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《实用英语精华.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《实用英语精华.doc(38页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【家庭生活】I have a large family. 我家是个大家庭。| I live alone in an apartment. 我一个人住在公寓里。| Any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?| Im getting engaged. 我快要订婚了。| Hows your married life? 婚后生活怎么样?| She wants to start a family. 她想要个孩子。【微语录】Each weakness is an opportunity to develop new strength.每个弱点都是一个发展新特长的机会。【不要录音】当某人说他的话是off

2、the record时,他表示他不想他的话被公开。在新闻报道中,我们常可以看见某些敏感话题的信息透入者的话是off the record的。例:He told us off the record that the firm was doing badly this year. 他私下里向我们透露,这家公司今年的营业状况不太好。当你跟别人发生分歧的时候,你会怎么处理? 今天我们就要说到 To clear the air 清除两人间不愉快的气氛,其实就是“消除隔阂”的意思。每次我要是和朋友有什么不愉快我都会这么做,clear the air. 坦诚地谈谈问题,其实你们会发现,没有什么是不能解决的【

3、偏爱有加!】看到weakness很多人的本能反应就是SWOT分析里面的“弱点、不足”的意思。但要注意,have a weakness for可不能理解为不擅长什么。事实上,它形容某人特别喜欢某样东西。She has a weakness for puppy. 她对小狗宠爱有加。【我很生气,后果很严重】Youre getting on my nerves. 你让我心烦。| I lost my temper. 我发脾气了。| It drives me mad. 我要被逼疯了。| Im mad at you! 气死我了!| What an ungrateful man! 忘恩负义的家伙。| What

4、 he said offended me. 他说的话真气人。【美英语】Even if Im not strong enough now, but for you, Ill try to be stronger.即使我也不够坚强,但我永远都会把我的坚强为你绽放,为了你而变得更坚强When I thought I couldnt go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck. 当我以为我无法继续走下去时,我强迫自己要继续前进。我的成功是基于我的坚持,并非运气。If you wan

5、t to fly too high in relation to the horizon forget. 如果想飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。【英文潮语缩写】btw(by the way) 顺便再说一句;g2g(got to go):要走了;ttyl(talk to you later):下次再说;jk(just kidding):开玩笑,别当真;omg(oh my god):我的天啊;sth(something):某事某物;plz(please):请。【实用英语】There is nothing permanent except change. 唯一不变的就是变化。(这句话是希腊哲学家赫拉克利特

6、(Heraclitus)说的。那么,当变化来的时候,不要害怕. )【礼貌拒绝】(二):Im sure you will do fine on your own.我相信你自己可以做好的。I cant at that time, but Im happy to help you with something else later.这会儿我帮不上忙,不过以后有事可以找我。Im sorry, but I have an emergency to attend to.不好意思,我有急事要处理。【笑】How did you get so hilarioushilris?你怎么这么欢乐!| He just

7、laughed it off. 他一笑了之。| I could hardly keep a straight face. 我几乎忍不住笑出来。| Why are you grinning like an idiot?怎么笑得跟个白痴似的?| The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑一百步。【早安】The so-called life, all depends on who you meet. 所谓人生,便是取决于遇见谁。Everbody makes mistakes, thats why they put erasers on the end of pencil

8、s.人生难免犯错,这就是为什么把橡皮擦安在铅笔后面的原因。Everyone has a corner, to get out of their own, others do not break in, I have the deepest secrets in there, you do not understand me, I do not blame you. 每个人都有一个死角,自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去,我把最深沉的秘密放在那里,你不懂我,我不怪你。(on your own独立的)(of ones own某人自己的)【自拍英语肿么说?】自拍照=Selfie,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网

9、站的照片。A selfie is a photographic self-portrait, particularly one taken with the intent of posting it to a social network. 自拍过的童鞋,默默转走!【常用口语】1、 You aint seen nothing yet. 你还没看过更好(烂)的;好戏还在后头 2、 To give a rain check 改天的邀请I cant come to dinner Tuesday but hope youll give me a rain check. 星期二我不能来参加宴会了,希望下

10、次吧。Thats what friends are for. 这就是好朋友啊【Morning English】Never regret. If its good, its wonderful. If its bad, its experience.不要后悔。如果成功,那是最好;如若失败,也是一段经历。【反义词短语】come and go往来;now yes, now no出尔反尔;from start to finish自始至终;here and there到处;up and down上上下下;in and out进进出出;day and night日日夜夜地;early or late迟早;

11、young and old老老少少;rain or shine不论晴雨/无论如何【可以吗】Can I ask you a favor?可以麻烦你帮个忙吗?| May I use the bathroom?可以借用下卫生间吗?| Can I put in a word here? 我可以插句话吗?| May I take a look around? 可以四周看看吗?| Is this seat taken?我可以坐这儿吗? | Can I give it a shot?我能试试不? 【ppb卖萌】The longest day has an end.最难过的日子也有尽头。【每日必备词汇】obj

12、ective【adj.】客观的【n.】目标,目的。objectionable【adj.】该反对的,有异议的,讨厌的。objectivety【n.】客观性。observable【adj.】可观察到的,值得注意的,可遵守的。obsolete【adj.】已废弃的,过时的。【职场】Theyve met with great favor home and abroad.这些产品在国内外很受欢迎。All these articles are best selling lines. 所有这些产品都是我们的畅销货。Your desire coincides with ours. 我们双方的愿望都是一致的。【雅

13、思】I still believe that the stars will speak, the stone will blossom, through the summer and winter snow fence after, you will arrive. 我还是会相信,星星会说话,石头会开花,穿过夏天的栅栏和冬天的风雪过后,你终抵达。【实用英语】人间美味!A true delicacydelks! 哪有!I didnt! 少胡说。Thats rubbish. 又来了。Here we go again. 太顽固了。You are so pigheaded. 别装傻。Dont play

14、 the fool. 别搞砸了。Dont ruin it. 着什么急?What are you rushing for?【isolate】 vt. 使隔离,使孤立。 isolate 指完全分离、隔开,也指人或物处于完全孤立的状态。 例句:The patient should isolate from his child. 这个病人必须立刻和他的孩子隔离。【每日一句】Be the actor of your own life, not a spectatorspektet of others lives做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客。Since you leave, in my lif

15、e is left over two matters to be possible to do, seeks for you and waits for you.自从你离开,我的生命里就剩下两件事可做,寻找你和等待你。【微语录】Dont forget the things you once owned. Treasure the things you cant get. Dont give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory曾经拥有的,不要忘记;不能得到的,更要珍惜;属于自己的,不要放弃。已

16、经失去的,留作回忆。【人生感悟】Life is not about living but about striving. When you get up, get up motivated. Live with a perpetual ppetl; -tjlsense of urgencyd()ns不要为了活着而活着,要为之奋斗。当你醒来时,应该充满动力,永远有种紧迫感。【人生感悟】Dont cry over the past, its gone. Dont stress about the future, it hasnt arrived. Live in the present and m

17、ake it beautiful. 别为过去哭泣,过去已经过去。别为未来焦虑,未来还未到来。要活在当下,还要活得漂亮【死党间口头禅】别耍花招Nothing tricky 有话直说Talk truly 晚饭我请=Dinner is on me 我郁闷=Ive got the blues 少来=Dont give me that 穷死了=Im short on cash 你老大=You are the boss 打赌吗=You want a bet? 饶了我= Give me a break 少装蒜=Dont play possumpsm。【急】what is the hurry?急什么呀hold

18、 your horses.别着急just give me one second.马上就好i have been so short-tempered lately.我最近性子特别急dont jump to conclusions.别急着下结论what is so urgent?啥事这么急?take your time.不急慢慢来。【想法】I want to appear as a good girl in everyday life and a bad girl in my own thoughts.Outwardly I want to appear as a tender and lovin

19、g lady,and yet being able to transform into any state of mind.我要做个思想上的女流氓,生活上的好姑娘,外形上的柔情少女,心理上的变形金刚。【“熬夜”英语】stay up late熬夜;late hours熬夜;keep late hours晚睡晚起;burn the mid-night oil熬夜;sit up late熬夜;a night owl夜猫子;pull an all-nighter开夜车,熬夜【做人,做事】conduct oneself nobly;conduct oneself wisely;conduct onese

20、lf wellconduct oneself with dignity;to conduct oneself and business;behave。1. Second: we can know that the knowledge of Confucian learning wasconductoneselfand business. 第二点可以看出儒家的学问,就是指做人做事的道理。2. No matter where, when, it is all the most important toconductoneself. 不管在什么地方,什么时候,做人都是最重要的。3. The gran

21、dmother has taught me a lot of Methods: Thatconductoneselfand deal with matters.外婆教会了我很多为人处事的方法。【影视】to the innocent, the past may hold a reward. But for the treacheroustret()rs, its only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve对于无辜的人,过去承载着美好的记忆。但对于那些背信弃义的人,他们最终会因自己丑陋的过去而得到应有

22、的报应。复仇【忘了】I forgot what I was gonna say.我忘记我要说什么了。its on the tip of my tongue .话到嘴边却忘了。i forgot to tell you that .忘记跟你说了。It totally slipped my mind. 我忘得一干二净了。i cant get him out of my head.我根本忘不了他。forget it.别提了【longre词汇】poker/playing card 扑克牌;club 梅花;diamond 方块;heart 红桃;spade 黑桃/铲子;big joker 大王;littl

23、e joker 小王;aceeis 尖儿;face cards/court cards 花牌(J、Q、K);straight flush 同花顺;pocket 手上的底牌;shuffle 洗牌;【聊什么呢】Lets get together and catch up on things. 我们找时间聚聚叙叙旧吧。| It was good to shoot the breeze with you. 跟你聊会儿天真好。 | Lets talk over coffee. 我们边喝咖啡边聊。 | Nice chatting with you. 跟你聊天真高兴。| Catch you later. 回

24、头再聊。【铃铛响啦】It rings a bell表示“很耳熟”。它似曾相识,听起来非常耳熟。它的否定形式it doesnt ring a bell就表示你从来都没有听说过。例句:The music rings a bell but I cant remember its name.音乐听起来似曾相识,可是我想起来它的名字了。【自然灾害篇】earthquake地震;aftershock余震;tsunami海啸;avalanche雪崩 ;mudslide泥石流 ;landslide山体滑坡;drought干旱 ;faminefmn饥荒;haze霾 ;hail冰雹;flood洪水 ;blizzar

25、d暴风雪;hurricane飓风;tornado龙卷风;typhoon台风;heat wave热浪美剧中精选句型,要说就说地道口语!31 I am sick of watching you play Vickie.我受够了你耍Vickie受够了做什么事情的表达方式:I am done doing sth.现在还有第二种哦I am sick of doing sth./I am sick of sth.32 i am gonna grab some coffee.去找些咖啡。grab的字典解释有四种1.攫取,抓取;2.夺取,霸占3.赶;匆忙地做4.【俚】将.吸引住;影响这里我觉得是第一种,很困了

26、需要咖啡又不知道咖啡在哪里时用的。33 sleep tight.好好睡一觉除了good night之外第二种晚安的方式哦34 I wasnt myself yesterday.我昨天状态不对 你和某人吵架了或者做错了事就可以这样说:I am sorry, I wasnt myself at that time.35 I am sick of the tough love speech jer.我不想再苦口婆心的说教了sick of的用法不说了,这里比较有趣的是tough love speech各位的老爸老妈老师们是不是老是不屈不挠地发表着充满爱的演讲呢?36 I vote for none o

27、f the above. /I vote for right here and right now.vote for为XX投票,选择的意思。37 Ill keep an eye out for her.我会帮你留意她的42)Maybe we should presspause也许我们该叫停了pause键MP3/CD上都有的43)She was really involved in the founders council她和创建者协会很有渊源直译为“她真真切切的被卷入创建者协会里面去了”44)StefanI would be honored to accompany you.能陪你去是我的荣幸

28、 ElenaThe pleasure is all mine.感到荣幸的是我才对。【实用英语】学会做一个有粘性的人哦!不信,看看我们身边的它们!Post-it/pop-up note便签纸,self adhesive tape透明胶,taper dispenser胶带台,double sided adhesive tape双面胶,glue胶水,super glue万能胶!【实用英语】如何让繁忙的工作变得轻松起来?一些有用的小道具会大大地帮助到我们哦!Hole puncher打孔机,staplerstep()l订书机,staplesstep()l订书钉,tag needle回形针。【实用英语】各

29、位亲,一起来扫视一下自己的办公桌,看看上面有没有这三样东西。日理万机、热爱读书的你怎么能少了它们呢?Document tray文件档,magazine tray杂志架,以及book stand书立。【实用英语】昨天关于“笔”的知识大家还记得吗?复习一下,开始我们今天关于“纸”的学习吧。我们平时用的硬面抄用hard cover,牛皮纸的东西用brown来形容也是可以的。而文件袋filing paper bag自然是不可不会,在它上面绕来绕去的那根绳子则是filing string。【实用英语】Ill get back to you on it. 我再回复你.(无法马上决定某事时使用) Dont

30、sweat it. 别费心思了/别多虑了You are a creep. 令人讨厌的人We have a bit of a celebration. 稍微庆祝一下From me you wont hear another peep. 休想我会再和你来往.【实用英语】Give him the works! 给他点教训! Give me a break! 饶了我吧! Give me a hand! 帮我一个忙! Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同!【实用英语】集合名词:一堆星星a cluster of stars 一行阶梯a flight of steps 一副扑克a

31、pack of cards 一群小狗a litter of puppies 一群苍蝇a swarm of flies 一群兔子a nest of rabbits 一群鲸鱼a school of whales 一束花a bunch of flowers 【早安】Take things as they come.顺其自然,随遇而安。Let nature take its course.顺其自然Control your emotions. Dont be controlled by your emotions. 控制你的情绪。而不是被你的情绪所控制【触动心灵的英文短句】 Sometimes what

32、 you want isnt always what you get, but in the end what you get is so much better than what you wanted. 很多时候,你得不到你想要的,但最终,你拥有的一定比当初渴望的要好得多。【关于就餐礼仪(2)】: How do westerners respond to this practice? 对这种做法有什么反映? They find it most unpleasant. 不愉快They also consider picking ones teeth and putting on makeup

33、 at the table nonos. 剔牙和化装要不得 7 when it comes to tipping, the amount is up to you.【晚安】Dont look back, let it go.莫回头,忘就忘了吧【关于安排座位(1): 】1 A table for two? 要两人的桌子吗? 2 A table for five please. We are expecting another 3 friends. 还有3个朋友要来. 3 Would you like to be seated now? 要就坐吗? 4 I can show them where

34、you are. 领他们过来. 5 Do you have a separate room? 包间 6 Well take that.要它【实用英语第115天】: 571 I dont want to get a tan/棕褐色/. Did you put on sunscreen? 晒黑/抹防晒霜 572 It is drizzling/sprinking. 下毛毛雨/It is pouring. 大雨 573 We got caught in a downpour. 倾盆大雨 574 Its nastynst. 天气太糟了/im soaked/all wet. 湿透了 575 Its br

35、eezy/chilly 微风轻拂/凉【实用英语第114天】: 566 We parted ways as friends. 友好地分手 567 He looked so mean. 好凶/Yuck! 讨厌/恶心 568 You are smart to hold your tongue. 闭嘴 569 It is burning up out there/It is hot as hell. 太热啦 570 Today is so muggymg. I am sweating like a pig. 闷热,汗如雨下.【实用英语第113天】: 561 She likes you. Shes ju

36、st playing hard to get. 欲擒故纵 562 I dont hold a grudgegrd 怨恨;恶意;妒忌. 怀恨在心 563 He works like a man possessedpzest. 疯狂工作(像被鬼附身一样/身不由己) 564 Dont push your luck. 别得寸进尺 565 I am in/out. 我加入/放弃/退出.【实用英语第112天】: 556 Ill get back to you on it. 我再回复你.(无法马上决定某事时使用) 557 Dont sweat it. 别费心思了/别多虑了 558 You are a cre

37、ep. 令人讨厌的人 559 We have a bit of a celebration. 稍微庆祝一下 560 From me you wont hear another peep隐约看见,瞥见. 休想我会再和你来往.【实用英语第111天】: 551 He and his girlfriend just splitsplt up. 分手 552 She crushed that company. 搞垮 553 Stop rubbing擦;摩擦;擦破 it in. 别落井下石 554 He has too much on his plate. 贪多嚼不烂/有太多事要做 555 Ill tak

38、e care of it. 我来处理/ You know what? let me handle it. 这样吧,我来处理.【实用英语第110天】: 546 Dont hog3. 口语自私的人;粗野的人;贪婪的人;贪食者;肮脏的人,猪it all. 别一个人独享/独占 547 Get out of my face. 别来烦我 548 I barely even know you. 我与你一点也不熟. 549 I am on my way. 我马上去/Way to go. 你真有一套. 550 I am getting by OK.还过得去./Are you able to get by on

39、the salary you make? 挣得够花吗?【实用英语第109天】: 541 I cant get enough of those emotional Korean dramas. 看不够- 542 I think they are too cheesy. 太俗/太粘 543 Your new frames are wild. 镜框太劲爆 544 Quit yapping. 别吵吵了./ Sure thing. 没问题 545 Ill catch up with you guys a little later. 待会去找你们【实用英语第108天】: 536 This is not t

40、he idea of afternoon tea. 并非我想象中的- 537 I second that motion/Good call. 我赞成 538 Bulgogi, it has been so long. 烤牛肉,好久都没做- 539 I am in the mood for some wine. 我想来点- 540 We flip for who does the dishes. 掷硬币决定谁洗碗【实用英语第107天】: 531 But then again. 不过话又说回来. 532 I am impressed. 我很感动/你吓到我了,我终生难忘. 533 You will

41、be impressed. 你一定会喜欢的. 534 All you ever do is eat. 除了吃你还会干啥? 535 You are telling me. 那还用说?废话.【实用英语第106天】: 526 This is to die for. 死而无撼(表赞叹,好的无可挑剔) 527 How can i ever thank you enough?我该怎么感谢你? 528 I am so sorry you went to all that trouble. 让你这么费心 529 You blew it on it. 你搞砸了 530 Is your head fucked?

42、你脑子有病啊?/nonstick skillet不粘锅【实用英语第105天】: 521 How come you are here? 怎么会在这遇见你? 522 toaster 面包机/coffee maker/juicer榨汁机/blender果汁机/搅拌器/vending machine自动贩卖机 523 fan 抽油烟机/gas ranges燃气灶/electric ranges电炉/plastic wrap保鲜膜 524 Wild guess. 瞎猜的 525 One-time thing.下不为例【实用英语第104天】: 516 Ill establish my own identi

43、ty in the world. 证明自己的价值 517 My feelings have gone underground. 密封起来 518 Here is something for you. 一点小意思.(给小费时说) 519 Im going to check my luggage at the front desk. 寄放 520 what year are you in? 你读几年级?【实用英语第103天】: 511 We will play the night away by doing it. 玩掉/耗掉 512 This firework show puts all to

44、shame. 使-相形失色 513 Your dumplings are the hit of the party. 抢手货/高潮/中心 514 Everyone really pitched in. 尽心尽力 515 Why are you pushing me away? 拒我于千里之外【实用英语第102天】: 506 bring in the New Year 守岁/worship a Happy New Year 拜年 507 worship ones ancestors 祭祖/burn incense for the ancestors上香 508 The party is in f

45、ull swing. 正起劲/最热烈之时 509 It is funny you say that. 这么巧,我也要这么说 510 Ill say. 当然(非常赞同)【实用英语第101天】: 501 Man, your house is spotless. 天啊,一尘不染/洁净无暇 502 I just did a big spring-cleaning. 彻底大扫除 503 She gets decked out. 精心打扮 504 May every year bring surplus. 年年有余 505 It is a play on words. 文字游戏 couplet 春联/fa

46、mily feast年夜饭【实用英语第100天】: 496 Should we grab a bite? 吃点东西/找些吃的 497 We are really going to pig out tomorrow night. 大吃一顿 498 Why dont we have a potluck? 各自带来的聚餐 499 five-spice watermelon seeds 五香瓜子/dim sum 中式点心500 i am there. 我一定到(收到邀请时)【实用英语第99天】: 491 Whats the hurry? 这么急干吗? / Almost done. 快好了. 492 I

47、 am getting it. 有点头绪了./ Hold yourself. 别乱来. 493 It is your show. 现在看你的了. 494 He will buy my words. 会给我点面子. 495 No guts no glory. 爱拼才会赢./ Not so. 事情并非如此.【实用英语第98天】: 486 Tell it to me from A to Z. 原原本本告诉我. 487 Please get it straight for me. 替我搞定 488 No more bargain. 一口价了. 489 Dont push it too hard. 别做

48、得太绝 490 Do you have opinions? 不服气啊!【实用英语第97天】: 481 My heart warms to her. 心生好感 482 He always pinches pennies. 精打细算 483 You will charm all women to death. 迷死 484 What is a big deal with money? 有钱有什么了不起? 485 Dont play games with me. 别玩花样.【实用英语第96天】: 476 Dont throw your weight about. 仗势欺人 477 I dont want to outstay my welcome. 因呆得太久而不受欢迎 478 Their opinions are poles apart. 南辕北辙/截然相反 479 She is a cuckoo in the nest. 破坏他人家庭幸福的人 480 Have a heart. 拜托【实用英语第95天】: 47


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