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《2018人教新目标版八年级下册英语复习讲义全册.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018人教新目标版八年级下册英语复习讲义全册.docx(97页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、新目标八年级下册讲义班级:_ 姓名:_ 一单元重点必背一单元 单词讲解1. will 过去式- _. 2 . everything + adj此结构叫_ + adj3. robot rob robber 4. paper ”_” 不可数名词 “一些纸”_“一张纸”_” 两张纸”_ paper 作 ”试卷,文件,报纸,论文” 讲时 是可数名词 papers5. Could you please give me _? A. paper B. some pieces of papers C. any paper D. some paper 6. on the paper “ 在纸上” in the

2、paper “在报上”7. fewer + 可数复数 “_ “ few + 可数复数 “_ “ 表示否定。8 . pollution 名词 “_ ” pollute 动词 “_”polluted 形容词 “污染的 ” 9. on the tree (是树本身长的) “_” in the tree (不是树上本身的)10. build - _- _ “_” building builder eg: The _are _ a _(build)11. in space不可数, 前不用冠词 “_” 而”在太空站” 用 _12. fly - _ _ “_“ fly to. “_” 13. take -

3、_ - _ “ _” take.to “_“ 14. fall -_ “ 落下” 还有“秋天”之意 feel- _ -_ “ _ “ 15. . alone = by oneself “_”lonely “_”16. probably 17. suit 18. able probable a suit of unable 19. dress +sb 20. even + 形容词/ 副词的比较级_e.g.: even _ (bad )21. teach oneself = learn by oneself _ 22. sound + adj sound like + n 23. pleasure

4、 . n “高兴,愉快” unpleasant 的反义词 _ (指物)pleased ( 指人) “ 高兴的,愉快的”be pleased with .be pleased to do sth24. “已经” already ( ) yet ( ) 都用于现在完成时 have/has + PP25. make- _ _+ V 26. simple = easy 27. everywhere= here and there 28. so + adj + a/ an + 名词单数 = such a / an + adj +名词单数 但是修饰名词和不可数名词只用such, so 常+ 形容词 Eg:

5、 Its _ weather , Ill go out for a picnic . A. so a fine B. such a fine C. such fine a D. such fine29. scientist science 30. possible possibly 31. seem + adj seem like + n seem to do sth = It seems/seemed that 从句 e.g.: He _ ( _ _ ) happy = It _ that he _happy. 他似乎很高兴。32. no one = nobody “ 无人”,(表示人,后不

6、加of , 用who 提问)none 无人/ 物( 后可加of, 用how many / how much 提问)Who is in the room ?No one / Nobody.How many people are there ?None.二、课文讲解 一单元 P21. every “每一个”(重全体,三者/三者以上的) “每一个”,不和of连用.但可用every one of Eg: Every girl _ (dance) well. Each “每一个”(重个体, 两个.两个以上的) “每一个” ,可和of连用. E.g.: Each _ us _ (have) a bag.O

7、n _ side of the street / road “在街道、路的两边”_ sides of the street / road2. in the future in future= from now on eg: You cant be late for( 迟到) class _ _.3. live by “以.为生” on “靠.为生” on + 楼层 “住在几楼,用序数词” e.g.: live on _ _(five)floor. “生活,v ” -live a happy life “过着幸福的生活”stay “ 呆(短时间逗留)”4. use sth to do sth f

8、or sth “ 为用.” for doing sth “用. 来做.”e.g.: Its used for (被用来) _ (send ) letters(信). useup = run out of use / usage “n.用处、用法” Its no use doing sth make use of . usefule.g.: make good use of “_” -We should make good use of time . 一单元 P 31. there be 的将来时态句型- There will be (肯定句) not be .= _(否定句) Will the

9、re be.(一般疑问句) Yes , _ / No , _ . 也可用:There is/ are going to be 表将来E.g.: _ a match tonight. A. There is going to be B. There is going to have C. There are going to be D. there is E. There will be 2. many / much more - _ “_ ” little - _- _.+不可数名 “ _” few -_ -_ + 可数名词 “ _” more+ 可数/不可数名词 less +不可数名 few

10、er + 可数名词 e.g.: Well try our best to do _ work with_ _ people ( 用mangy/much / few /little的适当形式填空)3 use . more use less a lot/much more 4. “ 同意 agree with sb(him/what he said(他所说的)/ idea (主意)/opinion (观点) to sth (计划,建议,条件,决定) eg: -agree _ my plan. to do sth on sth with 还可以用于事物,气候,话等做主语,“适合“。5. after

11、和in 的区别: after + 一段时间 = 一段时间+ later “以后” (常用于过去时,用when提问)in+ 一段时间 (表将来,用 how soon “多久以后” 提问) 但是after + 具体的时间 (也可以表将来)e.g.: Itll be ready _ a week. in the years (从现在算起) “10年以后”ten years later (从过去算起) “10年以后”一单元 P41. in college = at college “上大学” (college前无冠词)2. five years ago (表过去) in five years (表将来

12、) 3. What do you think (插入语) Sally will be in five years ? 你认为Sally 5年后将是什么样子 (Sally will be in five years 是个宾语从句,作think的宾语, 要用肯定句的语序)Eg: I dont know _ tomorrow , Can you tell me . A. When we started B. when did we start C. When we will start D. when will we start 一单元 P51. space ”太空、空间” (不可数名词) ,前不用

13、 冠词a/the 空地 (可数、不可数) room “ 空间(不可数)“房间(可数)” e.g.:Is there _/_ for me in the car? place “ 地方” ( 可数 )a place of interest “一个名胜古迹” _ “两处名胜古迹”_2. fly -_-_flying fly- flies “苍蝇” (可数名词)How time flies ! fly the kites = fly a kite eg: Look, there are many children _ kite in the park.fly to. eg: fly rockets

14、to the moon ride ( rode -ridden)to drive ( drove -driven)to take ( tooktaken ).to .一单元 P61. fall - _ - _ fall back ”后退,退却”fall behind sb “落后于某人”(反义词组) = catch up with “追上,赶上”fall down “摔倒,掉下“fall off “下降/ 跌落/从.掉下” e.g.: Bad luck, Tom _(从.掉下) his bike and hurt his leg.A .fell B. fell off C. falls D.

15、fall off2 . alone = on ones own = by oneself alone “_” (不含感情色彩)lonely “_/_” (含感情色彩) eg:1) He lives in a _(荒凉的) village , he lives _(单独),but he doesnt feel _(孤独的), 2) 那里什么都没有,除了一个荒凉的小山村。Theres nothing _ a _ village.3. might 为 _ 的过去式,“也许,可能”情态动词,可能性很小, 还表示委婉,客气。probably = likely (90%的可能性)perhaps = may

16、be (50%的可能性) 大于possibly 的可能性4. during the week = on weekdays 5. be on vacation = on holiday on tour on business on watch 6. keep -_ -_ “饲养、保持borrow “借” 其延续性动词为_ ,必须和一段时间连用,如:for 7 days 等e.g.: -How long may I _ (借) the book .keep (sb ) doing sth e.g.: - Im sorry to keep _ _ _ _ _(让你久等了)keep sb ( on )

17、 doing sth -“让某人一直做.”keep sb / sth + adj /adv /prep (介词) 做宾语的补足语 “使某人某物.样”7. No pets !8. even + 形容词/ 副词的比较级_类似的还有:still + _. much = a lot + _ a little = a bit = a little bit + _ far + _ e.g.: 1) He is working even_ _ (甚至更努力) than before. 2) The work is _far_ (好的多)than that one . 3) Its was _ (even c

18、old) in August .9. 系动词:sound _, smell _(过去式_),taste_, feel _(过去式_). look_ + adjeg: feel _ (好) smell _ (好)10. wear - _ - _ (表状态) put on 反义词 _ (表动作) dress+ sb/oneself“穿” dress 还有“裙子/礼服“的意思 be in + 颜色 have on = be wearing (但是have on表状态,相当于wear,无进行时态Be +Ving ) e.g.: He has a skirt on 不能用He is having a s

19、kirt . on Eg: The boy was able to _ himself when he was very young. A. dress B. wear C. put on11. be able to “能”(表经过努力获得的能力,可以用于任何时态) can - could 除了表示“能”, (只用于-现在和过去时态)还可表许可/可能性或 惊讶和怀疑cant be “_”E.g.: I could / _ swim when I was 4 years old 12. some day (将来)”有一天”one day (过去/将来)”有一天” the other day “前

20、几天,几天前”(常用于一般过去时)to this day 直到今天 eg: I _ (meet) her the other day .13. Frenchmen “_”French “_” France “_”14. Whats the weather like ? = How is the weather?- 今天天气怎么样?Eg :1) What will the weather be like tomorrow?=How _ the weather _tomorrow. 明天的天气将是什么样? 2) It will be cold the day after tomorrow .(提问

21、) _ _ the weather _ the day after tomorrow?15. do for fun “做好玩、开心” have fun doing sth 16. twenty years from now = _20 years 17. leave sb alone “把某人单独留下” eg: Dont _ the baby _ at home . 不要把那个婴儿单独留下。18. 穿着更随意 _ Eg:年轻人衣着随意,平易近人。 The polite young man _ _,and is easy to_ _/_ with .1单元 P 71. when 引导的时间状语从

22、句主句为 一般现在时态 一般将来时态will+ V 从句都用一般现在时态含有情态动词的句子 / 祈使句eg:1) I will call you when he _ (come) back (此句主句为一般将来时态)2) Tell him about the news when he _(come) back. (此句主句为祈使句)2. 当need为行为动词(即实义动词时), 主语为(物)时用 need doing sth = need to be done主语为(人)时用 need to do sth Eg : 1) The room needs _ (clean) =The room ne

23、eds _.当need为情态动词时,常用于否定句和问句,neednt = dont have to +V Eg: 1) You _ to the meeting if you have something important to do . A. neednt to come B. dont need come ( 此处need _动词)C. dont need coming D. neednt come ( 此处need _动词) E. dont need to come2) Need I go ? ( 此处need _动词)-Yes , you _./ No , you _ There i

24、s no need to do sth 3. wear-_ -_4. interview sb for a job 为一个工作面试某人”5. _ (take) a train_ (be) much more interesting than taking a plane 6. be famous for as “作为.而出名 ” 而 be famous to “对某人来说.是出名的”eg:China is famous to us all. “_”7. come true _(主语为梦想 dream) ,eg: Our dream _ some day . come from down bac

25、k ( to) out (of ) over8. sound “自然界的一切声音”voice “嗓音 noise “噪音(不好听的)” eg: “制造噪音” _9. see sb do sth ”看见某人做过了/常做.” doing sth”看见某人正在做.”eg: I often saw the boys _ in the room.( play) saw the boy _ ( play) when I passed by. 10. would never be used by + sb “将永远不会被某人使用.”这是一个过去将来时态(would +V)的被动语态 ( be +PP) 构成

26、 eg:I hope it _ before August. A. finishes B. will finish C. is finished D. will be finished 11. none “三个,三个以上都不”为不定代词(指人/物),后面可以加of ,作主语,谓语动词单/复都可, 但是no one 只指人,不与of 连用,作主语时,谓语用单数None of these pens work / works Nobody = No one wants to go none 用How many 提问。1 单元 Reading P8-91. ones own + n = n+ of o

27、nes own “某人自己的”He has a car of his own “ 他有一辆自己的车子” = _ _ _ .own 也可以为代词,on ones own “独自,单独” V “ 拥有” He _(v拥有) his _ (adj自己的)car.2. such 的用法:such + 形容词 + 名词+that 从句such a/ an + adj+ 单数n = so +adj + a/an +单数n such a/ an + adj+ 单数n + that 从句 = so +adj + a/an +单数n+ that 从句so 的用法:so +adj + a/an +单数n+ tha

28、t 从句so many / few + 可数名词复数so /much / /little + 不可数名词+ that 从句so + 形容词/副词 + that 从句Eg: 1) Its _ that all of us believe its very importantA. such useful information B . so useful an informationC. so useful information D. such a useful information2) Its _ weather that they decided to go out for a picni

29、c. A. such fine B. such a fine C. so fine D. so fine a 分析: weather 不可数,不用a 修饰,“such + adj + n “而”so + adj”weather 是名词,故用 such 修饰。3. unpleasant(指物) 的反义词是_. be pleased (指人)to do sth I_ (对感到满意) _ ( 收到.的来信) you 。4. make + V , 但是在被动语态中要恢复 to .(make使役动词)He _ (work) for 12 hours . 5. help sb (to ) do sth w

30、ith sth with the help of = with ones help eg: Why not _ Tom _ his English ?A. help , improve B. to help. improve C. help , improving D. to help. improving 6. try ones best to do sth not to do sth have a try try to do sth doing sth try ( it ) on 7. have already made the robots walk and dance . (此句是一个

31、现在完成时态(have/has +PP ), 这个时态标志性的时间状语有: already”已经,用于肯定句” )yet “已经,用于问句、否定句”, just “刚” for+一段时间= since+ 一段时间+ ago , since+ 时间点/一般过去时态的句子eg: 1) I _ (learn ) English for 3 years since 3 years ago since 2009. since I came here. 2) I _ _ (have ) lunch just .此句还有一个使役动词 made +V , 另外还有两个使役动词时 let /have +V8.

32、it + be + adj + ( for sb) to do sth “做.对某人来说.样” ( 对事而言) (of sb )to do sth “做.对某人.样”(指人的品格,性格)当形容词是kind ,brave ,foolish等表示人的性格特征的词,其中的 for则要用ofEg: Its very kind_ you _ (help) me .9 There be sb doing sth Eg: There are already robots _ (work) in factories. 10. such + n 11. everywhere = here and there.12. 一感feel,二听hear,listen to三让 let / make / have,四看see/ loo


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