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1、Donny 在北京学中文。他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是杨林要问的:忙。Donny:Hi 杨琳,whats up? I havent seen you in ages.YL: 别提了,我最近特别忙,I am really busy! 忙得四脚朝天,怎么说.four feet up!Donny: four feet up? I can imagine. But in English, we dont say that.You can say Im up to my neck in work.YL: Im up to my neck. in work ? 工作太

2、多,堆到和脖子一样高?被工作压得喘不过气来。这个说法太形象了! 还有别的吗?Donny: There is another expression that also has to do with body parts. It is Ive got my hands full. YL: Ive got my hands full。我明白了,就是说两手都没闲着。Donny: Exactly. Oh, I just thought of another one-I have a lot on my plate. YL: I have a lot on my plate? plate, p-l-a-t

3、-e, plate 不是盘子么?说盘子里有很多东西,那一定是.忙着吃呢吧?Donny:Thats possible! Anyway, when you say you have a lot on your plate, it means youre busy. YL: 我知道了。哎呀,我快迟到了,快,再教最后一个。Donny: Okay, this one will be easier to remember- Ive got a million things to do!YL: 太夸张了吧! Ive got a million things to do! 有一百万件事情等着我去做。Donny

4、: Right! Now, Yang Lin, tell me what youve learned today!YL: 今天学到的还真不少。形容特别忙可以说,Im up to my neck in work,工作堆到脖子了;Ive got my hands full, 两手都占着呢;I have a lot on my plate,盘子里堆得满满的。哎呀! 我得赶紧走人了,Ive got a million things to do! Donny 在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是Jimmy要问的:别慌。Jimmy: Donny, 大事不好了!

5、Donny: What happened, Jimmy? You look terrible!Jimmy: 两小时后.我要和女朋友约会,她刚提醒我,今天是我们认识一周年纪念日,还给我准备了礼物。But I totally forgot! 怎么办?她肯定会生气,会骂我,会分手,还会.Donny: Hey! Hey! Dont have a cow! Jimmy: 啊?你说什么?cow? cow 不是奶牛么?Donny: What I meant is- you need to calm down. Dont have a cow 也就是中文里说的不要慌张。Jimmy: 哦,让别人冷静,别慌,就说

6、 Dont have a cow! 哎?还有别的说法么?我记得有个词叫 chill, c-h-i-l-l?Donny: Yes! You can say chill out. It means calm down, or dont panic. Jimmy: 啊! 要是我今晚跟女朋友坦白讲:我就是忘了咱俩认识一周年这回事了,你能把我怎么样?她肯定会抓狂。然后我就说:Honey! Chill out!Donny: 呃.I think you better say Honey, Im really sorry. How can I make up to you?Jimmy: 呵呵,我开玩笑的。Do

7、nny: Oh, speaking of the word chill, you can also say take a chill pill. Its another way of saying calm down. Jimmy: Take a chill pill. Pill, p-i-l-l, pill是“药丸”的意思,所以, take a chill pill字面意思就是“吃个冷静药丸”,就是叫人别激动,别慌。Donny: You got it. So what are you going to do for tonights date?Jimmy: 还能怎么办,抓紧这两小时,赶紧去买

8、礼物呗! 走啦!Donny: Before you go, tell me what youve learned today!Jimmy: 今天学了让人别慌的三种说法。第一,Dont have a cow; 第二,Chill out; 第三:Take a chill pill. Donny 在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天吴琼是要问的:人气。Donny: Hi, Wuqiong, do you want to go to this concert with me?WQ: 演唱会?让我看看是哪个歌星开的。哇! 这个人现在是人气天王! 我当然愿意跟你去

9、啦。哎?人气在英文里怎么说?Donny: 人气就是受欢迎的程度。So you can use the word popularity, p-o-p-u-l-a-r-i-t-y, popularity. WQ: popularity 就是人气。这个词就是 popular 的名词形式嘛。Donny: Exactly. Ive heard about this singers rising popularity. Thats why I want to go to his concert. WQ: 演唱会的表演嘉宾,guest stars,都有谁?Donny: Well, heres the gue

10、st star list. Most of them are popular too, but whos this person on the bottom of the list? 我怎么没听说过。 WQ: 让我看看,让我看看。哦,这个女明星几年前很红,可后来过气了。Donny: No wonder Ive never heard about her. Shes a has-been. The word has-been means someone who is no longer popular.WQ: has-been? has 和 been放一起就是过气的人,过时的东西。This gu

11、est star used to be famous and popular, but now shes just a has-been. Donny: 对。WQ:这么说,她可能想借着当嘉宾的机会重新走红喽?Donny: Thats possible. This concert will be a good opportunity for her to stage a comeback.WQ: comeback, c-o-m-e-b-a-c-k, comeback 就是东山再起,咸鱼翻身的意思吧?If this singer makes a comeback, she will regain

12、her popularity!Donny: Exactly. Now lets see what youve learned today!WQ: 第一:人气叫 popularity; 第二:过气、过时的人或物是 a has-been; 第三:东山再起是 a comeback. 美语怎么说012讲: 宅男宅女 Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是吴琼要问的:宅男宅女。Jessica: Wuqiong, 听说你表妹从上海来看你了,怎么样, Are you two getting along?wq: 唉,她哪是来看我。整天待在家里,根本不理

13、我,每天就知道上网,看电视,也不出去玩儿。标准的宅女! 像这种特别“宅”的人,在美语里叫什么?Jessica: I think you can call them homebodies. A homebody is a person who prefers to stay at home and seldom goes out. wq: homebody? home 就是家的意思,body 是身体,两个词连在一起-身体长在家里了,就是homebody! 宅男宅女! My cousin is totally a homebody! 哈哈,我回家要告诉她这句话!Jessica: Well, you

14、 can also call her a shut-in. s-h-u-t, shut; i-n, in-shut-in. wq: 哦,shut-in 也是指不愿意出门和别人交往的宅男宅女! 我要告诉我表妹,Dont be a shut-in! Go out and get some fresh air! Jessica: 对! 让她出去转转,不然,Her brain will rot if she stays home and stares at a screen all the time! wq: 啊?r-o-t, rot 不是腐烂么?Her brain will rot 就是“她脑子要发

15、霉”的意思吧?Jessica: Thats right! Being a couch potato isnt healthy.wq: 没错。couch potato, 沙发土豆,就是一天到晚赖在沙发上看电视的人。每天不运动,变得圆滚滚的,跟个potato-大土豆一样! Jessica: Im sure your cousin doesnt wan to look like a potato! Now, tell me what youve learned today!wq: 第一,宅男宅女叫 homebody, 或者 shut-in; 第二,一天到晚坐在沙发上看电视的人叫 couch pota

16、to;第三,说脑子要发霉了,就是Your brain will rot! Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是于苗要问的:赘肉。Jessica: 于苗! You look so cute in this red dress!YM: 真的么?难道你不觉得这件连衣裙有点瘦么?Jessica: Ah.its.a little tight. Just a little!YM: 唉,我去年买这条裙子的时候,穿着还有点肥呢,今年居然紧成这样,看来我这赘肉真是没少长啊! Jessica: Dont be upset, Yumiao. You may

17、 have a little extra meat on your bones, but trust me, you still look good!YM: extra meat on my bones?骨头上有多余的肉?这在中文里就叫赘肉。唉,I really want this extra meat gone! 尤其是这腰上的赘肉,真是讨厌的“救生圈”啊!Jessica: I know! No one wants that spare tire. Its our worst enemy! YM: spare, s-p-a-r-e, spare; tire, t-i-r-e, tire, s

18、pare tire 不是指“备用轮胎”么?原来,中国人把腰上的一圈赘肉比喻成“救生圈”,美国人则把它比成“spare tire”备用胎。Jessica: Thats right! We also call the extra fat around your waist line love handles. YM: 腰上的赘肉还可以叫 love handles? love 爱情;handle, h-a-n-d-l-e, handle 把手。这肥肉也能跟爱情挂上钩吗?Jessica: Well, think about it. When your boyfriend wraps his arms

19、around you, he can hold on to these like handles?!YM: 啊?太可怕了。我可不想要 love handles. Im going to the gym, starting TODAY! Jessica: Well, before you go, tell me what youve learned today!YM: 第一“赘肉”在美语里叫 extra meat on the bones; 第二,形容腰上的赘肉,可以说 spare tire; 第三,腰间肥肉的另外一种说法是 love handles. JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友

20、要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是杨林要问的:花美男。YL: JESSICA,你发现没有,现在有一种男人,皮肤比女人还好,比女人还爱打扮,穿得特时髦,都跟从偶像剧里走出来似的。我们叫他们“花美男”,flower-pretty-man! 呵呵,我瞎翻的,美语中不会也有类似的称呼吧?JESSICA: Actually, there IS an English equivalence. Its metrosexual m-e-t-r-o-s-e-x-u-a-l, metrosexual. YL: metro- 大城市,加上 sexual- 性别的。那 metrosexual 跟中

21、文里说的“花美男”指的是一种人吗?Jessica: Well, Metrosexual men live in big cities, know all the trendy places in town and pay great attention to their appearances. YL: 没错! 花美男就是住在大城市里的时尚达人,特别注重外表和打扮!要这么说,花美男就是 metrosexual man! JESSICA: I guess being a metrosexual man means youre doing your homework on the latest t

22、rends. You need to be up-to-date on the hottest fashion! YL: up-to-date on the hottest fashion? fashion是时尚的意思,up-to- date 是跟上潮流,所以,up-to-date on the hottest fashion 就是“紧跟最新时尚”吧?JESSICA: Thats right! But Yanglin, I would say the real fashionable people are not those who follow the trends, but the tre

23、nd setters! YL: trend setters? t-r-e-n-d, trend 是趋势的意思,setter, s-e-t-t-e-r 是设定者,所以 trend setter 就是开创时尚的真正潮人! JESSICA: 没错! Now lets see what youve learned today!YL: 第一,注重打扮的“花美男”是 metrosexual men; 第二,紧跟流行时尚是 be up-to-date on the hottest fashion; 第三,领导时尚的潮人叫 trend setter! Donny 在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美

24、语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是吴琼要问的:窜红。Donny: Wuqiong,你看什么杂志呢, and whos the girl on the cover? WQ: 这是最新一期的时尚周刊。这个女生现在可红了。你肯定猜不到,她是我高中时的好朋友! 拍了一部电影,一下就窜红了!Donny: No kidding! Introduce her to me! 对了,你说她“窜红”,什么意思啊?WQ: 就是红得很快,suddenly 她就 famous了!Donny: I got it. She became famous overnight. WQ: overnight,我知道,o-v-e-r

25、-n-i-g-h-t, overnight 就是一夜之间。To become famous overnight 就是“一夜成名”!Donny: Thats right. You can also say shes an instant hit. Instant is spelled i-n-s-t-a-n-t, hit is spelled h-i-t.WQ: 哦,说一个人火速窜红还可以用 an instant hit. Donny: Yeah. In the case of this old friend of yours, you can say her exceptional perfo

26、rmance in the new movie made her an instant hit. WQ: 对,我这个同学特别会演戏,电影一出来,她马上就窜红了。Donny: WQ, I just thought of another way to put it-She catapulted to fame with her first movie! WQ: cata 什么?怎么拼?Donny: catapult, c-a-t-a-p-u-l-t, catapult, 有“弹弓”的意思,as a verb, it means to launch.WQ: 我明白了,catapult 是弹弓,所以

27、catapult to fame, 就是“一炮而红”! 我这个朋友演了一部电影就红了,所以说 She catapulted to fame with her first movie. Donny: Thats right! Now, WQ, tell me what youve learned today!WQ: 第一,to become famous overnight,一夜成名;第二,to be an instant hit, 火速窜红;第三:to catapult to fame, 就是“一炮而红”! Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教

28、她。今天是Jimmy要问的:普通人。Jessica: Jimmy! I heard you got the scholarship from Cambridge University! 你真厉害啊!Jimmy: 嘿嘿,没什么大不了的。Jessica: But that scholarship is very hard to get. After you graduate from Cambridge, 你就是“精英”啦!Jimmy: 哪里! 我也就一普通人,ordinary person! Jessica: Hmmm. I wouldnt call a Cambridge graduate a

29、n average Joe. Jimmy: An average Joe? 我知道 average, a-v-e-r-a-g-e, average 是普通,平均的意思,an average Joe 就是指普通人,平头百姓么?Jessica: Thats right. I think its because the name Joe is very common in English, just like 张三李四 in Chinese. Jimmy: 对,我就和张三李四一样,你把我往人堆里一放,就找不着啦! Jessica: Haha! thats a very vivid expressio

30、n. We have a similar phrase in English. You can say youre just another face in the crowd. Jimmy: Just another face in the crowd? 人群中的又一张脸?这个说法好,人海茫茫,你不过就是其中一个而已。对了,说了半天普通人,要是形容那些不同寻常的人,该怎么说呢?Jessica: You can use stand out from the crowd to describe someone who is unusual. Jimmy: stand out from the c

31、rowd, 比别人都站得高,他就明显,这就是不寻常!Jessica: Thats right. Now lets see what youve learned today! Jimmy: “普通人”在美语里叫 an average Joe;还可以说 just another face in the crowd; 不同寻常则叫 stand out from the crowd! Donny在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是方方要问的:人脉。Donny: 方方,听说你找到一个特好的实习?FF: 还不错啦! 现在竞争激烈,多亏我人脉广! 对了,美语里“人

32、脉”怎么说啊?Donny: I think you can use the word connection. c-o-n-n-e-c-t-i-o-n, connection. FF: 原来connection 就是“人脉”。那我说自己路子野,人脉广,就是 I have a lot of connections. 对么?Donny: Thats right. 你还可以说:Im well-connected. c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d, connected。FF: connected? 这词儿我知道,意思是“连在一起”,所以well-connected就是和很多人连在一起,也就是人脉广喽

33、!Donny: Right! Connections are important. 有人说,找工作时,What really counts is not what you know, but who you know. FF: Not what you know but who you know? 不是看你知道什么,而是看你认识谁? 我觉得,也不能这么绝对! 关系固然重要,但自己还是要有真本事!Donny: Certainly! So it should be what you know plus who you know! FF: 对,肚子里有学问,人脉又广,二者结合在一起,你就无敌了。不过

34、,像我这种刚出校门的,社交能力还不行,需要磨炼!Donny: Dont worry. Youll have plenty of time to work on your networking skills. FF: 哦,networking skills 就是社交技巧。Donny: Right. With strong networking skills, youll develop more connections. 到时候,我找工作可得靠你帮忙了! FF: 哈哈,我期待这一天!Donny: 先别美! Tell me what youve learned today!FF: 第一,人脉在美语

35、里就是 connection;第二,形容人脉广用 well-connected;第三,社交技巧, 是 networking skills! Donny在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是吴琼要问的:看热闹。Donny: Wuqiong, I heard you got your drivers license !WQ: 是啊,昨天我已经开车上路啦!Donny: So how did it go? WQ: 唉,别提了! 我开的那条路上出车祸,结果,开车的、骑车的、走路的,都想看热闹,最后,整条街都堵住了! 对了Donny,这些看热闹的人,用英文怎么说呢

36、?Donny: 英文叫 rubberneck.WQ: rubberneck? 我知道 rubber 是橡胶,neck是脖子。那rubberneck不就是橡胶脖子么?Donny: 你想啊,那些看热闹,围观的人,they stretch their necks to watch whats happening, right?WQ: 哦我明白了,伸长脖子看热闹的人好像长了橡胶脖子,所以叫他们rubberneck! 哈哈,真形象!Donny: Right! rubberneck也可以当动词。你刚才说,大家看热闹,整条街大堵车,在英文里就是 The traffic was bumper-to-bumpe

37、r because of rubbernecking. WQ: bumper-to-bumper? b-u-m-p-e-r, bumper, 不是汽车保险杠么?Donny: Exactly! So bumper-to-bumper means cars are moving so slowly that their bumpers are almost touching. WQ: 我明白了,bumper-to-bumper, 汽车一辆紧挨着一辆,慢慢往前拱。这么说,I was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic,郁闷死了!Donny: Wuqiong, 那车祸到

38、底严不严重?WQ: 特严重! 六辆车撞在一起了!Donny: Ouch. a six-car pileup! WQ: pileup? p-i-l-e, pile, 再加上 up, pileup 就是连环车祸么?Donny: Thats Right!WQ: 我跟你说,这个pileup里,有两辆奥迪,一辆奔驰,一辆宝马,好像还有.Donny: (interrupt wuqiong) Wuqiong, 你看得这么清楚,真不愧是 a good rubberneck! Okay, new driver, tell me what youve learned today!WQ: 第一,看热闹的人叫rubb

39、erneck;第二,堵车可以说bumper-to-bumper;第三,连环车祸是pileup, p-i-l-e-u-p! Donny在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是方方要问的:牛。Donny: FF, I heard you went to a ballroom dance competition yesterday. How did it go? FF: 我进决赛啦! 怎么样,牛吧?Donny: 牛? a cow? FF: 不是,“牛”就是特别厉害,very good!Donny: I got it. In English, we use th

40、e word awesome, a-w-e-s-o-m-e, awesome.FF: 哦,awesome就是说特牛。Donny: You can also use the word ballin. b-a-l-l-i-n, ballin. It also means cool or very good. FF: 哦,Ballin也是“很牛”的意思。Donny, 那天的跳舞比赛上还真有不少高手。在这种情况下,我可以跟他们说,Youre awesome! 或者Youre ballin! 对么?Donny: Thats right. You can also say you rule or you

41、rock! FF: rule, r-u-l-e, rule; rock, r-o-c-k, rock, 这两个词也可以形容某人或某事很牛,不过它们都是动词,对不对?Donny: Exactly! For example, 如果你看了一场特别牛的演唱会,you can say it rocks! or it rules! FF: 明白了。不过那天也有一些人在比赛前一副不可一世的样子,可真跳起来,也不怎么样,真不知道他们有什么好牛的!对了,形容这些人,也用awesome或是ballin么?Donny: No! You can use cocky c-o-c-k-y, cocky, to descr

42、ibe these kind of people.FF: 哦,说一个人牛气哄哄的,就是cocky.Donny: Now, FF, If you can tell me what youve learned today, Id say your English很牛!FF: 好!第一,说人或事很牛,用形容词awesome或ballin; 第二,说人或事很牛,还可以用动词rule或者rock; 第三,形容某人傲慢,牛气哄哄,可以用cocky! Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是杨琳要问的:海选,甄选。YL: Jessica! 送你一张我的

43、签名照!快拿着!Jessica: Your autograph? why do I want that?YL: 告诉你,我快成明星啦! Jessica: Really? You will be a super star? 你被张艺谋看中了?YL: 不是。我参加“阳光女生”的海选,击败了众多对手.对了,海选你明白么?Sea selection! 谁都能参加! 也有人管它叫甄选。Jessica: Sea selection? 哦,(chuckle) I see. In English, its called an open audition. Everyone can walk in the do

44、or, perform and compete, like American Idol. YL: 没错,就是那种!原来这叫open audition, open 开放的,audition, a-u-d-i-t-i-o-n, audition 试演选拔,连在一起,open audition 就是“海选”或是“甄选”。这么说,I am the winner of the open audition! Jessica: Well, I dont think you can call yourself a winner, because more than one person get selecte

45、d in an open audition to advance to the next round. YL: 也是,这次一共一百人过关,进入下一轮比赛。但不管怎样,I was selected! Jessica: Yeah, congratulations! You can also say you made the cut. YL: 哦,make the cut, 就是被选中,过关了。哎,那要是被刷下来,该怎么说呢?Jessica: Then you could say you got eliminated. e-l-i-m-i-n-a-t-e-d, eliminated. YL: 明白了

46、,eliminate 是淘汰,被淘汰就是 get eliminated. Jessica: Thats right. I sure hope you can make it to the final round and not get eliminated! But first, tell me what youve learned today! YL: 第一“甄选,海选”在美语里叫open audition; 第二,过关,被选上了,是 make the cut;第三,被刷下去了,就是 get eliminated. Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是杨林要问的:潜规则。YL: Jessica! 上次我给你的签名照呢?快还给我!Jessica: Why? 你不是参加“阳光女生”的比赛,要当 super star了么?YL: 别提了! I got e


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