外研版一起小学英语六下《Module 3Unit 1 I took some photos.》word教案 (2).doc

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外研版一起小学英语六下《Module 3Unit 1 I took some photos.》word教案 (2).doc_第1页
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外研版一起小学英语六下《Module 3Unit 1 I took some photos.》word教案 (2).doc_第2页
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《外研版一起小学英语六下《Module 3Unit 1 I took some photos.》word教案 (2).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版一起小学英语六下《Module 3Unit 1 I took some photos.》word教案 (2).doc(2页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 1 I took some photos. 教学目标1.学习目标语句I took some photos. 能识别与运用had went took ate funny quickly angry能听懂并口头运用目标语句叙述过去的事情。知道动词的过去式有不规则的变化。2.在语境中或在图片的帮助下能准确地识别并运用。能根据语境正确运用相应的单词和目标语.3.培养学生积极参与合作学习的意识。重点掌握本单元需识别与运用的单词,能运用I took some photos这类语句叙述过去的事情。难点难点:have go take eat 的过去时形式及读音。关键激发兴趣教学准备课件、录音机、图片

2、教学内容师生活动一、热身启动1.Greeting2.Have a free talk .3.Review the words of past tense二、任务呈现Yesterday I went to . I saw lots of . I took some food. Look I took some photos in the park.三、课文教学1. The students listen and circle the words of past tense2. Ask and answer.3. Listen and repeat.4. .Look and read the te

3、xt one picture by one picture.四、任务拓展I had a very funny day . I took some photos. There was a big lake and rhere were lots of ducks.五、总结评价Choose A or BActivity bookT: Last Sunday I went to the park with my parents. We had a picnic. What did you do last weekend?is/ am was are- were run- ran come- came

4、 dont- didnt say- said eat- ate(先让学生回答,然后让学生在小组中互相询问,了解同学上周末的活动)have- had go-went take-took want-wanted is-was are-were start-started rain-rained eat-ateLets learn sth about the picture1Practise the text in group.2Practise the sentence.3. Students make interesting sentences with the words given1Do exercises2 Summary3Homework.板书设计Module 3 Unit 1I took some photos.课后反思


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