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《七年级上册人教版英语Unit-7复习ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级上册人教版英语Unit-7复习ppt课件.ppt(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 Can I help you ? 服务员首先打招呼服务员首先打招呼 May I help you? What can I do for you? Im looking for 顾客讲出要求顾客讲出要求 需要购买时需要购买时 I want Id like Can I have a look at 只是闲逛时只是闲逛时 Just have a look. No, thanks. Im just looking around.询问顾客想买的商品时询问顾客想买的商品时 What kind/color/size do you want? What about the color /size? 向顾客推

2、荐商品时向顾客推荐商品时 How do you like? How about? How much is it? 询问和说明价格询问和说明价格 How much are they? What s the price of? Its /Theyre 决定购买决定购买 Ill take it / them. 付钱付钱 Here is the money.进店时进店时挑选货物挑选货物1. 在英语中,在英语中,成双成对的物品成双成对的物品常以常以复数复数形式出现。形式出现。 例如:例如: shoes shorts trousers glasses chopsticks scissors 当当pair

3、of (一双、一对或一副)作主语时,(一双、一对或一副)作主语时,谓语动词由谓语动词由pair的单数形式的单数形式决定。如:决定。如:My shoes are under the bed. 我的鞋在床下了。我的鞋在床下了。That pair of shorts is Jacks and these two pairs of socks are mine.2. Can I help you? =What can I do for you?=Is there anything I can help you? -“Yes, please.”-“No, thanks.” 如:如: Can I help

4、 you? 您需要点什么呢?您需要点什么呢? Yes, please. I want a pen. 我想要一支钢笔。我想要一支钢笔。 3. I need a sweater for school. 1) need + sth. “需要某物需要某物” e.g. I need some food. 我需要一些食物。我需要一些食物。2) sb. need + to do sth. “需要做某事需要做某事”e.g. You need to bring your caot. 你需要带上你的外套。你需要带上你的外套。 3) need for “需要需要去做去做”。e.g. What does your b

5、rother need for school ? 你哥哥上学需要些什么?你哥哥上学需要些什么? They need some colorful cards for the game. 他们需要一些彩色卡片来玩游戏。他们需要一些彩色卡片来玩游戏。4. It looks nice. “看起来,看上去看起来,看上去” look+形容词形容词。如:。如: The man in a black jacket looks young. 那位穿着黑色夹克的男士看上去很年轻。那位穿着黑色夹克的男士看上去很年轻。 These shoes look nice on you. 这双鞋穿你脚上真好看。这双鞋穿你脚上真

6、好看。5. three dollars for two pairs. 1)价格价格 + for + 具体物品具体物品。如:。如: Its 30 yuan for this book. *for “以以价格价格” 表物品的价格表物品的价格eg: We have green sweaters for only 15 dollars.2)for “对对来说,就来说,就而言而言” For boys/girls/me/him/us, 或或 For breakfast/lunch/dinner eg: Its difficult for him to play the piano. 对他来说弹钢琴很困难。

7、对他来说弹钢琴很困难。How much询问价格询问价格1. 询问单数询问单数 物品物品 How much is the/this/that + 单单数名词数名词? 回答回答Its + 数额数额. 例句例句 How much is the red T-shirt? 这件红色的这件红色的T恤衫多少钱恤衫多少钱? Its ten dollars. 十美元。十美元。 2. 询问复数物询问复数物品品How much are the / these / those + 复数名词复数名词? 回答回答Theyre + 数额数额. 例句例句 How much are the black shoes? 这双黑鞋多

8、少钱这双黑鞋多少钱? Theyre eight dollars. 八美八美 元。元。 3. 其他表其他表 达方式达方式Whats the price of + sth.? 回答回答Its + 数额数额. 例句例句 Whats the price of the hat? 这顶帽子多少钱这顶帽子多少钱? Its ten yuan. 十元钱。十元钱。 Whats the price of black socks? 这双黑袜子多少钱这双黑袜子多少钱? Its nine dollars. 九美元。九美元。 4. 其他表其他表 达方式达方式How much do/does+sth. cost? 回答回答I

9、ts/Theyre + 数额数额. 例句例句 How much do these shorts cost? 这条短裤需花费多少钱这条短裤需花费多少钱? Theyre twenty yuan. 二十元钱。二十元钱。 How much does the hat cost? 这顶帽子多少钱这顶帽子多少钱? Its nineteen dollars. 十九美元。十九美元。 【拓展【拓展】1. how much 询问询问数量的多少数量的多少, how much+不可数名词不可数名词。e.g. How much milk do you need? 你要多少牛奶?你要多少牛奶? Two boxes. 两盒。

10、两盒。2. how much 询问询问程度的深浅程度的深浅。e.g. How much do you love your country? 你有多么热爱你的祖国?你有多么热爱你的祖国? how many+可复可复一、用一、用be动词的正确形式填空。动词的正确形式填空。 1. How much _ this computer? 2. What _ the price of the dictionary? 3. How much _ the red shoes? 4. What price _ the blue T-shirt? 5. How much _ these bananas? 6. Ho

11、w much _ those black shorts? 7. What color _ your big sweater? 8. What color _ your long trousers? isisareisareareisare二、选词填空。二、选词填空。1. How much _ the blue shorts?2. Can I _ you? Yes, please. 3. I like the white T-shirt. Ill _ it. 4. The black _ on sale are for $10 dollars.5. The green skirt _ very

12、nice.6. We _ some pens and pencils for school.7. The red _ on sale is only eight dollars.8. This _ of socks are only one dollar. be, take, shoe, need, pair, help, sweater, lookhelparetakesockslooksneedsweaterpair1. 基数词的表达基数词的表达1)one twelve 单独记忆。单独记忆。2) thirteennineteen “十几十几” : 个位数个位数+teen *thirteen

13、, fifteen, eighteen3) twentyninety “几十几十” : 个位数个位数+ty *twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty 4) 2199, “几十几几十几” : 整十位数整十位数个个位位 5) one hundred “一百一百” = a hundred nine hundred (900)。基做主,谓用单基做主,谓用单3. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! buy sb. sth./buy sth. for sb. “给某人买某物给某人买某物”。e.g. Lets buy u

14、ncle a new coat. (= Lets buy a new coat for uncle.) 我们给叔叔买件新外套吧。我们给叔叔买件新外套吧。 clothes 衣服的总称衣服的总称 some/many/these/those clothese.g. Those clothes are my friends. 那些衣服是我朋友的。那些衣服是我朋友的。sale n. 出售出售 sell on sale =at a great sale “出售;廉价出售出售;廉价出售”e.g. The gloves in the store are on sale today. 今天这家商店的手套大减价了

15、。今天这家商店的手套大减价了。 4. all+定冠词定冠词/指示代词指示代词/形代词形代词 +n.如:如: all the students 所有这些学生所有这些学生 all her clothes 她所有的衣服她所有的衣服 all those rooms 所有那些房间所有那些房间 5. We sell all our clothes at very good prices. at very good prices “以合理的价格以合理的价格(出售出售)” e.g. We have hats in all colors, at the price of5 each. 我们有各种颜色的帽子,每件

16、售价是我们有各种颜色的帽子,每件售价是5美元。美元。 in+表颜色的词表颜色的词 “穿穿颜色的(衣颜色的(衣服)服)”一、写出下列词组或句型一、写出下列词组或句型。1. 多少钱多少钱 _ 2. 给你给你 _ 3. 谢谢谢谢 _ 4. 别客气别客气 _5. 对女孩而言对女孩而言 _ 6. 对男孩而言对男孩而言_7. 三十二美元三十二美元 _ 8. 我将买它我将买它/它们。它们。_9. 给某人买某物给某人买某物 _ 10. 一双一双 _ 11. 穿红衣服的穿红衣服的 _11. 仅售仅售12美元美元 _how muchHere you are.Thank you.Youre welcome.thir

17、ty-two dollarsIll take it/them.buy sb. sth. / buy sth. for sb.for girlsfor boysa pair offor only twelve dollars in red二、二、句型转换。句型转换。1. We sell trousers for only20. (改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句) _ you _ trousers for only20? 2. I buy a nice hat for my aunt. (改为同义句改为同义句) I _ my aunt a nice _. 3. The yellow shorts a

18、re20, too. (改为同义句改为同义句) The yellow shorts _ _20. 4. What about this pair of shoes? (改为同义句改为同义句) _ _ this pair of shoes? 5. We have jackets at a low price. (改为否定句改为否定句) We _ _ jackets at a low price. How aboutbuy hatare alsoDo selldont have三、根据汉语提示完成句子。三、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 这是一件价格合理的这是一件价格合理的T恤衫。恤衫。 This i

19、s a sweater _ a good _. 2. 我们这儿不卖红色的袜子。我们这儿不卖红色的袜子。 We dont sell socks _ _ here. 3. 快来买,服装大减价了!快来买,服装大减价了! Come and _ clothes _ our great _. 4. 我们这些短裤每件仅售我们这些短裤每件仅售13元。元。 We have shorts _ _ _ dollars. 5. 这是给你的一双新鞋。这是给你的一双新鞋。 Heres _ _ _ _ shoes for you.at pricebuy at salein redfor only thirteena pai

20、r of new四、选择正确的词汇完成短文。四、选择正确的词汇完成短文。My 1 _ and I are in Toms clothes Store now. The 2 _ in it are nice. I want a skirt. My mom 3 _ some socks for my sister and a hat 4 _ herself (她自己她自己). And my father wants a sweater. The socks are at 5 _ prices. They are only three dollars for two 6 _. The hats are fifteen 7_. And the sweaters are on 8 _ for only 29 dollars. clotheswantsforfor, parents, wants, sale, good, dollars, clothes, pairparentsgoodpairsdollarssale


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