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《客车挡风玻璃雨刮器系统毕业论文外文翻译.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《客车挡风玻璃雨刮器系统毕业论文外文翻译.doc(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、客车挡风玻璃雨刮器系统前言,这个文件除了新增加的SAE技术标准委员会指定的标准外没有其他改变。1 范围这个范围是汽车工程师协会推荐的实践范围,包括建立统一的测试程序及轿车挡风玻璃雨刷系统和最其低性能标准。这一文件提供了雨刷系统的特点和现象的统一术语。还包括系统评估指南,为工程布局的研究,提供系统的评估标准。测试程序仅限于那些可以用统一的测试设备进行测试的商用实验室。此文件中测试程序和最低性能标准应基于现有的工程数据。该文件将全部作为定期检测挡风玻璃擦系统性能和其他数据的调整依据。 2 参考资料2.1适用出版物以下出版物组成规定范围内的一部分规范。除非另有说明以汽车工程师协会出版的最新版本为准。

2、2.1.1汽车工程师协会出版出版物出自汽车工程师协会,英联邦道400号,瓦伦德尔,宾夕法尼亚15096-0001。汽车工程师协会J941机动车驾驶员眼睛定位2.1.2 ASTM出版物出自美国ASTM,巴尔港道100号,韦斯特康舍霍肯,宾夕法尼亚19428-2959。ASTM 518橡胶表面抗拉伸实验ASTM 1171汽车橡胶化合物开裂的耐候性试验3 定义3.1挡风玻璃雨刮系统雨刮系统包括风挡玻璃的外表面清洗装置,以及必要的设备与开动和停止控制系统。3.2挡风玻璃雨刷一个有效的清洗擦拭装置,它由一个轴支撑,并固定雨刷臂,支持与控制雨刷叶片原件。3.3雨刷叶片原件是雨刷与挡风玻璃表面相接处的弹性原

3、件。3.4刮雨区玻璃上表面被雨刷覆盖的有效工作区域。这些区域必须位于客车车辆上满足成员视线要求的位置。3.5 眼睛活动范围在汽车工程师协会J941中界定的驾驶员眼睛在汽车中的统计位置,为本文建议的最新标准,J941以前的汽车工程师协会标准将不再被使用。对于个别车型轿车座椅,使用第2.2段中的汽车工程师协会J941附录。3.6有效擦除模式雨刷以一个高频率的往复循环运动清除挡风玻璃表面的水。3.7串联模式雨刮器在挡风玻璃表面以同一方向同时的刮擦方式。3.8反向模式雨刮器在挡风玻璃表面以相反方向同时的刮擦方式。3.9颤振不规则的雨刷运动,通常伴随着噪音或者径向线。 3.10鼓胀雨刮器按不同范围和回转

4、半径的刮擦模式。3.11条纹指在擦拭模式中未将水擦拭的弧线。3.12 扇形刮擦不均匀擦拭的外边缘。3.13边界斑点在雨刮器进行刮擦后一些飞溅在挡风玻璃表面上的细小水滴。3.14水膜雨刮器在挡风玻璃表面刮擦过后的极短时间内玻璃便面水分形成的一层薄膜。3.15周期指雨刷运动系统从一端运动到另一端并返回所用的时间。3.16雪荷载刮水器系统在大量积雪的限制进行刮擦时的负荷。3.17电机失速扭矩电动机特定的条件下维持运动两个周期的最大转矩。3.18系统转矩力矩要克服的雨刷最大的摩擦和在特定条件下的驱动机制。3.19湿干条件挡风玻璃从湿过渡到干燥过程中产生的最大摩擦。3.20水分大气降水中的液态,半液态或

5、冻结状态(雪)的水。3.21空气的相对速度在车辆行进方向上车速和风俗适量平行分量的差异。3.22日光开幕术语“白天开放”。指车窗在最大的开启状态时,其车窗玻璃的正常安装标准。4 一般性能4.1挡风玻璃雨刮器系统4.1.1刮擦面积描述挡风玻璃最小刮擦面积的三个外部表面的具体区域。这三个区域的开发与制造商加载到汽车的基础设计荷载,并确定为表1中如图1所示的A、B、C三个区域对应角度的数值。在侧视图,上部和下部的区域的边界通过两个相互交叉的平面建立,并由驾驶室内驾驶员眼睛位置在挡风玻璃中的最高点和最低点确定。图1 - EYELLIPSE模板位置4.1.2频雨刷系统的设计应提供两个或两个以上的频率。其

6、中最低频率应为45个次/分。最高和一个较低的频率应相差至少15次/分。这个低频率至少应为20次/分。这些频率必须在车辆正常工作条件下,以下测试程序和测试条件在5.2中建立。 表 1刮擦区域 区 百分比 左角度 右角度 上角度 下角度 A 80 、 18 、 56 、 10 、 5 B 95 、 14 、 53 、 5 、 3 C 100 、 10 、 15 、 5 、 14.1.3耐久性除擦拭叶片元素外的擦拭系统,必须在规定的用测试程序和5.2建立的测试条下能够工作1500000个周期。4.1.4强度该系统的功能和所有机械部件应能承受5.3中测试程序和测试条件下的失速载荷。4.1.5温度适应能

7、力挡风玻璃雨刮器系统在5.4规定的测试程序和测试条件下须能在130 5F(35 3C)和-20 5F(-30 5 C)下正常工作。4.1.6可达性雨刷系统控制装置应安置在驾驶员容易触及的位置。4.2挡风玻璃雨刷4.2.1耐久性5.2所述的测试程序和测试条件下,除雨刷器刮片外的挡风玻璃雨刷装置,应能工作1 500 000周期,并且雨刷在完成了500万个周期后有效刮擦率应在75%。4.2.2老化雨刷器中的橡胶组件应能承受5.5中的臭氧测试,并按照ASTM D-1171确定耐候性实验的ASTM评级标准。外置汽车橡胶化合物4.2.3耐化学性雨刷器的擦拭部件放在一个装有50%甲基或异丙醇溶液中浸泡24小

8、时,其质量变化应不超过2%。5 测试方法5 .1擦拭区域测试程序5.1.1测试设备a.拟定挡风玻璃尺寸和雨刷系统布局。b.确定透明塑料片材重量事先准备好的醋酸纤维或者其他相似材料。c.降压测试降压应能够持续整个测试过程,汽车制造商应确定挡风玻璃表层和雨刮器组件的关系。d.电源该电源所供应的雨刮器电机的最大功率应满足在测试程序规定的条件下汽车制造商的预期性能。e.喷洒设备向玻璃表面喷水的喷雾喷嘴。5.1.2测试程序5.1.2.1起草a.挡风玻璃工作表面。b.擦拭模式应按照挡风玻璃表面湿度的增加和高速运转系统进行设计。这种擦拭程序各个方面的增长应按照实验或者拟定实验结果。c.用于解决问题的全部计算

9、。d.根据车辆水平视图和侧视图和第95届汽车工程师协会J941中的驾驶员眼睛位置图确定的挡风玻璃表面的A、B和C三个区域完成表1数据。e.根据挡风玻璃表面和DLO确定观察范围。通过5.1.2.1中(b)和挡风玻璃A,B和C区的视线范围制定刮擦模式。f. 参考图2和表1中的数值对挡风玻璃表面A、B和C三个区域进行数值核算。图2 失速测试试验a. 雨刷系统在有水条件下高速运的测试实验并确定刮擦轮廓。b. 根据A、B和C三个区域和5.1.2.1(e)中的透明塑料片材重量来调节擦拭模式中刮擦的全部范围。c. 从降压测试到塑料片材改变测试模式,并根据A、B和C三个区域及表1数值进行核对。

10、5.2雨刮系统的耐久性和频率测试5.2.1必要的测试设备a. 失速测试见5.1.1(三)。b. 电源见5.1.1(四)。c. 计数器是一种确定的周期计数装置。d. 喷涂设备见5.1.1(五)e. 喷水器是一个提供5.2.2(d)中所需水的设备.f. 清洁剂对测试设备进行清洗的工具。g. 温度测定装置温度计或同等设备。h. 电压表。i. 真空压力表。j. 液压压力表。5.2.2测试条件a. 环境温度为50-100F。b. 水温为45-75F。c. 喷水口为挡风玻璃表面均匀喷水,分配水流量不低于820立方厘米/分钟d. 水的硬度不超过0.2 kg/m3。e. 驱动电机功率(频率测试)使用汽车制造商

11、提供的电平保证汽车正常启动的最低电平功率。5.2.3频率测试程序清洁挡风玻璃。根据5.2.2(c)段整个测试中将不间断的喷洒水。根据5.2.2(e)段规定驱动发动机。并用适当的控制装置确定系统的工作频率。5.2.4耐久性试验程序挡风玻璃刮水器系统必须完成1 500 000次往复运动,其中包括75万次高频运动和75万次低频运动。在这两种高频和低频测试运动,测试次序如下:湿运作半分钟喷洒5次水。干运作半分钟清除水一次。停放位置最多1分钟。对于湿作业,挡风玻璃上的水须按照5.2.2的规定供给。挡风玻璃上的水必须刮擦干净。如果擦拭原件运行15分钟后出现积水现象则需更换雨刷叶片原件。在这个测试除雨刷系统

12、叶片原件外的任何其他部件出现故障均表示测试系统故障。5.3雨刮系统失速测试5.3.1测试设备a. 失速测试见5.1.1(三)。b. 电源见5.1.1(四)。5.3.2测试程序雨刷系统在4.1.4的规定要求并使用指定电源下能正常的运作的测试模式。雨刷系统在以下两个温度下测试:-20 5F(-30 3C)和30 5F(-1 3C)。5.4雨刮系统高温运转能力5.4.1测试设备a.常规试验降压试验在5.2.1中所用的电源、定式装置和其他相关设备不得用于此实验。b. 试验室一个有能力保持降压试验过程中所需温度,即130 5(55 3 C)和/或-20 5(-30 3)的房间5.4.2热态试验程序降压试

13、验和喷涂设备将在130 5的环境下(55 3C)浸泡4小时,并且根据5.2.2(三)中规定雨刮系统和喷洒设备应能在这一环境下保持0.5小时的高速运转。5.4.3冷实验程序降压试验中设备在-20 5 F温度下浸泡4小时并且在相同的温度环境下雨刮器要在0.5小时内保持最大的运转速度。 5.5臭氧测试5.5.1设备商业臭氧测试设备。5.5.2制备雨刷叶片原件将一个6英寸(150毫米)的样品雨刷叶片原件装夹在一个合适的夹具上并根据ASTM D 518中的A项条款检测其表面的拉伸裂痕。标本被拉伸4英寸后将该标本暴露在48h臭氧设备中测试。5.5.3程序试验标本必须在温度为100 5F(38 3)和浓度为

14、50 pphm的臭氧试验室放置72小时。参考文献汽车工程师协会J941机动车驾驶员眼睛定位ASTM 518橡胶化合物表面抗拉伸性实验ASTM 1171汽车曝光橡胶化合物的耐候性实验 PASSENGER CAR WINDSHIELD WIPER SYSTEMSForewordThis Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Standards BoardFormat.1. ScopeThe scope of this SAE Recommended Practice is to establ

15、ish uniform test procedures and minimum performance criteria for passenger car windshield wiping systems and wiper blades. This recommended practice provides a uniform terminology of windshield wiper system characteristics and phenomena. Also included are guides for the use of engineering layout stu

16、dies to evaluate system wiped area performance. The test procedures are limited to those tests that can be conducted on uniform test equipment by commercially available laboratory facilities.The test procedures and minimum performance criteria outlined in this recommended practice are based on curre

17、ntly available engineering data. It is the intent that all portions of the recommended practice will be periodically reviewed and revised as additional data regarding windshield wiping system performance are developed.2. References2.1 Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of

18、the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J941Motor Vehicle Drivers Eye Location2.1.2 ASTM PUBLICATIONSAvailable from

19、ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.ASTM D 518Method of Test for Resistance to Surface Cracking of Stretched Rubber CompoundsASTM D 1171Method of Test for Weather Resistance to Exposure of Automotive Rubber Compounds3. Definitions3.1 Windshield Wiper SystemThe wiper system

20、consists of all the apparatus for cleaning the exterior surface of windshield glazing, together with the necessary devices and controls to actuate and arrest the operations.3.2 Windshield Wiper BladeA device for cleaning the effective wipe pattern, capable of receiving pressure from an arm, comprisi

21、ng a suitable superstructure, and supporting and controlling a wiper blade element.3.3 Wiper Blade ElementThe resilient member of the wiper blade that contacts the windshield glazing surface.3.4 Wiped AreaThe specific area on the windshield glazing surface which shall be covered by the effective wip

22、er pattern. These areas were developed as being compatible with viewing requirements necessary to operate a passenger car vehicle.3.5 EyellipseA statistical representation of the drivers eye location in a motor vehicle, as defined in SAE J941. For the purpose of this recommended practice, the head t

23、urn consideration in SAE J941 will not be used. For individual-type passenger car seats, use paragraph 2.2 of the Appendix in SAE J941.3.6 Effective Wipe PatternThat portion of the wet windshield glazing surface which is cleared when the wiper blade travels through a cycle with system on highest fre

24、quency.3.7 Tandem PatternThe pattern produced by the wiper blades moving in the same direction across the windshield glazing surface simultaneously.3.8 Opposed PatternThe pattern produced by the wiper blades moving in opposite directions across the windshield glazing surface simultaneously.3.9 Chatt

25、erIrregular movement of the wiper blade usually accompanied by temporary visible radial lines and/or noise.3.10 BallooningUnwiped areas within the wiper pattern, varying in size and usually round.3.11 StreakingFine arcuate lines of unwiped moisture within the wipe pattern.3.12 ScallopingUneven wipe

26、at the outer periphery of pattern.3.13 Lace CurtainA maze of fine individual water droplets which are formed after the wiper blade passes over the windshield glazing surface.3.14 HazingAn aerated film spread by the blade and resulting in a transient trailing band on the windshield glazing surface.3.

27、15 CycleA cycle shall consist of wiper blade movement during system operation from one extreme of the windshield wipe pattern to the other extreme and return.3.16 Snow LoadThe load imposed on the wiper system by the accumulation of packed snow, resulting in a limitation of blade travel.3.17 Motor St

28、all TorqueThe maximum torque that the motor can maintain for two cycles at specified conditions.3.18 System TorqueTorque necessary to overcome maximum friction of the wiper blade and the driving mechanism under specified conditions.3.19 Damp DryThe condition of the windshield which produces the high

29、est friction during the transition from a wet to a dry surface.3.20 MoistureAtmospheric water precipitation in liquid, semi-liquid, or frozen state (snow).3.21 Relative Air SpeedThe vector difference of vehicle speed and the component of the wind speed parallel to the direction of travel of the vehi

30、cle3.22 Daylight Opening (DLO)The term daylight opening (DLO) refers to the maximum unobstructed opening through any glass aperature, with reveal or garnish moldings adjoining the glazing surface installed normal tothe glass surface.4. General Performance4.1 Windshield Wiper System4.1.1 WIPED AREATh

31、e minimum windshield wiped area is described by three specific areas on the exterior windshield glazing surface. The three areas are developed with the vehicle loaded to the manufacturers base design load and are identified in Table 1 as areas A, B, and C. Each area has been established using the an

32、gles of Table 1 applied as shown in Figure 1. In the side view, the upper and lower boundary of the area is established by the intersection of two planes, which are seen as lines tangent to the upper and lower edges of the eyellipse, with the windshield glazing surface. The planes are fixed by angle

33、s above and below the XX line.In the plan view, the left and right boundary of the area is established by the intersection of two vertical planes tangent to the left and right edges of the eyellipse with the windshield glazing surface. The planes are fixed by angles to the left and right of the XX l

34、ine. The areas used in determining the percentage of wiped area are those areas on the exterior glazing surface which are not within 1 in. (25 mm) of the edge of the daylight opening (pillars, division bar, header, etc.). The percentage is the ratio of wiped area within the defined area to the defin

35、ed area. Using test procedures established in paragraph 5.1, Table 1 for percentages to be wiped.4.1.2 FREQUENCYThe windshield wiper system shall be designed to provide two or more frequencies. One of the frequencies shall be a minimum of 45 cycles/min. The highest and one lower frequency shall diff

36、er by at least 15 cycles/min. Such lower frequency shall be at least 20 cycles/min. These frequencies must be obtainable under normal vehicle operating conditions regardless of engine speed and engine load, following test procedures and test conditions established in DURABILITYWiping syste

37、m, except for the wipe blade element, must remain functional after operating 1 500 000 cycles, using test procedure and test conditions established in STRENGTHThe system shall be capable of withstanding the loads induced by stall, using test conditions and test procedures established in 5.

38、3, with all mechanical components remaining functional.4.1.5 TEMPERATURE OPERATIONAL CAPABILITYThe windshield wiper system shall be capable of operating between temperatures of 130 5 F (35 3 C) and -20 5 F (-30 5 C), using test procedures and testconditions established in ACCESSIBILITYThe

39、control for the wiper system should be positioned so that it is readily accessible to the Driver4.2 Windshield Wiper Blade4.2.1 DURABILITYUsing test procedures and test conditions described in 5.2, the windshield wiper blade, except for the wiper blade element, shall remain functional after operatin

40、g 1 500 000 cycles and the wiper blade element shall wipe 75% of the effective wipe pattern after 500 000 cycles.4.2.2 AGINGThe wiper blade element of the wiper blade assembly shall withstand the ozone test established in 5.5 with an ASTM rating of two or better, as defined in ASTM D 1171, Method of

41、 Test for Weather Resistance Exposure of Automotive Rubber Compounds.4.2.3 CHEMICAL RESISTANCEA section of the wiper blade element when placed in a 50% solution of either methyl or isopropyl alcohol for a period of 24 h shall not exceed more than 2% weight change.5. Test Methods5.1 Area to be Wiped

42、Test Procedure5.1.1 TEST EQUIPMENTa. Drafting equipment sufficient for full-size windshield and wiper system layout.b. Transparent heavy gage plastic sheetPrepared clear acetate or equivalent.c. Test buckA test buck shall consist of a structure capable of maintaining, throughout the test, the proper

43、 relationship of the glazing surface and the windshield wiping system components as established by the vehicle manufacturer.d. Power sourceThe power source shall supply to the wiper motor the maximum power expected by the vehicle manufacturer under the conditions specified in any of the test procedu

44、re paragraphs.e. Spray equipmentSpray nozzles to apply water to glazing surface.5.1.2 TEST PROCEDURE5.1.2.1 Draftinga. Work to exterior surface of windshield glazing.b. The design wipe pattern will be shown plus the growth due to wet windshield and high-speed system operation. This growth may be det

45、ermined experimentally or an assumed allowance for each direction of wipe may be utilized.c. All calculations shall be made in the unwrapped view.d. In vehicle position plan view and side view, layout windshield surface, DLO (daylight opening), 95th percentile eyellipse per SAE J941, and the areas A

46、, B, and C, generated on the exterior of the windshield glazing surface using the angles from Table 1.e. Develop an unwrapped view of the windshield glazing surface and DLO. Design the wipe pattern, apply growth as described in, and transfer the pattern together with areas A, B, and C int

47、o this unwrapped view.f. Calculate the percentages of areas A, B, and C that are wiped with design pattern plus growth, in the unwrapped view. See Figure 2 and compare the values with those of Table Test Buck Evaluationa. Operate test buck with water on and wiper system on high speed, and mark outline of wipe pattern.b. Transfer ful


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