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1、J.D.Power详解汽车JD POWER 是美国一家权威的市场调查机构,近年来该机构每年都对众多的汽车用户进行调查,以评出各细分市场的优胜车型和排名。J.D. Power and Associates业务的业务范围包括市场调查、预测、咨询、培训和客户满意度调查,他们所发布的产品质量和客户满意度评估报告,以独立性和客观性著称于世,在全球工商界获得了较高认同。J.D. Power and Associates最具影响力报告,就是基于大量车主调查而发布的年度“新车质量和车辆耐久性”报告。包括销售满意度、新车质量、售后服务满意度、汽车性能、运行和设计等四个重要指标。J.D. Power and As

2、sociates2000年进入中国,并于2005年首次公布了中国汽车行业调研结果。 .D. Power是全球最权威的专业消费者调研机构,它的调查直接取决于消费者的反馈,排名完全反映消费者的消费体验。因此,IQS调查结果被认为是影响车市的风向标,也是汽车厂商的产品质量和行业地位演变的体现。作为J.D.Power最核心的调查项目,IQS旨在评估消费者在用车过程中遇到的汽车品质问题,调查内容主要由发动机、变速器、驾乘感觉、样式、便利性以及设计等217个详细项目构成。因为此项调查是针对产品使用过程中遇到的问题进行的分值评估,所以分值越低反映出来的品质满意度就越高。 J.D. Power and Ass

3、ociates 每年都会对全世界数以百万计的消费者进行调研,收集他们对很多行业产品与服务的感受和期望,并应制造商和供应商的要求向其提供预测,从而让当今信息更为灵通的消费者满意。该公司进行的独立调查可向相关企业提供有价值的信息,帮助他们根据顾客的意见更好地了解他们的长处和不足。在全球市场上,J.D. Power and Associates的信息已使重要的制造商和服务提供商在提供令顾客满意的产品质量方面得到显著的进步,促进了行业发展并教育了消费者。 该信息对于发展中的中国汽车行业具有特别的价值。快速成长的中国市场正在经历着汽车制造商数量的历史性增长,这些制造商每年向顾客提供大量的新车。对于本土品

4、牌和国际品牌来说,要适应日益加剧的竞争环境和了解新消费者间的细微差别都是一项挑战。 J.D. Power Asia Pacific自2000年开始在中国开展基于消费者的汽车行业调查,并首次公开公布其最有影响力的汽车调查项目中的四项结果。这些调查有助于弥补在全程购车经历中客户期望值和顾客满意度之间的差距。 销售满意度调研(SSI) 客户与一个品牌的第一次互动始于在经销商那里购买新车的过程。 销售满意度调研从客户的角度提供了一种对其购买经历的全面分析。这项调查能够衡量经销商开展销售业务的能力,包括产品介绍、价格谈判、融资和保险操作以及汽车的交付,还能够帮助从业者洞察客户的需要和期望,并提供建议以改

5、进销售流程。 新车质量调研(IQS) 汽车质量仍然是区分不同汽车品牌消费者的一个主要因素。IQS 基于车主报告其在购车后2到6个月遇到的问题向制造商和供应商就新车质量提供深层次的诊断信息。该调查以每百辆车的问题数量(PP100)为标准进行测评。 汽车性能、运行和设计调研(APEAL) APEAL调查可得出在购买新车2-6个 月内,该车让消费者所喜欢或不喜欢的特征。新车买主的评价涉及八类车及100余项属性。该调查可帮助汽车制造商和供应商研发创新产品,判别是使消费者兴奋和喜悦的设计特征,并了解这些特征的相对重要性。 售后服务满意度调研(CSI) CSI 调查可就经销商提供的保养和维修服务的顾客满意

6、度得出结论。具体内容包括车主在购车12-18个月内对经销商服务部门的感受,保修经历和在保养与维修问题上的经历。该调查还针对顾客对服务时间、经销商的位置、预约经销商的难易程度以及是否满意服务态度等方面进行研究。该调查对用户满意度对用户忠诚度和拥护度的影响提供提个独特的视野。联合调研新车质量调研 (IQS) 汽车新车质量调研衡量新车车主购车后2-6个月内遇到的问题。新车质量问题被清楚地划归为两大类设计质量和生产质量(包括产品缺陷和功能故障) 分为八大类别:车身外观;驾车经历;配置、操控和仪表板;音响;娱乐设备和导航系统;座椅;空调系统(HVAC);车身内装;发动机及变速系统。综合得分以每百辆车所出

7、现的问题(PP100)来衡量,分数越低,表明发生故障的频率越小,质量也越高。汽车性能、运行和设计调研 (APEAL) 汽车该调研是根据汽车消费者的报告来评测新车在销售后2-6个月内其性能和设计在哪些方面最令车主满意和欣赏。这项调研经2007年重新设计后,涉及到车辆的 10大项近百种特性:车身外观;车身内装;置物和空间;音响,娱乐设备和导航系统;座椅;空调系统(HVAC);驾驶性能;发动机及变速系统;视野与行车安全;以及燃油经济性。售后服务用户满意度指数调研 (CSI) 汽车自 2001年起,J.D. Power亚太公司独立进行行业范围内的中国授权汽车经销商售后服务调研。这项调研于2009年重新

8、设计,针对拥车12到24个月期间内的用户,考察他们在经销商处接受服务的经历和车辆维修时的用户满意度。用户整体满意度是根据经销商的表现来衡量的,主要分为五个因子,分别是服务启动;服务顾问;经销商设施;提车过程以及服务质量。CSI指数的总分是1000分。CSI分数越高,表明用户对授权经销商的保养和维修服务越满意。销售满意度指数调研 (SSI) 汽车J.D. Power亚太公司自2000年起,独立开展年度销售满意度指数调研。该调研在2008年重新设计,旨在衡量中国消费者在新车购买过程中的满意程度。调研指数基于客户在七个方面的感受经历,其权重因子旨在反映什么对中国驾车者最为重要,按重要性分别排序为:交

9、车过程;交车时间;经销商设施;销售人员;书面文件;交易条件和销售启动。SSI总分为1000分。SSI分数越高,表明消费者对购车过程的满意度越高。流失顾客调研 (ESS) 汽车该年度调研分析了是什么导致顾客拒绝购买他们曾经考虑过的汽车。在众多的原因中,受访者选择他们拒绝购买曾经考虑过的汽车的原因。这些原因分成几大类,分别包括经销商和分销有关的因子;汽车特征和性能;价格和贷款问题;可靠性以及品牌声誉的影响。流失顾客调研通过分析消费者对特定车型的看法,提供用户的买车过程与购买行为之间关系的深层分析。流失顾客调研开始于2003年。中国经销商满意度调研 (DAS) 汽车中国经销商满意度调研由J.D. P

10、ower亚太公司在2009年独立开展。该调研基于新车4S经销商店总经理的评价,了解他们对于汽车零售分销系统和汽车市场相关问题的态度以及想法,分析了一系列对于汽车厂商和经销商具有重要性的问题。经销商所处的市场环境正在发生着巨大的变化,他们希望从厂商获得支持和指导,DAS包含了应对这些问题所需要的信息。该调研反映了汽车4S店对其厂商的满意度。零售银行客户满意度调研 (RBSS) 银行零售银行满意度调研由J.D. Power亚太公司在2009年独立开展。该项调研衡量了顾客对银行机构的满意度;印象和忠诚度。调研为大型城市中竞争激烈的众多银行提供了重要的标杆信息,反映了对零售银行满意度产生重要影响的因子

11、,包括便利性;交易;问题解决;费用和相关产品。新车潜在顾客调研 (NVSS) 汽车新车潜在顾客调研由J.D. Power亚太公司在2009年独立开展。该项调研考察了将在未来12个月内购车的潜在在线顾客。调研针对市场上的汽车品牌和厂商,探求构成品牌形象,以及/或者能够吸引顾客的因子。NVSS调研分析了实际的汽车交叉购买模式,并且运用心理和人口特征来细分消费群,使得汽车厂商能够针对目标顾客群优化市场营销。Research ServicesSyndicated ResearchFor more than four decades, J.D. Power and Associates has cond

12、ucted quality and customer satisfaction benchmarking research based on survey responses from millions of consumers worldwide. The company represents the Voice of the Customer by translating survey responses from consumers and businesses into studies and reports that help organizations worldwide impr

13、ove their customer satisfaction. In fact, J.D. Power and Associates has developed and maintains one of the largest, most comprehensive historical customer satisfaction databases in existence, which includes consumer feedback on the shopping, buying, and ownership experiences for a variety of product

14、s and services.The companys benchmarking syndicated studies include an industry-wide assessment of products and services, as well as rankings that reflect the opinions of customers. Comprehensive marketing information and analysis helps organizations better understand their strengths and weaknesses

15、from a customer viewpoint and ultimately to make a greater impact in the marketplace. Press releases are used to publicly announce research highlights. J.D. Power and Associates does not conduct any testing of products or servicesthe research is based solely on responses from millions of consumers a

16、nd businesses worldwide.With the data consumers provide, J.D. Power and Associates uses statistical techniques to determine the relative importance of the factors that comprise overall satisfaction. In addition, each factor is comprised of numerous attributes that provide additional diagnostic capab

17、ility. The results of this researchprovide insight for organizations around the world that endeavor to satisfy todays informed consumers.J.D. Power China conducts the following benchmarking research studies:China Initial Quality Study (IQS) AutomotiveThe annual study captures problems experienced by

18、 new-vehicle owners within the first two to six months of ownership. Vehicle problems are examined in two distinct categoriesquality of design and quality of production (defects and malfunctions)and across eight factors: vehicle exterior; driving experience; features, controls and displays; audio, e

19、ntertainment and navigation; seats; heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC); vehicle interior; and engine and transmission. Overall performance is determined by problems experienced per 100 vehicles (PP100), with lower scores indicating a lower rate of problem incidences and higher quality.China Aut

20、o Performance, Execution and Layout Study (APEAL) AutomotiveThe annual APEAL Study is a consumer-reported measure of what excites and delights owners about their new vehicles performance and design during the first two to six months of ownership. Redesigned in 2007, the study is comprised of nearly

21、100 attributes covering 10 vehicle categories: vehicle exterior; vehicle interior; storage and space; audio/entertainment/navigation; seats; HVAC; driving dynamics; engine/transmission; visibility and driving safety; and fuel economy.China Customer Service Index Study (CSI) AutomotiveThe annual indu

22、stry-wide China CSI study has been conducted independently by J.D. Power Asia Pacific since 2001 to measure customer satisfaction with maintenance and repair service at authorized dealerships. Redesign in 2009, the study is conducted among customers who have owned their new vehicle for 12 to 24 mont

23、hs and focuses on the dealer service experience; what matters most to customers when they take their vehicles in for service at an authorized service center. The study analyzes the processes that define the dealer service experience. Overall customer satisfaction is measured by dealer performance at

24、tributes, which are grouped into five factors: service initiation; service advisor; service facility; vehicle pick-up; and service quality. A higher CSI score indicates greater customer satisfaction with the maintenance and repair experience at authorized dealerships.China Sales Satisfaction Index S

25、tudy (SSI) AutomotiveThe annual China SSI Study, conducted independently by J.D. Power Asia Pacific since 2000, measures customer satisfaction with the new-vehicle purchase experience in the China market. Redesigned in 2008, the index scores are based on customer experiences in seven factor areas, w

26、hich are weighted to reflect what is most important to Chinas passenger-vehicle owners. They are (in order of importance): delivery process; delivery timing; dealer facility; salesperson; deal; paperwork; and sales initiation. SSI performance is reported as an index score based on a 1,000-point scal

27、e. A higher SSI score indicates a more satisfying sales process experience.China Escaped Shopper Study (ESS) AutomotiveThe annual ESS examines what causes new vehicle owners to reject other vehicles they consider. The respondent selects from a battery of reasons for rejecting models they considered

28、buying. Reasons are grouped into several categories describing dealer and distribution related factors, vehicle characteristics and performance, price and financial issues, reliability, and brand name influence. The ESS provides an in-depth analysis of the relationship between customers shopping and

29、 buying behavior by analyzing their perceptions of the specific models. The ESS was introduced to Chinese market since 2003.China Dealer Attitude Study (DAS) AutomotiveThe China Dealer Attitude Study (DAS) profiles new-car dealerships. The study was launched independently by J.D. Power Asia Pacific

30、in 2009. Evaluations of dealer-principals form the basis of this annual study, which examines 4S dealers attitudes regarding a variety of issues relevant to the automotive industry and the retail distribution system, and issues of importance to manufacturers and dealers. As dealers have to work with

31、in a dynamic marketplace, they look to their manufacturers for support and direction. DAS therefore supplies the information needed to address these issues. The study measures dealer satisfaction with the nameplates that they carry.China New Vehicle Intender Study (NVIS) AutomotiveChina New Vehicle

32、Intender Study was launched independently by J.D. Power Asia Pacific in 2009. The study offers insight about brands and OEMs in the market place among on-line consumers who intend to buy a vehicle in the next 12 months. NVIS aims to identify factors that can assess brand image and/ or make a brand m

33、ore attractive to customers. NVIS also studies actual vehicle cross-shopping behavior and utilizes psychographic and demographic segmentation to optimize interventions for specific consumer target groups.China Vehicle Dependability Study (VDS) AutomotiveVDS evaluates quality (dependability) of vehic

34、les between 13 to 36 months of ownership based on vehicle problems experienced since ownership. Similar to the IQS, performance is summarized with a problems-per-100 vehicles (PP100) designation. The study monitors the number and type of problems owners have with their vehicles and covers specific p

35、roblems across different problem categories. The VDS provides insight into the influence of problems on the owners overall satisfaction with the vehicle and the problems most bothersome to owners.China Retail Banking Satisfaction Study (RBSS) BankingThe J.D. Power Asia Pacific China Retail Banking S

36、atisfaction Study is designed to measures the key drivers of customer satisfaction and their impact on customer loyalty and advocacy, as well as provides performance improvement metrics and best practices. Study findings may help banks to define how to maximize the financial returns of customer sati

37、sfaction while keeping investments efficient. The main takeaway of these findings is nevertheless straight forward: high customer satisfaction leads to high customer loyalty, advocacy, retention, and eventually high net acquisition all elements that directly benefit banks bottom-line performances.友情

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39、系分,以的问场统销售对解,的店经车于该开独0在公 .由调商汽)(调商年 0开顾。分系间买与买户,的定者析过研失响声牌靠;款价性特;因销和经分类成原。车汽考买拒择受中的。汽虑们买绝导是了汽汽) 研高度满车对消,分 分 总 动销条交书员;商;车交车:分重,为驾对映旨子其受面七户基研度满中车在费衡旨新 研该数意度开,年 司 汽 (研度意意越修和商权对表越分。0 总 务服车施销问服动务,个分主的表商据意体户度用维车经服处在察户用月 对计设 项这服商车权国范行独太亚 . 起0汽汽 研度满用性经燃;车野统及动性; 统;统导和,音和置身观外性近项 到,设年0经这赏满令方哪计性个-销车来报消车根汽 计行、高也

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