do my homework”英语里还有大量与(self)有关的词汇,如:s


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