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《英语说课稿荟萃.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语说课稿荟萃.doc(35页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、各位老师:大家好! 让学生愉快地、充满自信地走进我的英语课堂,是我最大的愿望,让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的。我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着。今天,借此平台,愿与大家一起分享我的说课,让我们一起探讨,共同成长。我说课的内容是牛津小学英语4A Unit6 Whose gloves?第二课时。 一 说教材 教学内容 本单元的话题是寻找物主,要求学生围绕服饰类的英语单词,在一定的情景下,能正确使用Whoes is this/are they?进行交谈。在学习完第一课时的基础上,我确定了本课时的教学内容为:A(4-6),B (a pair of shorts,a scarf,

2、a aweater,ajacket),C(Whoseis it/are they?Its/Theyre xxxs). 教材地位 本课时中出现的xxxs,在前面的第三单元中已有所接触,可以说是Unit3的知识延续,具有承上启下的作用。服饰类单词的单复数使用更是对今后的单复数学习有着重要作用。 根据英语课程标准的教学理念,教材特点以及四年级学生的实际情况,本课的教学目标确立为: 知识目标 1能够听、说、读a pair of shorts,a scarf,四会a sweater,a jacket 2能够听懂、会说、会读、会写本课时的主要句型:Whoseis this/are they?Its/The

3、yre并能在适合的情景中自由运用。 3能够跟录音朗读对话,并能分角色进行表演。 能力目标 1要求学生能围绕服饰类单词,在一定情景下,正确使用Whoseis it/are they?及回答Its /Theyre xxxs.进行交谈。 情感目标 1 培养学生良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。 2 培养学生对美的鉴赏和认识。 在仔细研究教材和分析学生的心理和生理特点的基础上,我认为本课重点是掌握有关寻找失主的句型:Whoseis this/are they? Its /They are xxxs.等有关服饰的表达法。难点是A pair of of 中of的读音;能正确运用Whoseis this/

4、are they? Its /They are xxxs单复数的提问。 二 说教法 我将采用情景法、全身反应法、直观法等教学方法,以学生为主体,以Whoseis this/are they?这个话题为核心,以语言功能为主线,以任务型活动为媒介,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,使学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的方式实现任务目标,使课堂活起来,让学生动起来,从而达成上述的知识与技能目标。 三 说学法 我采用歌曲和chant 贯穿整堂课中,利用简笔画、实物投影、课件等多种手段,创设在化妆舞会中伙伴们对各人的打扮进行评论的情境,采用多种形式的操练方式,让学生在交流中理解,在交流中

5、掌握,在交流中记忆,让学生在不同的活动中感知语言和习得语言,从而来突出重点和突破难点。 四 说教学过程 本课我通过导入设计、新课呈现、巩固操练、拓展延伸以及课后作业五个步骤进行设计。教育家托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所必须的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣,兴趣是推动学生学习的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的基础,激发学生的兴趣是新课导入的关键。”“Well begun, half done”良好的开端是成功的一半。导入设计分三块: 唱一唱第四单元的歌曲“We are happy bees”(Which is for you,which is for me.This one or that one.

6、)这一首优美的英文歌,全班同学在教师的带领下,边拍手边唱,营造良好的英语氛围,使学生能自然地进入到一个良好的学习状态中。 通过实物投影和简笔画,复习一下上节课的单词:Whats this in English?Its aWhat are they?They are答对的学生们可让他们穿上自带的衣物进行一次走秀,让全班学生能够说起来,动起来。在复习旧知的基础(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。)上为新课的学习起到一个呈上起下的作用。 Free talking:Look at xxxs 评论一下学生们的打扮,为后面创设校园coseplay,伙伴们都穿着漂亮的衣服参加服装秀的情境埋下伏笔。同时也营造一

7、种民主、和谐、宽松的英语氛围,为学生架设一座由中文思维向英文思维过渡的桥梁。 新课呈现分两部分: 利用课件,出示一个学生熟悉的人物Liu Tao,他也来参加coseplay.点击他身上的衣服,询问学生并引出a pair of shorts。操练chant: shorts, shorts, a pair of shorts , a pair of shorts for my friend.同法操练其余的三个:a scarf,a sweater,a jacket。通过师生、生生之间的大量语言交流,鼓励学生大胆开口,勇敢表达,逐渐让学生体会到学习英语的快乐 创设校园coseplay的情境,教师扮演一

8、位评委,引出句型Look at xxx.Shes funny.Look at her gloves.Theyre so big.等等。师生练说此类句型。然后通过采访,引出句子Whose is it?Its xxxs.Whoseare they?Theyre xxxs.师生围绕coseplay,操练Whose is it?Its xxxs.Whoseare they?Theyre xxxs。这两个句型,并且区分be动词单复数的使用。苏霍姆林斯基说过:没有也不可能有抽象的学生。因此,我们要鼓励孩子们大胆地用英语表达,让他们知道“English, I can”. 巩固操练分五部分: 说一说,利用教学

9、卡片,在黑板上制作衣物小转盘,操练单词等。 玩一玩,鲁迅说过:“游戏是儿童的天使。”本节课我设计“我猜,我猜,我猜猜”的游戏来操练句型 Whoseis it/ are they?Its xxs,I think./ They are xxxs,I think. 听一听,听课文录音,完成填空:Whose _ are they?Theyre my _.Whose_is it?Its _.让学生带着问题去听,养成良好的倾听习惯。 读一读,我们都知道,磁带是最好的老师,让学生跟着磁带朗读课文,正确的语音语调的形成是学生学习英语的基础,因此教师要有意识地培养学生的模仿能力。 演一演,利用头饰,分角色两人小

10、组合作演一演本课46对话,教师要鼓励学生进行大胆的表演。教师要充分发挥学生的学习积极性,在教学过程中注重培养学生听、说、认读的能力,积极引导学生参与、体验、交流和合作,通过让学生观察、比较、模仿、猜测等方式,让学生懂得仔细倾听和认真思考在英语学习中的必要性,并且通过师生、生生之间的大量语言交流,鼓励学生大胆开口,勇敢表达,逐渐让学生体会到学习英语的快乐,从而获得成功感。 拓展延伸分两部分: 1 观看服装展示会的片段。让学生在轻松愉悦的环境中,欣赏不同服饰。帮助他们形成一种自己的审美观点。 2 通过服装展示会,让学生再次穿上自带的衣服,体现一次美的机会。 课堂小结: 1 本堂课所教授的要四会单词

11、是a sweater,a jacket. 2 所要掌握的四会句型是Whoseis this/are they?Its/Theyre 3 当服饰类名词是单数时应用Whoseis this? Its xxxs;当服饰类名词是复数时用Whoseare they?Theyre xxxs. 4 区别一下they are 与theyre的读音。 教师在教授完新课后,加上适当的小结是很重要的。这样,可以使学生明确本堂课所要掌握的知识点,加深记忆。 课后作业也是两部分: 用英语向爸爸妈妈介绍家里部分衣物的英文表达。 根据询问同学自带的衣物和鞋子,了解班里同学的爸爸妈妈喜欢穿怎样的衣服,小组之间合作完成此项任务

12、,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神 以上是我的说课内容,说的不好,请大家批评指正。 Thats all. Thank you! 您可以访问第一范文网(www.DiYiFanW)查看更多与本文牛津小学英语说课稿相关的文章。2 Pep小学英语六年级上册第五单元说课稿 A Lets learn/ Group work【说教材】1.教材内容本课时的教材内容是有关职业的六个单词actor, actress, writer, singer, artist, TV reporter,以及询问别人职业的句型What does your father do? He is a .2.教材的地位本课时教材是对前几册

13、教材所学有关职业名称词汇的一个扩充和所学句型的拓展。使学生的词汇量在原来的基础上有一个提高,同时使他们掌握了多种询问职业的问答方式。【说教学目标】根据教材的内容和要求,我确定了以下教学目标以及教学重难点:1、知识目标:能够听、 说 、读、写六个新授单词actor, actress, writer, singer, artist, TV reporter能听、说、认读句型What does your father do? He is a .2、能力目标:学会使用句型What does your father do?He is 来询问和回答他人职业,并能使用句型What are you going

14、 to be? Im going to be来询问别人和表达自己的理想。3、情感目标:在课堂中培养学生积极用英语表达的习惯,以及在各项活动中培养学生积极与他人合作的精神。4、教学重难点:本课时的教学重点是使学生能够掌握6个四会单词和两个句型。教学难点是单词singer的语音教学。【说教法】1.教法设计小学英语教学应该把培养学生的学习兴趣、调动学生学习英语的主动性作为教学重点,根据学生的认知规律,我采用了游戏教学法和任务型教学法,让学生通过阅读、思考、猜谜、调查、交流和合作等方式学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。2 学法指导在学习过程中,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与

15、和交流的学习方式,培养学生的英语综合语言运用能力,主动思维,大胆实践,形成自主学习的能力.3.教学手段根据本课教材的特点,我除了采用常规的教学手段外,同时采用了多媒体现代教学技术,使学生的多种感官共同参与到整个学习过程中,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率。【说设计】1 导入设计(1)Lets sing.在热身时让学生一起唱四年级上第六单元的歌曲My Father Is a Doctor,这首歌曲与本课教学内容有着密切的关系。放在课前作为热身活动,能使学生更快地进入学习状态。同时也起到复习巩固的作用。(3) Guessing game: What can Mr. Cat do?,设计这样一个

16、游戏的第一个目的是为了自然地过渡到本课的词汇教学;第二是为了充分调动学生参与活动的积极性。这是一个难度比较低的游戏,考虑到六年级学生普遍存在着害羞怕出错的心理,我认为这样一个低难度的游戏能充分调动他们的参与热情。2 新课呈现(1)本课六个新授词汇我都以Mr. Cat邻居的身份导入。其中我在部分单词的出现方式上稍做变化。以不同形式的猜谜方式引出,其中通过阅读文字引出赵薇actress的教学,以听歌曲的猜人物的方式引出周杰伦singer的教学,以看图片猜人物的方式引出杨红樱writer的教学,这样不仅能调动学生的多种感官共同参与到整个学习过程中,激发学生的学习兴趣,还大大地提高了课堂教学效率。同时

17、在每个单词新授后我都安排了一个同样的环节让学生说说自己所知道的各个职业的一些名人。培养学生良好的口语表达能力。(2)单词拼读能力的训练和单词频度规律的总结。主要是训练学生对四会单词的拼读能力,其中有三个单词writer, singer,TV reporter的结尾三个字母都是er,给学生归纳总结有助于学生记忆。(3)Guessing game: What does Mr Cats father do?这个游戏的主要目的还是为了进一步巩固这六个新单词的学习。考虑到六年级学生对于这种比较刺激的游戏都特别感兴趣,我把这个游戏设计成小组竞猜的形式,在此不仅复习了单词和句型,又满足了学生的好胜心理。(3

18、)Lets chan进一步巩固本课重点句型的学习。 (4)Group work:我把书本上的形式稍做了改变。通过Mr Cat提问的方式导入,Which job is the most popular now?让学生通过调查来帮助Mr Cat解答问题,其中在调查前我让学生做一个预测,如果预测是对的每人可以得到一张书签作为奖励,以此来提高学生参与活动的积极性。在网上是很难找到对应的说课稿的,而且大多数都是中文的。我原来都是在网上找了很多,然后自己综合一下弄一个模板。最后把每一课的内容套进去就行啦。这里给你一个我找的,最好你在网上多找几个类似的自己综合一下。Module TWO A Job Wort

19、h DoingHello, everyone. Today Im very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My name is .I come from No.1 Middle School of Xiajin. My topic is The Human Traffic Signal.At first, I want to analyze the teaching materials: This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very impor

20、tant part in the English teaching of this module. As we all know, reading ability is very important for the Ss. so, we should develop it step by step. Of course, we should let the Ss receive some moral education. Then, let us analyze the Ss. They have known some reading skills. But they dont really

21、master them. In this lesson, I want to develop the ability of understanding the main idea. According to this, I set up 3 teaching aims for this lesson. The first is knowledge aim. Let the Ss understand the main idea of the text. The second is ability aim. That is to say let them retell the text in t

22、heir own words. The third is emotional aim. I will help them increase their awareness of contributions to people.I think the key point of this lesson is how to understand the text better. However, there are two difficult points: they are how to use their own words to retell the text and how to under

23、stand some difficult sentences in their passage. Before dealing with this lesson, Ill do my best to carry out the following theories:Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher myself act as a director; combine the language structures with the language functions; let the students receive

24、 moral education while they are learning the English language.To understand the text, I will use some teaching methods: eg, In lead-in, I will use interview to interest our Ss. In reading activity, to make the Ss to have the purpose of reading, I will use Question-and-answer activity teaching method

25、 and Watch-and-listen activity teaching method. In assessment, I will use Pair work or individual work method. To keep the order of the class, I will let them discuss with their desk mates. The teaching aids I use in this class are a tape recorder, multimedia and the blackboard.(Now I will say somet

26、hing about the teaching procedures.)First, to lead the new lesson, I will let the Ss interview each other. What is your favorite job in the future? Then I will ask them the question. They may tell me doctor, teacher, policeman and so on. Let them look at the screen what is the mans job on the screen

27、? With the question, the minds of the Ss have entered the new lesson.Second, to train their listening ability, I will let them listen to the tape and answer the question What is the mans job?Third, to improve the students reading ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph, let them re

28、ad the passage as quickly as they can, and then let them give me the main idea of every part.Fourth, to make them know some detailed information, I will let them read intensively. At the same time, let them look at the questions on the screen. After they finish them, they can put up their hands. As

29、soon as they all finish, I ask one of them to answer the questions and correct the answers.1. What is Timoteos work?2. Where does he work?3. Why is the road so dangerous?4. What does he get for directing the traffic?Fifth, I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they ma

30、ster what I mean to tell them in class. I will let them find out the topic sentences. Whats more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expressions. At the same time, I will write the topic sentences on the blackboard in order to let them retell it easily.Sixth, I want to

31、make them realize: It is important to devote themselves to our country and the people. I will let them discuss in pairs: Is the job worth doing? Why? Then I will draw a conclusion from their answers.Finally, I want to let them improve their writing ability, I leave a passage as homework for them, re

32、write the text in their own words.After the teaching procedures, I want to talk about my blackboard designModule TwoTopic sentences:In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teachers ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily.I write the topic sentenc

33、e on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of great importance in this class. The discussion is the further understanding of the text and its the foundations of the writing.At last, I want to analyze the difficult points: first, some phrases; second, long sentences.Thats all. Tha

34、nk you.Unit 6 Lets go by taxiGood morning ,everyone .Today Ill talk about Unit 6OxfordPrimary English Boook 4:Lets go by taxi. Ill finish this Unit in four lessons,today Ill talk about the first period of the Unit .This Unit is very important of this book.The Unit is the continuation of Unit 8 Oxfor

35、d Primary English Book3. It provides the new words of places:station ,supermarket,library,theatre,hospital and airport.The new phrases: by train,by plane,by minibus and on foot.When learn the new words and new phrases, the Ss will come into contact with the new pattern: Shall we go to by ? As we kno

36、w there isnt a long histroy that the Ss have learntEnglish in the primary school,so the main instructional aims of teaching English is to cultivate the Ss abilities of listening, speaking and the synthetic abilities of communication,co-operation and investigation.And to cultivate their good sense of

37、English. (本课是本册教材中较为重要的依棵,它是牛津小学英语3A第八单元知识的一个延伸。在本单元中提供了六个地点类的单词及四个交通工具类的单词和学生在学习单词的过程中将会遇到的一个新句型Shall we go to by? 我们知道小学生学习英语的时间不是很长,所以这一堂课的主要教学目标将一培养学生的听说读写能力及与人交流合作和初步调查研究的能力和较好的英语语感。)Teaching contents:1. The new words of the places: station, supermarket, library and so on.2. The new words of ve

38、hicles: train, plane, minibus and foot.3. The new pattern: Shall we go to by ? Teaching aims:1. The aims to the knowledgea. To enable the Ss to read and spell the new wordsand understand the meaning of the new words.b. To help the Ss learn the new pattern: Shall we go to by ?c. To enable the Ss to c

39、ommunicate with the others using the new pattern.2. The aims to the abilitiesa. To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking .b. To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively.3. The aims to the emotiona. To educate the Ss to be polite and helpful to the others. The key pionts:1.

40、To enable the Ss master the new words.2.To enable the Ss study in groups and co-operate with the others.3.To arouse the Ss interest in English. Teaching methods: To cultivate the Ss abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,to increase the Ssability of learning English by themselves and to

41、 arouse their interest ,in this peroid,Ill use the teaching methods below:(为培养学生的听说读写和学习英语的自主能力,为激发他们学习英语的兴趣,在这堂课中,我将会采用以下的教学方法:)1. Communication method(交际法)Ill set up a real situation,in this way ,the Ss can say in pairs or in groups,they can say freely and neednt worring about making mistakes.2. T

42、ask-based method (任务法)That is to say Ill let the Ss finish a task by making a short dialogue and acting it out.To help the Ss get a better undersangding of the key structure. Teaching aids: In this lesson, the CAI,some pictures will be used. Teaching procedure:Step 1Warm up1. Sing a song .2. Make a

43、free talk between the T-S ,S-S.Are you happy today?Lets go to the park,OK?. This step is to form a better situation for rhe students by singing and speaking.They will come into thereal surrounding of English learning,And it can also review the learnt knowledge for the next step.(这一环节通过唱歌和自由对话为学生营造了较

44、好的语言环境,他们会很快地进入英语学习的情境中来,在此同时也复习了旧知,为下一步的学习做好了充分的准备。)Step 2Presentation Ill mainly talk about this period.1. Learn the new words of placesa. CAI shows a big beautiful picture of a city.b. A little cat go around the city and tell the Ss what place it is .c. Write down the words on the blackboard.Ask

45、them to read and spell ,pay attention to the pronunciation.d. Show some pictures of the places,ask sb to say and put the pictures in the right places on the blackboard.e. Practise the new words:(1) Show some signs of the places and ask them to guess what place it is.For example show a red cross to g

46、uess that is a hospital.(2) Guide them to make a short dialogue and practise with their partners.Shall we go to ?All right. This step is not to present the new words one by one,just with the help of the CAI and the pictures,it can provide a real situatian to understand the meaning of the words and to arouse the Ssinterest in English learning.A competition can encourage them to try by themselves and improve their ability of learning. (这一环节,并不是简单地逐个呈现要学的新单词,而是借助于多媒体和图片,为学生的学习提供了一个较真实的情境,让他们在情境中学会新知,对所学新单词的意思有比较好的理解,同时也大大激发了学生学习英


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