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《GRE考试:教你写GRE句子.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GRE考试:教你写GRE句子.docx(34页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、教你写GRE句子(一)1The saying is used to point out that 这个说法用来指出(用法)常用在引用的名人名言或者俚语之后,用以表达作者自己引文的目的,立场或观点。(例子)讽刺的是,这种说法指出在我们之中普遍存在一种倾向,认为他人总是比自己幸运。KEY The saying is used ironically to point out that there is a temptation in us all to insist that others are more fortunate than ourselves.借鉴 (1)Ironically, the

2、 saying is used to point out that there is a trend among us that others are always luckier than ourselves.注:该句基本达到了句中意思的要求,而且表达简洁清晰,符合标准。(2)Ironically, the saying is used to point out that there is a commontendency between us pointing out that others are always more lucky thanourselves.注:该句虽然意思表达明确,

3、但是在一个句子中连用两个point out,犯了重复的大忌,希望引起大家注意。(3)Ironically the saying is used to point out a trend among us that others are all luck dogs except self.注:这个句子首先副词在前,一般要用逗号搁开,另外luck只是名词,幸运儿用lucky dogs是可以的,但是在书面语中体现一些非正式的诙谐,宜用引号括起。另外,作者在将意思转化成英文时,理解上已经有所大的偏差,因为原来的中文意思是说别人比自己更幸运,换言之,只是比较程度上的问题,并没说自己不幸运。出现这种问题的

4、句子还有些,希望这些读者朋友注意,在将自己想到的意思转化成英文时,注意逻辑上的一致性,这对于GRE写作上往往会成为致命伤!(例子)这种说法不变地指出一味抱怨和责备他人并不能消除贫困,无论其他人如何卑鄙,每个人都必须靠自己来获得成功。KEY The saying is used invariably to point out that poverty cannot be reduced by merely complaining and blaming others: no matter how guilty other people are, each individual must reac

5、h out to success for himself.借鉴(1)The saying is used to point out that it would be of no use to eliminatepoverty by only complaining and abusing others and everyone should rely on himself to attain success no matter how abject others are.注:该句子基本将句子中的意思表现了出来,也没有明显语法错误,只是在用词上存在些许问题。Abject主要是用来形容humble

6、,hopeless的状态,意思为“卑屈的”,跟“卑鄙的”意义不同。(2)The saying used to constantly point out that only complaining and blaming others cannot obviate poverty, instead, no matter how mean others are, everyone must depend upon self to attain success.注:该句意义表达还是相当清晰,但是在小处上错误仍然出现。首先,主句漏掉了谓语动词is,后面instead引出语义重心,因此应该前面宜用分号分

7、隔。2 This is nowhere more true than 没有比在更正确不过的了(用法)用以强调在某个方面所表述或引用的论据得到了支持。聪明的读者应该马上就能举一反三,在ARGUMENT中,可将上句中的TRUE转换成ridiculous就可以用来攻击Arguer的ramshackle position了。(例子)这在关于幻想和现实的问题上是再正确不过的了。KEY This is nowhere more true than on the question of fantasy and reality.借鉴 This is nowhere more true than the iss

8、ues of fantasy and reality.注:就问题而言,注意前面要加介词on,即on the question of, on the problem of,这是正确地道运用的关键。(例子)没有比认为钱多就更幸福更荒谬的了。KEY This is nowhere more ridiculous than on the assertion that the extent of happiness tasted is in proportion to the amount of money possessed.借鉴 This is nowhere more ridiculous tha

9、n the belief that the more money one has the happier life he enjoys.注:该句基本上清晰表达出了句子的意思,主要问题仍然是上面句子中提到的介词on的问题。3 When faced with 当面临(用法)常用来表达这样一种假设“遇到,就采取”在作文中十分常用。重复使用时,可以将face与confront, encounter, come across等替换,避免repetition.(例子)当我们遭遇不幸时,我们常常从这样的观念中寻求安慰;我们的不幸是绝无仅有的。KEY When faced with the bad times

10、, we often find comfort in the idea that we are special in our degree of misfortune.借鉴(1)When faced with a misery, we tend to comfort ourselves in the belief: our misfortune is unique.煮:该句意义表达比较清晰,基本达到要求,在名词的数上,动词使用上都比较规范。(2)When faced with an adversity, we often seek consolation from the thought th

11、at this adversity also happens in others.注:本句作者根本颠覆了句子的意思,将意义“反”了过来,全句的意思是说我们受到的苦难在程度上是非凡的,而作者却写成了“共同的”,逻辑上的错误需要警惕!(例子)当我们适逢惨败时,我们应该记住在一定程度上人生总是凶险异常,充斥着各色成功与失败,以及冒险。KEY When faced with the fiasco, we should remember that life for most people, to an extent, is precarious enough to include some degree

12、 of winning and losing, and of adventure.借鉴 When confronted with terrible failures, we should remember to some extent life is always extremely dangerous, teeming with kinds of successes, failures and risks.注:该句基本将意思得以清晰表达,但是在failure和success的用法上出现了小的失误。在表述宽泛的“成功”或者“失误”时,请注意两者是不可数的。拿success来说,只有在表述一个成

13、功的人,一样成功的东西时才是可数。比如This man is just a success。This play is a tremendous success。4 It is presumptuous to judgeaccording to 根据来判断太武断(用法)该句型几乎是ARGUMENT作文中的上宾,一出手就力量惊人,具体操作相信并不困难。这里要补充一下的是,在ISSUE中该句也可用来攻击opposite points,为避免俗套以及丰富句型,presumptuous可以用arbitrary, ridiculous, illegitimate, unpersuasive等等来替换。(例

14、子)根据唱片的销量来推断出他的知名度是武断的。KEY It is presumptuous to judge his popularity according to the sales of his albums.借鉴 It is presumptuous to judge how famous he is according to how many his records were sold.注:该句比较简单,上面的句子达到了要求。(例子)根据他对于命运的定义来将生命理解为一种赌博是不合理的。KEY It is illegitimate to justify that life is a k

15、ind of lottery in accordance with his notions of destiny.借鉴 It is arbitrary to judge life as a gamble according to his definition of destiny.注:该句基本上在结构上实现了有效的写作,但是在两个词上用得有些偏颇。一个是arbitrary,不合理宜采用其他读者写的unreasonable等,arbitrary是专横的,不理智的,而不是不合理的,意义上有区别。另外,gamble做名词常是指“带有冒险性的事情”,要准确表达赌博还是宜用动名词形式的gambling为

16、好。5 The only time a person can claim that 仅当才能宣称(用法)该句型常在ARGUMENT中用以纠正ARGUER的逻辑错误,在ISSUE分论中用来加固或者完善自己的观点。(例子)仅当他反思自己的所作所为,一个人才能声称怜悯是一种美德。KEY The only time a person can claim that “compassion” is a kind of merit is when he reflects on his own behaviors.借鉴 The only time a person can claim that commise

17、ration is a virtue is when he reconsiders his behaviors.注:该句作者表达清晰,简洁,明了,符合明了,值得学习。但是,笔者建议读者可以学习一下上面的reflect on短语的用法,这是一个带有一定感情色彩的短语。(例子)颇具矛盾的是,仅当全部相关证据准备妥当时,法庭才能将传票递出。KEYParadoxically, the only time the court can send the subpoena is when almost all relevant evidence is well prepared.借鉴 Paradoxical

18、ly, the only time that the court can send out a subpoena is when all pertinent evidence is ready.注:表达很清楚,句子结构套路使用准确。建议读者:在写作时吃不准的高级词或者短语请勿莽撞套用!否则会无谓增加扣分点,句子的结构清晰,意义明确是第一位的!教你写GRE句子(二)6 Share a belief that 都相信,都认为(用法)常用来表达一个特点群体所共同秉持的意见或者看法(例子)世界上的许多宗教都认为当一个人能够注视与反思自己的问题,那么此人就能够开始回复自己的情绪。(例子)我们都认为一个问

19、题仅当被清晰地认识之后才能得到解决。7 In a not dissimilar way 同样(用法)用以事例论证或对照论证中,相当于in the same way,这里只是借用饿双重否定起到了强调,着重的浓墨色彩。类似的替换有similarly, contrarily等。(例子)同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价值的虔诚求索。(例子)相反,失去了认知自我不满的能力,我们将陷入庸懒的泥沼;毕竟,痛苦的经历使我们的意识更加敏锐。8 Whatever else may be said, most people would agree that 无论如何,大多数人认为(用法)这个句

20、型虽然简单,但用来引出结论,放在段末提出支持或变化为反对却是极为自然贴切的。(例子)无论如何,大多数人认为加拿大与澳洲的独立比美国更顺利,因为英国放任这两个王国顺势而动。(例子)无论如何,大多数人都认同“丛林法则”。在经济学上,一个人总是试图从他的邻居那里牟取利益,这就给了穷人凭借自己的优势迅速致富的可能。9 What is interesting is 有趣的是(用法)这是个what is + adj. +is的结构套路,引导主语从句。千万别小看它,这比大多数immature的写作人滥用it is +adj.+ that 要妥当自然多了。(例子)有趣的是那些故事,包括诸如面向儿童的诗歌与传说

21、这类纯小说类的作品,都较信息化导向的教科书更为普遍,发掘着深层次的情感,诸如爱情与痛苦,愤怒与容忍。(例子)讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。10 Turn our attention to 将注意力转到(用法)常用在对比论证中,将此句置于短首或者转折处,由此引起对比于上文的论证或者辩驳。当然,更普遍用法等同于pay attention to。(例子)若我们将注意力转到小说上,那么我们看到其在心理营造方面加强了情感的表达。(例子)若我们将注意的焦点转移到现实中的事业上,由于并不是每个聪明的学生都能够受到最好的培训,从而可能的举措是建议我

22、们的学生如何在有限的环境条件中表现得最佳。教你写GRE句子(二)-练习答案前言:由于时间有限,请读者根据自己的练习来进行评估.AB $CRY,w5rfz6 Share a belief that 都相信,都认为;wg f3Su(用法)常用来表达一个特点群体所共同秉持的意见或者看法n%nv(例子) 世界上的许多宗教都认为当一个人能够注视与反思自己的问题,那么此人就能够开始回复自己的情绪。留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出KEY Many of the worlds religions share a belief that when a

23、person is able to look at and confess his or her problems that person can begin to travel the road to emotional recovery.&x+Q&Nd5i_x0010_Dk(例子) 我们都认为一个问题仅当被清晰地认识之后才能得到解决。)T|+u_x0016_t_x0016_T+R留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAKEY We all share the belief that a probl

24、em cannot be solved until it is clearly recognized.T_)e6_ OL留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAIdb/_b寄托家园7 In a not dissimilar way 同样 B&k8V_x0010_4cz(用法)用以事例论证或对照论证中,相当于in the same way,这里只是借用饿双重否定起到了强调,着重的浓墨色彩。类似的替换有similarly, contraril(例子) 同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价

25、值的虔诚求索。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREP/IKEY In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship are explorations of the higher emotions, they are pilgrimages towards the city of true values.寄托家园_x0007_r0_x001D_y-Qt)S(例子) 相反,失去了认知自我不满的能力,我们将陷入庸懒的泥沼;毕竟,痛苦的经历使我们的意识更加敏锐。留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请

26、,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USASW_x0010_AE7M*t$l4E2ZS2a|KEY Contrarily, without the ability to recognize our discontent, we could collapse into idleness; after all, suffering sharpens our _x001D_h#i2(|09F_x0019_X8 Whatever else may be said, most people would agree that 无论如何,大多数人认为A9K q4RT!r uAs(用法)这个句型虽然简单,但用来引出结

27、论,放在段末提出支持或变化为反对却是极为自然贴切的。&wCZH(例子) 无论如何,大多数人认为加拿大与澳洲的独立比美国更顺利,因为英国放任这两个王国顺势而动。j1zDA留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAKEY Whatever else may be said, most people would agree that the transition to independence for Canada and Australia was much smoother than that of th

28、e United States because Britain allowed those two dominions to evolve with time.3z&kp52V(例子) 无论如何,大多数人都认同“丛林法则”。在经济学上,一个人总是试图从他的邻居那里牟取利益,这就给了穷人凭借自己的优势迅速致富的可能。b6f88W R5g:_(GKEY Whatever else may be said, most people would agree “the rule of the jungle”. In economics a person always attempts to gain p

29、rofit from his neighbor: that given the chance the poor man would quickly make himself rich by trading to his own advantage.寄托家园7JvUcO6T1wN_x0012_x0016_R寄托家园9 What is interesting is 有趣的是3,q8PIry(用法)这是个what is + adj. +is的结构套路,引导主语从句。千万别小看它,这比大多数immature的写作人滥用it is +adj.+ that 要妥当自然多了。DG&+tl$P.w:g留学,考

30、试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA(例子) 有趣的是那些故事,包括诸如面向儿童的诗歌与传说这类纯小说类的作品,都较信息化导向的教科书更为普遍,发掘着深层次的情感,诸如爱情与痛苦,愤怒与容忍。-Ck_x001D_B_x0019_ R)z#W2m PKEY What is interesting is that stories, including pure fictions such as poetry and tales for children, are more common than inform

31、ation-oriented textbooks, exploring deep emotions such as love and suffering, anger and tolerance.U!%|_x0007_(tj(例子) 讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。kYT19ISKEY What is ironical is that although an adult should never completely lose the light of his childhood imagination, sooner or late

32、r we have to knuckle down to reality.Z#_nQl;Oo寄托家园L7B-|i_x001D_W(i10 Turn our attention to 将注意力转到寄托家园(用法)常用在对比论证中,将此句置于短首或者转折处,由此引起对比于上文的论证或者辩驳。当然,更普遍用法等同于pay attention to。,ad p:J MrN*u a寄托家园(例子) 若我们将注意力转到小说上,那么我们看到其在心理营造方面加强了情感的表达。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREK P9AN_x0010_t a RV#Z/Y;SKEY If we turn our attentio

33、n to novels, we see that the psychological aspect of them helps to reinforce the presentation of _x0007_ux?)&V5a)g(例子) 若我们将注意的焦点转移到现实中的事业上,由于并不是每个聪明的学生都能够受到最好的培训,从而可能的举措是建议我们的学生如何在有限的环境条件中表现得最佳。、KEY If we turn our focus to the reality of a career, since not every intelligent student arrives at the t

34、op training establishments, it might perhaps be wise to advise our students on how to make the best out of limited circumstances.教你写GRE句子(三)11If I were, I would 如果我被,我将(用法)虚拟语气基本句型,前分句做出假设,后半句就前假设做出应对,句式中人称等可以替换变迁。(例子)若有人让我指出最具破坏性的对于幻想的表达,我将就此归咎于媒体。(例子)如果让学生了解现实,当考试成绩发布时将会有更少张沮丧的脸。12 It is said that

35、 据说(用法)在举例论证中引出事例,加固前面的论点(例子)据说许多年轻的浪漫者固执地试图按照电视肥皂剧与浪漫喜剧中的梦幻般的形式与生活。(例子)据说甚至当炸弹雨点般地降落在柏林时一些德国人仍然幻想着德国将赢得二战的胜利。13 At the even worse 更糟的是(用法)在论证中用此句式引出“递进”的逻辑论证,程度上实现进一步深化,将worse改为better可以表达进一步向“好”的方面转变。(例子)更糟的是,一个自私的赌徒会忽略他对于家庭的经济上的责任义务,并且最终赌博将成为毁灭生活的一剂毒药。(例子)更糟的是,蜜月的魅力不久就让空洞的日子所取代,在这些日子里新婚夫妇们必须从中寻找到生

36、活的意义。14 When it comes to 就而言,谈到(用法)引出一个论点,话题的经典句型,可以置于句首也可以置于句尾。(例子)当谈及游戏时,许多人相信游戏能让玩家获得诸如坚忍与竞争的生存极限。(例子)再者,当然,斯多葛学者们在谈及纵容与容忍时常令自身陷入极大的窘境。15 The chief reason is because 主要原因是(用法)用以表达诸多原因中最重要,最首要的一点。(例子)同样,最主要的原因是因为那些浪漫主义者未经充分理解到对于任何关系的工作核心,它是激情的,心理的或者经济的。(例子)相当有趣的是,美国电影常被谴责为美化暴力,从而我们不得不将解决和面对这项危机:一些

37、人试图将电影中的情节搬到现实中来。答案教你写GRE句子(三)11 If I were, I would 如果我被,我将(用法)虚拟语气基本句型,前分句做出假设,后半句就前假设做出应对,句式中人称等可以替换变迁。(例子)若有人让我指出最具破坏性的对于幻想的表达,我将就此归咎于媒体。KEY If I were asked to name the single most destructive expression of fantasy, however, I would have to blame the media.借鉴 If I were asked to point out the most

38、 destructive expression on fantasy, I would attribute that to the media.(例子)如果让学生了解现实,当考试成绩发布时将会有更少张沮丧的脸。KEY If students were reminded of this reality, there would be fewer dejected faces when examination results are published.借鉴 If students were allowed to realize reality, there would be less disap

39、pointed faces when the results of the test are published.12 It is said that 据说(用法)在举例论证中引出事例,加固前面的论点(例子)据说许多年轻的浪漫者固执地试图按照电视肥皂剧与浪漫喜剧中的梦幻般的形式与生活。KEY It is said that many young romantics stubbornly attempt to live out the fantasy images of T.V. soap opera and romantic comedies.借鉴 It is said that many r

40、omanticists stubbornly try to live a life style as the illusive one in the soap opera and romantic comedy.(例子)据说甚至当炸弹雨点般地降落在柏林时一些德国人仍然幻想着德国将赢得二战的胜利。KEY It is said that some Germans still fascinated about Germany winning the Second World War even as the bombs rained down on Berlin.借鉴 It is said that

41、some Germen remain believing that Germany would win when bombs fell on the Bolin land like raindrops.注:时态注意应该是过去时,另外地名注意翻译正确“柏林”是“Berlin”。13 At the even worse 更糟的是(用法)在论证中用此句式引出“递进”的逻辑论证,程度上实现进一步深化,将worse改为better可以表达进一步向“好”的方面转变。(例子)更糟的是,一个自私的赌徒会忽略他对于家庭的经济上的责任义务,并且最终赌博将成为毁灭生活的一剂毒药。KEY At the even wo

42、rse, a selfish gambler can neglect his financial duties towards his family and eventually gambling can become a drug which destroys life.借鉴 At the even worse, a selfish gambler will neglect his economical duty and obligation to the family and furthermore, gambling would become a dose of poison which

43、 will eventually ruin the life.注:“经济上的责任”一般固定用financial为好。(例子)更糟的是,蜜月的魅力不久就让空洞的日子所取代,在这些日子里新婚夫妇们必须从中寻找到生活的意义。KEY At the even worse, the glamour of the honeymoon soon gives way to empty hours in which the newlyweds must find meaning.借鉴 At the even worse, the fascination of honeymoon would be supplant

44、ed by dull days during which newlywed must seek out the meaning of life.14 When it comes to 就而言,谈到(用法)引出一个论点,话题的经典句型,可以置于句首也可以置于句尾。(例子)当谈及游戏时,许多人相信游戏能让玩家获得诸如坚忍与竞争的生存技能。KEY When it comes to the games, many people believe that they accustom the player to life-skills such as perseverance and competitiv

45、eness.(例子)再者,当然,斯多葛学者们在谈及纵容与容忍时常令自身陷入极大的窘境。KEY Supremely, of course, the stoic gets himself or herself into most difficulty when it comes to connivance and tolerance.借鉴 Furthermore, of course, the stoic scholars often make themselves in a dilemma when it comes to connivance and endurance.15 The chie

46、f reason is because 主要原因是(用法)用以表达诸多原因中最重要,最首要的一点。(例子)同样,最主要的原因是因为那些浪漫主义者未经充分理解到对于任何关系的工作核心,它是激情的,心理的或者经济的。KEY Again, the chief reason is because romantics do not sufficiently understand the centrality of work-be it emotional, psychological or financial-to any relationship.(例子)相当有趣的是,美国电影常被谴责为美化暴力,从而我们不得不将解决和面对这项危机:一些人试图将电影中的情节搬到现实中来。KEY Rather humorously, American films are often accused of making violence glamorous. Accordingly, sooner or later we have to settle down and face the hazard that some people attempt to translate the scene of a movie onto reality.教你写GRE句子(四)-练习附答案16 People in the


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