English lexicology_英语词汇学重点讲解.doc

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1、English lexicology英语词汇学Chapter1 basic concepts of words and vocabulary Classification of wordsChapter2 the development of the english vocabulary Modes of vocabulary development 1150Chapter 3 word formation Morphemes , allomorphs Chapter 4 word formation2 1. Affixation, prefixation suffixation , 2. C

2、ompounding (characteristics formation )3. Conversion , blending , clipping , acronymy 4. Initialisms , acronyms 5. Back-formation , words from proper names Chapter5 word meaning 1. The meanings of meaning2. Reference ,concept ,sense3. Motivation(onomatopoeic,morphological ,semantic , etymological)4.

3、 Types of meaning Chapter 6 sense relations and semantic field Polysemy , homonymy , synonymy , antonymyChapter 7 changes in word meaning Extension , narrowing , elevation , degradation Chapter 8 meaning and context1. Types of context (extra-linguistic, linguistic) 2. Role of context a. elimination

4、of ambiguityb. indication of referencec. Provision of clues for inferring word-meaningChapter9 english idioms 1. Classification of idioms(nominal , adjectival , verbal , adverbial )2. sentence and useChapter 10 english DictionariesTypes of dictionary , three good Dictionary a. Longman dictionary of

5、contemporaryb. Collins COBUILD english Dictionaryc. A Chinese-english DictionaryUnit 1 Methods of study ,there are generally two approaches to the study of words ,namely synchronic and diachronic Aims and significance of the courseLanguage study involves the study of speech sounds ,grammar and vocab

6、ulary .vocabulary has proved particularly important and certainly the most difficult .Willkins asserts without grammar very little can be conveyed ,without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed A good knowledge of morphological structure of english words and rules of word-formation will help learners d

7、evelope their personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power.VocabularyAll the words in a language make up its vocabulary .The term vocabulary is used in different senses1. It can refers to the total number of the words in a language2. It can stands for all the words used in a particu

8、lar historical period3. Also used to all the words of a given dialectClassification of words Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency ,into content words and function words by notion ,and into native words and borrowed words by originBasic word stock have cha

9、racteristics1. All national character2. Stability 3. Productivity 4. Polysemy5. Collocability 6 Neutral in style 7 Frequent in useWords void (lack)of the stated characters ,do not belong to the common core of the language ,they include the following:Terminology 术语,专有名词JargonSlang 俚语,黑话ArgotDialectal

10、 words ArchaismsNeologismsContent words(=notional words) and function words (=empty words)Native words and borrowed words Apart from the characteristics mentioned of the basic word stock ,in contrast to borrowed words ,native words have two other featuresNeutral in style Frequent in useBorrowing wor

11、ds :words taken over from foreign languages are known as borrowed words and loan words or borrowings in simple terms Loan words under four classes Denizens 同化词Aliens 异化词Translation-loans 译借词Semantic-loans 借意词 The Indo-European language familyWhich can be grouped into roughly 300 language families on

12、 the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar ,the Indo-Europe is one of them .it is thought to be a highly inflected languageThey accordingly fall into eight principle groups ,which can be grouped into an Eastern set : Balto-slavic, Indo-Iranian, American and Albanian; a Western

13、set; Celtic , Italic, Hellenic,Germanic A historical overview of the english vocabulary The first people known to inhabit the land were CeltsThe second major language known in England was the Latin of the Roman Legions450- -1150-( Middle)-1500- -NOWModes of vocabulary developmentWe can concluded tha

14、t modern english vocabulary develops through three channels creation , semantic change , borrowing Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials namely roots ,affixes and other elements Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new nee

15、d Borrowing has palyed a vital role in the development of vocabulary ,particularly in earlier timesMorphemes :minimal meaningful units are known as morphemes,in other words ,the morphemes is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words Chapter 5 Word meaning Words are but symbols , many

16、 of which have meaning only when they have acquired reference .1.reference is the relationship between language and the word . The reference a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary and conventional 2.Concept=notionIn many cases meaning is used in the sense of concept meaning and concept

17、are closely connected but not identical 3. Sense :generally speaking ,the meaning of meaningis perhaps what is termed sense . sensedenotes the relationships inside the language.Motivation Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning Onomatopoeic motivation 拟声的

18、理据 Morphological motivation 形态的理据 Semantic motivation 语义的理据 Semantic motivation refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a wordEtymological motivation 词源的理据The meaning if many words often related directly to their origins,Types of meaning a. Grammatical meaning an Lex

19、ical meaning语法和词汇意义b. Conceptual meaning and associative meaning 概念和联想意义 Chapter 6 The subjects that have long held the interest and attention of semanticists are ,polysemy 多义的, homonymy , synonymy , antonymy , and hyponymyTwo approaches to polysemyDiachronic approach and synchronic approachThe mean

20、ings were acquired by extension ,narrowing ,analogy ,transfer The development of word-meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses,traditionally known as radiation and concatenationHomonymy Based on the degree of similarity ,homonyms fall into three classes:perfect homonyms ,homographs and

21、homophones1. Perfect homonyms are words identical both in sound and spelling but different meaning .Bank n. The edge of the river ,lakeBank n . An establishment for money businessBear n. A large heavy animalBear v. To put up with Date n. A kind of fruitDate n. A boy or a girl friend2. Homographs are

22、 words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning Bow n. Bending the head as a greeting Bow n. The device used for shooting arrowsSow v. To scatter seedsSow n. Female adult pig3. Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning Dear n. A loved per

23、sonDeer n.a kind of animalRight a. correctWrite v.to put down on paper with a penRite n. Ceremonial procedureSon n. A male child of someoneSun n. The heavenly body from which the earth gets warmth and light Of three types ,homophones constitute the largest number and are most commonOrigins of homony

24、msChange in sound and spellingBorrowing Shorting As homonyms are identical in sound or spelling ,particularly homophones, they are often employed to create punsfor desired effect of ,say, humor,sarcasm or ridiculeOn Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you So-called piousgentleman and

25、 ladies 善男信女The sardonic tone is unmistakable 讽刺的语气是不言而喻的Synonymy Synonymy is one of the characteristic features of vocabulary of natural languagesTypes of synonyms 1. Absolute synonyms also known as complete synonyms are words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects,both in grammatical me

26、aning and lexical meaning ,including conceptual and associative meanings 2. Relative synonymy also called near-synonyms are similar or nearly the same in denotation,but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of given quality.For example .to change a thing is to put another thing in

27、 its place ;to alter a thing is to alter it in different manner and at different times .A man change his habits ,alters his conduct ,and varies his manner of speakingLook at stagger /reel/totter.stagger implies unsteady movement characters by a loss of balance and failure to maintain a fixed course

28、. Stagger under a heavy load ;reel suggests a swaying or lurching so as to appear on the verge of falling .Silent沉默的,无言的,寂静的/ tacit , shine闪耀,发光/ glitter华丽夺目,炫耀/sparkle闪耀,活跃,焕发活力和才智/glare强光,瞪眼,炫耀, different/ various, idle空闲的,懒惰的,无意义的/lazy/indolent , strange奇怪的 /odd 古怪的/ queer,古怪的 ,可疑的 large / huge庞大

29、的 /tremendous极大的,巨大的,惊人的,极好的 /colossalSources of synonyms 1. Borrowing As a result of the borrowing ,words of native origin form many couplets and triplets with those from other language 2. Dialects and regional english 3. Figurative an euphemistic4. Coincidence with idiomatic expressionsDiscriminat

30、ion of synonymsThe differences between synonyms boil down to three areas: denotation , connotation ,and application1. Difference in denotation .I did not comprehend his arguments ,although i understood the language , and all the sentencesA lump of sugar一块糖 , a slice of meat一片肉 , a chunk of wood , a

31、sheet of paper A cake of soap Types of antonyms 1. Contradictory terms The assertion of one is the denial of the otherAnother distinctive feature of this category is that such antonyms are non-gradable2. Contrary terms 3. Relative terms Holds water Characters of antonyms 1. Antonyms are classified o

32、n the basis of semantic opposition.words denoting nature, quality or state of things have many antonyms2. A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym3. Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion .pairs of antonyms are seen as marked and unmarked terms respectively4. Contrary ter

33、ms are gradable antonyms Destitute / opulent dull / lively Hyponymy Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion.That is the meaning of more specific word word is included in that of another more general word .For instance ,tulip and rose are hyponyms of flowerSuperordinate terms Hamme

34、r , saw , screwdriver ,spanner, plaice, cod , herring ,sole Semantic field The massive word store of a language like english an be conceived of as composed around a number of meaning areas.An integrated system of lexemes interrelated in sense 语义相互关联It is general belief that.Personal address system 个

35、人称呼Kinship Types of changes Word-meaning changes by modes of Extension,narrowing ,degradation,elevation,and transfer Causes of changes: it is in response to some needExtra-linguistic factors 1. Historical reason 2. Class reason 3. Psychological 心理学的,精神上的reason The role of context 1. Elimination of a

36、mbiguity 2. Indication of referents 3. Provision of clues for inferring word -meaning Definition Explanation Example Synonymy Antonymy Hyponymy Relevant details Word structureChapter 9 Idioms consists of set phrases and short sentences ,which are peculiar to the language in question and loaded with

37、the native cultures and ideas .therefore, idioms are colorful ,forcible and thought-provoking. For example ,fly off the handle (become excessively angry) and put up with ( tolerate) In a board sense ,idioms may included colloquialisms ,slang experience, proverbs .Character of Idioms 1. Semantic unit

38、y Being phases or sentences ,idioms each consist of more than one word ,but each is a semantic unity. Idiom have their respective literal meanings .for instance, till the cows come homeKeep in mind take off to no avail like a breeze 2. Structural stability 结构稳定 First the constituents of idioms canno

39、t be replaced Lip service is not to be changed into mouth service . Kick the bucket bury the hatchet Secondly ,the word order cannot be inverted or changed ,for example ,by twos and threes and tit for tat are not to be turned into by threes and twos and tat for titThe lion share is .最大的,份额Thirdly ,t

40、he constituents of an idioms cannot be deleted or added too . Not even an article Finally many idioms are grammatically unanalysable for exampel ,diamond cut diamond Sure as eggs is eggs It should be pointed out that the idiomaticity of idioms is gradable and may best be thought in terms of a scale

41、His promotion stepped up The boy playing in the river in the raw Turn over a new leaf , as cool as a cucumber泰然自若 draw the certain Idioms nominal in nature Idioms of this class have a noun as the key word in each and function as a noun in sentences White elephantsomething useless and unwanted but bi

42、g and costly 华而不实的东西Pink elephant The Elephant in the room Brain trust 智囊团An appel of discord 祸根Jack of all trades万事通,三脚猫Fly in the ointmentsomething that spoils the perfection of somethingFlesh and blood 亲情Idioms adjective in nature Cut and dried already settled and unlikely to be changed As poor a

43、s a church mousehaving ,or earning ,barely enough money for ones needsWide of the mark Beyond the pale Up in the air Idioms verbal in nature This is the largest group of all .subdivided into phrasal verbs短语动词 and other verb phrases动词短语Look into 调查,研究 go on Put off Turn on 兴趣盎然 get away with Put down

44、 to 把.归因于Mak it 赶上了 follow ones nose 朝相同地方走Fall flat Give sb the bag 炒鱿鱼Sing a different tune Call it a day Chop and change 变化无常Swim against the stream 不随波逐流Come back to earth 脚踏实地Make ends meet 收支平衡Keep the pot boiling 量入为出, 维持生计Let the dog see the rabbit 好狗不挡道Bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报Tooth and nail 全力以赴Through thick and thin 同舟共济In clover or in the clover 生活安逸Sentence idioms They are mainly proverbs and sayings ,including colloquialisms and catchphrase ,as fa


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