人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 1 期末复习总结自测试卷一(有答案).docx

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1、八下Unit 1 复习总结自测卷1一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。1. In winter, Jenny likes to tie a scarf around her _(脖子).2. I talked too much, so I had a sore _ (喉咙).3. Linda had a _ (牙痛) because she ate too much chocolate.4. My grandpa _ (咳嗽) all night yesterday. That didnt make me sleep well.5. No one stopped to have a _ (休息)

2、, although they were very tired.6. All the p on the flight 3U 8633 feel thankful for the quick decision made by the pilot.7. Can you help me get the box _(朝,向) the desk?8. Tim didnt catch that ball and it h him on the head.9. The old man didnt go home because he was afraid to bring _ (麻烦) to his son

3、.10. I fell o the ladder because he called me suddenly.二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. Sally kept telling _ (she) that everything would be OK.2. We enjoyed _(we) at the dancing party last night.3. We shouldnt _(play) computer games all day. Its bad for our eyes and neck.4. Should students _(wear) school uniform

4、s?5. Simon is warm-hearted. He always thinks about others more than _(he).三、 从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。bandage, press, sick, knee, nosebleed1. Before you go into the room, please _ the doorbell.2. Why do you put a _ on your head?3. Dont stand in the sun for a long time, or youll have a _.4. To our surpri

5、se, the boy can catch things with his _.5. Im feeling _. I have to see a doctor.四、单项选择。1. Mr Wang always asks us to teach _ the new English words before class.A. us B. our C. ours D. ourselves2. Is Steve angry with his classmates?No. He is used to _ loudly.A. speak B. speaking C. cough D. coughing3.

6、 Whats _ matter with Tom? He has a sore back. He should get _ X-ray in the hospital.A. the; a B. the; an C. a; the D. a; an4. Where can I _? At the Xinhua Stop. And then you can see the hospital on your right.A. take off B. put off C. get off D. cut off5. Nick, would you mind opening the window? Its

7、 so hot here.Of course not. Ill do it _.A. in the end B. all in all C. right away D. just now6. To keep children safe, we _ put the things like knives and medicine away in our house.A. may B. should C. can D. might7.Dad doesnt always come to you. You have to fight and save_!A. yourself B. himself C.

8、 myself D. herself8. Who came to your office today.A boy. Someone hit him _ head.A. in his B. in the C. on his D. on the9.Hi, Bob. You dont look well.Whats the matter _ you? I talked too much and didnt have any water last night. I have a sore throat now.A. in B. of C. with10. The meat is _ delicious

9、.Yes, but dont eat .A. too much; too much B. much too; much tooC. too much; much too D. much too; too much11. I saw Peter _on his chair when I went into the classroom.A. lie B. lying C. to lie D. lies12. Did you catch your plane?Yes, we got there just _.A. in time B. all the time C. at a time D. at

10、times13. Whats the matter? Did you hurt yourself _soccer?No, I didnt.A. to play B. play C. playing D. played14. Whats the matter with the old man?He is weak and has problems _.A. to breathe B. breathe C. breathed D. breathing15. Mom, I have a toothache.Oh, sorry to hear that. You should see a _.A. w

11、riter B. dentist C. driver D. scientist16. Sally, you look _. Whats wrong? I stayed up late looking after my _ mother in hospital last night.A. tired; sick B. tired; illC. tiring; sick D. tiring; ill17. Yesterday I went to see a doctor. He asked me to rest for _ days so that I could get better.A. a

12、few B. few C. a little D. little18. I started to have a headache this morning. It was _ terrible _ I could hardly do anything.A. as; as B. too; toC. such; that D. so; that19. The energy from the sun and wind is very cheap and it will never _.A. come out B. run outC. put out D. carry out20. What shou

13、ld I do if I _? You should put your head down and press the sides of your nose.A. have a feverB. have a coldC. hurt my back D. have a nosebleed五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 当你遇到危险时,你应该呼救。When you are in danger, you should_ _ _.2. 为了救那个男孩,他没有多想就跳入了河水中。To save the boy, he jumped into the river_ _ _.3. 令我们吃惊的是,

14、那架飞机消失了。_ _ _, the plane was missing.4. 多亏了那位老人,我们最后找到了回家的路。_ _ the old man, we found our way home finally.5. 别害怕惹麻烦,我们应该帮助有需要的人。Dont be afraid to _ _ _. We should help those in need.六、按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1.Youd better ask her for help. (改为同义句)You _ ask her for help.2.Everyone should have spirit of givin

15、g. (对画线部分提问)_ _ everyone have? 3.He should drink some hot tea with honey. (改为否定句)He _ drink _ hot tea with honey. 4.You should lie down and have a rest. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ lie down and have a rest?5.She had a good time that afternoon. (改为同义句)She _ _ that afternoon.七、补全对话,根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯

16、、完整。A: Good morning! _1? B: I am not feeling well. Maybe something is wrong with me. A: _2? B: I often feel tired, but I do nothing. A: _3? B: For about two weeks. A: Let me check you up. (After doing) _4. So dont worry.B: Do I need to take medicine? A: _5. Just eat less meat, more vegetables and fr

17、uit, and do more exercise.B: Is that all? A: Yes. Do what I told you and youll be better soon. B: Thank you very much.八、完形填空。Judy was a disabled(残疾的) girl. She had no arms when she was born. So she had to do many things with her feet. There were many questions about _1 she could live a normal life.H

18、owever, her father had full confidence in _2. With the support of her family, she became confident in herself and continued to explore across the world, with her _3.As a child, Judy studied _4 in her hometown. When the first performance arrived, she asked herself to be put in the _5 row. Her dance t

19、eacher told her there was no back row.Nervously, she appeared on the stage with the other students and performed _6 . When she finished, the applause (喝彩) from the audience gave her encouragement and the confidence to _7 dancing for 14 years.After graduating from high school, she attended the Univer

20、sity of Arizona, where she got a bachelors degree in Psychology(心理学). When _8 her degree, she explains that the way people think has a greater influence on her life than the physical limitation.Judys most famous accomplishment(成就) was learning how to _9 . She received the Guinness World Record _10 b

21、eing the first person permitted to fly an airplane with only her feet.Now Judy works as a lecturer. She travels the world sharing her story and encouraging people to be creative and confident. She often says, “Think outside the shoes.”1. A. what B. whether C. that D. why2. A. them B. us C. him D. he

22、r3. A. feet B. arms C. legs D. mouth4. A. guitar B. song C. art D. dance5. A. front B. back C. middle D. right6. A. terribly B. simply C. well D. badly7. A. stop B. continue C. start D. teach8. A. talking about B. talking with C. talking to D. talking back9. A. drive B. act C. ride D. fly10. A. for

23、B. to C. in D. with九、阅读还原(有一项多余)。When a person is hurt or becomes sick, people will give him immediate(立即的) care. We call it first aid(急救). When there is a sudden(突然的) situation, _1 so first aid plays a very important role. Immediate action is necessary when someone loses lots of blood or when breat

24、hing(呼吸) stops temporarily(短暂) .Everyone should know something about how to care for a person with a sudden illness. Even a small cut can be very dangerous. _2When first aiders face a sudden situation, they must be able to keep calm(镇静的) and organize other people to help. He or she must know how to

25、control blood and take care of injuries. _3In our country, many people die in traffic accidents every year because most people dont have first aid knowledge. _4 We may face a sudden situation anywhere. One day somebody in our family may get hurt or suddenly become ill. _5A. If more people know about

26、 first aid, more lives could be saved.B. If we dont want to be helpless in such a situation, we have to know about first aid.C. time is very importantD. Knowing how to move the injured without causing(引起) more injuries is also very important.E. And it may end up with death, so everyone should know s

27、omething about first aid.F. We should take him or her to the hospital right away.十、阅读理解。Everybody will have some health problems. Here are Mr. Blacks problems and his doctors advice. I hope they can help you.Mr. Blacks problemsMy name is David Black. I live in a small house. When I eat and drink, I

28、am always worried they are dirty. So when I am hungry or thirsty, I dont want to eat food or drink water. And I never go out when the weather is cold or hot, because I am worried Ill have a cold. I dont go out often because I dont want to talk with others. I hardly exercise, but sometimes I take a w

29、alk in my garden. After I walk for a few minutes, I have to take a rest. I am always very weak and tired. I often have a headache, but I dont want to see a doctor. What should I do? Dr. Smiths adviceTraditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. I think you have

30、 too much yin because you are always worried about something and you dont like going out or talking with others. I think you should eat some yang foods, like beef and you need to exercise more. Also, talking with others can make you feel relaxed. And if you dont feel very well, its important for you

31、 to go to see a doctor. And you will feel better after you take some Chinese herbal medicines.1. The underlined word “they” here refers(指) to “_ ”.A. Mr. Black and Dr. SmithB. only Mr. Blacks problemsC. only Dr. Smiths adviceD. Mr. Blacks problems and Dr. Smiths advice2. Mr. Black doesnt go out when

32、 the weather is cold or hot, because he is worried _ .A. he will be hungry or thirstyB. he has to talk with othersC. he will have a coldD. he will get lost3. If you are always worried and you dont like going out, maybe you _.A. have too much yang B. have too much yinC. have a balance of yin and yang

33、D. need to eat some yin foods4. Which is NOT Dr. Smiths advice?A. To eat yang foods. B. To play more sports.C. To stay at home and rest. D. To take some Chinese herbal medicines.5. Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?A. Mr. Black often has dirty foods to eat.B. Mr. Black has to

34、have a rest after a short walk.C. Mr. Black often sees a doctor when he feels bad.D. Mr. Black likes to eat beef very much.(答案在下面一页) 答 案一、1. neck 2. throat 3. toothache 4. coughed 5. rest6. passengers 7. onto 8. hit 9. trouble 10. off二、1. herself 2. ourselves 3. play 4. wear 5. himself三、1. press 2.

35、bandage 3. nosebleed 4. knees 5. sick四、DBBCC BADCD BACDB AADBD五、1. shout for help 2. without thinking twice 3. To our surprise4. Thanks to 5. get into trouble六、1. should 2.What should 3.shouldnt; any 4.Should I5.enjoyed herself七、1. Whats the matter with you2. How are you feeling3. How long have you been like this4. Nothing bad 5.No, you dont八、BDADB CBADA九、CEDAB 十、DCBCB


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