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《高中英语写作专题讲座.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语写作专题讲座.doc(41页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date高中英语写作专题讲座高中英语写作专题讲座高中英语写作专题讲座第一讲认识篇【要点提示】1、 考试大纲和说明中对书面表达的评分标准是什么?2、 书面表达的解题步骤是什么?3、 书面表达的高分策略及备考思路有哪些?一、 高考英语书面表达评分标准及解读【高考英语书面表达全国卷评分标准】(一)评分原则:1、本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。2、评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步





6、重要的事实和观点,长句是为了解释看法和理论,或对细节繁多事物的描述(丁往道、吴冰等,1984)。例如,在常见的漫画作文中,对图片描述不妨借用长句以较短的篇幅呈现,而针对漫画中反映的问题提出建议时应以短句体现简洁明了。1. 简单句也可能成为好句子(1)恰当的形容词、副词表达意见,情感流露的载体。例如:It turned into a quarrel. It turned into a horrible/terrible/fierce quarrel.虽然只是添加了一个形容词,但quarrel 的程度、作者的态度和场景的再现更好地表现了出来。又如:They began to quarrel. Th

7、ey began to quarrel with each other blindly/furiously.(2)同位语精巧完善欲达之意。例如:Li Jiang, who is Su Huas classmate, is also to blame. Li Jiang, Su Huas classmate, is also to blame.定语从句固然带来了复杂结构,但简洁明了是行文的基本要求,该惜墨处勿泼墨。又如:The boy went back home and was full of fear. The boy went back home, full of fear.形容词短语fu

8、ll of fear作状语的表达既简洁明了,又生动形象。(3)评注性状语娓娓道来,突出了写作的交际性。例如:It was Sus fault but Li was also to blame. To be honest/To be frank, it was Sus fault but Li was also to blame.评注性状语是插入语的一种,它与状语很接近,但它并不修饰谓语或其他词,而是对整个句子进行解释或说明,表明说话人的看法或态度,给读者以娓娓道来之感。又如:To be short, it is everyones responsibility to keep the worl

9、d clean.(4)非谓语结构简洁生动之美。例如:Sandy struck the USA and caused great damage to the infrastructure. Sandy struck the USA, causing great damage to the infrastructure.非谓语结构是丰富句子的有效结构,书面性强,表达更为生动。又如:After I finished my homework, I often relaxed myself by playing computer games. Having finished my homework, I

10、 often relaxed myself by playing computer games.(5)被动语态地道之美。例如:Some people say this kind of milk contains different levels of nutrients. This kind of milk is said to contain different levels of nutrients. It is said that this kind of milk contains different levels of nutrients.受母语负迁移的影响,学生在表达动作发出者不明

11、确时常用主动语态表达,有中式英语之嫌;而使用被动结构却能给句子带来地道英语之美。又如:People believe that mutual understanding contributes to a permanent friendship. It is generally believed that mutual understanding contributes to a permanent friendship.2. 复杂自有其道(1)复合句长短之变,节奏之美。例如:Su Hua and Li Jiang played basketball on the playground. The

12、y both jumped up to catch the flying ball. Su Hua and Li Jiang were playing basketball on the playground when they both jumped up to catch the flying ball.复合句使用了定语从句、状语从句,明确了概念的外延,增大了概念的内涵,逻辑性强。再有,长短句结构交替使用后,语句内部抑扬顿挫的节奏感就出来了,从而使文章流畅自然,生动活泼。(2)倒装句强化情感,让句子结构趋于平衡。例如:Su said many mean words to Li and sh

13、outed at the top of his voice as well. Not only did Su say many mean words to Li but also shouted at the top of his voice.倒装句常带来承上启下、平衡结构、强化情感之效。又如:A man, who is in all black, is standing with a gun in hand in front of her. Standing in front of her is a man, who is in all black, with a gun in hand.(

14、3)强调句为了突出句子中的某一部分常使用强调句,以便能引起他人的注意,更明确地表达自己的意愿和情感。例如:He didnt come back until the clock struck twelve. It was not until the clock struck twelve that he came back.(4)省略句干练,无冗长之嫌。例如:While they were catching the flying ball, they bumped into each other. While catching the flying ball, they bumped into

15、each other.(5)虚拟语气极尽感激、遗憾或悔恨之情。例如:No one put himself in the others place. They found no fun in the game. If one of them had put himself in the others place, they could have found more fun in the game.另外,虚拟语气还可以表示说话人的一种愿望、假设、怀疑、猜测、建议等含意。书面表达题中常用“假如你是,你会如何?”来考查考生的个人认识或解决问题的能力。另:一、改变时态并使用倒装 例:The bell

16、is ringing now.(一般) There goes the bell! (高级) 二、改变语态 例:People suggest that the conference be put off.(一般) It is suggested that the conference be put off. (高级) 三、使用不定式 例:He is so kind that he can help me.(一般) He is so kind as to help me.(高级) 四、使用过去分词并进行省略 例:She walked out of the lab and many students

17、 followed her.(一般) Followed by many students, she walked out of the lab.(高级) Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten.(一般) Once seen, it can never be forgotten.(高级) Dont speak until you are spoken to.(一般) Dont speak until spoken to.(高级) 五、使用V-ing形式 例:When he arrives, please give me an e-mail.(一般)

18、On arriving/his arrival, please give me an e-mail.(高级) If the weather permits, Ill come tomorrow.(一般) Ill come tomorrow, weather permitting.(高级) 六、使用名词性从句 例:It disappointed everybody that he didnt turn up.(一般) The fact that he didnt turn up disappointed everybody.(高级)I happened to have met him.(一般)

19、It happened that I hadmethim. (高级) To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.(一般) What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things.(高级) 七、使用定语从句 例:The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written.(一 般) The girl whose composition was well written is spoken hig

20、hly of.(高级) 八、使用状语从句 例:I wont believe what he says.(一般) No matter what he says, I wont believe.(高级) If you come back before six oclock, you can go out.(一般) You can go out on condition that(provided that) you come back before six oclock.(高级) If she doesnt agree, what shall we do?(一般) Supposing that s

21、he doesnt agree, what shall we do?(高级) 九、使用虚拟语气 例:We must take some measures to solve the problem. (一般) Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.(高级) 还有更多句型: Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken. Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures shou

22、ld be taken. 十、使用with结构或独立主格结构 例:The teacher took a book and came into the classroom.(一般) The teacher came in with a book in his hand.(高级) The teacher came in, book in hand.(高级) 十一、副词表动词意义 例:I am going to home(in order)to bring/ fetch some money next Friday. (一般) I am going to home for money next Fr

23、iday.(高级) 又如:The child pull at its mothers coat for more chocolate.那孩子拉着妈妈的衣服还要巧克力。 The dog was going around for food. 那狗在到处寻食。 When the mother saw/ read her sons school report, she was disappointed.(一般) The mother was diappointed at her sons school report.(高级) 十二、使用形象的动词 例:I had a good idea.(一般) A

24、good idea struck me.(高级) I forgot it for the moment.(一般) It slipped from my mind.(高级) Jim went over to sit down on the couch quickly.(一般) Jim threw himself down on the couch.(高级) 还有:The name Harvey Carlson rings a bell. July13, 2001 saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never fade from memory

25、.另:要求二:尽量使用固定词组、句型和习语。学生所学的词组、句型和习语实际上很多,若能准确地加以使用,则既可使文章表述得准确、地道、精练而生动,又可避免中式英语。下面是学生习作中的句子和修改后的句子比较:1原文:Some weak students are difficult to run such a long distance .修改:Its difficult for some weak students to run such a long distance.2原文:She doesnt like sports. 修改:She cares nothing for sports.3原文:

26、Theres a new railway being built. 修改:Theres a new railway under construction.要求三:使用复合句和复杂多变的句型和结构一篇文章如果句子简单松散,表述不简练,或单调乏味,即使语法结构都正确也难得高分。只有使用复合句和复杂的变的句型才能增加文采,丰富文章的表现力,使行文丰富多彩,令读者印象深刻。1原文:My brother was riding the bike and I sat on the seat behind him. 修改:My brother was riding the bike with me sitti

27、ng on the seat behind.(with结构)2原文:We should develop economy and not pollute the environment. 修改:We should develop economy without polluting the environment.(without结构)3原文:Mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient than letters and public phones.修改:Compared with letters and pu

28、blic phones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and more convenient. (非谓语动词)4原文:The driver escaped and didnt stop. He left the old man lying on the ground. 修改:The driving escaped without a stop, leaving the old man lying on the ground. (非谓语动词)5原文:We only realize the importance of protecting t

29、he environment after the rivers are polluted. 修改:Its after the rivers are polluted that we realize the importance of protecting the environment.(强调句) Only after the rivers are polluted do we realize the importance of protecting the environment.(倒装句)6原文:We must keep in mind that hard work is the key

30、to success. 修改:What we must keep in mind is that hard work is the key to success.(名词性从句)7原文:Taking exercise is good for us and it can help improve our health and make us relaxed. 修改:Taking exercise is good for us, which can help improve our health and make us relaxed.(定语从句)8原文:Our country is rich, b

31、ut the qualities of our living is by no means satisfactory. 修改:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living is by no means satisfactory.(状语从句)要求四:使用高级词汇和表达高考英语书面表达鼓励学生尝试语言表达的多样化和复杂化,因此一篇高水准的英语作文除了要点和语言准确,表达多样灵活外,还应有一些较高级词汇贯穿或闪现,形成亮点,突显英语水平,吸引读者眼球。1原文:We should pay attention to environmental P

32、rotection. 修改:We should attach importance to environmental protection.2原文:Some people are against is, thinking that 修改:Some opponents argue that3原文:We all know that trees are important to us. 修改:It is universally acknowledged that trees are important to us.4原文:Physical exercise is good for health. 修

33、改:Physical exercise contributes a lot to our physical fitness.5原文:Theres no doubt that education is good for us. 修改:Theres no denying the fact that education benefits us a lot.6原文:As for education, most people think that its a lifetime study. 修改:When it comes to education the majority of the people

34、believe that its a lifetime study.7原文:More and more people are sending there children abroad to receive further education. 修改:Theres a growing tendency among parents to send their children abroad for further education.8原文:The phenomenon has made many people worried. 修改:The phenomenon has caused publ

35、ic concern.要求五:注意连接词与句子的运用。写好了每个句子,并不一定就是一篇好文章,因为作为一篇文章,还必须行文连贯。那么,如何使文章行文连贯呢?这就要求我们在组成篇章时,要用好过渡性词语,过渡性词语就像是我们组装机械时使用的润滑剂一样,起着润滑的作用。常用的过渡词语主要有:并列递进:and, also, as well as, besides, whats more, furthermore, moreover, in addition, whats worse, more importantly , etc.转折:but, yet, however, although, neve

36、rtheless, in spite of, after all, etc.因果:because, as, for, since, for this reason, because of, so, therefore, thus, as a result, owing to, due to, thanks to, consequently ,etc.对比:or, otherwise, like, unlike, on the contrary, while, on the other hand, instead of, etc.总结:in all, in brief, on the whole, in short, in general, in one word, in conclusion, to conclude, etc.二、-


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