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《六年级下学期英语期中考试测试卷(含答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级下学期英语期中考试测试卷(含答案.doc(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、六年级下学期英语期中考试测试卷(含答案)口语部分一、 【角色朗读】(本大题共5分,每小题1分)你有30秒钟的时间阅读下面的对话,之后请你朗读Amy角色的内容。每个答题时长为10秒钟。John: Hello, Amy! Where did go last Saturday?Amy: I went to the library with my brother. John: Did you read funny books?Amy: Yes. I read a book about the dinosaurs. John: Wow! Did you like it?Amy: Yes. There w

2、ere so many pictures of dinosaurs in the book.John: Sounds interesting! I went to the dinosaur museum last Sunday.Amy: Cool! How did you get there?John: On foot.Amy: Thats good exercise.二、 【短文朗读】(本大题共5分)请朗读下面的短文。现在你有 20 秒钟的准备时间。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,立即在 50 秒内朗读短文,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即停止朗读。Hi, Im Amy. Im from

3、the UK. Im 1.54 metres tall. My brother Jack is taller than me.We like reading books, so we often go to the library on weekends.But last weekend we went to Grandmas home because she had a cold.I cleaned the room and washed the clothes for her.And Jack cooked delicious lunch.We stayed at home with Gr

4、andma all day.Now Grandma is OK. We are very happy.听力部分三、【听录音,选单词】(本大题共10分,每小题2分)请听录音,从每小题所给的 A或B选项中选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号填在括号里。每个词组读2遍。1.【听力音频文本】:children(读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 4秒钟) A. children B. kitchen 【正确答案】: A 2.【听力音频文本】:mouth (读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 4秒钟) A. month B. mouth 【正

5、确答案】: B3.【听力音频文本】:think (读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 4秒钟) A. think B. thank 【正确答案】: A4.【听力音频文本】:Thursday(读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 4秒钟) A. Tuesday B. Thursday【正确答案】: B5.【听力音频文本】:stay(读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 4秒钟) A. star B. stay【正确答案】: B四、【看图片,听对话,选标号】(本大题共10分,每小题2分)你有 15秒钟

6、的时间阅读屏幕上的5幅情景图,之后你将听到5个小对话,请根据对话内容,按听到的先后顺序,将图片对应的字母标号填在相应小题的横线上。每段对话读 2 遍,每小题答题时间为5秒。CABEDD【正确答案:】1._2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 1. 【听力音频文本】:M: What did you do yesterday, Lily? W: I slept all day. M: What happened? W: I had a very bad cold.【正确答案】:1. _B_ 2. 【听力音频文本】:M:Look at my shadow! Thats interesting.W: Whe

7、n the sun goes down, and it gets lower and lower, but your shadow gets longer and longer.【正确答案】:2. _C_3. 【听力音频文本】:M: Did you go to Hainan last winter holiday? W: No, I didnt. I went to Harbin. I made a snowman and took many pictures there.【正确答案】:3. _D_4. 【听力音频文本】:M: Hi, Amy! I want to buy a new maga

8、zine about films. W: That sounds great. Lets go together and see a film too.【正确答案】:4. _A_5. 【听力音频文本】:W: What did you do yesterday evening, Peter? M: I played basketball with my friends in the gym. 【正确答案】:5. _E_五、【听问句,选择相应的答句】(本大题共10分,每小题2分)听问句,根据提问的内容,从下面各题所给的 A或B选项中选择正确选项,并将答案标号填在括号里。每个问题读 2 遍。1.【听

9、力音频文本】:How tall is your brother, Amy?(读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 5秒钟) A. Hes 175cm tall.B. Hes 75kg heavy.【正确答案】: A2.【听力音频文本】:How was your holiday, Tom?(读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 5秒钟) A. It tasted good.B. It was good.【正确答案】: B3.【听力音频文本】:Whats the date today?(读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音

10、第二遍,学生答题时长 5秒钟) A. Its Wednesday. B. Its May 3rd.【正确答案】: B4.【听力音频文本】:How are you?(读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 5秒钟)A. Fine, thanks. B. Im thirteen.【正确答案】:A 5.【听力音频文本】:Whats an elephant like?(读 2 遍,英式男音第一遍,停 1 秒,英式女音第二遍,学生答题时长 5秒钟)A. It likes drinking water. B. It has a long nose and 2 big ears

11、.【正确答案】:B六、【听短文,判断句子正误】(本大题共10分,每小题2分)你将听到一篇完整的短文,请根据短文判断句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的写T,不符的则写F。短文读2遍,现在你有20秒钟的时间读题目。( ) 1. Jack and Jeff are brothers from Australia.( ) 2. They often go cycling (骑自行车) on their weekends.( ) 3. They have a problem - they couldnt speak Chinese.( ) 4. Jack and Jeff have different fa

12、vourite sports.( ) 5. They are clever.【听力音频文本】:Jack and Jeff are twin brothers from New York. They are studying in a university in Shanghai. Last year, they were not very good at Chinese. On their weekends, Jack and Jeff often rode bikes to the playground and gyms. There they could make friends with

13、 Chinese people and learn Chinese from them. But they had a problem. The Chinese people often wanted to talk with them in English. What could they do?Then they had a smart idea. Jack likes playing football best. So he often played football with the Chinese people. And Jeffs favourite sport is basket

14、ball. And he always played basketball with the Chinese. When the Chinese people were playing sports with them, they usually spoke Chinese with Jack and Jeff!Now they are better at Chinese! 【正确答案】:1.F2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T读写部分七、选出不同类的单词,将字母标号填入括号中。(本大题共5分,每小题1分)1. ( )A. ferryB. subway C. please D. ship 【正确答

15、案】:C2. ( )A. behindB. cityC. underD. between 【正确答案】:B3. ( )A. his B. mineC. hersD. we【正确答案】:D4. ( )A. sangB. wereC. fell D. fall【正确答案】:D5. ( )A. singerB. heavier C. funnierD. better 【正确答案】:A八、单项选择。(本大题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 1. My friend likes _.A. run and swimB. cook and singC. running and dancing 【正确答案】:C(

16、) 2. My sisters _ play basketball after school.A. dont B. doesnt C. arent【正确答案】:A( ) 3. _ your brother _ a ruler?A. Does, have B. Do, has C. Does, has【正确答案】:A( ) 4. My hair is longer than my sisters. _ is like a boys.A. She B. Her C. Hers【正确答案】:C( ) 5. October comes _ November.A. after B. before C.

17、above【正确答案】:B九、读句子,选出相关单词,将选项填入题前括号内。(本大题共10分,每小题2分)( ) 1. This month is shorter than all the other months. A. February B. January C. March【正确答案】:A ( ) 2. Now we can only see dinosaurs in this place. A. supermarket B. museum C. gym【正确答案】:B( ) 3. People usually read books and buy books here. A. post

18、office B. library C. bookstore【正确答案】:C( ) 4. In this _, we can take a walk, play games and take photos.A. park B. office C. hospital【正确答案】:A ( ) 5. Yesterday my mother felt _ because she did so much washing.A. angry B. sad C. tired【正确答案】:C十、句子配对。选择方框中的内容搭配成句子,将字母标号填入括号中。(本大题共10分,每小题2分)( ) 1. I staye

19、d at home all day( ) 2. My sister and I are going to Turpan ( ) 3. I am reading an interesting magazine ( ) 4. I need to buy some fruits ( ) 5. I cleaned the windowsA. but we dont know how to go there.B. because my cousin is visiting us.C. they looked so dirty.D. because I hurt my leg yesterday.E. a

20、bout sports life.【正确答案】:1. D2. A3. E 4. B 5. C十一、选词填空,将对应的字母标号填在相应小题的横线上,其中有一项为多余选项。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)A. were B. read C. saw D. rode E. went F. got G. ate H. played I. had J. talked K. wasIt (1)_ a fine day last Saturday. My sister and I (2)_ up early and helped mum make some sandwiches. We (3)_ campin

21、g in the countryside. My dad (4)_ a horse. It was just like a mule. Grandpa (5)_ a newspaper under a big tree. Grandma and mother (6)_ each other. I (7)_ hide-and-seek with my sister. When it was lunch time, we (8)_ sandwiches. They were delicious. Suddenly we (9)_ a big fish jump out of water. We (

22、10)_ very excited.【正确答案】:1. K2. F 3. E 4. D 5. B6. J 7. H 8. G 9. C 10. A十二、读短文,判断句子是否和短文相符。相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”。 (本大题共10分,每小题2分) Mr Zhang lived next to a small park. It was just a little bigger than a garden. Many people enjoyed the quiet evenings in summer. A few months ago(以前), some people danced ther

23、e. Their music was very loud and made a lot of noise. Mr Zhang wasnt happy because he liked quiet life.He asked them not to play the music too loudly, but they said the music was not too loud.He said they could dance in another place, but they said the park was for everybody and the time wasnt too l

24、ate.He said he liked quiet life, but they said he could live an active life and join in their dancing club and make some friends.Mr Zhang was angry, but he didnt know what to do. He even couldnt sleep well. He went to a friend for advice and his friend told him an idea.The next evening, he bought a

25、big music player. When the people were dancing, he played music beside them and danced too. But his music was very different from theirs. The people were angry. But Mr Zhang said, “The park is for everybody and the time isnt too late. Im active now. Im dancing and making some new friends.”( ) 1. Mr Zhang lived near a park.( ) 2. Some people danced in the park two years ago.( ) 3. Mr Zhang didnt like their dancing because it wasnt beautiful. ( ) 4. His friend helped him find an idea.( ) 5. Mr Zhang liked dancing.【正确答案】:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F


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